32| School Of Great Arts

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"Why do I feel like
I lost something
that I never had?"


There was nothing better than having a day off.
People don't really think about how lucky they are when they get to sleep in their own bed, or when they eat their own meal in their own home surrounded by family.

There is nothing better than laying on your own couch, wrapped in a blanket with a drink and a snack, watching an old movie you've wanted to see ages already.

But even though the TV was on and Frans was so alone in the house, his mind was thousand miles from his body.

Maybe he should just quit, just walk away and travel the world without doing anything but discovering the old castles, rainforests and climb the mountains that are so high its impossible to see the tops.

Maybe he could start saving pandas or even build a zoo for animals that are almost extinct already?

He snorted at his thoughts, that's ridiculous. First of all, he's got a signed paper, and secondly, he would abandon his fathers secrets that way.

He felt frustrated and stuck. Frans shook his head and decide not to think about it today, he was alone and he was going to enjoy it, every bit of it.

A small piece of paper caught his attention from the corner of his eye. He eyed the envelope and reached out for it, it was sealed with red wax.

Is their wedding royal themed? King and Queen? How ironic.

Out of curiosity Frans ripped the envelope in two, taking out the small invitation card. He snorted and stood up to go and throw it away without even reading it.
They wanted him to attend Harold's wedding? Oh hell no, he'd rather spend a day in Tim's offices then go there. Or well, maybe not really, but still he despised the idea of being in their wedding.

He could already see the headlines: Frans King didn't addent to his fathers wedding, is there trouble in paradise? Broken family? Jealousy? Turn page 36 to read more!

He snorted and roamed the bowl full of popcorn, only to find it empty.

Who ate all of his popcorn?

He groaned and dragged himself to the kitchen, without any regret he threw the invitation card away.

It was long past afternoon, and he was utterly bored. His body wasn't used to doing nothing, his mind wasn't used to lazing around.
He was almost going crazy, every normal person would've loved that, but not him.

He glanced down at his bruised knuckles, he had washed them after his hot tantrum. It wasn't pleasant, but nothing in this life was.

Frans decided to get out of this house, he wasn't going to wait till someone from management would come and drag him to some new studio or set or whatever they had came up with now.

Instead, he grabbed a grey scarf, sunglasses and a black jacket.
He hid most of his face in the scarf and kept rather stiff posture.

He locked the mansion, just in case, and peeked at the cameras that were all still dead. What even had Eveline said or done to get all the cameras off and all the people gone?

He didn't waste much thought to it as he slipped out through the back gates and marched down the road to the heart of the city.

The sky had no blue spot as it was all covered in grey clouds, a light breeze was outside.
The buildings that resembled mountains were all towering over the busy city.
Everyone were rushing somewhere, to get on with their lives. But how could they live their life if they're always in a rush? Then again who was Frans to judge, he was no better than them. None at all.

A high pitched scream near his ear startled him, immediately his green orbs spotted a group of teenagers huddled around a phone. He didn't waste another second as he took off and disappeared from they sight into the mass of people crossing the road.

In his opinion he knew the city rather well, he searched a certain building trying to stay out of the main picture. After awhile he found it wasn't that hard to stay away from everyone. They were all busy.

As he looked down, he suddenly walked into a wall. He cursed and massaged his temple. The wall wasn't a wall at all, it was a man with a body of a bull. The man slowly looked down, Frans' gaze followed his. On the hard cement laid a luxurious and new phone. The screen was cracked horribly.

Frans gulped as the mans deadly glare set on him. He raised his hands in surrender. "Easy, I'll get you a new one! I promise!"

The man looked even angrier as he took a step closer.

"A new one? A new one?!" That man was a psycho. Realization crossed Frans mind as he scanned his face once more, the guy was stoned, higher then the tops of those buildings around them.

Before Frans could utter another word, the mans fist collided with the side of Frans' face.

