LBAWP | Chapter 14

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[2018.08.17] I've updated the chapter numbers for the entire book. The next update will be LBAWP | Chapter 15 ... and so on. So yeah... we're in Loved by a Wolf Pack now. I didn't realize it until now--but book 2 finished after Saf woke up! I don't know how this happened again... 

Now, are you as excited for the next update as I am?!?!  

"I want the entire pack here to witness this," Daniel shouts, his voice echoing across the clearing. "I will not have them questioning my rights to be Alpha."

"You have don't have any rights," I shout back. "I'm the future Alpha."

"Once I've beaten your Father, you'll have your turn." Daniel chuckles. "Not that you stand a chance, Pup."

"How dare you?" I try to push past Beta, but he and Mother form a tight barrier, not letting me through.

"I'm not the one hiding behind his mommy, am I?" Daniel taunts.

My anger spikes. With a cry of outrage, I ram into Beta, shoving him aside. I manage to get within reach of Daniel—barely—when Father wraps one strong arm around my waist and yanks me back.

"Let me at him," I cry, trying to break free. Daniel starts to laugh at my struggles, only enraging me further, and I see red.

"Cease this at once." The Luna's shrill voice cuts through my anger and makes me freeze in my place. "You are behaving like children."

"Sorry, Luna," I quickly respond, and a split second later, Daniel echoes my words.

Just then, a gust of wind blows through the clearing. I catch a whiff of Daniel's scent, and instantly forget all about the Luna's order.

"I'm going to kill you," I scream, trying to pry Father's arm off of me.

"I said stop!" The Luna gasps in outrage.

"Logan, no," Father shouts. There's panic in his words—fear that I've disobeyed the Luna—but I'm too far gone to process it.

Logan Patton, you stop this at once, Mother issues the order. Her voice is laced with authority, and makes me freeze, but it doesn't stop the words from spilling.

"He was there. During the Rogue attack!" I cry, pointing at Daniel's smirking face. "His scent was all over the scene. All over Saf."

"What?" Father gasps, letting go of me in his shock.

I take full advantage. The moment I'm free, I lunge at Daniel, but Father manages to recapture me before I can land my first blow. Two scents hit me, and I focus on the other one, the one belonging to Saf's father. He's backing away, probably about to make a run for it, but I don't recognize his scent, so I let him go. I don't care about him—it's Daniel I want—and revenge.

Daniel's scent hits me again, making me flash back to Saf's bleeding, battered body—to Jasper kneeling over Zara, tears streaming down his face.

"You bastard."

"Stop this at once," the Luna snaps, her voice filled with outrage. "I won't say it again."

"Sam, take him," Father orders, and suddenly his arms are replaced by Beta's. I feel myself getting dragged backwards, while Father takes a step toward Daniel. Mother, who's already in Wolf form, moves to stand beside him, and catches the scent first.

You! She shouts over the link, baring her teeth as she prepares to attack. How dare you go after our pack?

"You think you can just attack us, and then challenge me?" Father shifts into Wolf form. The phone clatters from his fingers and crashes onto the grass, muffling the Luna's ensuing shout.

I shift so I can join my parents, and as my shape changes, Beta loses his grip. I feel the freedom for a split second, and then he moves to block my path. He starts herding me back, like he thinks I'm a sheep or a little kid, and I bare my teeth in a show of aggression I've never dared aim at Beta before.

Let your Father take care of this, future Alpha, Beta whispers softly. We've trained you for this. Put your emotions aside, and think of your pack.

My pack. My duty. They're lessons that have been drilled into me since I was a pup, and I know they're just as much a part of Beta. He'll protect the heir to his death, just like I know it's my duty to protect myself. I must survive at all costs and lead the pack to future victory.

I know all this, but it's not an easy task. The moment Daniel speaks, my desire to murder him starts to grow. I try to console myself with the fact that I'll get to watch my parents destroy him, but it's still a poor substitute.

"You dare shift and attack me?" Daniel cries.

