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Hello....Long chapter ahead......

You are all going to hate me after this.........

"Adrian get your fat arm off me," I groaned, trying to push his arm off my waist. I put a wall of pillows between us every night and in the morning it always ends up like this. After 2 weeks, I'm still not used to this.

"It's not fat, it's muscular," he answered back. Yeah, it is, but I still want to annoy him.

"Nah, its pure fat. I saw you eating all of my brownies yesterday and the contents of the sweet jar was empty," I told him, my back facing towards him.

"The brownies was me. The...sweets...wasn't me. It was Harry, the guard. I saw him," Aidan insisted. "Yeah. He was there, scoffing it all down his greedy gob. Little twat."

I turned around to face him, which was hard because of his arm. Then, I squinted my eyes.

"Harry was in the living room, talking to your mom," I said. His face dropped, before he put his face in the crook of my neck. Why does this guy always do this?

"I'm sorry," he apologised in the most cutest voice. Aww...........I really couldn't give a fudge.

"Just get off me," I shoved him and he did finally move. Making my way to the bathroom, I locked the door, stripped and got into the shower. Since I was staying here, I told the maids to get me the golden raspberry and mint shampoo because I couldn't leave. I shampooed my hair twice and rinsed it before putting in my conditioner.

Oh my Mayo. I mentally cursed myself as I realised that I forgot to tell the maids to get me my body wash. Ugghhhh. Realising I had to use Aidan's, I scrubbed my body with it until I was clean.

Now I'm gonna smell of him.

My mind drifted to the thought that my brothers haven't come yet. It's been a week-I thought they'd be here by now. Have they given up? Are they even trying?

I sighed and continued to shower, pushing those thoughts at the back of my mind.

Once I finished my shower, I dried my hair and changed into a black shirt with some blue jeans

My hair came out slightly curled after I dried it, as usual.

"Kitten, you take forever!" I heard Aidan complain.

"Don't rush me!" I yelled back.


I opened the door see Aidan dressed in his casual clothes-a black shirt with some black

He's staying here-again. Great. Quickly, he walked up to me, grabbing my small hand in his large one.

"You smell like me," he said.

"Yeah, I had no body wash to use so I used yours," I shrugged as he lead me out of the room. "Where are we going?"

"My office. I need to finish off some work," he replied as I groaned. Not again. Seriously-I don't want to be stuck in his office for hours.

"Can I go to the library," I asked as we reached his office. Then I realised what had happened last time I told him I wanted to get away from him. "Because I really don't want to disturb you or anything."

He looked at me with sad eyes. Guilt washed through me. Damn, I'm going too soft with this guy.

"Fine, but meet me for lunch in 3 hours." I nodded as he kissed my temple, before I sprinted down the hallways. When he was out of sight, I wiped the side of my temple with my shirt. I am not having that guy's saliva on me.

Speaking of food, I haven't even had breakfast. Never mind, I'm too lazy to run all the way to the kitchen on the other side of the house.

Finally reaching the library, I decided to read on the love seat near the window, the garden in view.

"Now which book..." I hummed, skimming the bookshelf nearest to me. "Maze runner, the death cure! The last book I need to read."

Oh my Mayo. I'm talking to myself.

Sitting in the seat, my legs hanging off the armchair, I opened the book and started to read.

After an hour, I finished the book. I still can't believe that he is alive (not spoiling it for those who haven't read the book/watched the last movie)

I was just about to get up when I heard a tap.

What was that?

Tap! Tap!

In confusion, I turned around to face the window, only to have somebody standing behind it.




Quickly, I opened the window so he could get in. It wasn't even seconds before I tackled him into a hug.

"Oh Ari, I missed you," he mumbled into my ear.

"Where have you been!" I screeched into his ear.

"Wow, I'm saving your life. No thank you or I miss you," he replied, hugging me tighter.

