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When Alexia woke up, the sharp pain on her forehead was still there, and she could feel something cold burning there. But at least she wasn't lying on the cold hard ground anymore, it was rather comfy actually now.

"She's waking up." Lydia whispered from the front seat.

Allison rushed to their side, "Is she?"

"Thank god." Stiles breathed by her side.

Alexia managed to open her eyes, a soft moan of pain escaping her lips. The first person she saw was the one who was sitting by her side, Scott McCall, who stopped pressing the ice against her wounded forehead.

"Where are we?"

"Bus." Scott answered, who stopped her when she tried to sit up, "Don't. We don't want you passing out again."

"I feel fine." Alexia managed to sit up anyway, her hand going to her forehead, "At least it's not bleeding anymore."

"You scared us, Lexi." Lydia told her.

"You should rest now." Allison warned, not really looking her in the eyes.

Stiles let her know, "We'll be right here if you need us."

"Thanks." She smiled softly.

They all took their places quickly, but to her surprise Scott stayed by her side. So she turned to face him with a confused look on her face.

"What?" Scott looked at her, "I'm not leaving your side again."

She chuckled, leaning against the seat, "I'm fine."

A moment of silence haunted them.

It wouldn't have been so awkward if they had looked anywhere instead at each other. But they couldn't keep their eyes away from one another. They were looking at each other like they were almost lovers, like they should be kissing and laughing in bed together, but chose to be only friends instead. They were looking at each other with what ifs and could haves and hearts full of regrets. It was killing them silently.

"Thank you for saving me twice in a day." Scott finally broke the silence.

"You're welcome." She looked away now.

He swallowed before speaking up, "Aren't we going to talk about it?"

"What exactly?" Alexia questioned, panic raising on her chest; she wasn't ready to have the conversation with him. She just wanted to ignore that night had ever happened.

"You said you saw me die a lot of times." Scott reminded her, his tone carefully trying to calm her down so she would tell him, "What did you mean by that?"

"I see things happening before they happen." She let out, tired of keeping it to herself. It was clearly doing no good to anyone, especially not to her, "I saw tonight happen, you... killing yourself. I knew it was gonna happen."

"Is that something that happened a lot before?"

"Yeah." Alexia nodded slowly, "With that man we found tied to the tree. With Derek. Now with you. I just... I see people dying and I can't do anything..."

"Hey," Scott placed his hand under her chin, turning her face so she would look at him, "you saved me tonight."


"I don't think it was barely." He told her, not letting her go of her; the question he really wanted to ask not leaving his mind, "Did you mean it?"

"What?" She swallowed, slipping away from his touch.

"About the kiss?"

Scott managed to hear her heart beat quicken easily, only making him know her answer more. It should be that easy, right, confessing feelings, fear of rejection. That kind of things every teenagers goes through. But it was more than that.

"I said what I had to say to save your life." Alexia shrugged.

"So it was a lie?" Scott's hopeful tone turns into a hopeless one.

"It just wasn't true." She turned to look at him, "I had to kiss you to save you, you know that. Why do we have to talk about this, Scott? Why can't you just let it go?"

"Alexia." It was rare the times when he would call her by her full name so she made sure she payed attention when he did, "I can hear your heart beat, I know when you're lying."

"I don't wanna talk about this. Is that ok to you?"

"No." Scott refused to end the conversation there, "We always do this. Say things and then pretend that nothing happened."

"It seems to work fine for me." Alexia replied, "Why do we have to ruin it?"

"Fine, I'll go first." He volunteered and she wasn't really sure for what until he started talking, "When you went to my house before leaving to France... I thought about... I thought about kissing you..."

She breathed out, "I know."


"I saw it happen." Alexia explained, unable to look him in the eyes, "I stopped it from happening. I could only see Allison crying... You're her first love." She shook her head quickly, "Why are we even talking about this? Let's just-."

"No." Scott insisted, his voice lowering to make sure no one could him but her, "I'm tired of pretending I don't think about kissing you all the time."


