Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Riding with Toby in his truck, and following behind Peter Lancolm and Dr. Chris Berling, the two vehicles carrying the group traversed a wooded area of Colorado for some forty-five minutes up into the foothills. Passing along a lengthy private drive beyond a security gate, they arrived at Lancolm's spacious home in an isolated and pristine area.

"Nice pad," Blake said under his breath as they pulled into the paved driveway. His home was an enormous wooden structure which seemed to glow in the afternoon light, not lacking for landscaped gardens and with no shortage of windows to capture the magnificent surroundings.

"Here we are folks," Toby said. "Ya'll just enjoy your stay here. I'll be around by orders of Mr. Lancolm to take you back into Farmington, either tonight or tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Tuwa asked, surprised.

"The meeting with ya'll might take some time, ma'am. Either way, yer gonna be comfortable here. Mr. Lancolm is one hell of a good host."

"I'm sure," Michael said, sounding genuinely appreciative. "Thanks for the ride."

As they left the vehicle and were greeted once again by the mysterious man and his archeologist associate, they led the three up a stairway to the entry level of the house. Looking to be wooden double doors, Blake could see from their weight and a closer inspection that they were massive metal with several bolted rods for extra security.

When inside they were approached by a Native American woman of middle age who introduced herself as Mrs. Lancolm. She smiled and told them she had been expecting them.

Following several pleasantries about the house and the unseasonable weather, she told her guests Mr. Lancolm would be expecting them in his study shortly. Dinner would follow, she informed them, pointing open-handed to what appeared to be a formal dining room in the opposite direction from the large room she was leading them into.

As they entered the study, copiously walled with bookcases, an executive desk was near the back wall and a massively large-screen monitor directly behind it. The screen seemed to cover the whole wall and It suddenly became illuminated with a blue background screensaver as Mr. Lancolm and Dr. Berling surprisingly entered from a side door. There were several wooden chairs around sturdy library tables and there was a small flower arrangement on each.

"Please . . . Tuwa, Michael . . . Blake. Bring chairs up close to my desk so you can see the screen clearly and comfortably."Blake wondered how anyone could possibly miss the large theater-like monitor from anywhere in the room.

"We'll make this brief," Mr. Lancolm said, picking up a silver remote control device on his desk. Dr. Berling sat next to him and just nodded in agreement. The screen suddenly came alive showing what appeared to be a restricted area from aerial footage, taken at a relatively low altitude. The successive clips showed mountains with tunnel-like openings where large trucks and jeeps could pass into them. The terrain varied in these pictures from mountainous to desert areas, and some clearly near the sea. All showed the same style of unmarked openings to entry-point gateways into the earth with clearly military facility purposes.

"What you are seeing here my friends, are just a few of our military's black box sinkholes of cash, all under top secret clearance."

"These are entire underground bases on virtually every continent on Earth," Dr. Berling added. "Paid for out of secret accounts from our own military budget, only recently to have been discovered to have massive unaccounted for expenditures."

"In the tens of billions," Lancolm added.

"You see, what was begun at Roswell, New Mexico in the mid-1940's as capture, hide and retro engineer . . . has continued on a large scale. Virtually under the noses of the world's citizenry."

The three watching the screen were silent. It wasn't until the scenery began to show a frozen landscape, looking to be near one of the frozen poles, but with the same apparent military usage, that Michael finally spoke up.

"That must be NASA's Antarctic base, before it was abandoned," he offered.

"That's very astute of you, Michael," Dr. Berling responded. "That did get some media attention due to the emergency rescue of several scientists of late. And yet, that base was fully operative and then shut down under mysterious circumstances as recently as last year. All with little fanfare or public questions asked about its purpose."

"Climate change is all the journalists were able to get out of NASA about it" Lancolm went on.  "But it seems their own scientists and military engineers working inside the ice cave network— one mile down, were getting violently ill."

"Radiation poisoning." Michael again added.

"Exactly, Michael. But not one of the government's oversight committees could even touch either the initiation of that project, it's real purpose . . . or it's true reasons for closure and abandonment."

"The Russians, I might add, are very interested in what's under the ice there, and still maintain a very heavily guarded sub-thermal base at the bottom of the world."

"We'll be perfectly clear with the three of you," Mr. Lancolm continued, "now that you've all had contact with a race of aliens we call "Deltas."