I didn't even realise the tears falling from my eyes. The tears of happiness

"Come on, let's get you outta here, yeah?" He nodded, grasping my hand.

I nodded. He began to run before I stopped him.

"Thank you. And I missed you too Damon."


"Here, you need to put this on your neck." He took out a small
button like object. He tilted my neck and put it onto my neck, it sticking like glue. Weird. Then, he got out a walkie-talkie. Cooool. I used to always play with those when I was small.

"She has it on. Operate it when I tell you. Over," he said into the walkie-talkie.

"Copy that," the voice said, which sounded a lot like Damien's. They're here too?!

Tugging my hand, Damon started leading my through the corridors. He placed some kind of machine in the dining room of the house. What the mayo is that?! What the mayo is he doing?! WHAT THE MAYO IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!

The sound of guns firing, men shouting , filled the air. I looked at Damon with a worried glance. He just gave me a tight smile.

"Turn it on.......now," he said into the walkie-talkie. I saw a bunch of Aidan's men run for us, and before I knew, they were all on the floor, squirming in pain.

"What the mayo?!" I turned to Damon.

"I'll explain to you later," he muttered as he lead me to the outside door. We passed loads of bodies, some dead and some in the floor in pain. As we rain, I looked in the rooms to see some very violent fights. I kept my head forward, swallowing the bile down.

Outside, there was a helicopter waiting for us. 2 men came out, and I smiled happily.

"Damien, Daniel." I was brought into a huge bear hug as I started crying. I'm crying too much today.

"I missed you guys so much."

"We missed you too squirrel. Come on. Let's go home," Damien whispered into my ear. I smiled, wiping away the tears


I'm going home.

I'm actually going home.

Damien got into the pilot seat, whilst Damon got in the back. Daniel grabbed my by the waist, slowly lifting me up so Damon could grab me since the Helicopter was too tall for me to climb into.

"Damon, tell the men to retreat back to the plane," Damien ordered. Damon nodded, pulling out his phone.

This is it.

It's over.


I sighed in relief, sitting back.



The sound of a gun.

Once again, I spoke too soon. I looked out, seeing the one person I totally forgot about.


He stood there, his body sweating and a pistol in his hand. The worst part was that the pistol was facing towards us. Standing only a few metres away, he decided to take a step forward. All his clothes were torn and tattered, covered in a dark liquid. Blood.

"Give me back my kitten," he said through gritted teeth, but we heard.

I had got out of the helicopter now, which was a really tikis thing to do.

Damon, who had finished on the phone, was about to charge at him but Daniel held him back. I noticed how Aidan had one of those buttons on his neck, except his was covered in blood-and I don't think it was his either.

"She's a Decrola, she's with us," Damon growled from my right. Damien had come out now, moving to stand beside my left. Daniel was in front, blocking me from Aidan. I could only see him over his shoulder on my toes.

"I couldn't give a f*** about who she is. She's mine, and that's what matters," Adrian answered back, his finger brushing over the trigger making me freeze for a second or two.

Damon took a step forward, so he was next to to Daniel now. "First you take away our parents, and now our sisters."

Wait what?

"Wait what?" I spoke my mind. Damien glared daggers at the back of Damons head. I took a few steps forward, so I was in line with the two boys. Damien stood back, grabbing my wrist to prevent me from going any further.

Adrian chuckled darkly, looking down for a second before making eye contact with me. "Oh, your big brothers never told you."

"Told me what?" I asked in confusion.

"They knew, actually. A few weeks back. They knew who was responsible for your parents' death."

My head tilted to the side, myself ignoring the pain I felt when my parents were mentioned.

"They were assassinated of course, by the Italians," he told me.

"The-The Italians?" I stuttered. I don't even know why I am surprised.

"But that's not all. They weren't the only ones involved," Adrian carried on. "Your parents, especially your father, were trying to lay low as they knew that the Italians were out for them. The Italians were growing stronger each year-especially with their technology. Someone tipped your father that there was some sort of meeting going on in Hawaii, and that he needed to go. It was lie though. Going to Hawaii was the perfect chance for the Italians to assassinate them."