"I didn't try anything before because I was afraid you would be a rebound for Allison. I was afraid of rushing into a relationship I would only ruin." He explained simply, "But I know now that we are so much more than we let ourselves be. And-."

"Stop." Alexia pleaded, her eyes shining with tears, "Just stop."

"Hey, hey," Scott took a hold of her face again, "why are you crying?"

"I'm tired of lying to everyone."

"You don't have to lie to me." He told her, "You don't have to."

Alexia breathed, "I really wanna kiss you too."

A smile opened on his face and he took her confession as a green light to go, slowly leaning in towards her. Scott's thumb slowly brushed a brown hair behind her ear. He finally close the distance, his lips finally reaching hers.

Alexia didn't feel that happy in a long time. Kissing Scott McCall was something she had thought of a lot of times and now she was afraid she would get addicted to it. After all, we all get addicted to things that take away the pain.

When Scott pulled away, he didn't lose time trying to talk about it. He pulled Alexia to his chest, kissing her hair when she let her head rest on the crack of his neck.

"Sleep," Scott whispered to her, "I'll fight the bad dreams away if they come to get you."

Scott felt warm and familiar. He felt solid and safe. Alexia wanted to cling to his shirt, bury her face into the warm curve of his neck and never let go; so that's what she did, and it almost felt like she was in Wonderland. Even tho Alexia was aware that all she had to do was open her eyes and everything would turn into painful reality.

The next morning, they were both woken up by Finstock's voice. Of course the man wasn't expecting to find the seven teenagers sleeping on the bus.

"I don't want to know." Coach muttered, raising his voice, "But in case you missed the announcement, the meet's cancelled. So, we're heading home!"

Alexia yawned, feeling Scott waking up as well. His arm was still wrapped around her shoulders, her head raising now off of his shoulder. They both looked at each other at some point, smiling softly.

Before they could say anything, Ethan approached them. Scott unwrapped Alexia's shoulders, his arm now around her waist protectively.

"I don't know what happened last night but I'm pretty sure you saved my life." He told Scott.

Stiles leaned forward over their seat, gesturing between him and Alexia, "Actually, we saved your life. She almost lost her head on the process as you can see, and her jeans are probably ruined by all the blood, but that's just a small detail, right?"

Ethan continued, "So I'm gonna be a bit more helpful... we're pretty sure Derek's still alive." Hope could be found across everyone's faces now, "But he killed one of our own, that means one of two things. Either he joins our pack..."

"And kills his own." Scott added.

Alexia shifted unconfortable on her seat with the realization that Derek killing his pack meant him killing Isaac and Boyd, she couldn't imagine her losing them, especially not Isaac.

"Or Kali goes after him and we kill him." Ethan finished.

"Why does someone have to die in every scenario?" Alexia replied, shaking her head at the idea, "This will never end if we go on and on with this revenge thing. Ethan, that can't be who you are."

He didn't sounded sorry when he told her, "It is, Alexia. And soon it will be who you are too."

She sighed while Ethan stood up and left.

Scott looked over to her, trying to know if she was ok. Her expression wasn't telling him much, he couldn't see what she was thinking. But to be fair, Alexia didn't know what to think either, why everyone always preferred battles over peace? Dying over living.

Lydia came to them later too with wide eyes, in her hand the Coach's whistle. She blew it then. They all watched in confusion, wondering what she was doing.

She then held out her hand to reveal a purple dust, "Wolf's bane."

"That explains the halucinnations." Alexia stated.

Stiles' eyes widened slightly, "Every time Coach blew the whistle on the bus, Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Ethan..."

"We all inhaled it." Scott spoke up.

Allison approached them too, "You were all poisoned with that."

"So that's how the Darach got into your heads," Stiles explained, "that's how he did it."

Without discussion, Stiles grabbed the whistle out of Lydia's hand, then throwing it out the window. Finstock quickly made their way to them, realizing what was happening.


"It was full of dust, Coach. There is a lot of allergic people around here."

The bus took off finally and Alexia could swear everyone in that bus sighed with relief. That place was scary and, yes, even for a werewolf - well, especially for one.

"We're finally leaving this place." Scott's voice broke the silent.

