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"So you guys seem to be getting pretty cozy, huh?"

Thankfully Kallie dropped the whole daddy joke when I made it clear I wasn't going to entertain it — especially with Jackson on the other side of the wall.

I continued to ignore her teasing as I went to my record player and put on Jimi Hendrix, hoping the loud guitar would drown out Kallie's traveling voice, as Jackson put it.

"You're already at the 'stealing each other's shit' stage of the relationship," she cooed, sitting crossed legged on my bed before giving me an irritated look. "And the 'leaving your best friend outta the loop when you decide to skip' stage."

I wanted to state that I didn't steal his hoodie — I just failed to give it back after they forced it on me while I was unconscious.

Kallie still hadn't brought that up though, so I sure as hell wasn't going to remind her she hadn't yelled at me about it yet.

Jackson, on the other hand, stole my pillow.

He probably only took it to get on my nerves, but in all honesty, the action did anything but. I couldn't be mad at the thought of him sleeping with something that smelled like me; I secretly hoped my scent gave him as much comfort as his did for me.

It was pointless to try and tell myself I'd been sleeping in his hoodie because it was comfortable. While I loved being able to completely envelope myself in the soft, oversized fabric, the real reason was the smell.

The mix of smoke and sandalwood was my new solace.

I was on the verge of a panic attack after eating half a sandwich for dinner Saturday night. I was shaky and weak, so I knew I needed it, but my mind immediately went into overdrive once I finished.

My head was in a frenzy, so I didn't think anything of it as I slipped on his hoodie while I changed clothes.

But my labored breaths and irregular heartbeat instantly became easier to control when Jackson's scent surrounded me.

Even though I was scared of what I didn't know about him. Even though he wasn't actually there, he still managed to calm me down.

"It's not a relationship," I frowned, ignoring the pang in my chest as I sat down. "And I'm sorry, I overslept."

It wasn't a complete lie, I just left out the part where it was on purpose.

"So you both just happened to not go to school on the same day," Kallie pursed her lips as she nodded slowly. "And stayed home...alone."

I scrunched my nose up at her. "I was asleep until not that long ago."

I felt bad for keeping Kallie out of the loop. I mean, she knew literally everything about my life at this point.

This wasn't just my life though, and I had more respect than to blurt out someone else's secrets — even though it seemed like it was only a secret to me.

"Whatever you say, Buttercup."

Wow. So now my best friend doesn't even believe me when I'm telling the truth. Well, partial truth.

"You remember that time I bought that cheap swimsuit online, and it ended up being small enough to put on a baby doll?" She spoke suddenly with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Um," I blinked at her for a moment. "Yes?"

"Your excuses are about as trustworthy as that shady site — still can't believe I ignored all the signs," she tutted, shaking her head in disappointment.

And now I'm a shady website that scams people?

"Aren't you supposed to be in class for another..." I paused, checking the time on my phone, "twenty minutes?"

Not that I was upset she was here, but I secretly wished I'd had more time alone with Jackson. I couldn't get over the fact that he wanted me here when he got home.

Despite him seeming okay now, I couldn't get his panicked eyes and shaky voice out of my head. Not knowing what was wrong was killing me because I didn't know how to help.

Maybe I didn't need to know what was wrong to help, though. Maybe I was doing more damage than good by making him promise to tell me.

He was hurting, and all I was worried about was getting him to open up to me.

Even when I'm thinking of others, I'm still fucking selfish. How is that even possible?

"I'm supposed to be in the bathroom," Kallie gave me a mischievous smirk. "Mrs. Doorknob's pregnancy brain won't even notice I'm gone."

Durnum. Her name is Mrs. Durnum.

"Besides, I wanted to come make sure you were alive before Elliott got off work," she continued before raising her eyebrows suggestively. "Seems like you were in pretty good hands, though."

"Things are going to be awkward forever now, aren't they?" I grimaced, ignoring her last remark.

"Pfft," she waved a hand dismissively. "Nothing is going to be awkward — I just need a little time."

I gave her a sympathetic look while she shrugged, as if to say no big deal, but her face said otherwise.

This was extremely out of character for Kallie. She's shed a tear or two after breaking up with a guy before, but most of the time she was more annoyed about it than anything.

Now here she was, messed up over a fight with my brother.

Granted, it seemed like a big fight, but when it comes to guys, normally she'd bounce back by the next day or two.

"So are you guys just...done?" I asked hesitantly. "Or are you going to try to work things out?"

"I don't know," Kallie said softly, lifting a shoulder. "It's not like we were official or anything, so maybe I should just back out now. I don't know if I can give him what he needs — he should be with someone who can."

"What if you are what he needs?" I asked, poking her arm. "He told me himself you guys are having fun. I was grossed out at the time because I thought he was talking about...that kind of fun, but no. He's having fun with youwithout sex."

The corner of her lip twitched as she looked down at her lap.

"I've never seen you like this over a guy, so I know you don't want to back out," I continued confidently. "I'm not saying he wasn't in the wrong for what he said, but us Giddens have a track record for saying things we don't mean when we're mad or upset."

Kallie pursed her lips and nodded her head to the side to show her agreement.

