t h i r t y - s e v e n

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c h a p t e r  37

I've read somewhere before that it was possible to have a stroke without you realising it. They're called silent strokes. And I think I was having one. On a second thought, now that I've said it, was it still considered a silent stroke? Anyway, it's safe to say that I was internally combusting.

"Miso, when will you stop avoiding my confessions? It's getting embarrassing." Hyunjin sighed as he played with my fingers.

My lips parted. "I'm not avoiding it." I mumbled, pressing my lips together.

"You're literally spacing out."

"You called me 'Miso'." I pointed out.

He tore his eyes away from my hands for a second. "That is your name." He chuckled before lightly touching a scar that I got from a long time ago.

"That's the second time you've called me by my name." I added, dumbly.

He hummed and turned quiet for a while. "Maybe because that way, you'll believe me when I say I like you." He frowned. "I'm not just messing with you, Miso."


Stunned and jaw agape, his head whipped towards my direction. "Okay, what?"

"Okay, I believe you."

"So, would you?" He raised a brow.

"Would I what?"

"Be mine."

I kid you not, I was 100% sure that the world hated me because before I could even blink, the door swings open.

"We're home!" Jeongin exclaimed, emerging with Jisung.

"Baby! I brought home some stew!" Jisung announced with his loud ass voice. "I mean, it's leftovers but whatever." He still hasn't noticed my presence and was still taking off his shoes by the doorway. "I also bought some medicine and if that doesn't work I'll just kiss your fever goodbye."

"And that's my cue." I stood up and dusted my pants, ready to leave.

Upon hearing my voice, Jisung tripped on his own feet causing him to fall on the floor. I gasped when Jeongin tripped over the latter. The fall did not seem to bother them and instead stared at me wide-eyed from the floor. I waved awkwardly. Hyunjin was visibly annoyed.

"Are those Hyunjin's clothes?" Jeongin exclaimed with a slight blush.

I tugged on the sleeves, uncomfortably. "Uh, yeah. My clothes kind of got wet." I explained shortly.

Jisung gasped dramatically. "Did you guys.."

I felt my cheeks heat up. "God no- I-"

Hyunjin stood up from the floor with a pout. "What do you mean 'God no'?" He sulked.

I stared at him incredulously, wondering why the hell did he think it mattered. "I meant-"

Jisung had now covered his mouth in horror. "So you did?" He whispered scandalously.

I don't know why Jeongin seemed to be more flustered than I was. He was touching his ear awkwardly and was looking everywhere but us. I was starting to feel bad for being here.

"Shut up, you idiot." Hyunjin hissed. "By the way, you're on cleaning duty for a month." He glared.

Jisung heaved an astounded sigh. "Me? Why?" He whined.

Hyunjin just narrowed his eyes threateningly and I envied how it was able to shut the poor boy up. Who am I kidding? Anyone would shut up if Hyunjin gave that look.

I shot Jisung a sympathetic smile before shrugging. "Have fun. I'm leaving." I retrieved my soiled clothes from the floor and began marching towards the door.

"Wait, I'll come with. Stay here for a minute, please." Hyunjin did not wait for my reply and dashed back into his room.

Jisung sneered. "You know he never says 'please' to us." He shot the closed door a disappointed look and began punching the open air. "Miso, do me a favor and leave."

I did not need to be told twice. I was horrible with everything that related to both confrontations and emotions. Unsurprisingly, I was definitely not ready to give him an answer and I guess I stand corrected. I was avoiding his confessions. Sue me, I'm a coward.

It's hilarious how I wanted to confess just a few days ago and now I was avoiding him like the plague.

I hurriedly stepped out of their dormitory and shut the door slowly to prevent it from making any noise. I still had my back on the hallways that had footsteps echoing noisily. That's when I heard the voices. Boys? Oh, yeah. I was in the boy's bulding.

"Fuck. The helmet." I muttered, the terror lacing my voice.

Going back inside was not an option. I refuse to. I thought of tightening the hood over my face and whizing towards the exit like a madman but I think that will attract more attention than avoid it. I also thought of jumping outside the window to end all of my miseries but again, that will attract more attention.. and possibly injuries.

"Hey, who are you?"

That was it. I was dead. Maybe Jisung could kiss my diploma goodbye.

The option of beheading myself was crossed out when the door swings open and in the next second I was engulfed in a hug. I stood there motionless, trying to process what was happening. Hyunjin was hugging me. He was flat out hugging me and over his shoulder, I could see that Jisung and Jeongin were cringing violently.

Hyunjin shut the door quickly and then I felt his lips brush my ear. "You should really start listening to me." He whispered.

I was thankful for the hug since he won't be able to see my undoubtedly blushing face. "Don't tell me what to do." I mumbled lamely.

He chuckled before putting the helmet over my head. "What's up, Beomgyu." He greeted the unknown boy before casually putting a hand over my shoulders.

"Hey." Beomgyu, it seems, greeted briefly before eyeing me suspiciously. "Who is that?" He asked, attempting to look closer into the face shield.

Hyunjin pulled me closer to his side. "Jisung." He said flatly.

I don't know if I should be offended that Beomgyu only nodded in understanding. "Did he grow shorter?" He asked, genuinely curious.

The comment was not directly for me but I felt so disrespected. I frowned from behind the shield. Hyunjin, however, laughed out loud which earned him an elbow in the ribs.

"Why is he wearing a helmet?"

"Pimple. He's been very insecure lately." Hyunjin shrugged nonchalantly.

Even for me, the excuse sounded so ridiculous but again, Beomgyu only nodded in understanding. "I understand." He reached for my hands and cradled it.

What the hell was there to understand?

Hyunjin boldly slapped his hand away which surprised the both of us. "Sorry, I thought there was a fly." He smiled before tugging me away. "We're off to buy some insoles and pimple patches."

"Was that really necessary?" I asked when we were a good few feet away.


(a/n: hi. im dumb author hbu. :) kinda short chap but thats bcos this fic's coming to aN eND SO SAY YOUR GOODBYES, ive finished making the cover for the next one tho :> tysm for 91k huhu ily all so much keep safe and healthy !)

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