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3. Paige

In the darkest corner of her walk-in closet, which was the size of most one-bedroom apartments, sat Paige. With her girlish knees brought to her chest, she wept. She hated herself more, each day, for missing him as much as she did. Her anger was turning her into another person she didn't recognize. Her heartache filled her lungs with resentment and every word spoken burned your eardrums with the hurt that it carried. Her three-carat wedding ring set still sat on the vanity and began to collect a bit of dust. He had asked for it back – her ex-husband, Tucker – but she refused to see him in-person. It was too difficult. She was so extremely tormented by him, both physically and emotionally, but couldn't imagine life without him at the same time. When he left, a part of her fizzled out, like a hot, steamy romance that happens once in a lifetime. "This is what most failed marriages do to people – it forces them to grieve. And it's natural to mourn the loss of a spouse as if they died" her therapist told her. Paige's company, TiramiSHOE, was all she had left it seemed and it started losing momentum when her marriage did. What did she have, now, to show for? Her beauty, sure, but what else? No one wanted her. She overheard the friend of one of her casual hookups say, "She's damaged goods", to someone she didn't know at an event, but clearly had read about her divorce online. Rebounds weren't helping despite Brooke telling her otherwise. That feeling of being wanted – desired – only numbed the pain for as long as a stiff drink did.

Paige Willard is a self-made 29-year-old millionaire who launched her own company designing and selling women's shoes seven years ago. Growing up in Beverly Hills, money was never an issue, but whatever she wanted her parents made her work hard to get. Being raised a go-getter meant never settling until Bryson Knox came along. They both were twenty-four at the time and he rocked her world and flipped it upside down in a matter of twenty-four hours. From the start, their relationship was toxic, volatile, but brutally passionate. Her career, that she worked hard for, was taking off while his was nonexistent. After two years together – on-and-off – they parted ways when Tucker swooped in and swept her off her feet to later ride off into the sunset with a dark shadow that snapped at their heels.

Tucker molded himself into what people wanted him to be. He masters the art of putting on a poker face until someone calls his bluff, so it wasn't a surprise when Paige's family adored him from the beginning and was thrilled to see Bryson out of the picture and out of Paige's way to success. They thought he dragged her down.

It had only been two months into the relationship when they wed. Their life was picture-perfect for two years and then there was turbulence. Tucker changed overnight. He stopped caring about her feelings; her needs; her aspirations. He stopped meeting her in the middle. Paige wondered if there was another woman and how he could turn into someone who was so closed off, especially after finding out they were having a baby. Was it the baby? She thought. They'd been trying to conceive for months prior and after it happened, he wasn't as thrilled as she was. Their fights turned violent. He became physically and verbally abusive and she lost the baby - to stress, not to Tucker's quick backhand. Devastated, he made her believe she was worthless and incapable of carrying life. With a heavy heart that bore the weight of more than the miscarriage, she decided to file for divorce that he happily agreed to sign off on. Just like that, he wiped his hands of her. She wanted closure. He wanted a new life – one she wasn't a part of.

It didn't make sense.

She rubbed the smeared makeup from her face just when she heard her phone ringing in the next room.

One new voicemail from GeneYES Productions.

"Hi Ms. Willard. This is Freddie Gene from GeneYES Productions. I got your contact information from your agent. I'm reaching out to you today in hopes of you swinging by the studio at your earliest convenience to audition for an upcoming reality show that is currently being developed. Brooke Knolling has recently signed on with us and suggested we get in touch. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please give me a callback so we can set up a time to meet in person. Hope to hear from you soon."


Sitting before four strangers, the only thing on her mind at that moment was a cocktail, which was a nice break from Tucker. He was all she thought about...for now.

She saw them acknowledge her shyness. Paige wasn't nearly as bold and confident as Brooke was.

Her smile was warm and genuine and despite how much eye makeup was brushed on, she was stunning.

"How are you today," he asked, cheery.

"I'm good." She lied. "How are you?"

The sound of her voice was comforting to his ears.

"I'm doing great – thanks for asking. So, before we start, do you have any other questions regarding the premise of the show? I know we spoke over the phone yesterday, but I just want to make sure I answer everything before we begin." Freddie was attracted to her modesty.

"Nope. I'm ready when you are."

"Awesome. First off, tell me about your friendship with Brooke. She spoke very highly of you." Freddie knew how to butter anyone's biscuit and butter it well.

"Brooke and I have been friends for years. She modeled my shoes. We've been, very close, I'd say, since my brand grew." She spoke maturely.

Everything about Paige from the way her lips moved when she spoke, to how she dressed, resembled the girl-next-door. If only her recent choice in men and what she did with them in the bedroom could reflect that. Freddie didn't want to believe she was turning into a mini version of Brooke.

"Brooke is definitely easy to get along with." Joanna now intervened.

"I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. The tabloids made it seem like it was a nasty experience for you." Joanna sympathized. "How've you been coping?"

Tears welled in her eyes. Reporters had been portraying her as the villain, but she wasn't. She was the victim.

"I've been doing okay." She blinked at a rapid rate to make her tears disappear. "Some days are better than others but staying busy has really helped."

Allegra, a new voice among them, asked, "What keeps you busy?"

She paused knowing they were digging for something that could be spun into an interesting storyline. Paige needed to be on this show. Any show produced by Freddie Gene was surely to be a hit. Her wallet, and her reputation, needed a boost.

"During the day – my business. During the night – lovers."

Their eyes widened as if they had found buried treasure.

She knew what she was doing and didn't like it. She would have never answered a question with that response pre-divorce. Or pre-Tucker.

"Speaking of lovers..." Freddie now spoke.

Oh great. Just what I need – to answer another question about Tuck.

"Tell me about your history with Bryson Knox."

Hearing his name caught her way off guard.

"We're considering him to be a part of the cast. How do you feel about that?"

She didn't answer right away. Instead, her mind took her back three years ago to their wild and tumultuous time together.


Exhaling softly, she said, "Bryson is a great guy. We dated years ago, but we're just friends. It's ancient history."

But they weren't friends. They weren't anything but strangers now who knew what the other looked like naked and what made the other tick and melt simultaneously. Their relationship didn't end well. She had built him up in her head to be someone who's now mature and letting the past stay where it belonged after reading about what he's been up to online, secretly, over the years.

"Do you think, if put in the same room, you two would rekindle?"

"No." She lied. "Our relationship was a rollercoaster; one I wouldn't ride again."

Brushing her lengthy, highlighted bangs back with her fingers she slipped in, "I don't think."

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