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c h a p t e r 20

A searing pain shot up my neck. Slowly, I sat up stirring awake. I groan from the pain as my face scrunches from the sunlight greeting me. I hissed, prying open my eyes. Momentarily, I panicked, seeing rows of table in front of me.

That's right. I remember that we had to camp out here. Upon recalling, I turn to look at the sleeping boy beside me. I took the moment to stare at him.

He had his head propped up on his right arm while his left extended over the table. The subtle rise and fall of his chest as he breathes took mine away. A few strands of his blonde hair fell over his eyes, framing his face beautifully. I hated how he still looked like he was posing for a commercial even when he was just sleeping. I blushed as I forced myself to look away but couldn't. I had this massive urge to push back his blonde hair.

As if the heavens were punishing me for being such a creep and staring at an unknowing boy, the sharp pain hits my neck once again. As my hands reach up to rub my neck, I notice the jacket draped over my shoulder. Hyunjin's jacket. I blushed once more, taking it off and draping it back to its owner.

I glanced at the clock hung by the wall. 6:00 AM. My head whipped towards the door anxiously, knowing that breakfast would be served soon.

I bit my lip as I turn back to Hyunjin. I poke his shoulder lightly. "Hey." I said in a small voice, not wanting to startle him.

He doesn't budge.

I poke his head. "Hey."


His back.


His cheek. "Wake up, dumba-"

My words were cut short when he held my hands and rested them both back on the table. With closed eyes he murmured. "Give me a minute."

I flushed as he gripped on my hand tighter. After what felt like an eternity, he sat up, my hands still in his.

"Your hands are cold." He mumbled, half-asleep. He sweep his hair up lazily.

I pried my hands away in embarrassment. Of what? I do not know. "Let's head back. It's almost 7." I stood up.

He followed shortly after stretching. We head towards the door, the cool breeze of the morning greeting us. I involuntarily shiver as I hugged myself.

"Shall I give you another hug?" Hyunjin stepped closer to me with a smirk.

"Don't even think about it."

I was really tempted to jump in his arms.


"So, you and Hyunjin slept together?"

I choked on my own saliva by Seungmin's comment. I look at him in horror. "What?"

Bang Chan snickered. "What are you thinking about, Miso?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I taped a rolled paper together, turning my back against them to hide the furious blush.

For the first activity of the trip, the seniors were gathered in an empty events place and was told to form a group of three among our respective classes. I'm just thankful that Seungmin and Bang Chan were kind enough to adopt me into their team. After handing out a bunch of scratch papers, we were given a task to make a 'tower' using the materials provided which were papers, tape, and scissors. It was meant to build our teamwork skills.

"When Hyunjin made a call last night, he never came back."

My lips pursed, remembering the conversation I had overheard. My shoulders involuntarily slump down.

"..so Jisung went out early in the morning to look for him and told us he saw you guys." Seungmin continued, handing me a newly rolled paper.

"Oh. Yeah. I guess we did." I mumbled.

I stood up, intending to attach the papers to build our 'tower' only to wince in pain. My neck and shoulders were killing me. It was a wrong idea to sleep in that position.

Bang Chan took the papers from my hands, seeing my discomfort. "It's alright. I'll attach these while you roll the papers up." He shot me a warm smile, gesturing for me to sit down.

I mumbled a 'thanks' before slumping back on the floor.

"What happened, anyway?" Seungmin asked, eyeing my shoulder.

I rolled them back, attempting to ease the pain. "They're just stiff." I groaned in pain.

"Come here." He gestured for me to come closer.

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why?"

He rolled his eyes and approached me instead. Before I could protest, he was already massaging my shoulders. I almost cried in joy at how great it felt.

"He's good, huh?" Bang Chan smirked.

I could only nod, savoring this puppy's god-like hands.

"How did you end up getting locked out, though?" Bang Chan discretely tried to copy the strategies of other groups.

"I took a walk and found him talking to his girlfriend and we didn't realize that it was already 10 PM." I shrugged, leaving out a lot of details on purpose.

Seungmin's brows twister together in confusion. "His girlfriend?" He echoed.

I nodded.

He turned to look at Bang Chan who mirrored his expression. "By any chance, was he talking as if he was talking to a child? Saying stuff like shower with kisses or something?" Bang Chan raised a brow.

My nose scrunched up in response. "I see that he had taken calls with you guys in the room before."

Seungmin snorted behind me. "Oh, that's his girlfriend, alright."

So, he did have a girlfriend. Two of his friends had already confirmed. Why would he lie about it?

"Hey! Quit harassing Pororo." We turn to the source of the voice and saw Hyunjin approach us with a scowl. "Take your hands off her."

"Speak of the devil." Seungmin mumbled behind me. "I'm not harassing her. We were just talking about your girlfriend." He sat back down next to me.

If my shoulders could talk, they would be begging on their knees for his hands to come back. That's kinda bizarre now that I think about it.

Hyunjin's eyes flickered to mine, blinking several times. "I told you, I don't have a girlfriend."

Bang Chan threw an arm over Hyunjin's shoulder. "Oh, come on. You never told her about Kkami?"

Kkami, huh?

Hyunjin glared openly. "Kkami is my-"

"One true love. We know." Jisung popped up beside him with his hands intertwined together. "It's a very touching story. They've been together since he was 16." He gushed, faking a dreamy look.

I let out a squeak of surprise. "That long, huh?" I mumbled, keeping my eyes glued to the papers in front of me.

Hyunjin stepped closer only to halt by the sound of the teachers in front. "Five more minutes!"

Jisung gasped dramatically before grabbing Hyunjin by the shoulder. "Let's go! Our tower is still the size of an ant hill!"

Jisung ran back to their spots, dragging Hyunjin with him.

Seungmin scoffed. "He's the size of an ant hill."

I laughed, pushing back the foreign feeling of jealousy in my gut.

(a/n: happy 515 reads ㅠㅅㅠ)

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