Michael's eyes quickly glanced into Tuwa's.

"We can assure you," he continued, "the U.S. Government has known about four separate species of intelligent life forms with extra-terrestrial origins for over a period of seventy years."

"Delta . . ."  Twua interjected. "That implies a 4th grouping.  What can you tell us of the others . . . and especially this one we encountered?"

"You definitely had a moment with the Detla beings," he said. "In their ship as we filmed you entering it."

Dr. Berling added, "a medium-sized recognizance vehicle they use frequently in various parts of the world."

Michael showed no emotion yet was speechless.

The Deltas are, and have shown historically, a friendly intent," Berling went on. "They've repeatedly tried to reach out to humans during our most recent phases of development. Something like the past five-hundred years. During all our technological revolutions."

"They come from within our own galaxy and have continually shown signs of peaceful intent," Lancolm said. "Mostly observation and recognizance since the second World War. They are small of body, grayish-white  in color, triangular headed with large eyes. Some people have reported one subgroup of them as having a benevolent and even angelic presence. Oddly attractive, some have reported."

All silently recalled the sublime image of the celestial beings they saw in the craft and quietly concurred with this description.

"But there are . . . and were others," Mr. Lancolm expressed. "Some which posed and still pose a real threat to the Earth and its inhabitants, unfortunately. Hence the military secrecy and activity. They deny the beneficial potential of the Deltas and want to link all extra-terrestrial contact as a potential threat of invasion. The group we are working with is trying to prevent this false assumption and reach out and cooperate with the Deltas."

"Just as many cultures did in the past," the archaeologist affirmed.

Blake somehow felt this was all just the contuance of a strange dream.

The screen was now flashing in rapid fire, image after image, of flying disks and crafts which were the iconic UFO's seen in both Sci-Fi movies and in occasional news clips of unidentified sightings across the globe. Many were identified by both men as Delta crafts, but also our own military's retro-engineered vehicles, intended not to be seen by the public and their existence denied.

Dr. Berling continued. "We see your latest encounter with the Deltas . . . and your amazing discovery of the cache of metallic discs several days ago as a significant world event."

Michael furtively reached behind him to feel that the discs in question were still safely resting in his back pack.

"We see this as an active effort on their part, perhaps intended over many years, to reveal themselves more fully to the masses of people on this planet. And possibly with a message to increase our longevity and peace with them. This we believe was always their intent. At least from what we can tell from thousands of cases of sightings and recent recorded contact."

Blake was now feeling weak, continually astounded at what he was hearing and seeing.

"What can you tell us of the "Alpha and Beta and Gamma aliens then," Michael asked calmly.

"The "Alphas were apparently an older, different race of intergalactic beings entirely. Their contact was limited to our very early development on Earth and later our historical civilization building. Their motives seemed to have been purely scientific as we could call it today. They were in fact, according to the earliest human texts of their contact—by the Sumerians, and other near-Asian texts, our creators. This of course reaches back several million years before and during our physiological and intellectual development."

"It was the Alpha's which were some sort of super race," Dr. Berling added. "Taller than humans. Giants really. It was they, according to the written and artistic evidence amassed from the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians, that they constructed the human race out of lower forms of indigenous creatures—most logically we believe the primates. They existed with us primordially and visited the Earth long enough to make several infusions of either their own genes into our genome or implanted the genetic characteristics of other races within the galaxy with what they had to work with here on Earth, as far back as man's earliest origins."

"They continued to come to the Earth over the many millennia and had colonies on Mars and the Moon, we are just learning. For thousands of years after the largescale floods brought on by the melting of the massive ice sheets around 12,800 BCE, they influenced humanity greatly during mankind's formative past. They helped us immeasurably with agriculture, mathematics, and the architectural monuments that exist today in partial ruins, standing as silent testimonials to their intelligence and possible other technologies used to move and cut large stone edifices."

" Stonehenge, the Egyptian pyramids . . . And other ritualistic sites and megalithic structures were inspired and initiated by them. These are now being better understood and are pushing back our understanding of our own civilized existence on planet Earth. The visitations of the Alphas were most likely to check on our development and assist us with our continual social evolution."

"But this hybrid theory has been highly debunked by science for decades," Michael countered.

