SBAWP | Chapter 13

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Okay guys, I'm going to post this fast, while Wattpad is back up.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Today's my birthday, and I wrote a Sold to a Wolf Pack short story to celebrate! Details on where to find it are below (hint: you'll find it on

Enjoy this chapter. I can't put a dedication because Wattpad keeps crashing, so the first person to comment will get a dedication once Wattpad is back up. 

And the dedication goes to: moopoo22.

Hope everyone's Wattpad is working okay. Mine is, but this chapter is getting no reads, so I'm hoping it's because Wattpad's not working, and not because you got bored of Sold to a Wolf Pack! 


"You're P-Alpha Patton's guard." Great, here I go with the Palpha again.

"Patton's guard? That's what you think?" The guy starts to laugh. "Can you believe her?" His friends join in and and even the two wolves circling us shake their heads in silent laughter.

"You're stupider than I thought," the youngest member of their group, who looks about thirteen or fourteen-and also seems kind of familiar, come to think of it-says. He's wearing dirty, baggy clothes, but looks less homeless and more gangster, probably because of all the chains. There's a bulky one around his neck and at least ten more hanging from the waistband of his jeans. The kid's so skinny though, that I'm surprised they don't weight him down and topple him over.

"You watch it." POWs guard-who's apparently not actually POW's guard-slaps the the back of the kid's head and turns to the homeless guy. "And you, watch your brother, or he just might end up dead."

"Yes, Beta," both brothers reply in unison, heads bowed.

I frown. Are they Rogues or aren't they? Because Rogues doesn't have leaders, and they definitely don't have Betas. If they're pack... I stare at them for another second, and then something clicks and I realize I do know these guys. Not Beta, but the two brothers. The only reason I didn't recognize them sooner is that the kid's grown at least a foot and his brother has lost a ton of weight since I've last seen them. That was about a year ago, back in Oakburg, when I'd caught the two of them breaking into our house. I'd seen the kid first, and he'd looked so much younger then-so much more innocent. I hadn't wanted to fight him, but I'd had no choice. Luckily, something spooked him and his brother before any of us got seriously hurt, and they'd run off. It's so weird that they're here, in Mapleton.

"Who are you?" Zara demands. She tries to sound tough, but she looks terrified. Her gaze keeps drifting between the Brothers, Beta, and the two wolves circling us. "What do you want?"

"We're the ones who get to ask all the questions." Beta growls.

I wait for him, or one of the brothers, ask something, but the seconds tick away in silence. I consider saying something, but it's probably not a good idea. I have a lot of experience with Rogues, so I know what works and what doesn't. Mouthing off isn't a good idea, but then neither is cowering, the way I did with POW. That sort of thing only works on angry, pissed off Wolves, not desperate Wolves. Last thing I want is for them to think we're an easy target.

It's bad enough that we've got three terrified kids huddled behind us, and that Zara and Jess aren't helping. Zara looks like she's going to be sick, her expressive face giving everything away. Jess is pretty nervous, too, but for her it's more that she's fidgeting and her eyes keep darting back and forth between the Rogues. I want to believe they're acting to try and lull our attackers into a false sense of security, but I'm pretty sure they're actually terrified.

"What do you think you're doing?" Beta suddenly shouts, and I realize Zara has her phone out. "Hand that over."

He takes Zara's phone, drops it on the ground, and smashes it with the heel of his shoe several times.

"Phones, here, now," the older brother storms toward us and confiscates them from the three trembling little kids, while his younger brother grabs Jess's phone. When he smashes it on into little pieces, she whimpers.

"Hand it over," he stops to stand in front of me, palm open.

"I don't have one." I shake my head, and he circles me, making sure I don't have anything hidden in my pockets.

"Give me your bag," he demands, and he tosses out my brand new binders. When they hit the ground and he kicks them, I whimper, like Jess did over her phone. He makes sure to search everything, and finally satisfied, he tosses it back to me. "Nothing there."

"Good,"Beta shouts. "On the ground, now.""What?" I frown. Rogues never shout orders-they attack, steal, fight, take, and then go. They don't order anyone to get on the ground, like they think they're some sort of bank robbers. Does this mean they're not Rogues after all? And then what do they want with us?

"Sit." Beta points at the grass. "Now."

"I got this, Sir," the kid steps forward. "Beta said sit," his face breaks into a menacing grin, "like the good little pups that you are."