"Wow, not even gonna try to argue with that one, thanks," I snorted, but she just shrugged again with a small laugh.

"I think you should tell him what you told me. If he's not okay with it, at least you'll know for sure — instead of calling it quits because you assumed he wouldn't understand," I nodded as I crossed my arms. "I'll even try to talk some sense into him first, if you want."

"No, don't do that," she said quickly, eyes bulging. "I'll talk to him, just not yet."

Just then the front door slammed, and Kallie's eyes got impossibly bigger.

"Please tell me that's Debbie coming home to yell at you for skipping school," she squeaked out as we heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Don't think so," I said with a grimace, so she jumped up, quickly going to the door and locking it.

"He's not supposed to get off for another three hours!" She whisper yelled before jumping away from the door when the knob rattled.

We both stared at the door when an obnoxious knocking started.

After a moment of continuous knocking, I groaned and went to the door, silently telling Kallie to be quiet.

"What do you want, dumb ass?" I asked impatiently as I cracked the door, sticking my head out to glare at my brother.

"Let me talk to her," Elliott demanded, trying to look past me.

I furrowed my brow, feigning confusion as I glanced around my room, purposely looking over the Kallie statue hidden behind the door before peeking back out. "Who?"

"I'm not a fucking idiot, B," Elliott snapped, crossing his arms. "Her car is outside."

"You are a fucking idiot, actually," I retaliated, not letting up my death grip on the door.

"Okay, yeah I am," he groaned as he dropped his arms. "Now open the door."

Since when does my brother actually admit to being an idiot?

I quickly hid the shock on my face, jutting my chin out stubbornly. "If I don't?"

"I'm stronger than you," he raised his eyebrows challengingly, but sighed when I stayed in place.

"C'mon, Kallie," he spoke a little louder, throwing his head back.

Kallie sighed softly next to me, so I loosened my grip on the door to look at her, nervously chewing on her bottom lip.

Before I could blink, I was being pushed back as Elliott shoved his way into the room.

"Excuse you," I snapped after I caught my balance, but my words fell to deaf ears.

Kallie's eyes were as wide as saucers as Elliott took a small step toward her, shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Can we talk?" He asked her lowly before glancing at me, lips pressed in a tight line as he turned back to Kallie. "In my room, maybe?"

"Depends on what you have to say," she responded stubbornly, crossing her arms.

That's more like her.

"What do you want me to say?" Elliott exasperated, making me want to strangle him as I saw pain flash across Kallie's face, until he continued.

"I'm an idiot? I already said that. The thought of my man-whore friend touching you makes me sick? Because it fucking does," he tugged on his hair, as if he was trying to pull the thought out of his head.

"I'm sorry? Because I am," he dropped his hands from his hair, smacking them against his sides. "Please?"

Kallie slowly uncrossed her arms as she looked between him and me, uncertainty painting her features.

Then without a word, she stepped past both of us and walked out of the room.

"God dammit," Elliott hissed through his teeth, tangling his hands in his hair again.

I didn't like being in this position — I wasn't sure who I was supposed to comfort at this point.

Since Elliott was closer at the moment, I stepped up to him and patted his shoulder awkwardly. "She just —"

"Are you coming or what?" Kallie's impatient voice from the hall cut me off.

"Shit — uh, yeah," Elliott stuttered and straightened his back, so I dropped my hand.

"Move," he pushed me out of the way, practically sprinting out of the room.

Why does everyone manhandle me so much?

I sighed as I was left alone, Night Bird Flying playing from my record player.

"...please take me through your dreams, inside your world I want to be..."

"Me too, Jimi, me too," I mumbled to myself as Jackson's panicked eyes flashed through my mind again.

When it came to Jackson though, I didn't want to be selfish anymore.

I wanted to know what happened, but I wanted him to tell me because he wanted to — not because I forced it out of him.

He promised he would tell me, but now I felt guilty because of it. I pushed him to the point of feeling like he had to tell me, and that's unfair.

He wanted me to be here for him today, but I used that to my advantage and tried to pull information out of him.

This family is full of a bunch of fucking idiots.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I forced myself to Jackson's room, quietly opening the door in case he was already asleep.

I heard the Friends' theme song playing lowly as I took him in — laying on his back, head on my pillow as he glared at the ceiling.

He whipped his head to the side when I shut the door behind me, and those dark eyes shown with the emotion I hated to see in them most. Pain.

Not even thirty minutes ago he was teasing me. Joking, laughing.

Was that all just a front to hide this?

I bit my tongue to keep from asking him what was wrong. I wasn't going to push anymore.

I just wanted him to know I was here.

"What're you doing?" Jackson asked lowly, voice thick with emotion — making me realize I was still standing by the door, staring at him like an idiot.

That pained voice is killing me. I just want to make it go away.

With slow, unsure steps, I walked forward until I was standing next to his bed, looking down at him.

"Take it back," I whispered as Tormenta moved to the other side of the bed, further away from me.

You would be out in the cold if it weren't for me, ungrateful bitch.

"Take what back?" He rasped out, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"Your promise," I responded softly. "Take it back."

