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It was around 9 in the eve, and Tae was still looking at the mirror.

He was thinking of what was happening in the future, or how was his family there? His aunt? His younger brother?

He sighed, he missed them, so much.—

But he was still wondering, how could he take over that other Taehyung like how he did earlier?

Or is that other Tae still doing fine there?

Thoughts were a mess on his head, but who can blame him? Everythings a mess now.—

The parting of the tent opened, the light of the moon shone inside.

“How are you doing now?” Jungkook asked, stepping inside and sitting beside Tae.

“I’m doing quite fine...for now.” He sadly said, fidgeting the mirror. He feels a bit anxious.—

“What...actually happened earlier?” Jungkook carefully asked, not wanting to press the wrong buttons that can make Tae feel more anxious.

“I think, every time he’s trying to control me, my head aches. And it hurts so bad.”—

“But thank you for helping me out awhile ago, I know you could solve the riddle.”

Jungkook looks distracted, he was just holding Tae’s hand, caressing it. And he’s quietly staring at the blank.

Tae knew there was something wrong.—

He held his hand too, and that made Jungkook jump out of his thoughts.

“Something you wanna tell me?” He asked. And Jungkook thought, that maybe he’s bad at hiding his emotions when it comes to Taehyung.

He just make him feel so weak and soft.—

“I just...I feel like exploding.” Jungkook started.

“With what happened earlier, I feel like they all suspect me now, that they don’t trust me anymore. I think I’m really a bad leader af—“

Tae squeezed his hands tight that It made Jungkook flinch. “Ouch!”—

Jungkook cried. “Don’t you ever say that again because its not true! If you’re a bad leader then you could’ve not brought us this far!”

Tae knew Jungkook would doubt himself after that, and he just hate that he doesn’t realize his worth.

The younger sighed.—

“I’m so tired hyung, I wanna cry.”

Jungkook leaned his head onto Tae’s shoulder, and hugged his arm.

Tae felt the pain in there, he forgot that Jungkook is also a person. Who’s meant to get tired, to do stupid things and to have limits.

And that makes us a person.—

“I have a lot in my head, I feel so angry that my anger turns to tears. I hate being pressured, & all my life I was. I’m trying to act tough because I don’t want my people to see their own Captain in a weak state.”

Tae felt the cloth on his shoulder getting wet. He’s crying.—

Tae had no words, he just let him cry like that and hold his hands to comfort him.

They both fell asleep in that state, thinking that everything would be less worse tomorrow.

But tomorrow hasn’t even came and yet its getting even worse.—

An explosion was heard from outside the tent, and the trainees were making a fuss outside.

Sounds of gunshots, knives, swords and groans were heard.

Jungkook was woken up, feeling his surroundings. And he finally realized it.

“Fuck they found us.”—

Tae raised his head up, eyes fluttering as he adjust to the light. He just woke up.

“What’s goin—“

“Baby, I need you to run.”

Tae’s brows furrowed. “I can’t run yet, what’s happen—“

An explosion was heard near their tent.—

Jungkook held Tae’s hand and looked at him eye to eye.

He was trying to think of some other way that can save Tae because he knew that he can’t fight yet.

“Jung—what are you doing?!” Tae cried.

Jungkook suddenly grabbed the sharp stone from the small opening of the tent.— tw // self harm ❗️

He started rubbing it harshly on the skin of his arm like he’s purposely wounding himself.

Tae held his wrist to stop him. “Jeon, stop that! Are you crazy?!”

“Yeah, over you.”

He smacked Jungkook’s arm. “Its not funny!”—

Jungkook’s arm was now bleeding, and he quickly wiped his blood and damped it on Tae’s clothes.

“What-?” Tae asked, feeling so confused.

“Pretend you’re dead.”

Jungkook continued damping his blood onto his clothes and even arms to make it realistic.—

“You can’t run, & I won’t let you fight yet. They need me out there, & this is all you could do to be saved.”

Jungkook said as he lay down Taehyung.

“Please be careful.” Tae cried in a shaky voice.

Jungkook leaned forward & placed a kiss on his forehead. “I’ll be back.”—

And those were Jungkook’s last words before he went out, and Tae did not know what happened next.

He just laid there, feeling so scared.

Like what if something explodes near him? What if the opponents check the tent and see him?

Well fuck.

Because even while he’s just thinking of that, a bullet suddenly hit the tent and it flew just right above his head.

It was very near that he’s thankful it did not hit him. He’s suspecting its a sniper because of the bullet.

What a dumb sniper, I guess?—

While Tae was inside the tent acting for his life, Jungkook had already fought some opponents even if he just came out.

The whole territory was a mess, and some were on fire. There are also dead bodies around and he’s afraid that its some of his people.—

But they were lucky that those people had backed out already. Maybe because a lot of their people died now.

A lot were injured, some unfortunately died. And Jungkook had a shot in his arm.

“Captain, they’re gone.” Ta soldier came running, its their watch-man.—

Jungkook was panting for breath, and feeling his shot aching.