Beta slaps him upside the head again. "Down, now," he yells, gesturing at the two wolves still circling us. "Or else!"

Jess instantly sits, hugging her knees to her chest. Zara follows suit, pulling Nicki and the kids down with her. I want to resist-to argue-but that would be stupid. We're outnumbered, with five of them, and only three of us. Yeah, I know there are technically six of us with the kids, but they're more of a liability. They're too young to do much good in a fight, which means we'll have to focus on protecting them.

I lower myself to the ground, using that time to assess the situation, the way Dad taught me. One thing he would do is corner me around the house and shout out Rogue attack scenarios. Three rogues, one with a broken leg, against me and Dad. Two Rogues, a muscular male and a skinny half-starved female, but I'm on my own. You get the picture. Dad would demand a plan on the spot. Would I run or fight back? Who would I attack first? How would I fight? If he liked my plan, he'd nod and walk away-if he didn't, I'd end up paying for it. I've always dreaded those encounters, but now I'm glad for the practice.

I refocus on the scenario in front of me. The two wolves that keep circling us, practically foaming at the mouth, are clearly muscle. They're likely good fighters, but they seem to be following Beta's orders. Since he's the one who calls all the shots, he's the most dangerous.

"Now what?" The kid spits into the grass. He could be trouble, too. It's been a full year since I've faced him, and at his age, kids learn fast. He's not deferring to his Beta either-not the way his brother is-which means he's got real potential. That or he's so weak that Beta finds his posturing amusing.

"We wait for Alpha," Beta announces. I guess I should have expected there'd be an Alpha, since there's clearly a Beta, but I'm still surprised.

"Why not just take the girl and leave?" the kid whines. "Or we could have a little fun with the girls."

"I said-" Beta begins.

"It's her he's after," the kid argues. "He won't care what we do with the others."

"What if they go get help?" his older brother asks. "If we screw this up, Alpha-"

"Then we have fun with the others and then kill them." The kid leers at us. "It's not like Alpha will let them live when he gets here."

I feel the others tremble beside me and instinctively move closer, comforting them. I really, really don't like the sound of this. I also don't like how the two wolves circling us keep moving closer and closer, tightening the perimeter keeping us contained.

"They're after me," Zara whispers to our little group. "I'm Jasper's mate."

"So?" Nicki squeezes into her side, eyes wide.

"So they want to ransom me, or draw out Jasper, or something."

"Who else would they be after?" Jess snaps, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Zara's probably right," I add. If it's an attack against the pack, they'd go after the Beta's new mate. The fact that two of these guys used to be Rogues, and they tried to rob our house, is just a coincidence. Rogues travel around, and they can join packs if they find one that will take them. These two just happened to have ended up here and they don't even seem to remember me, which I can use to my advantage. As for Beta, he probably wasn't following me around all this time, but Logan, biding his time until he could challenge the future Alpha.

"There's something I need to tell you," I whisper, moving closer to Zara. As the Beta female, she's our group's leader, and I need to make sure she has all the facts.

"What?" Zara whispers back.

"About a year ago..." I begin, quickly telling her about fighting the two Rogue brothers. I keep my voice at a whisper, and finish the story with all the details I can remember about Beta following us, back when I thought he was POW's guard.

Zara starts to frown and I realize something. "It's all my fault." I groan. Why did I beg Logan not to tell POW? If he had, this wouldn't be happening.


OMG OMG OMG What do you think will happen next?

Any guesses as to how the Rogue brothers ended up here, attacking Saf's new pack?

Please remember to vote! I literally spent half my birthday trying to refresh Wattpad so I could post this. And it crashed on me a bunch of times when I tried to publish this! I've more than earned it, don't you think? ♥

If you want some HINTS ABOUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT, I wrote a short story called "Saffron vs. The Rogue Brothers". It happens about a year before Saffron gets sold to the wolf pack and it's about the time she met them before. It also holds a few clues!!!

If you'd like to read my Sold to a Wolf Pack short story, Saffron vs. The Rogue Brothers, you can sign up for my Newsletter at Once you sign up, you'll get an email that has a free copy of the story, both in text and as a PDF!

Let me know if you guys don't have an email, or have trouble accessing the free story. Once Wattpad is working normally, I'm going to try and figure out how to create a hidden story so I can post it somewhere on here too!

Hope you liked this chapter!

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