[ Five ]

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                               Chapter Five

           "Its hard to lose someone you love,
but it's even worse to lose yourself
while loving them."

                                        • • •

{Gwen's POV}

My sister gave me a plushie on my birthday.

It was a teddy bear and it smelled so good. "It represents love.", my sister said and smiled. It was so precious. The best present ever. I almost cried.

I was still in love with you. I was tired of seeing you together with other girls. Here I was, lonely.

I had been in love with you since the age of 12. The smallest thing like just looking at me made my day. I wish you could look at me more. I even dreamed about hugging you.

That's right. Exactly what I needed. A hug from you.

I turned 16.

Why did the time pass so quickly?
I almost started to think I was getting old. And still I was in love. With the same person. With the same beautiful brown eyes.
With the same guy since I was 12.

Nobody could come and say this wasn't real love, because it was. Everyday I hoped he would notice me. It was still the same.

Sometimes he met my eyes, but nothing more.
Why did we have to start high school?

Then I wouldn't see you anymore...

Did you know I have been your neighbor since 10 years back? Had you ever seen me?
I bet you hadn't.

Why was life so hard, I questioned myself.
Was I invisible? Even though people heard me, even though people seemed to see me, wait no, people didn't see me.

That was my problem.


Why are my tears so heavy?

Why are you gone?

You were the only one that understood my thoughts and believed in me.

Why....You were so young.

I love you.




- gg

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