“That’s not a good news. They found us already, there’s a big possibility that they’ll come back. We’re not safe here anymore.”

Jungkook stood up, holding his bleeding arm.—

“Everyone! Gather all your belongings and anything useful. We’re leaving this place before the day rise.”

Jungkook said, and thought that he shouldn’t have let his guard down. Because its very predictable that they’ll attack at the time that they’re most vulnerable.—

Tae came out from the tent, hearing Jungkook’s announcement.

He forced himself to stand up, even though his injury still stings. And its was more than enough for Jungkook to see him alive and safe.

He felt so drained in overall, but he can’t give up now.—

After getting ready, they left the place with heaviness in their hearts. They lost some people again, and they knew they might lose more in the future.

It was just scary that they didn’t know who they’ll lose next.

“We’re running out of stored food sir.”—

“The bullets and equipments also. We still have some of them but I don’t think it will be enough to protect us anymore.”

Lieutenant Jung said, feeling worried.

They were walking towards no one knows where. They just need to get away from that place as much as possible.—

“We can hunt some animals in the way.” Jungkook said.

The soldiers from behind were surprised when one of them flopped on the ground.

Doctor Hye checked his pulse, and looked at them with disappointment in his eyes.

“He’s dead. He didn’t make it anymore.”—

Jungkook sighed, he looked at his people, one by one. And his heart just ached at their looks, stained with wounds and blood, and they look overly drained.

“Let’s walk until over there, then we’ll take a short rest after that.” He ordered.—

But even before they could go there, a huge group of people were in front of them — point out their spears and torches onto them.

The soldiers were alarmed and took out their guns, pointing it to those people too.

Fuck, did they just run into rebels?


Everyone was alert and still, not wanting to be taken advantage of again.

Those people were on their casual everyday clothes, but stained with some muds and blood. I mean, its world war so nothing new.

Its just scary that they don’t know if they can trust them.—

But that person, who looks like the leader, slowly placed down his spear.

“Captain Jeon?” He spoke.

Jungkook’s brows furrowed, still not letting his guard down. “Who are you?” He asked.

The person removed his hat that was covering his face.—

Jungkook immediately remembered him. “Lieutenant Lee?”

He was so surprised to see him here, because he was actually trying to find him in the camp but he couldn’t. Since Lt. Lee was relocated out of misunderstandings.

“I’m glad you still remember me.”—

Jungkook raised his hand, showing his people that its okay, and put their guns down.

“How can I forget the person who took care of me when I was a trainee?” Jungkook placed back the gun in his pocket.

He was glad to see him again, he was like a father to him.—

Lt. Lee signaled his people behind him to put their spears down now.

Jungkook has a lot of questions, but he needs to fix them in line for now. “What happened to all of you?” He asked.

Lt. Lee sighed, “They didn’t actually relocate me to a new camp.”—

“They just fired me out. It was unjustifiable.” He said, feeling a bit angry about those people he served for the longest and yet they did not even treat him well.

“Who are they, sir?”

Sergeant Kim asked, being familiarized with their Lieutenant.—

“We’re in one neighborhood. We escaped the place where a lot of people we’re still jailed. Some were killed, and most of the women are used for pleasure.”

Jungkook noticed that Lee’s grip on the spear was tightened.

“They killed my daughter.”—

Jungkook would never know the pain of losing a child, because he’s never been a parent. But he knew how much it hurts to loose a loved one.

“I’m sorry sir.” Jungkook apologized.

Suddenly, a kid from Lee’s side ran towards Taehyung.

“Taehyungie hyung!”—

The kid gave him a gentle hug, he was stained with mud and some bruise.

“Taehyeol?” Tae smiled when he realized that it was that kid from the arcades.

He felt so touched that Taehyeol still remembered him.

“I’m so glad to see you again!” Tae cried.—

But Tae also felt sad for him, because this kid doesn’t deserve experiencing things like this.

He’s so strong.

Everyone felt touched too, but they need to get on the business.

“Captain, would you like to go with us?” Lee asked.


“We’re on the way to the capital to try and save some people. And the president, they trying to make him surrender his position.”

Jungkook somehow felt something when he heard the word ‘president’.

“Who are we actually gonna save? The president, or the people?”—

“Both, if possible. The president is useless without the people, and the people is in danger without a president.”

Jungkook sighed, his thoughts are unhelpfully scattered.

“But sir, if we’re gonna do that, we need more & stronger equipments.”—

“We need more people and a concrete plan before we attack.” A soldier spoke.

“The equipments are easy to get. Just shoot the opponents and steal their guns. But the people and plans, we need to talk about that first.”

Lieutenant Lee said, and Jungkook accepted the offer.—

Not just for himself, not just for his people, but its because that’s his job.

They temporarily stopped in where they are to get a bit of rest and heal. And also, to have some plan.

“What happened to your leg, hyung?” Taehyeol asked, curiously looking.—

“Oh this?” Tae held his leg that’s bandaged. “I ran into an accident, but I’m okay.”