His face smoothed out with realization before he furrowed his brow again. "Why?"

"Because I pushed you into it," I started, heart hammering in my chest as his eyes bored into mine. "You shouldn't feel obligated to tell anyone anything you don't want to."

"You can't just take promises back," he turned back to the ceiling, making me let out a small, annoyed huff.

Just let me be selfless for once, dammit.

Well, twice. Almost forgot about the demon cat.

"Divorces happen all the time — that's taking a promise back," I lifted a shoulder, earning a humorless snort from Jackson. "Just take it back, Jax."

The corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "Fine, I take it back."

"Thank you," I breathed out with a small nod, but my feet stayed rooted in place.

"Is that all you wanted?" He asked, lifting a questioning brow.

"Y-yeah, sorry, um...I'll let you sleep," I stuttered, turning to leave.

"Come 'ere," he whispered, making everything come to an abrupt stop. My feet. My breath. My heart.

Good God. And I thought the pained voice was going to be the death of me.

I turned back around to see a small, tired smile on his face, but the pain was still there. "What?"

His only response was him scooting over to make room for me, pulling back the covers.

Swallowing hard, I slowly laid down on the edge of the bed, and he immediately threw the covers over me.

Biting my lip, I tried to ignore the burning gaze I felt on the side of my face as I kept my eyes glued to the tv.

Something felt different about being in his bed with him, instead of in mine. It made me nervous when he was in my bed, but for some reason, my nerves were intensified in here.

I'd been in this room hundreds of times before, but being in here now, surrounded by Jackson, just felt...unexplainably different.

Last time I was in here, I was trying to push away my feelings, replacing them with anger.

Now the only anger I felt was aimed towards whoever, or whatever, was making Jackson feel this way.

And I'd accepted my feelings, even though I knew I'd probably get burned in the end. If I could take just a fraction of the pain he felt with me though, I'd walk into the flames willingly.

"You're gonna fall off," Jackson chuckled, so I turned my head to look at him. He still had the same tired smile on his face as he cocked his head, gesturing for me to move closer.

I cleared my throat as I looked down at the small space between us before slowly inching closer.

"Why're you nervous, bonita?" He asked teasingly, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer, until my thigh was pressed against his. "We're just watching tv."

Because your touch lights a fire in my gut.

Because I don't want my feelings to show, and scare you off before I can try to help.

"I'm not," I said, but the shaking in my voice said otherwise, so I turned my focus back on the tv.

I groaned when I realized what episode he was watching — the one that starts the whole we were on a break bullshit. "Ugh, I hate this episode — he's such a piece of shit."

"Why?" Jackson asked, scooting down to settle into my pillow again. I was still slightly leaned up against the wall, so his head was now level with my ribs.

"Because he's jealous, clingy, and annoying," I scowled at the tv, making Jackson laugh through his nose.

"He's in love," he responded softly, making my heart clench as his eyes focused on the tv.

Okay, this is definitely not a conversation I should be having with him.

"Oh yeah, so in love that he cheated," I snorted, simultaneously trying to remind myself how to breathe.

I was stepping into dangerous territory, but maybe arguing about fictional characters would take his mind off whatever internal pain he was feeling.

I hope. Otherwise I'm pushing myself toward cardiac arrest for no reason.

"He didn't cheat," he said simply, making my scoff and glare down at him.

"So you're one of those people," I lifted my nose, feigning disgust.

"What people?" He asked, squinting up at me. His eyes were becoming more playful, so the plan seemed to be working.

"You know," I waved a hand vaguely, holding back a proud smile. "The they were on a break people."

"No," he dragged out. "They broke up."

"No," I dragged out even longer. "She specifically said a break, not break up — therefore, he cheated."

"Breaks are bullshit," Jackson snorted. "It's all or nothin'. She broke up with him — therefore, he didn't cheat."

All or nothin'. I like the sound of that.

"So you're telling me," I slid down to settle my head into the pillow, arm flush against his, "if someone broke your heart, you would immediately jump into someone else's pants?"

I pressed my lips together as soon as the words were out, slowly turning back to the tv.

Too far, Brylee. Too far.

"Not sayin' I would," he shrugged against me before repeating my action. "Just can't judge someone else's way of coping."

I hummed in response, not knowing if I could actually form words.

"Hey, Lee," he whispered, and I felt him turn his head toward me again.

"Hm?" I turned to see him frowning slightly, but it slowly turned into a soft smile.

His eyes flicked between my own before turning back to the tv again. "Thanks."

"For what?" I asked, barely above a whisper, watching the side of his face.

"Just," he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before letting go, looking back at me. "Thanks."

Then he quickly leaned over, roughly pecking my forehead before falling back onto his — my — pillow, looking at the tv like nothing even happened.

I think my heart just exploded.

My mouth opened and closed several times, but words continued to fail me, so I awkwardly nodded and turned to the tv — making Jackson let out a small laugh through his nose.

Then my stomach effectively ruined the moment, letting out a noise that I could only imagine a dying whale would sound like.

Well, if my feelings don't scare him off, the inhuman sounds my body is capable of making definitely

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