17 | nostalgia

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I kicked my feet up on Vera's coffee table and awaited her ever so graceful presence. Note the sarcasm of course.

I had just came from a mission. It didn't go as planned at all. We acted out of haste and innocent people payed the price for it. I slouched and closed my eyes, a heavy sigh pushing past my lips.

Pierre hasn't done anything since his live message almost two months ago. Since then, Vera has been holding daily polygraphs to see who the mole is. None have come through yet, every result sheet came clean to her demise.

I heard her stroll out of her personal hallway and into the relaxing area, "How many times do I have to tell you to get your feet off my table?"

"Well hello to you too darling."

She sighed, "Oh that sexy Australian accent never gets old."

I hummed a laugh.

"The mission report please."

I opened my eyes and sat erect, "It didn't go well."

"Are the targets dead?" She questioned.

"Yeah but-"

"Ok then I don't see the problem," She shrugged.

Of course she didn't.

"There wasn't enough time to clear the building and catch them in time. So we cleared the sight, Luke threw a grenade and the building blew up. Everyone in that building died."

"Oh sweetie," Vera sighed with a shake of her head. "Sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good."

I frowned at her lack of care, "We have to do something about this."

It was a rarity for us to ever have trouble with a mission.

"There's nothing we can do. They're dead and that's that. What matters is that the criminals are dead," She stood up went to her office.

I sprung from my seat. "Over a hundred innocent civilians just died! This is the second time innocent bloodshed has happened."

Over the past month and a half, people have died on our cause. Not purposely, but because of bad timing and inconvenience. Careless mission plans by Vera.

All she cared about was the mission being completed and turned a blind eye to the collateral damage. At first I shook it off, but now it's really starting to bother me. Especially Vera's lack of emotion.

I followed her into her office and she took a seat behind the desk.

"Sacrifice for the greater good," She repeated, applying a deep red shade of lipstick. Her eyes  trained on her compact mirror.

I couldn't believe what I was about to ask.

"When is she coming back?"

Vera puckered her lips before shutting her compact mirror, "I don't know yet."

"It's almost been two months, what do you mean you don't know."

"She got what she deserved," Vera fired. "Thanks to her, everyone in this building has a target on their back. Pierre and his little team are plotting against us! Let alone we still haven't found out who the mole is. Why do you care so much huh? You barely get along with her anyway."

"Why? You wanna know why? Because you you almost killed her! You said it yourself, she's one of the best agents here. So excuse me if I stopped you from killing one of our important assets!"

Vera stood up and leaned over her desk, both hands planted at either side. "Grey will come back when I say she can come back. Now go get the polygraph set up."

"Do it yourself," I spat. I left and made my way back my room, ignoring Vera's angry shouts.

I still had to complete my active time, but I pushed the task to the back of my mind. Too many things filled my mind to the brim. Between the heated conversation that took place and flashbacks of my recent mission.

When I got to my room, I slipped off my shirt and flung myself on my bed with a heavy sigh. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts drift.
I recently broke things off with Kimber, which contributed to the headache beginning to develop.

She didn't take it well.

I mean I couldn't blame her, we've been together for a few years. But lately, I haven't felt the same about her as I felt before. My feelings that were once ablaze, lost it's flame.

A knock came to my door. So I reluctantly got up and answered it.

Kimber. She looked me up and down, taken off guard by my half naked appearance.

"What are you doing here?"

"To take you back," Her voice was low and hushed.

"Kimber I-"

"Xander please," She pleaded. "I'm the only one here who knows you best. Who knows your past."

I shook my head vigorously, "Don't go there."

"We really had something and you know it. I love y-"

"No you don't," I averted my gaze uncomfortably.

"Yes I -"

"What we had was great. Yes," I admitted. "But now things have changed and I don't feel the same way."

Kimber stared at me with sadness swirled in her deep brown eyes. She pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded, "Ok."

I closed the door and ran a hand over my face. She does't love me. I knew that was just an incentive to get me reconsider my feeling towards her.


"Yes Mr. Morgan?"

"Start my shower."

Right away I heard the shower water start. I kicked off my heavy boots and stripped down on my way to the bathroom.

The hot shower water raining from above splatted on to my head and trickled down my body. An unwanted memory presented itself  in my mind.

* f l a s h b a c k *
Sydney, Australia 2005

I sat in the kitchen with my school papers sprawled across the wooden table set. I frowned at my Algebra book, switching my hard stare from the book, back to my notebook.

I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose, puzzled.

"I hate homework," I mumbled. I wish the whole concept would just fall off the face of the earth.

What I wanted to do was feed the stray kangaroo that always snuck into my backyard.

"Mom!" I called. She was always good at math and I knew she could help me out.

I was left with dead air.

"Mom, Dad?" I got up from my seat, suddenly noticing the eery silence. I knew they were both home, Mom stayed home today to help Dad with his strep throat.

I walked down the hall nearby that led to their bedroom. I pushed open the door and what I saw, knocked the breath out of me.

Mom and Dad both lay sprawled ungracefully on the carpet, lying in the their own pool of blood that drenched the tan carpeting.

I let out a long ear splitting screech.

That was the day. The day my life suddenly crumbled and took a sharp turn for the worst.

With my head pressed against the stone tiled wall of the shower and the water beating heavily down on my body, I pounded my fist against the wall.

I hated these flashbacks. It was such a dark place in my life that I never wanted to go back to. Finding my parents dead without explanation.

Things only got worse after that day. I stayed with my Aunt and my three cousins for a while. Until things got a little too hectic for Aunt Laine to handle. So she cruelly sent me to an orphanage. Another place stored in my memory banks that pained me to think about.

I was always picked on. Always the odd one out, the one to be left out. I wanted to run away so badly. I still remember every stupid escape plan that I came up with.

Little did I know that my life would yet again take another unexpected turn a few months after.

* f l a s h b a c k *
Kids of Australia, Orphanage for Boys Inc.

In the cafeteria, I was in the middle of reading my favorite book for the fourth time, enjoying the rare silence. Until I heard the slow steady sound of heels echoing through out the room. I frowned, there was no girls in this orphanage.

I looked up to see a woman wearing bright white slacks and black pumps. Her brown sleek pin straight hair was in a half up, half down style.

"Hello Alexander. My name is Vera Thorne."

"H-how do you know my name?"

She took a seat across from me, "Well. I guess we have quite some talking to do then."

The slight gleam in her eye while she said those words scared me.


A/N - Xander's past everybody!

lol awe he was a little nerd 🤓😂. But that pic in the media box tho 😍. scuse me while I go stare 😂.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Brand new POV coming next chap, any guesses?

Votes/Comments are much appreciated! x

- kya h.

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