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New chapter!!!!! No questions for me or Mayo-I don't think so anyway.

I HAVE RETURNED TO HELL....Also known as school. At least I got see Mayo and my other friends


"Well, I didn't expect to see you again Ariella." The way my name rolled off his tongue with the hint of the Italian accent was hot.

Stop thinking dirty thoughts Ari! Now is not the time!

"Now, can you explain what you are doing here and how you know that guy over there," he sweetly said. I could tell it was a fake sweet tone. I was about to answer, but Alex beat me to it.

"She's my cousin and has nothing to do with any of this," he told Tyler, taking a step forward. One of the buff guys that had grabbed my had a grip on my arm and it went tighter as Alex stepped closer. I was about to kick this guy in the nuts when I felt a piece of cold metal press against my temple.

I didn't have to turn to see what it was. I already knew it was fun. For some reason, I was really calm on the outside but inside I was panicking.


But on the outside, I'm as cool as a lettuce-I mean cucumber.

"Not one move McDon or she gets it," Tyler warned. This is not they guy I met at the race tracks. That guy was nice, funny, friendly. Now he's holding a gun to my forehead. Not cool bruh, not cool.

"Tyler leave her out of this." I couldn't help but feel this was my fault. I should have stayed at home with the cheesecake.

Poor cheesecake....all alone...

"Hold on. You're telling me that she is the sister of the Decrola guys and the cousin of Alex McDon?! Wow, could this get any better?!" Tyler laughed, shaking his head. Why was that such a big thing?

But I never asked him, since I prefer my brain in my head, all in one piece. Then, I plucked up the courage to say something stupid.

"I'm actually best friends with the presidents nephew," I said, answering Tyler's question. When the last words left my mouth, I realised what I had just said. I gave them another reason to take me. Slapping my hands over my mouth, I mumbled a very inaudible sorry towards a very angry looking Alex.

"I know...I have a proposition for you McDon. Next Friday, we have a fight. If you win, you don't have to pay me and you can have the land you wanted," Tyler proposed, taking the gun away from my forehead. I sighed in relief as I felt the cold metal leave my temple.

"And if you win?"

Tyler smirked. "I get to keep her for 3 weeks and do what I want with her. Plus you pay me double the amount you owe me. I'm not stupid, I know that won't affect your account."


"You can't bargain my freedom!" I yelled at Tyler. He seemed to ignore me and carried on smirking at Alex.

"It's either that, or I kill her now and leave." My eyes widened in fear as I started to thrash in the guys arms.

How could you Tyler-I thought you were my friend!


Also, I checked my calendar today and I'm 100% sure it didn't say 'get killed by the guy I met at the race track'.

I could see that pain on Alex's face when he agreed. He sealed the deal. The guy pushed me towards Alex. He pushed pretty hard since I stumbled, but Alex caught me.

For the last time, I turned to see Tyler and his goons smirking. He waved his gun, the smirk plastered on his face "See you next Friday Ari."

That guy is messed up.


I constantly sneezed as we waited for the taxi to come. The rain decided to come back, more violent and heavier then last time. It didn't help my cold.

We were waiting under the shelter of a nearby bus stop, waiting for the taxi that Alex called.

Speaking of him, he was angry. No, furious. No...livid. I could feel the anger he radiated. Knowing that I'd make it worse, I didn't speak.

It was silent between us. All we could hear was the sound of the rain hitting the ground.

"Why did you follow me?" He asked, breaking the silence. I could hear the anger in his voice. Right now, I was scared of him.

"You-You f-forgot your phone," I stuttered, mainly since I was scared but my cold helped me stuttered to. I gave him the phone, which he took and put in his pocket. Again, the silence fell over us for a few more minutes until I decided to break it. "What happens if you lose next Friday?" I asked, looking anywhere but him.

"I'm not gonna lose."

"Yeah but what if-"

"I said I'm not gonna lose. You are not going with him." I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it.

I heard him sigh before he started to speak. "I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them. In time."

I sniffed, not wanting to think about what would happen if he didn't win next week. "I'm sorry," I mumbled as my eyes began to water. This is all my fault. Screw that, this was the cheesecakes fault-IT DIDN'T PERSUADE ME ENOUGH TO STAY INSIDE.

I'm disappointed cheesecake...disappointed.

I felt his arm go around me, warmth soon filling my body. "It's Ok. We're gonna work this out. I'm gonna fix this mess," he assured me as I snuggled into him.

"I'm gonna fix it."


"What am I supposed to tell her, she knows too much for me to make some random shìt up."

I groaned a little, opening my eyes to see Alex on the phone. His face was full of anger and he was pinching the bridge of his nose-meaning he was thinking. I realised I was in my room back at Uncle Rick's house.

Then, last nights events hit me. Tyler and Alex talking. Me getting caught. Having a gun to my head and then the deal.

