Chapter 3...

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I was going to wait to post the 3rd chapter until Sunday but reading the comments already I was like 'screw it!' You guys seem to be excited and already liking this story which means so much to me!! You all are incredible!! Hugs to all of you! But know now that the 4th chapter won't be up until Sunday or so! I have only 5 pre-written chapters so I need to start writing more, and finishing up A Year Agreement. So this is my little treat for you for today! I hope you all enjoy it

Song above Enchanted by Taylor Swift. I know I already used this is Something Inside but still felt like it was kind of close to the chapter. :)

The guy above is Diego Barrueco he plays Gage Harper. 

Happy Reading! <3 

I jerked awake at the sound of my cell phone ringing. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes I noticed I was still on the couch and the TV was still on. Groaning I reached for my phone knowing who was calling me.

"Yes?" I asked my voice thick with sleep.

"Hey Carterrr." Macey slurred on the other side of the phone.

"Macey you're drunk." I closed my eyes leaning back on the couch.

"No I'm not."

"Can you stand still for more then a second?" Over the phone I heard her mutter something before a grunting. Yep she is drunk and on our first day here. "I'll come pick you up. Where are you?" I asked throwing my fuzzy blanket off of me and standing up. As I made it to my room I noticed it was 2 o'clock in the morning.

"I don't know some huge ass house." She said but her voice was distant like she pulled her phone away from her mouth.

"Fine I'll find you. Just stay there Mace." She didn't reply so I just hung up. Sliding on a pair of flats and a thin jacket I grabbed my phone and keys before heading out the door. I was more awake now thankfully, I would have to be if I wanted to find Macey and deal with her being drunk. Not caring that I was still in my pjs and that I was half awake, I walked out the dorm building and headed in the direction where I think the frat houses are.

Before becoming here I studied the map they sent with the acceptance letter and made sure I knew the campus pretty well, or at least well enough to get to classes on time. The only place I really knew how to get to was the football stadium because I had to go last year for Ethan and Luke.

The moon was high in the sky as I tracked across campus. It was almost a full moon so it lit up the pathway for me which I was thankful. I knew I shouldn't be walking alone at 2 o'clock in the morning but if I didn't who knew what would happen to Macey. She tended to trust random people when she was drunk. We went to a party for graduation and she got bombed. She went up to random guy we didn't even know and clung to him like a bear. If it hadn't been for me he would have taken her upstairs and done god knows what.

"Macey you owe me for this." I muttered under my breath. Even though it was nearing the end of August I shivered in my jacket. Late at night it liked to get cold, even during the summer. Plus it didn't help I get cold easily. Sighing I kept walking glancing around to make sure no one was following me.

I passed the cafe we went to earlier and continued straight. A few minutes later I passed a couple, the guy was holding his girlfriend in his arms while she was passed out in his arms. Figuring I was going the right way I continued. I kept grumbling under my breath. I hated when this happen, I've done it enough with Macey, Amy, and Luke. My parents were lucky I learned from those three not to over do it with alcohol.

To involved muttering angrily at my situation I didn't hear footsteps coming my way. With my head ducked down not seeing where I was going a minute later I slammed against something hard. I stumbled back but thankfully found my footing. Tilting my head up I was met with a tall boy. A hoodie was covering most of his face so I could only see a pair of pink lips. He stood towering over my short 5'5 frame, he had to be 6'3 or taller. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his jeans and his shoulders were slumped downwards.

Not being able to see his face and his intimidating stance I took a small step back. Something about him made me fearful of having bumped into him. Standing alone on the pathway with the unknown guy I felt weary. A minute had passed and neither of us had said a word.

"I-I um I'm sorry." I stuttered out. I could feel my cheeks turning pink and hoped he couldn't tell with it being so dark.

"What where you are going next time." The guy spat out. His voice wasn't really deep but it wasn't like a normal guys either. What surprised me was his tone. He said it with a lot of vemon.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused as to why he was rude to me. Yes I ran into him but I apologized and it wasn't like I did it on purpose.

"I said watch where you are going next time, or are you deaf?"

"You can't use that tone with me! I didn't mean to run into you and I apologized so stop acting like such a dick." I found myself saying.

"What did you just call me?" His voice was low as he took a step towards me. Uh oh. Swallowing I took a step back to get away from him.

"I-I said I apologized." I said in a small voice. He was threatening as he stared down at me. I couldn't see anything under his hood and I was more then tempted to reach up and yank it off. I would feel better seeing the face that was being rude to me.

"Look here little girl. It would be in your best interest if you just walked away right now." He said. I wanted to take his advice and leave right now to get Macey but something inside of me was forcing me to stay.

"You can't tell me what to do." My lips moved and me feet stayed planted firmly on the ground. I think I just signed my own death warrant. I thought. He took one big step towards me making me crane my neck up to see his face. From this angle I could see more of his face. Staring down at me was a pair of deep brown eyes. They looked almost lifeless as he glared down at me. Moving my eyes away from his I noticed he had blood running down his cheek which was also bruised. One eye looked to be swelling up forcing his eye almost shut.

