LBAWP | Chapter 1

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Hope you enjoy Loved by a Wolf Pack! 


Saf smiles at me shyly and I feel a burst of happiness. After everything we've been through—the whole Omega thing, the problem linking, and the Rogue attack—there is nothing stopping us from being together. Which reminds me that I should probably see Father.

"I should go," I tell Saf, gesturing toward the door.

"Yeah." She looks at me longingly. Or maybe I'm the one looking at her longingly. I can't be sure. I just know I don't want to leave.

"Father wanted to talk to me before the announcement," I tell her, even though she was right here when he said it. I guess I'm hoping the reminder will somehow propel me to leave, but I stay rooted in my spot.

Saf nods. A few seconds pass, and when I make no move to go, she asks, "What does P—" her cheeks flush, "I mean your Father want to talk to you about?"

"The pissed off wolf?" I grin. "No clue."

"Do you think it has to do with the attack?"

"If it did, he'd talk to both of us." I shrug. I really hope he's not planning to give me The Talk. If he starts explaining proper exercise techniques, I'm so out of there, but hopefully he has a better reason. "Maybe it's an Alpha thing? Or he wants to catch up? I haven't seen him since he got back."

"He left?" Saf asks in surprise, and I realize that now that she'll officially be my Luna, I should make sure everyone is filling her in on what's happening.

"He went to find the Moonlit Pack, and to talk to your..." I want to say 'piece of shit dad' but hold off on the first part and spit out a disgusted, "dad."

"Why?" Saf's eyes widen, like she wasn't the one who suggested we search her home town in the first place.

"To have dinner," I roll my eyes, but Saf doesn't laugh, or react in any way, really. "To question them, Saf. For information about the attack? To see if they know where those Rogues are holding Jess?"

"Jess..." Saf whispers, getting this far-away look in her eyes.

"Do you remember something? About where they took her?"

"They took her," Saf parrots back, looking kind of lost. "I... I can't remember. Why can't I remember, Logan?"

"Hey, it's okay," I go over and hug her. I didn't really expect her to remember anything new about the attack, or about Jess.

"It's not. I barely remember anything that happened after health class." Saf blushes. "I know we were walking home and... Kaitlyn?"

"She's fine."

"Good, well..." She shakes her head. "It's like all my memories... I don't know, Logan. It's like... they're buried so deep I can't reach them."

"I'm sure they'll come back. You've been through so much in the last few days—"

"It's not that..." Saf wrings her hands. "What was in that medicine you gave me?"

"It was just a pain killer. I can ask Doctor Dev if there are any side effects." Not that it would make a difference. If there were, she would have warned us, especially knowing Father. "Maybe it's because of the stress."

"It's never happened before, not in all the times I've been hurt." Saf sits down on the bed and then falls backwards onto it. Her hair fans out around her face, and I have trouble tearing my eyes away. Or focusing. "Something doesn't feel right."

"Saf, you've been though a lot." I come sit next to her. "Look, how about we talk to Gray, see if he can help?"

"Who's Gray?"

"He's one of the guys on the team. He doesn't like to talk about it, but he witnessed a Rogue attack as a kid. He didn't even remember it happening, not for many years. We only figured it out when he couldn't shift." I reach over to squeeze her knee. I mean to comfort her, but when my hand touches bare skin I pull it away like I've been burned. "Um... I'll introduce you two after the announcement? Maybe he'll know how to get your memory back. If not, we can talk to the Luna. She's the one who helped Gray."

"Thanks, Logan." Saf fidgets nervously, and I become aware of how close we're sitting. "Do you think that POW," she cringes, "your Father! When your Father was in Oakburg... you don't think he would have hurt Dad, do you?"

Saf looks worried—actually worried—for the man who abused her. How can she possibly care, after everything he's done to her? After the way he treated her?

"If Father hasn't killed him already, then I will," I spit out before I can think better of it.

"Logan, no." Saf gasps and her eyes fill with tears. "Please tell me he didn't..."

"You said it yourself." I shake my head. "You said you wanted him dead."