He ruffled the kid’s hair. They were sitting under the tree. Some were talking to each other and sharing food like a family.

Some were offering help. Tae smiled.


After they have a talk about the plan, they started dividing people into groups so that it would be easier to do their plans at the sane time.

“We need one more sniper,” Lieutenant Lee said, counting all the people on his group.

“We don’t have any sniper left.”—

Jungkook said, also feeling a bit worried by the lack of people.

“I volunteer.” Tae spoke, and Jungkook’s eyes bawled.

“Are you sure? You don’t look so well.” Lt. Lee said, trying not to sound offensive.—

“A sniper only stays in 1 place to aim for their target. They rarely run or do anything other than aiming. And I really wanted to help, so I think that’s the least I can do.”

Tae anxiously said, he didn’t want to be a burden in their team.

Sergeant Kim agreed.—

“Don’t worry sir. I’ve seen him in trainings, he has the potential to be a sniper.” He said.

Lt. Lee nodded, knowing that Tae has a point. “Okay, you’re on my team—“

“He’s mine.” Jungkook spoke, but he realized it.

“I-I mean he’s on my side, let’s exchange snipers.”—

Tae lowkey looked away, hiding his flustered face.

Lt. Jung shook his head, “Captain, everything’s planned already. We can’t just exchange people like that.”

“But—“ Jungkook tried to speak again, but Tae insisted.

“It’s okay Captain, I can handle myself.”—

Jungkook wanted to complain, but Tae looked at him in the eye to say that he doesn’t have to worry.

And Jungkook couldn’t do anything anymore but sigh. “Fine.”

They talked a little bit to clarify everything.—

“We need to get to the Capital and save the prostitutes before the sun rise. I heard they’re gonna kill them at 6 or 7.”

Lieutenant said, “My side is on the people, yours is on the president. I hope we’re all clear now.”

Jungkook spoke, and they all agreed.—

Its probably around 12 in the morning now, and they need to start walking now if they want to save those prostitutes.

“Let’s prepare for 10 minutes, then we’ll go.”

Everyone did their business, some did all their rituals thinking that it might help them.—

But Jungkook, he signaled Tae behind the huge tree, the trunk enough to hide them from everyone, and only the moon can see them.

Tae arrived behind, seeing Jungkook look so troubled.

“Hey, its okay. I’ll be fine.” Tae cupped his cheeks to cheer him up.—

Jungkook looks like he’s hesitating, but he said fuck it.

He held Tae’s hand from his cheeks and kissed the back of it.

“Hyung...I just wanted to do something before we go.”

Tae felt curious, and nervous at the same time.

“What is it?”—

Jungkook pulled something from his pocket, Tae couldn’t actually see because it was dark.

But it was enough for him to realize when Jungkook suddenly knelt down on the ground, holding a ring before him.

Tae flung his hands onto his mouth, covering it out of shock.—

Jungkook was actually expecting that reaction, and he smiled a bit as his heart jump.

He pulled Tae’s hand and held it.

“I know it’s the wrong time to do this, but I wanted to make sure that whatever happens, we’ll forever be tied to each other, and no one else.”—

“My grandmother gave me this, she told me to give it to the person I’m sure that I will love the most. And I finally found that person, named Kim Taehyung.”

With held sobs, Tae’s tears kept falling down his cheeks out of happiness.

“Will you do the honor of marrying me?”—

Tae instantly nodded non-stop, not being able to say a word because of his sobs. But he still managed it.

“I fucking do.” He cried and Jungkook laughed, heart feeling overwhelmed.

He gently slid the ring into Tae’s finger, feeling proud that finally, he said it.—

As Jungkook stood up, there’s no way a kiss wouldn’t happen.

He gently pulled Tae forward, aiming for his lips that he’ll never have enough of.

He’ll never get tired of him, he just knew it.

But as much as they don’t want it to last, they have to part.—

They leaned their foreheads onto one another, arms around each other’s frames, and hearts entangled.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you more than words.”

But it was interrupted when they heard Lee. “Everyone! We have to go.”—

Jungkook quickly pulled out a letter from his pocket, then handed it to Tae.

“I have so much to say, I know I will forget them when this time comes so I wrote them down.”

Tae held the letter from his hand.

“Make sure you have all your belongings!”—

“I don’t know what might happen, but when the war ends, I’ll wait for you on that tree. Whatever happens, I’ll be there. And I hope, I’ll see you there too.”

Tae nodded, wiping his tears away.

“I will. I’ll see you there.”—

Jungkook placed a last kiss on Tae’s forehead, not wanting to let go.

But they have to.

“Where’s Captain—“

“I’m here sir.” Jungkook came out from behind the tree, and Tae did too on the darker side so that no one would notice.

“Let’s go.”

Steps made away from the place that kept them safe, they’re finally taking it to another level.

Not because they just want to, but because a lot of lives depend on them now.

And maybe,

This is just where the real war starts.


Sanaol may jowa 😭💗

Ok  andami nito ahh

As always

Mabuhay kayo hanggang gusto nyo!

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