My parents ignore him. Their growls form a symphony that echoes in tandem with the whimpers made by Saf's cowardly father. I watch them tense, ready to pounce—but even then, Daniel doesn't shift.

"I've issued a challenge," he shouts, "By pack law, it must be honored."

"How dare you all ignore me?" the Luna's voice rings from the ground behind Father. "Do you want a war on your hands?"

My parents freeze, their growls replaced by panicked looks. The Luna has every living wolf behind her—every pack across the land to back her up in a war.

Father shifts back into his human form, but his scowl is mutinous. For a second, I worry he might actually disobey the Luna, but he keeps his turn respectful when he speaks. "That bastard took Jess. Zara's in a coma—she may never wake up—and his scent was there." He picks up the phone and clenches it in his hand so tightly his knuckles turn white. "I demand justice."

"He's lying." The outrage in Daniel's voice matches Father's. "I had nothing to do with those Rogues."

We have proof, I cry. We have—

"His scent was there, Luna." Father shouts over me, since the Luna can't hear my words. He vibrates with barely suppressed rage, and Mother moves to stand by his side.

"I don't even know you! Why would I attack—"

"Your. Scent. Was. There!" Father punctuates each word with a step, until they're almost nose to nose.

"Liar!" Daniel tenses, preparing to shift. Then, Saf's Father whimpers in fear, and Daniel stiffens. He stays human, but Father doesn't. With an outraged cry, he drops the phone and shifts again, causing Daniel to quickly start backing away.

James, please, Mother cries, biting at his scruff and trying to pull him back.

"I issued the challenge," Daniel cries, "and pack law dictates—"

Screw pack law, Father shouts over the link.

"You wouldn't dare break pack law," the Luna replies as if she somehow heard him. I know it isn't possible, but a shiver still travels down my spine. "The challenge stands."

"Thank you, Luna." Daniel has the audacity to smirk at Father.

James, Mother whispers in warning, and after a moment's hesitation, Father shifts back.

"You will let him challenge me after what he's done?"

"There will be an investigation," the Luna's voice is calm, as if we're talking about the weather and not a man's life and a pack's entire future. "Daniel Silver, if you make it out of this challenge alive, you will stand trial against these accusations. My men are already on the way."

"I understand," Daniel says calmly.

"If you were to turn yourself in now, I'm inclined to be lenient." The Luna voice turns sweet and grandmotherly, then transforms into something cold and harsh. "If you're found guilty, the consequences will be far greater."

"I'm innocent." Daniel looks so serious when he says it, that if I hadn't smelled his scent with my own nose, I might believe him.

"Anna, James, as is our law, either of you may accept the challenge. You may also pass the title down to your son. If you make him Alpha, the challenge, too, will be passed down." She lets a few seconds pass in silence. "Which of you will accept the challenge?"

"I will," Father declares, placing a protective hand on Mother's collar.

She nuzzles into it in a show of affection and support, and moves closer until she's pressed up against his leg.

"Very well then, gentlemen. Let's get this over with. Patton, I wish you the best of luck." She pauses, then adds. "You too, Silver."



What did you think of this chapter? 👍/👎?

❁ Should they have just killed Daniel on the spot and started that war? Or did they do the right thing?

❁ What do you think of Pack Law? Should a challenge continue even in light of new evidence? And should a Luna be able to choose to fight in the challenge instead of the Alpha? 

❁ What do you think of the Wolfsbane Luna? Love her? Hate her? Still trying to figure her out?

Also, and guess what I did this week? I asked a scientist to explain the werewolf link. Why? I'm convinced the link shouldn't work through closed doors or across huge distances--other werewolf books don't agree. Curious what science has to say? "The Science of Fiction Q&A" by ranconsell may have some answers. And thanks raconsell for answering my first sciency werewolf question! 

❁ AND sorry the last wolf pack game got out of control!! It actually crashed my app, and I couldn't use it for a while... and I'm still seeing random words in my notifications... so... I promise this one will be better and way less crazy!  

Wolf Pack Q: What's the best thing about being a werewolf? 

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