"No, Logan, I never said that. I know he did some horrible things, but... he's still my dad."

"He hit you, Saf." I growl. "You had broken bones."

"I'm a Wolf. They healed."

"How can you just forgive him like that?"

"He wasn't always bad... it was just after losing mother that he..." Saf starts to cry.

Saf doesn't cover her face and sob the way Jess does. She doesn't freak out, or yell, or scream. Her nose doesn't run, and her face doesn't turn all red and blotchy. If anything, she looks more like a robot leaking tears. A big one slides down her cheek, then a second, and a third, but she doesn't move a muscle. She doesn't even sniffle, or whimper, or make any sound that might suggest she's crying.

I'm so busy watching her in surprise that it takes me a few seconds to react. I look around for tissues, and when I can't find any I pull off my t-shirt. Saf's eyes widen and her lips part, and it's only then that I realize what it must look like. We're on a bed, alone, and here I am, stripping off my clothes.

"Here," I say, and quickly lean forward and use the hem to wipe away her tears.

"Oh..." Saf grabs for the shirt and and stares at it. "That's so..."

"Sweet?" I supply hopefully.

"Weird?" she giggles, while her eyes still glisten with tears, "and sweet. T-thanks Logan."

"You're welcome," I smile. "You can keep it."

"Your shirt?" Her gaze locks on my abs, and then she quickly tosses the shirt back to me. "You should put it on."

"I can't do that," I say, because I like the way Saf's checking me out. "It's all wet now."

"Sorry." She blushes and quickly jumps to her feet and turns her back to me. "Maybe you can go get another one? From your room?"

"I don't think so," I whisper huskily, coming up behind her. I start to wrap my arms around her waist, but she yelps and quickly steps out of my grasp. She spins around to face me, her cheeks pink with color, and swallows nervously as her gaze travels from my biceps, to my pecs, and finally stops at my abs.

"Y-you should put on a shirt," she squeaks.

"I don't think so." I grin, moving closer.

"You should," she insists, but this time her gaze locks on my lips.

My heart pounds in my chest. I feel the same thrill I do during a hunt, and my wolf howls. Suddenly, I can't resist Saf anymore, and I don't even try. I cross the rest of the distance between us, thread my fingers through her hair, and cover her lips with mine. She tastes warm and sweet, and I pour all the longing I've felt for her since the day we met into that kiss. She responds with a sweet moan, and I swallow the sound and pull her closer. Saf presses her pals against my bare chest and then slides her arms up around my neck. Her touch sets my body on fire and the soft silk of her dress caresses my skin. I can't resist her anymore—can't resist this. I let go of her hair, grab her waist, and start walking us backward toward the bed. It helps to have wolf strength, because the moment we get there, I easily pick her up high and lightly toss her onto the mattress.

She bounces a few times and comes to a stop, but by then I'm covering her body with mine. I resume kissing her with a satisfied groan, which is the exact moment when the door suddenly flies open.

"Logan Patton, get to my office this instant," Father shouts, and the door slams shut again.

Saffron scrambles away from me, but by then Father's footsteps have already receded halfway down the hall.

"Um, right..." I stare down at my feet while Saf adjusts her dress. "I should probably go."

"Okay." Saf still doesn't look at me, and then Father slams his office door shut, and she gulps as the sound echoes across the house.

"Pissed off wolf," I mutter.

Saf looks at me in surprise, and then we both burst out laughing.

1. Rate this chapter on a scale from ♥ (1) to ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (10)

2. Is Logan right? Is Saf repressing bad memories? Can Gray help?

3. Let's Play a Wolf Pack Game: Type " If I got sold to a wolf pack I " and press the middle button on your phone to fill it in.

4. When STAWP reaches 6M reads, I'll update 6 times in one day to celebrate! Today, it's at 5.29M. I know it seems like a lot, but I did the math: if all of you went and re-read STAWP tonight, I'd have to pull an all-nighter and post all 6 chapters tomorrow. So maybe don't do that? Or like, wait 'til the weekend? #ilovemysleep 

5. Have you ever had to pull an all-nighter to meet an important deadline?

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