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The elevator's door opened, revealing a hallway ahead of them. Derek led the group outside, still with a grasp on Jennifer's arm. They made their way to a hospital room, Alexia assumed it was Cora's, but when they stepped inside, Derek froze. There was no one there.

On the floor was a bunch of black blood, it was clear Cora had threw up because of the mistletoe she had been poisoned with. Drops of blood led outside the room and down the hallway, Alexia led the way this time, Scott right beside her, to a door.

The double doors bursted open out of nowhere, Peter's body sliding along the floor as he reached Alexia's feet. She glanced down, her eyes widening in confusion and alarm.

"We have a problem," Peter groaned in pain, "a big one!"

She looked back up, her eyes resting on the voltron wolf. Alexia had never faced Ethan and Aiden conjoined together, she wasn't looking forward to it either. The creature let out a growl, and she could swear the entire floor shook.

"Holy crappy," She muttered.

"Let's hope that your bat is useful, Stiles." Scott said.

Out of the blue, Derek's face was covered in fur, his eyes red. Scott, on her left side, was shifting, while Derek had already taking off towards the twins. But the voltron wolf was quick to think, slamming their elbow straight into Derek who stumbled back, the twin's fist repeatedly hitting Derek's face now.

Scott let out a growl, taking off to help Derek with the creature. Stiles stood by Alexia's side, watching in anticipation with his bat ready to protect them.

"Cora!" Stiles suddenly shouted.

Alexia followed his gaze to a body lying on the ground, yes it was definitely Cora unconscious. Stiles bowed down, helping Peter up to his feet, hoping he would help.

Alexia was about to take off to help Cora too, but Jennifer approached her from behind, whispering words into her right ear. It was just then that she remembered that it was Derek who was keeping a grasp on her, and she was now free.

"Let's find out if they came for me or for you."

"Why would they come for you?" She turned to face the woman in confusion, "Isn't Deucalion done with you?"

"Because he doesn't want me to kill you, Alexia." Jennifer replied as if it was obvious, taking a step back first, a fake apologetic look on her face while backing away, "I'm sorry..."


Alexia took off after her. Ms. Blake already inside the elevator they had left just five minutes ago, the doors slowly sealing shut, while she was smiling at the brown-haired girl from a safe distance. Alexia was unable to get in so she slammed her fists against the elevator's doors in anger with a frustated groan.

Scott watched from the fight he was in Alexia take off after the Darach with worry, that wasn't much he could do to stop her. He was too busy getting beaten up, it wasn't like he could tell the twins to wait up so he could make sure the girl he's in love with wouldn't get herself killed.

Alexia turned around, slamming the right side of her body against the door that would take her to the stairs. It was a shot in the dark to know where Jennifer was headed but Alexia guessed that the woman would just go for the closes exit.

When she finally slammed open the door on the first floor, she immediately faced a person that hated her very much, that's why she cursed under her breath. It was Kali, standing beside Deucalion. It seemed like a reunion party at the hospital, at that point, everyone deciding to come out to say hi. Not what they had planned.

Alexia stepped out in time to watch Kali take off towards Jennifer, that was apparently thinking she could escape through that exit – as Alexia had predicted -, but was now regretting her life choice, because Kali was about to get her. Deucalion pulled back his arm, a stick in his hand. He aimed it for Jennifer, wanting to kill her too, throwing it and failing for short milimeters.

Alexia knew that if she didn't do anything Kali would probably get Ms. Blake killed, which couldn't happen, unfortunatelly, because Stilinski's and Cora's lifes were both on her hands. That was why Alexia reached for her dagger, inside her left boot, throwing just in time for Kali to fall on the ground, and not get a hold of Jennifer who got inside the elevator again.

Deucalion turned around, his eyes resting on her in surprise, "Protecting the woman who wants to kill you? Oh, you will regret it..., Alexia."

She didn't bother to answer it, she didn't even owed him an explanation. So she took off to the stairs again, going back to the floor the fight had started with the voltron wolf. Alexia heard the heavy steps of the creature as soon as she stepped on the hallway, and followed them.

She was facing the twin's back, her hand reaching for the other dagger on her right boot. Alexia didn't hesitate, and she threw it right into their back, causing them to fall to the ground, revealing her figure to her friends, who sighed relieved.

Stiles' eyes looked forth and back between the dagger on their backs and his trashed bat, and just then did he turned to his best friend with a sarcastic smile, "I told you to borrow me one of those, Lexi."

"Well, you're welcome." She told him, taking her dagger from their back.

Before she could give them the important information, Scott rushed to her under everyone's eyes, and pulled her into a tight but quick hug.

"What did I say about you not leaving my side?"

Alexia pulled away with a soft smile, "What did I say about me being ok?"

"Can we just cut that off?" Derek interrupted them, they turned to face him and he was raising an eyebrow at them, "We have bigger problems."

