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A few days later Taehyung was confused. Forlorn aswell, but mostly confused. In this short period after he rejected Jungkook, the younger completely changed his attitude towards Taehyung. The shy bunny was long gone and got replaced by a cocky and domestic teen.

He also noticed that Jungkook only acted cold when being around him but whenever one of their hyungs joined, he instantly turned back into the cutie everyone knew. Unfair, Taehyung thought. But then again, no matter how mean the younger was, he never denied a makeout session which the older was very glad for.

It hadn't occurred again since they made out at the door and slowly, Taehyung found himself missing— no, craving Jungkook's kisses. And he knew, he had to get the brunette to like him again. Not only because of their makeout sessions but because of the weird feeling in his tummy that occured everytime they kissed passionately.

Currently, they were sitting in their room, working on the lyrics for their songs. Yesterday they finished the first two tracks, thanks to Yoongi's and Namjoon's hard work. They composed the melodies and everybody loved them, they were really talented.

Now that the middle part was done, they focused on the very first and last song which were also group songs like the finished ones. While the six of them were discussing various parts, Jungkook sat at the window with a paper and a pen in his hands. Namjoon told him to collect ideas for his solo.

But of course the younger knew what he was going to sing. It would definitely be Euphoria since the song meant a lot to him and he couldn't picture singing another song, especially when she was going to watch their performance.

After all they composed it together and he wanted to surprise her with a full version but the problem was that the song only had a beginning, one verse and the refrain. On top of that, Jungkook could barely remember how they composed Euphoria because he was about 9 when they did so. Soon, memories came back and the brunette smiled as he got caught in a flashback.

"H-he's not stopping." nine-year old Jungkook sniffled, holding his crying baby brother in his arms.

"D-does he hate me?" he asked her, eyes big and filled with his own tears.

"Of course not," her bubbly laughter filled the room, "Mini probably just had a bad dream, Kookie."

Unsure what to do with the small baby in his arms, Jungkook looked at her with big, worried eyes. Giggling, she gestured him over and he quickly strid to her, careful to not drop his brother. He climbed into her lap and she secured her arms around them. Baby Minjoon finally stopped crying and looked at the two with curious eyes as they cradled him in their arms.

"We did it!" Jungkook's eyes sparkled, showing her his bunny teeth and she returned the smile.

"B-but what should we do against it? He's been crying often lately... Mini has a lot of nightmares." he pouted.

"How about we write a song for him?"

"Hyung!!" Jungkook's eyes lit up at the boy standing in the doorway.

"That's a great idea," she smiled, "so, a lullaby?"

"Yeah! Please, let's start right now!" Jungkook hopped down and jumped around, forgetting about the baby in his arms.

He only noticed when his brother started crying again and it didn't take the nine year old long before he was also sobbing along with his brother.

"Oh my, we should really hurry up." she laughed.

The smile never left Jungkook's lips, eyes sparkling at all those memories, Euphoria's melody ghosting around his mind.


Namjoon's voice made him snap back into reality and he threw a questioning look into his direction.

"We're done for today so we'll leave, the keys are over there!"

"Thanks, hyung! Bye!"

After the door was closed again, he sighed, running a hand through his hair as he tried to concentrate himself.

"Need help?"

Jungkook's body jerked from shock and he almost fell from the windowsill at the sudden voice.

"Sorry, I thought you heard me." Taehyung smiled apologetically and the brunette scoffed, ignoring him as he continued to think of lyrics.

"You're trying to come up with lyrics for Euphoria, right?"

"Where do you know its name from?"

"I just figured since the word is pretty much the keyword of the refrain but hey, turns out I was right."

"Great, good job, now leave me alone." Jungkook rolled his eyes and the other went silent.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Taehyung's small voice broke the silence eventually, "I apologised and you forgave me, am I right?"

"So? Why would you suddenly care if I behave differently? You didn't give a damn about it before, so why now?"

"I-it's because I—" like you.

Taehyung stopped and blushed, thumbs fiddling with his shirt.

"Annoying." Jungkook growled and tsked, getting up to leave but as always a hand on his wrist held him back.

"You're probably not gonna finish that at home, so no, you're not going anywhere." Taehyung spun him around and pushed him onto a chair before sitting down next to the surprised younger.

"I don't know if we should do this..." he sighed, a certain thought, memory, keeping him from wanting Taehyung to help him.

"Just shut up and cooperate for once."

Without complaining any further, they worked for a solid hour. Jungkook was even more surprised than he was to begin with because Taehyung had really been a big help. At the end they finished the song and Jungkook had to admit that he genuinely liked it.

"Thanks." the brunette said and stood up, getting ready to leave.

"No problem..." Taehyung replied, already standing at the door.

Jungkook walked up to him, confused why the other leaned onto the door, not stepping aside.

"Would you mind moving so I could leave?" the younger crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow but Taehyung just gulped, a blush adorning his cheeks.

"What is it?" Jungkook wanted to know but the other didn't respond.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. Could Taehyung be thinking about what happened the last time they were in this position? His lips turned up into a smirk as he stepped closer and watched in amusement as the older's breath hitched when he caged him inbetween his arms.

"I see, that's how it is, huh?" he whispered into the other's ear, not missing how Taehyung twitched as his hot breath hit his ear.

"You want it again, hm?"


Jungkook felt the blonde's hands grip his shirt to bring him the slightest bit closer. The younger however, pulled back to stare into Taehyung's beautiful eyes. This went on for a while until the older came closer but the brunette swiftly dodged his lips. Taehyung's eyes widened, confusion and fear visible in them.

"Don't be so greedy, hyung." Jungkook spoke softly and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"See you tomorrow then." the younger said and off he was.

While Jungkook was walking through the school's hallways, he couldn't help but smile. It was really Taehyung he finished Euphoria with. Others might be confused why this meant so much to him but the reason behind this is in the past.

"Why is there only one verse?" nine-year old Jungkook asked her, pointing at the paper infront of him.

"Do you really want to know, Kookie?"

"Yes, tell me!"

"It's because we want you to be the one to finish composing the song. It's a very special song to all four of us so you have to complete Euphoria with the person you love with your whole heart. Can you do that for us, baby bunny?"



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