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Allison and Alexia were both in Chris' office again, Isaac was there too. The raiven-haired girl was sitting down at the main chair, Alexia on top of the desk, with her phone on speaker, and the blonde boy was standing next to her.

"Philosophers?" Stiles' voice asked from the other side of the call.

"And Guardians, I guess." Allison replied, "It must have something to do with the police, right?"

"Guardians..." Cora muttered from Stiles' side, like she was thinking of something, "Couldn't that be you, Alexia?"

"No. I'm the only Guardian there is at the moment. And it's required three sacrifices."

"Stiles, you gotta tell your Dad." Allison warned, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to tell him everything." Isaac told him, "But tell him whatever you need for him to believe you."

"Ok, ok." Stiles sighed, "I know."

The call ended, and Alexia had her eyes focused on the five knot tie, like she would figure it all out just by looking at it. Like the solution to all their problems was hidden in there somewhere.

Scott was up to something a bit more likely to end up helping them, interrogating Morrell. She had seemed to know a lot about the Darach when warning Alexia the other day, so he thought maybe he would be able to get some more information.

"Truth is I'm what's between Deucalion and your friends' lifes. Right now, I'm the one pulling the collar when he's hungry for a bite."

"What do you mean?" Scott frowned, confused at her words.

"He wants a True Alpha, who he believes it's you, on his pack. But he wants a Guardian more." Morrell grinned like she was finding some pleasure in the middle of all that, "And it won't be a distraction like human sacrifices that will deflect his attention from the prize."

"I'm not an Alpha and Alexia will not be a part of his pack!"

"But you're getting there, aren't you?" The woman raised an eyebrow at him, "You must understand, Deucalion doesn't want to take risks."

"And what is he expecting?" Scott leaned forward, frustation taking the best of him, "What does he want me to do?"

"He wants to turn you into a killer."

"But if I kill someone... I can't became a True Alpha, right?" He questioned, "Then why would he want that if he wants a True Alpha on his pack?"

"That's right." Morrell nodded, smiling at him, "I told you... He wants a Guardian more."

"And how is the fact that I might become a True Alpha will affect Alexia going or not into his pack?" Scott wasn't understanding what he was facing, but suddenly it became very clear to him the answer to his own question; the woman smiled recognizing the realization on his face, "He is afraid she would come to my pack."

"You want to know my professional opinion?" Morrell rhetorically asked, "Deucalion is obsessed with power. He feels threatened by you. If the obsessive person doesn't get what he wants, he eventually choose to destroy it." Scott's eyes widened slightly, the thought of Alexia getting hurt crossing his mind, but she continued, "So here's the thing... Either you and Alexia join his pack willingly or he will destroy you both."

"None of that will ever happen!" Scott stood up, anger haunting his features, "You're wrong!"

"I wouldn't so sure, Scott." She warned, "You're playing his game. While you are trying to figure out what to do next, Deucalion is already ten plays ahead of you with the Checkmate ready."

Scott was done hearing Morrell, so he exited the guidance office. There wasn't much guidance going on inside that room, a lot of plotting perhaps.

A lot of things came to his mind, but he was more worried about Alexia than about himself. He found himself searching for her on the hallway, while standing by Morrell's office's door. But Alexia wasn't anymore to be found, and only when the desesperated feeling of worry slightly vanished away did he remembered that the brown-haired girl had texted him telling him she was home with Allison and Isaac.

"Scott," Morrell called his attention, and he turned around to face her, "give a warning to Alexia. Tell her to stay away from this sacrifice thing. She'll get herself killed if she doesn't."

Alexia had tried to trigger a premonition after Morrell had warned her the first time, she tried when Gerard warned her. That was something ahead of her that she couldn't see, and it was pissing her off. To go on blind.

"Alexia!" Isaac's voice woke her up from her thoughts, "Your phone."

She noticed now the annoying ring echoing through Chris' office. It was Lydia's name shining on the screen, and she had to prepare herself to answer it, knowing she would probably have to drive to god knows where to find someone's dead body.


"Lexi, you need to come to school." Lydia's terrified voice warned her, "Something happened."

"What happened?" Alexia stood up from the desk where she was sitting, concern growing which caused her voice to rise as well, "Is Scott ok?!"

"Yes, he's fine. It's not about Scott."

Lydia didn't say anything else, the call ending too soon. Alexia finally faced the two teenagers looking at her in confusion and worry, so she gave them a quick explanation.

"It was Lydia. I don't really know what happened. But I need to go to school."

"Do you want us to go?" Allison offered.

"No, I got this." Alexia refused the help, "You two stay here, ok? Don't go anywhere without me."

"Sure." Isaac remarked sarcastically, "We will just wait for you here while you out in an adventure. It's totally fine."

"Idiot." She managed to mutter, before exiting the office.

Alexia left the apartment, getting into her car as fast as possible.

She didn't really know what was happening, didn't know if it was a case of life or death. But if it was Alexia didn't want to be too late. Inside her head she was annoying at Lydia for always saying just half things on the phone. It couldn't be hard to actually say what was happening.

When Alexia inside the building, she felt a bit lost, how was she supposed to figure out where Lydia Martin was. But as she turned around the corner on the hallway, she noticed a bunch of people crowded near a classroom. It had to be there, right.

