Part 27 | I Love You

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WARNING: Mentions of depression, harmful behaviours and suicide

"The Emerald Sorceress Prophecy was created over two thousand years ago years ago. No one knows who created it, only that it showed up in the archives on Vanaheim.

The prophecy showed a girl who would become the famed Emerald Sorceress. She would wield the power for good, protecting the realm she resides in. She had to prove herself to be worthy of the power.

She must protect a realm, thaw a frozen heart, guide a lost soul, be saved by the one she loves, defeat a powerful sorcerer and save a close friend from death. The most important part is she must be unaware of the conditions."

You all sat at the dining table, shocked. Loki had a comforting arm around your waist as he gently rubbed circles on your waist.

"I know its a lot to take in" your Mother (Afind) said gently.

"But I didn't do all those things" you blurted out finally. She smiled.

"Yes, you did my dear. You protected Midgard by joining the Avengers, you thawed Odin's heart, you guided Loki into a happy place, you were saved from Peter by Loki and you defeated Wanda" Afind said happily.

"But I didn't save a close friend from death" you said.

"Yes you did" Bucky said quietly. Everyone whipped their heads to him.

"I was in a very dark place when you showed up. I was very close to committing" he began quietly. "I put on a happy face so no-one would know. But you saved me. You brought so much joy into my life. You were so kind and caring, always checking up on me, playing these amazing games with everyone. It was was slow process, but you saved me from death." Everyone was silent.

"I'm so sorry Buck" Steve said sadly. You teleported over and gave Bucky a hug. He returned it, squeezing you tightly.

"Thank you" he whispered before you went back to Loki. Loki pulled you onto his lap and gently put his head on your shoulder.

Afind turned back to you. "You see? You have proved to be worthy of the title" she finished, joy filling her features.

"What about having to find her heritage?" Odin questioned.

"That was just a coverup" she dismissed.

"Why did you leave me" you said, anger starting to flare up. "You left me with him."

She looked confused. "Your Father is a great ma-"

"HE BEAT ME" you shouted, tears threatening to fall. "HE THOUGHT YOU DIED AND HE BLAMED IT ME."

Afind was stunned.

"He told me I was just like you. He tried to sell me off to the merchants son" you choked out. Loki hugged you close, whispering calming things to you as you took deep breaths. He smoothed your hair gently.

"I'm so sorry sweetie" Afind said, tears running down her cheeks. She moved over to you, pulling you, reaching her arms for a hug.

Loki reluctantly let you go as Aligg pulled you close.

"I needed you and you weren't there" you whispered.

"I'm so sorry my darling, I had to go help my sister in Nilfheim" she sadly, stoking your hair. Loki was watching apprehensively.

"Its okay Lokes" you mumbled and he nodded but still stayed close.

Eventually she let you go and Loki took you back, wrapping an arm around your waist. Aligg smiled at the sight.

"Thank you" she said to Loki.

"What for?" he asked, looking confused.

"For loving my daughter" Afind said happily. She kissed Loki on the cheek and went to talk to Frigga and Odin. He looked shocked.

"People actually like you you know" you said cheekily. "Stop looking so stunned."

He chuckled. "Thank you love, people don't usually like me much" he answered, looking down at you.


"I'm a sorcerer, no one trusts them. Additionally I did attempt to take over New York and destroy the Bifrost. Doesn't really make a likeable person" he said with a sad smile.

"We forgive you Loki" Tony said from behind you. The others nodded. Loki looked amazed.

"Really?" he asked. Tony nodded.

"We know that it wasn't your best moment, but you've made you for it now, and you're not as bad as I thought you'd be" Tony answered with a grin.

"Everyone deserves a second chance" Steve added.

"Thank you" Loki said, smiling genuinely at them all.

"I didn't know you smiled" Nat said with a grin.

Loki chuckled. "Only sometimes Romanoff."

"They're mostly sarcastic" Thor said with a huge smile. He hugged you and Loki, almost beaming.

Behind you all, Frigga, Odin and your Mother were watching the scene, tears in their eyes.

"He's happy again" Odin said quietly as Loki slowly hugged Thor back for the first time in many years.

Frigga nodded, the tears running silently down her cheeks. Afind hugged her.

"They love each other so much" she whispered and Frigga nodded, laughing quietly.

"What about the powers of the Sorceress?" Bruce asked suddenly, turning to your Mother.

"They were always there, they just needed to be unlocked" she answered.

And with a wave of her hand, you surrounded in a glowing emerald light.

Eventually it dissipated, leaving you feeling more powerful than before.

"What can I do?" you questioned. Afind smiled.


"Now I can call you glowstick" Tony commented.

You groaned as everyone laughed.

They all went back to chatting happily. Loki bent down to whisper in your ear.

"I love you."

"I love you too Lokes."


Thank you so much for reading so far! I now present you some photos and memes I have discovered that hold a place in my slightly strange brain:

I have many, many more, so I shall be doing a photo hall of fame at the end of every chapter.

Maybe I'll write a new book with just all the pics I have

Anyway, I'll see you guys next chapter! Thank you so, so much for all the support!

This fic is currently no.1 in #lokifanfic 😶 (24/01/22)

I'm am in complete disbelief, love you all so much <3

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