"You're right about that." She replied, "Deucalion and Kali are here too. They were after Jennifer. Something about them not wanting her to kill me." Alexia added her usual sarcastic comment after, "Who would say they were just that sweet."

They quickly made their way into another room, taking the oportunity of the voltron wolf's unconsciousness. It wouldn't less much longer. Peter layed Cora down on the table, Alexia glancing down at the girl. She didn't look so good.

"Where's the big guy?" Peter wondered.

"Close still." Derek replied.

"Wait," Stiles turned to Alexia, "what about Ms. Blake?"

"She could be anywhere." She shrugged, slightly.

"Are you kidding me, Lexi?!" His eyes widened, "You went after her!"

Alexia cried out in frustation, "What was I supposed to do, Stiles?"

"Be quiet!" Derek hissed.

Stiles turned to face the Alpha in desbelief, "Be quiet? Are you giving me orders now? While your psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend, the second one by the way, has my Dad somewhere to be ritually sacrificed?!"

"They're still out there, Stiles." Scott warned.

"And they want her, right?" Stiles replied in frustation, "Well we don't have her either! So both my Dad and Cora are gone!"

"Not yet!" Alexia let out with a frustated sigh, "We are going to find her, ok? Believe me, I want nothing more than to get her, she tried to freaking kill me! But we are all very frustated and probably scared. I know I am. But we need to calm the hell down."

Everyone looked down at the ground, they knew the brown-haired girl was right. Besides, Alexia wasn't lying when she said she was scared, she really was. But at the same time, Alexia wasn't all that worried. She knew that if anything went wrong, she could sacrifice herself for all the Guardians, and that would be the end of it. Which was probably why Alexia was so scared.

Scott glanced at Cora, "Is she really dying?"

"She's definitely not getting better." Peter said.

"There must be something we can do." Scott shook his head in panic, "We have to help her."

The doors bursted open, everyone turning around to face Jennifer.

"You can't. Only I can. Only I can tell you how to save her and where the Sheriff is." She stated, "But the pack of alphas is in the hospital and they want me dead. So I'll help you, but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then."

Derek slammed the small table in front of him out of the way, rushing towards the woman. Scott thought fast and was quick to grab onto Derek, keeping him in place.

Derek pointed accusatively at her, "She ran!"

"I was protecting myself, you can't judge me for that." Jennifer explained.

Their attention turned towards the intercom when a voice sounded at their ears, a very familiar voice actually.

"Can I have your attention? Mr. Deucalion... Um, excuse me, just Deucalion. He requests that you bring the woman called Jennifer Blake to the ER reception. DO this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes."

Alexia felt Scott's hand reach for hers, before she could think of reaching for his. He was almost completely losing it and in that moment Alexia was the only thing standing between him and all the anger he was feeling right now. His anchor.

"He's not hurting her." Jennifer assured.

"Shut up!" Derek snapped.

"He won't!" She insisted, turning to face the werewolf holding Alexia's hand, "Scott, you know why. Tell them it's true."

Derek frowned, confused, "What is she talking about?"

Jennifer stepped forward to explain when Scott fell silent by Alexia's side, she was still holding his hand tight but was now also glancing up at him in confusion and all he could do was look back at her with a pained expression. He was unable to speak.

"Derek's not the only one he wants in his pack. Deucalion doesn't want just an Alpha Pack, he wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks."

"A true Alpha." Peter murmured.

Stiles asked the million dollar question, "What's that?"

"The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another." Derek's uncle explained, "One that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scott."

Alexia slipped her hand out of Scott's grasp slowly, he pleaded her with his apologetic eyes. She couldn't understand why he hadn't told her. She thought they were done with the lies, with the secrets. She thought they were going somewhere.

"But there's more to it, isn't there, Peter?" Jennifer titled her head to the side, enjoying the chaos bursting around Alexia, "There's more about a True Alpha that worries Deucalion... That makes him want Scott to join his pack even more..."

"Only a True Alpha doesn't need the bite to make a Guardian part of his pack. It's all about the connection." Peter's expression became surprised in realization, "That's why Deucalion wants you to join so fast, he doesn't want to take the risk of Alexia joining you. Your connection is already too strong."

The entire room fell in a deep silence as Alexia moved away from Scott, her hands brushing through her wet brown hair in frustation. Scott put himself together, parting his eyes from Alexia who was clearly controlling herself not to lose it, and spoke up.

"It doesn't matter. We still need to get her out of here."

Stiles stepped forward, pointed on a painful voice, "Scott, you Mom-."

"My Mom said that there was one ambulance coming in twenty minutes and I... I don't think we've been here that long." Scott shook his head softly, "So if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here."

Alexia thought that it would be best to check her phone, she hand't check on it ever since she called Lydia and faced Jennifer on the classroom. So she had probably tons of missed calls from Allison, probably Isaac and her Dad too. She wasn't wrong.