"Never thought I'd say this but can't wait to get to Beacon Hills."

He chuckled, "It won't be easier there."

"I know." Alexia sighed, "But at least we will be home."

They weren't just talking about the Alphas pack or about Darach, they were talking about them, what would be of them now. They didn't want to rush an explanation, but at the same time they were afraid they wouldn't have a tomorrow to give one.

Scott's werewolf hearing caught a conversation.

"You are weird." Lydia stated.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Allison shrugged.

"What got into you?" She asked in confusion, "Was is something last night?"

"It depends on which part you're talking about." The raiven-haired girl replied with bitterness, "The part where I found out Alexia has been lying to us, the part where she kissed Scott or the part where she just told him she loves him?"

"Allison, I love you too. We're friends... Besides, about the kiss-."

"Stop, Lydia." Allison interrupted her friend, "It's obvious you knew."

The strawberry-blonde girl sighed, leaning her head against her seat. She was sorry for lying to Allison but she wouldn't be the one screwing Alexia over, she was her friend too.

"You should both talk." Lydia advised, "You're sisters. It won't be a guy that will-."

"What about Isaac? I mean, wasn't she with Isaac?"

"You would know they aren't a thing anymore if you had payed closer attention." She replied, "Isaac is a more understanding person than you're being right now, Alli."

"Oh, sorry if I'm not understandable about the fact that my sister fell in love with my ex-boyfriend and didn't tell me."

"You've every right to be mad about Lexi not telling you." Lydia agreed, but added after, "But not about the fact that she fell in love with Scott. It's none of your business anymore, you broke up with him, Alli. Remember?"

"Thanks, Lyds." Allison scoffed and returned ironically, "Such a helpful friend."

Scott was taken aback by Allison's attitude. He realized why Alexia's premonition lead to her stopping him from kissing her that day, it was to prevent this - Allison's jealously. Everything happens for a reason and Alexia was the knot that tied all things together.

He looked over to her for a second, which called her attention.

"What is it?"

"Promise me you'll tell me every single premonition you have from now on, Lexi."

She sighed, "I don't want you to have that burden too."

"I don't want you to carry it alone." Scott told her, "Promise me."

"I promise."

The rest of the ride back home was silent.

Everyone was still a bit shaken up about everything that had happened back at the Motel. It scares them, the fact that the Darach was able to get a hold of them that easily. It frightened them that he would be able to again, and next time they wouldn't be able to fight it.

"We're here."

Everyone started to stand up from their seats, Scott made sure he was holding Alexia's hand while walking out of the bus, in case she would pass out or something. He only let go of her when they were able to breathe fresh air.

"There are your parents." Scott pointed, and she looked over to them.

"Yeah," She gestured awkwardly, "I should go."

They didn't kiss goodbye, it wasn't something they thought they shouldn't do.

Alexia turned her back on Scott, walking away slowly in her parents' direction. Allison was already there, they were all only waiting for her.

Victoria rushed to her daughter, "Oh my god, what happened to your forehead, hunny?"

"It was nothing." Alexia shrugged, "You know how clumsy I am."

Chris raised an eyebrow at her, he always knew when she was lying. He pulled her in for a hug when she walked to him, not asking questions. It felt nice.

"Let's go." He guided her to the car.

Both Argent girls walked inside to the back of the car, Allison still unable to face Alexia and the other only hoping that her sister could forgive her, hopefully soon.

When they got home, Allison quickly made her way to her room, leaving only three people in the living room. Their parents looked over to Alexia for answers.

"Don't ask." She pleaded, making her way to the stairs too, "I'm gonna get some sleep."

She sighed when she walked inside her own room, it was like she was back to reality - being in Scott's arms was a fantasy she was addicted to. It was easy, simple, not complicated or tragic.

Alexia reached for her phone on her pocket, not wanting to call Scott but instead someone else. She needed to confirm Ethan's words, which would be the only way she would be able to sleep. So she finally dialed the number.

"Lexi?" A loud sigh of relief escaped her lips, and the voice on the other side called out again for her, "Lexi, is everything ok?"