I stood there, speechless. All three brothers looked to the ground. They knew, but they never told me...

"But that is not all. A few weeks back, once your brothers knew that your parents were assassinated. They did some research to find out who were the ones who tipped your parents of this 'so call meeting'."

"You little shi-" Damon began but once again was stopped by Daniel who pushed him back. Adrian chuckled again, takings. Step forward.

Then, it came to me. I felt the tears that brimmed in my eyes.

"Yeah. My grandfather, the top mafia leader, was the one to tip your father off. He knew that the Italians wanted to kill your father. So he told them about a meeting that was happening in Hawaii. My grandfather knew that the Skullz were growing very strong, and one day that the stupid gang would be stronger than the mafia-it sounds silly but it was true. So my grandfather put a stop to it. I'm glad he did too."

That was it. My legs weakened and I let my tears flow. I've been lied to so many times. Now the truth is out. My parents murder went from a plane crash to this shoe.

"Now now Kitten, don't cry. Come on," he told me. I stood my ground. I might be angry at my brothers, but I wouldn't dare go back to him. "Ok, let me rephrase my orders. Come here right now or you will lose another family member."

My eyes widened in worry, shock and fear. When nobody moved, Adrian shot a bullet right near Daniels feet, the bullet dodging his feet by inches.

That pushed me. I started to move forward, making Adrian smile. A hand grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"What are you thinking Ariella.
Get back here!" Damien hissed but I shook my head.

"No Damien. You are not going to die because of me, I refuse. You guys have done so much for me. You don't deserve to die like this." I just gave a small smile and started to walk towards Adrian.

I turned around at the last few seconds, walking backwards. The pain was evident on my brothers faces. Damon tried to get to me but Damien was holding him back. He was shouting at Damien, saying that he couldn't give me up.

My back hit Adrian's chest, and his muscular arm wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly.

"There's a good kitten," he cooed in my ear before resting his chin on my head. I saw the disgust on my brothers' faces, their eyes glaring at Adrian's face. Aidan was most likely smirking.

Quietly, I sobbed as I saw a tear fall down Daniels face and Damien's face. Damon was still struggling against Damien.

"But, your brothers need to learn a lesson. That they don't get to take what's mine."

And before I knew it, the sound of a gunshot rang in my ears, my eyes closing at the sound.

Once they opened, I froze, my breath hitched and I felt as if I would collapse.

The sight I saw made me want to scream and cry, but I couldn't.

Daniel lay on the floor, a bullet lodged into his chest. Blood seeped onto the gravel, staining it.

Reality once again hit me hard on the face.

"GET OFF ME YOU MONSTER! YOU SHOT HIM! GET OFF ME!" I screeched, fighting against him. But his arm restricted me from getting away from him.

My other two brothers dropped to his side, trying to help him. His chest rose and fell slowly, the rhythm slowing down every second.

"Get off me please. I need to get to him." I pleaded. I had to get him off me, so I did the first thing that came to mind-I bit his upper arm-hard. He let go.

Without wasting another moment, I ran towards them, falling onto my knees.

"No no no no no," I began to mutter. The blood was everywhere, and it was still flowing out. "Help him Damien, Damon. Help him!" I yelled. Damien had tried to stop the bleeding but it was no use. "Daniel no."

"You-you know I lo-love you guys right," Daniel spluttered. "T-take care of ea-each other."

"No no NO! Come on. You can't die on me. Please," I begged, holding onto his hand tightly.

"I-i love you so much," he managed to get out. His chest rhythm went slower and slower.

Until it stopped.

And I watched as the life was drained from my brother's eyes.

That was a long chapter.....

Comment any questions for me/Mayo for the Q&A.

Comment your thoughts.

And may Daniel Rest In Peace with their parents.

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