"Nevertheless, it's what the government's branch, which covers and controls alien phenomenon has believed and insisted upon secretly for decades. You can see how this information would debilitate and destabilize the public's conception of who we are and especially in light of the world's major religious doctrines. Yet, nevertheless the world has a ruight to know the truth."

"Highly classified documentation obtained by members of our group claims that this scenario is accurate and was taken specifically from alien sources acting either in cooperation or under incarcerated duress since the 1940's."

"You mean . . ."

"Yes Tuwa . . . aliens as captives."

"So what can you tell us of the Pueblo people? Their true connection to these beings?"

"Tuwa, this is the most interesting part. Because it involves the work you and I have spent so many years involved with in Chaco Canyon and over at Mesa Verde. Michael, it involves your Zuni people and their connections with the 'star people'. Your mentors and healers. The Kachina dolls and dancers as symbols of them."

"I'm all ears," Tuwa said.

"From the time of the Puebloans' cultural development on this continent. Roughly from 800 to 1250 CE, they came under the influence of the 'star people.'"

"It was most likely early on from the Betas, a crude race of alien galactic explorers which we know very little about presently. They had less than beneficial intent and instilled into the Pueblo consciousness their fears and an understanding of evil."

"Meaning what?" Blake blurted out.

"That they had apparently ran missions of assault and abductions against the Pueblos for several hundred years, terrorizing them. Exposing them to the idea of entities appearing without warning from the heavens. The negative element of evil probably was established deeply into their culture during this period."

"Yes, and what is remarkable is that the original Puebloans were also interspersed with the influences of a different race of aliens we call the Gammas, who at least temporarily, gave the desert people hope, survival skills and provided them their spiritual guidance. They taught them to survive agriculturally and infused them with an ethos about the Earth and its total environment, which exists today in their rare descendants' religious beliefs and rituals."

"The traces of this is extant in the tribes today we know of in the Southwest." Berling explained. "Their close affiliation with the heavens and all of Nature. It harkens back to a time when the menace of the Beta's abated temporarily and the Gamma's were seen as gods and mentors."

"Our current belief is that these Gammas eventually abandoned the Pueblo people with the ominous return of the Betas, who finally succeeded with a total abduction of the culture's citizenry, leaving few traces of the Pueblo peoples' once massive population."

"This is further evidenced by their dearth of physical remains at these monumental sites and the ultimate mystery of their rapid disappearance, which still can not be explained conclusively either anthropologically or socially."

Tuwa seemed quietly fascinated and open to the insight the two men were sharing.

"Alright," she insisted. "Assuming as some do believe, that the Puebloans were in dreaded fear of aerial attacks, causing them to move their whole culture northward, under the protection from the sky and under the shadow of the cliff's walls and ceilings . . . just prior to disappearing completely. . . why were they abducted? What would the aliens . . . the Beta's as you call them, want with these peaceful, loving Earth creatures?"

"This remains the biggest mystery, yet" Mr. Lancolm answered. "One can only guess they possibly considered them as a food source for their own masses somewhere in the galaxy . . . or as genetic material in which to morph new living creatures out of, as the Alphas reportedly did millions of years before with our races. It may have occurred simply out of their destructive nature, in keeping with the fear and introduction of evil they had caused in their victims for so many hundreds of years."

"Nevertheless," Dr. Berling added, "the bigger issue here today is with our own modern species. And that is in coming to grips with the knowledge that we are . . . and never were, alone. Alone in our own average sized galaxy with an average sized sun and average sized planet, silently revolving around it."

You see, averages tend to repeat in Nature," Lancolm instructed. "So how many inhabited planets are there within reach of us, by other life forms with the right advanced technology? The public now has a right to know what the military has been hiding from us all for three fourths of a century."

"That's right," Berling chimed in. "The military arm of our species has obtained not one, but a number of crashed alien vehicles at locations on our planet during less than one lifetime . . . and we have additionally, with governmental involvement, kept alive several of these other-worldly intelligent creatures for our own selfish information mining. It remains the biggest challenge for us to expose all of this by our very selective group."

"Yes. It's super important that you not fail in this," Tuwa exclaimed.

"You see, my friends, what is evident here is that a very secretive branch of our scientific community, embedded in the military complex, has worked diligently to deconstruct, and retro engineer these beings' means of high

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