My head felt like someone was hitting rocks on it. I groaned in pain, putting my hands on my head.

Alex gave me a quick glance before muttering that he had to go.

"How your feeling shortcake?" He asked from the chair he was sitting in beside my bed.

"My head hurts, Bad," my croaky voice replied. He handed me some painkillers and then my anxiety tablets. "Thanks. Now you have some explains to do."

Alex sighed, silence following before he spoke.

"I'm a gangleader. My gang is the third largest/strongest in America. My gang is called the Knights. Your brothers are also gang leaders, their gang being the largest and strongest in all of America. They're called 'the skullz. Then, there is the 'Drago'. It's an Italian gang, their name meaning 'dragon' in Italian. Their leader is Tyler DiCarlo. Their gang is the second largest and strongest. For over decades, the Dragons and the Skullz have been at war, with us being Allies with the Skullz. Basically, there has been a war in the underground world. And now, you have basically become the main target." He finished, looking at me, waiting for my reaction.

And I don't know why, but I started laughing

Laughing my insides out-not literally....that would be gross. Despite the fact it made my head ache more, I still carried on.

I wiped a fake tear that came from my eye.  "Wow, that's a good story. Now tell me the truth Alex," I laughed but once I saw his serious face, it died down. "Your serious?"

He nodded, and that's when I began to process everything.

The reason they disappear most times.

Why people call them at 'skullz' at school.

Why they know and the Tyler.

Alex got up and went out of the room, coming back seconds later with a book in his hand. It was thick, old and brown, with the words 'Gang's Of America' written on top. He handed it to me, and my curious self opened it.

Flipping through some boring stuff, I came to the first chapter. It was a picture of a skull covered in blood. Underneath was the word 'Skullz'.

The next page was a picture of a silver shield, with a sword behind it. Scribbled underneath was the word 'Knights'

Turning over the next page, I saw something that made my eyes widen. A picture of black dragon head with fire coming out of its mouth. It had a whole, where they eye was supposed to be. It read 'Drago' underneath. A bottom part of the paper had been ripped off, making me more curious.

"They say that this pacific symbolic is supposed to help us find where their secret base is located. Apparently, there's supposed to be some kind of weapon there. I've heard that it could take down a whole country. There is supposed to be some words on the bottom to help us, but as you can see, someone has ripped it off," Alex explained. "We have been trying for years to find out what those words said but no one can find the answer so we gave up."

This picture...seemed so familiar. I gazed at it, trying to figure out where I had seen it before. My hands started to shake as the memories flashed back.

"Ari? Ari, what's wrong?" I heard Alex worry. I looked at him, tears filling my eyes.

"I've seen this before. Someone showed me it." Alex eyes widened, as my eyes returned to look at the picture.

"Who Ari?! Who?!" He shook my shoulders, bringing me out of my shock.

I took a deep breathe before I gave him the answer.




"Whatcha doing daddy?" Ny 11
year old self asked as I walked into his office. It was a mess, which was unusual since my dad was a clean freak.

"Trying to solve this puzzle," he answered. He looked stressed.

"A puzzle! I love puzzles!" I squealed, running up to him. I sat on his lap and looked at what he was looking at.

It was a picture of a dragon, with fire coming from its mouth. The only design that was on it was a small white circle, for the eye.

"What kind of puzzle is it daddy?" I questioned, confused.

"Well, using these words at the bottom, its supposed to give you a clue to a place. I just need to figure out tyre first two lines," he explained. I nodded, looking at the tiny words written on the bottom.

"The place you seek
Lies in 4 streak
Place the twin on the twin
And to seek the answer, you spin," I read out.

We sat in silent, thinking.

Then, I remembered what we learning in school a few weeks ago-the history of gangs.

To be honest I have no idea why they were teaching it to us.

The gang garage

An abandoned garage underneath the streets, where gangs use to meet to discuss deals. Once the FBI found it, they arrested the people they could catch. Since then, no one
ever went there, not wanting to risk being caught.

They used the words '4 streak', as a code if they were ever in public. It was to tell other gang members where to meet. I never found out why they had made up that code name.

"Daddy, have you ever heard about the gang members garage, a few miles from here?" I asked. He gave me a confused look. "They used the code name '4 streak'.

His face morphed from confusion to shock.

"Ari, you genius!" He ripped the bottom part off, stuffing it into his pocket. Kissing my forehead, he left in a rush.

I have no idea what that was about.

Flashback ended

I was broken out of my flashback when Alex shook me quite hard.

"Ari? Ari? Are you ok?!"

I looked at the page, skimming my fingers over the edges of the ripper part.

"The place you seek
Lies in 4th streak
Place the twin on the twin
And to seek your answer, you spin."

A lot happened in the chapter. Some of you are probably thinking-WHAT THE MAYO, I DON'T UNDERSTAND!

Throughout the chapters, it'll make sense.

Vote comment and share for more! Byyyee

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