"Yes, you called my phone."

"You're alive." Alexia stated, "We thought you were dead. Why didn't you call?"

"I didn't know you worried that much about my well-being." Derek replied, mocking her, but then his tone became serious, "Thanks to you I'm not dead."

"Thanks to me?" She frowned, confused.

"Ennis deadened my fall. And he was half dead when we got down there because of your dagger." The Alpha explained, "So I guess thanks for that."

"You should talk to Scott." Alexia warned him, "Things got pretty out of control, Derek."

"What do you mean, Lexi?"

"Call Scott." She insisted, "You need to call Scott."

She slept that night fine. Even tho Scott wasn't there to fight away her nightmares. It was a quiet night, no bad dreams, no premonitions coming to haunt her. It was in the morning, when her phone rang on her desk that the problems surfaced in Beacon Hills.

"You know Danny right? Lacrosse team." Scott told her.

"Of course, Danny always brings me a water bottle at the end of Lacrosse practice because I always forget my own." She smiled softly, "What about him?"

"He's at the hospital."

"What?!" Alexia gasped, "No. What happened?"

"I'm not sure." Scott went silent for a moment, before getting to the point, "But he just threw up mistletoe."

"What do you mean mistletoe?"

"I don't have the slightest idea." He confessed, hesitating before speaking again, "I was just wondering... you know, if..."

"I'd go to you." Alexia completed with a soft smile, "Why would you think I wouldn't..."

Alexia only warned Victoria, Chris was still locked away in his office, she wouldn't bother him so she could lie to him about where she was going, as always. It was a habit now.

She drove off to Beacon Hills' hospital, parking her car next to the entry when she got there. She recognized Scott before getting out of the car, only recognizing the person he was talking to when she stepped outside. It was Ethan.

She walked up to them, managing to catch part of the conversation.

"Because we thought one of them would be important to you. And now we know it was never about them." Ethan suddenly turned around and faced her directly, "It's her."

"What about me?" Alexia frowned, approaching them.

"But don't worry, we are not gonna hurt them."

"Hello, I'm here." She insisted, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Packs business." Ethan replied.

"I saved your life, you ungrateful-."

"Let it go, Lexi." Scott pulled her to his side, "It's nothing."

Their attention was soon called by the car coming their way. Ethan turned around to look at it too. It wouldn't be a big deal if the car wasn't out of control and hand't hit Alexia's car.

"Oh my god, my car!"

She was the first to make her way there, being followed by the two werewolves. Alexia would definitely be a lot madder if there was someone she could actually be mad at, no one was inside the damn car that hit hers. She looked behind her at the boys.

"What?" Ethan questioned, confused at her terrified expression.

"There is no one inside the car." She stated serious, but it wouldn't be Lexi if she hadn't lighten up the mood after by adding, "I mean who is gonna pay for this?"

"Great." Scott muttered, approaching the car, opening the door; his eyes fell on the small dead butterfly on the floor, he pointed it out to the other, "Look at that."

"Darach?" Alexia guessed.

"I'll take a risk and say yes." Ethan replied.

Of course the first thing they did was warning the police and the hospital, which was easy seeing they were already there. Scott called Stiles too - the boy would have been pissed if no one had called him - who showed up fast enough.

They were now next to Melissa, near the Sheriff's car. He was interrogating Scott's mother and they were just there. In fact, everytime something went wrong, they were always just there. That got to be something Stiles' father was starting to question.

"Two missing people." He wrote down what Melissa told him, "Wait. Were the two inside the car?"

"No, Dad. They said there were two kidnappings." Stiles corrected, "Two doctors."

The Sheriff questioned then, confused, "And who car is that?"

"Doctor Hilyard from the ER." Melissa told him, "The doctor on car is the one that's not answering his phone."

"I'll focus on your story first." He warned the woman, and face the teenagers later, "Guys, give us a minute, will you?"

They nodded, walking away from the interrogation. They stopped far enough to make Stilinski happy, their eyes still focused on Melissa telling her story.

"It's sacrifices for sure." Alexia

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