Frans blinked once, twice. He gazed up at the grey sky, stunned. He was laying on the cold ground, next to a trash can. A small rock was digging angrily at his back as he pushed himself up from the ground.

The man had literally punched him that hard he stumbled back and dripped over his own legs.
He removed his sunglasses, they were broken and stayed in odd angle.

He frowned and looked down at the man who had decided to take a nap in the dark alley.

High people.

Frans threw the sunglasses into the pin and walked away, feeling a light headache forming. That was a damn hit. The man had probably hit him that hard that he stumbled and fell as well.

He didn't usually get beaten up by high people, that was something new.

He stopped on his tracks and turned back towards the dark alley, slowly he crept closer to the sleeping man and slipped the money into his pocket. He hoped he would actually buy the phone and not more drugs.

A little while later Frans found himself leaning against the cold stone walls of School of Great Arts. It was by far the worst place to be, but he just wanted to see her.

Or maybe he just wanted to feel normal again, it was tiring when people treated him with sickly sweet words and fake smiles. He wasn't even sure how real she was, but out of the people he knew personally, she seemed to be the honest one.

Maybe that's what he craved, honesty and feeling of warmth.

"Oy, Frans?"

He just turned around and stared at the ground, hoping whoever it was would think it was someone else and just walk away.

"You deaf or what, mate?"

A hand landed on Frans' shoulder, startling him. His eyes met another set of green eyes.


"No, I'm damn Beyonce mate, of course it's me, who else wouldn't run you off your feet and drag you into basement like some psycho fan girl?"

"First of all, don't offend my-"

"Yeah yeah, I get it. What ya- damn, I was only kidding when I said they would drag you into basement, this one looks nasty."

Michael crunched his nose and pointed at the side of Frans' head. Oh, there must've been a bruise.
His fingers touched his temple and he winced slightly. There's definitely a bruise there.

"Nah, just a high guy who I ran into."

Michaels eyebrows shot up, a teasing smirk forming on his lips as he roamed his pockets to find something small, smelly and something you can lit. A pack of cigarettes.

"Well, welcome to the real world, mate. Want one?" He said, offering Frans a smoke that he declined.

"Your loss, what ya doing here anyways?" He asked with a thick British accent as he inhaled the smoke and exhaled it in small cloud-like puffs.
Frans had no idea what to say.

Oh, he had his first day off in ages and he randomly decided to walk through the busy city to just stand outside a school and wait a girl he barely knew.

Michael analyzed him, a smirk still playing on his lips. "Shut up mate, really? How come you have kept it secret? Or has it just started?"

Frans was confused, what the heck was he smoking again?

"What are you on about, and what are you doing here Michael?"

"You are mingling with a girl, ey? You bastard, and they send me outside to make you look like a man whore." He chuckled, annoying Frans.
Yeez, Frans is turning into another Marvel.

"Shut up, she is just a friend and I don't mingle, mate."

He crossed his arms as Michael blew a puff of smoke on his face.
It made Frans sneeze.

"For your information, I'm studying here."

"Yeah sure, what could you possibly study here?"

"Acting obviously, so, tell me who are you mingling with and I can tell you where she is."

"You really know all the students?"

"Not all, I know the hot ones."

Frans snorted, rolling his eyes. He gazed up, noticing it was slowly getting darker.

"Who could possibly like you?" Frans teased him, to his annoyance, Michael only smirked.

"We almost look the same, mate."

"Fuck you Michael."

Michael roared with laughter as he clutched his stomach. The sight made even Frans laugh.
He never would've guessed how easy going Michael actually was. Maybe he was acting, but Frans didn't care much, he was tired of caring.


He asked after a quiet moment.

"Thea, Thea Sterling."

Michael's face got serious, it made Frans a little anxious to not see the carefree attitude in his eyes.

"A bad catch mate. Truly, a bad one."

Frans frowned and stood stiffly.

"What? What is it?"

"Nothing much, just that her boyfriend is a real bastard at times."


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