Alison – We're at Beacon Hills Hospital, where are you???

That was the last text, it was clear that her sister was worried sick. She cursed under her breath and rushed to the door on the other side of the room, everyone turning to look at her in confusion. Especially Scott, who rushed to her side right away, stopping her.

"Where are you going?"

"Allison is here." Alexia replied, concern showing on her tired features.

"Well, this she bring guns?" Stiles raised his eyebrow at her, "That would be really helpful."

A loud crashing sound came from the other side of the door, and Alexia realized it was the twins. They were back, and now she had three more people to worry about that she didn't before. So things weren't getting easy.

"Ok, we have one shot to get out of here." Alexia turned to face them, her eyes lastly resting on Scott who was still next to her, "One shot."

Scott nodded softly, like he was understand something hidden behind her words than no one else in that room had.

In a quick movement, Alexia kicked the door open, letting the other to find some secret weapon to help them. Scott and Alexia staggered out of the room, the twins walking their way. Peter followed them after, a syringe sticking out from his shoulder.

"Hope that lasts." Alexia muttered.

"Me too,"

She reached for the dagger on her right boot, shooting one last glance at Scott who looked down at her with his still yellow eyes, before howling and rushing towards the twins.

It wasn't a much fair fight, but Alexia was used to it by now. Of course, when she tried to swing at the voltron wolf with her weapon, they were quick to lift her in the air and throw against the hard wall of the hallway, her body falling to the floor. Well, at least she was a distraction for like two seconds. That was something, right?

Eventually, after being more beaten up than hitting some punches, the three stumble down the hallway. Peter's dose had ran out and Scott and Alexia were already too tired of getting punched around to try more. So each wrapped one of Peter's arms around their shoulders, carrying Derek's uncle with them to the closest room they could find to hide.

"Those twins are starting to piss me off." Peter muttered.

Alexia nodded, breathless, "I second that."

"How are we gonna get through them?" Scott wondered.

"I think that if we keep letting them hit us, they'll get tired and give up."

Scott's eyes scanned the room they were in with panic. Suddenly, his eyes rested on the compartment that had wrote laundry. Peter followed the werewolf's gaze and raised an eyebrow at him, to which Scott shrugged.

Alexia became aware of the exchange of looks the two were having a second after, her eyes looking for what they were considering as an escaping exit.

When she realized it, she shook her head repeatedly right away, "You've got to be fucking kidding me, right now!"

"Do you have a better idea?" Scott questioned, he was open to one.

She sighed in defeat, helping Peter on their way to the compartment. It was Derek's uncle who slided through it first, Scott insisted for Alexia to go before him, and he followed right after.

"Oh my god, this is so gross." Alexia protested, while getting out of the dirty laundry skep, "Haven't I been through enough tonight? When does it end, um."

Scott's phone interrupted the brown-haired girl's protests, it was an upcoming text.

"They couldn't get out, isn't that right?" Peter questioned.

Scott sighed, shoving his phone back into his pocket. He was the first to walk outside that room, Peter and Alexia following close behind. Never did Alexia thought she would be helping the Alpha who killed her Aunt Kate, but that again she didn't thought she was an Argent either.

Alexia realized they were heading to the garage, a slightly bit of hope that Stiles' had made it there with Cora excited her, and it was confirmed when Scott opened the back of the ambulance, revealing one of her best friends.

"Help us with him." Alexia asked, pushing Peter inside the ambulance with Scott's help.

"Where is Jennifer and Derek?" Stiles wondered.

Scott replied, "I need to go back for them and for my Mom."

"You stay here with them." Alexia told Stiles.

"No," The werewolf next to her wrapped his hand around her wrist, "you're staying too."

"What?" She frowned, "Are you kidding now? I'm going! Allison is still out there too!"

"What if Jennifer gets you? Or Deucalion?" Scott looked down at her in fear, the apology leaving his lips as an excuse for her to stay, "Listen, I'm sorry for not telling you, ok? But I can't lose you, Lexi. So, please,"

"If you're going" Alexia reached for his hand, echoing the words she told him back at the Motel, "you'll have to take me with you, Scott."

"Guys," Stiles coughed, calling their attention, "not wanting to interrupt but we have bigger problems. Kali has the keys and I saw the twins like ten minutes ago."

Scott looked conflicted with himself. He wanted Alexia to stay back with Stiles because he wanted her to be safe, but he also wanted her to go with him cause he also knew no one would probably protect Alexia as best as he could.

"Fine, but promise me you won't leave my side." Scott looked her in the eyes, "Promise!"

"I promise,"

Maybe Alexia should have stayed behind, she had a death sentence on her after all. Premonitions might take time to happen, but they do. Sooner or later.

Alexia was on borrowed time.  

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