She managed to push through the crowd of students, and she immediately recognized the woman in the middle of the room, Ms. Blake. Alexia's eyes soon found Lydia, relieve growing on her chest as she hugged her strawberry blonde friend, who thankfully was ok.

Alexia pulled away, "What happened?"

"Lexi." Lydia cried, her eyes then going behind the brown-haired girl at the teacher, "I don't understand why you didn't call the police!"

"They'll announce it on speaker." Ms. Blake let her know.

"That will change nothing!" She exclaimed, "I told you, he's gone! Like all the others, taken!"

It was clear in Jennifer's face that she didn't believe the strawberry blonde girl. Alexia did believe her friend, but didn't know what she was supposed to be believing in, she was still confused about what had actually happened.

That was until Lydia rushed to the board, a number wrote there. Alexia reached the conclusion that it must have been Lydia writing it. That was what was happening.

"Last time it was Mr. Harris!" Lydia cried out, "Someone heard from me? No! Cause he is gone!" She pointed at the number, "And he's gonna be the second death!"

"But you wrote that number, Lydia." Ms. Blake replied.

"Fine, I'm a psycich!" She shouted, everyone looking at her like she was crazy, just like they had all the other times, "I'm something!"

"Lyds," Alexia wrapped her arm over her friend's shoulder, trying to confort her, "let it go."

"No, tell them, Lexi!" Lydia stepped away, frustated, "Tell them I'm something!"

Alexia didn't say anything, she knew it would be in vain. That was nothing about the sacrifices that she could tell them that would make them believe Lydia. That was something when those who knew could understand. It weighted too much sometimes.

Alexia held onto Lydia, trying to calm her down. She loved the strawberry blonde, and when you love someone you are there through the good and the bad, Lydia had more dark days than bright ones but that didn't mean her friends shouldn't be there during them all.

Scott bursted through the classroom, rushing right away to the girls' side. They didn't say much to each other, Alexia just gave him the short version, asking him to just hold Lydia. She stepped away from the two, texting Allison about what had happened.

After that, they made their way to the parking lot. Scott was walking ahead of the girls, Lydia still holding into Alexia's arm. They weren't sure where they would go, but right now they needed to worry about finding Mr. Westover before it was too late.

A phone rang, Alexia let go of Lydia, Scott taking her place. It was Stiles' name shining on her screen so she answered right away, not hesitating.

"Please tell me you have good news."

"Uh, I'm afraid not." Stiles replied, his tone of concern not going undetected, "It's Cora. She's at the hospital."

"Wait what?" Alexia gasped, her dark humor making the stupidiest appearance, "Are you kidding me? I risked my life to save her and now she's at the hospital?!"

"She just passed out!"

"I'm with Lydia, Mr. Westover is gone." She told him, brushing the mess that was her brown hair with her desesperated hands, "I will... I will meet you when I can. Allison and Isaac hopefully found a way to find the bodies before they're dead bodies."

"Fine, I'll keep you posted." Stiles promised.

Alexia ended the call, turning around to see Scott already next to her, behind him a much calmer Lydia. He looked down at her, not waiting for an explanation, he had heard everything with his werewolf hearing, but instead asking her silently what she would do now.


She was interrupted by her phone ringing once again, she sighed frustated before answering Allison's call, hoping it was good news this time.

"Isaac and I are going to check on one of the marks. We can't stay here doing nothing."

"Text me the address and I will be there."

Scott was about to volunteer himself to go with her, she could see it in his eyes – the concern he was feeling over her, how protective he was of her. But she didn't think she needed protection, she just needed to stop dead bodies from showing up around Beacon Hills.

"You go to Stiles, Cora needs you." Alexia told him.

"No way." Scott stepped closer to her, "I'm not letting you go any way close to the Darach."

"We don't really have a choice here, Scott." She turned to face Lydia, "You go with him."

Alexia unlocked her car, hurrying to the inside. She opened the window, in desesperate need of fresh air, which Scott took as a chance to try and reason with her.

"You should stay away from this, Lexi." Scott leaned down so he would be able to look at her through the open window, "Morrell warned you. She told me the same thing today."

"Come on, Scott." She scoffed, "Morrell is just trying to scare us. She's not on our side."

"Alexia." He pleaded, "What if she was right? What if you end up getting hurt?"

Alexia didn't say anything, instead she pressed her lips against Scott's, caughting him by surprise. It was a quick but passionate kiss, her hand carresing his cheek when she pulled away, his eyes still begging her not to go.

"Guess I'll have no regrets now if I do die." She said, leaning back against her seat, putting the belt on, just to look one last time at Scott who was looking at her like she was crazy, "I'm kidding. Look, the Darach won't wait for us to save whoever is next, Scott. Morrell says whatever she needs to say alive. That's just her game." Alexia started the car, saying one last thing before driving away, "You be careful, I'll be fine."

Scott smiled softly, there was nothing more he could say that would change the brown-haired girl's mind, so he just made sure he smiled at her, "Call me if you need anything."

She nodded, promising silently. Scott moved away from the car, allowing Alexia to drive away from Beacon Hill's High School's parking lot, her eyes stuck to the rearview mirror that allowed her to watch Lydia and Scott disappear slowly as she drove away.

Alexia couldn't help but review her words to Scott. She actually believed it was possible that Morrell was just trying to scare them, and if she really was, then Alexia was well aware that the woman was succeeding. Alexia was scared, she just wouldn't let Scott see it.

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