"What happened to you?" I breathed out. I watched as a little bit of blood ran off the side of his mouth.

"I said leave." He bit out. Everything inside of me was telling me to go but I couldn't. I felt drawn to this unknown guy and I wanted to help him.

"Do you want some help cleaning those?" I asked quietly against my better judgement. He continued to stare down at me. I couldn't help but wonder if he was actually considering my offer or trying to not kill me.

"I don't need help." He finally said before pushing past me. I stumbled slightly before turning and staring after the guy. What crawled up his ass? I thought. Sighing I continued towards the frat houses. At least I tried right? He didn't accept my apology or my offer to help so his loss.

After walking for another 5 minutes I started to hear loud music and knew I was in the right spot. As I got closer I called Macey hoping she would pick up. I'd rather stay outside and wait for her instead of trying to find her in the maze of people through out the house. One ring away from going to voicemail when she picked up.

"Hellooo." She sang.

"Macey it's me. Where are you?"

"Carter!!" She yelled making me pull the phone away from my ear

"Can you come outside and wait for me? I will be there in a second." I said really hoping she was listening to me.

"Okie dokie Cartie!" This was going to be interesting getting her home. I thought coming to a stop in front of a huge house that had people stumbling in and out of the front door.

"Please hurry Macey." I muttered running my hands across my arms. Glancing around I saw one girl throwing up in the bushes by the side of the house. A guy and a girl were heavily making out against the house. And a few guys were stumbling across the yard. Definitely glad I didn't come tonight. A few minutes later I finally saw Macey come through the front door. She was stumbling slightly and I internally groaned.

Rushing forward I slipped passed a few people before finally getting to Mace. Her hair was everywhere and her lipstick was smeared. Seeing me she squealed and ran into my arms. I planted my feet firmly on the ground so we both would tumble to the ground.

"Cartie! You are finally here! I missed her." She breathed in my face. I scrunched up my nose at the heavy smell of alcohol on her breath.

"I missed you too. Now lets get you home." I said wrapping one of my arms around her waist and steering her back towards the way I came.

"You should have came to this party it was banging. Hotties everywhere I tell you." I bit back a laugh at her saying 'banging' if she was sober she would never say that word.

"Oh yeah?" I knew if I kept her talking she would be less likely to pass out on me.

"You would have been in heaven Car. I made out with this one guy and damn! Definitely not like high school." She rambled. Even though it was now 3 o'clock in the morning and I was dragging her ass back home I was glad she had fun. At least one of us deserved to.

Macey rambled on about the party and everything she had to drink as we walked home. Every once in a while she would stumble against me and I had to quickly catch her before she fell but other than that she seemed to be doing better.

We were almost to the 95 Degrees cafe when she suddenly went quiet. Not hearing her voice I turned to her just in time to see her eyes close and her body slump forward. With speed I didn't know I had I jumped in front of her grabbing her body before it hit the ground. For such a small girl she was heavy as a rock.

"Damn it!!!" I yelled. This is not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be in my bed dreaming about making out with Ethan but no I had to be here holding my unconscious best friends body. "I love you Mace but right now I want to kill you." I said down at her sleeping face. "You couldn't wait to pass out until we got home could you."

Struggling with her weight I looked around me. There was no one around to help and the dark was starting to scare me. Standing there I was more than tempted to call my brother, hell even Ethan would be fine right now. The sad part was I couldn't reach my phone on my jacket pocket with my arms around Macey. Seeing no other option at the moment I situated Macey in my arms so I could drag her along side of me. She was probably going to hate me in the morning for ruining her shoes but I had to get us home somehow. You would think with it being college someone would be up at 3 o'clock and wanting to help a poor girl out.

Dragging Macey with me a few feet I knew this wasn't going to work. She was literally dead weight. Yelling some more curse words I awkwardly stood there holding her against me. Sitting on the ground was starting to look very tempting right now.

"I'll carry her." A semi familiar voice said suddenly scaring me. I jumped screaming snapping my neck around towards the voice. I didn't expect someone to be around here. Standing in front of me was someone I thought I'd never see again.

"You!" I said. The hooded rude guy was standing there. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you want my help or not." He snapped not answering my question. Figuring there was literally no other option other than drop her I nodded. Without saying anything Macey's weight was taken off of me. Staring at the guy I watched as he swung Macey into his arms bridal style.

His hood was pushed back now so I could see all of his face and some of his hair. In the moonlight his beat up face looked worse than before but it didn't do anything to take away how hot the guy looked. The guy had the most dominate jawline I have ever seen. I could only see a little bit of his brown hair but it looked very soft. His brown almost auburn eyes were staring down at me, his left one was slightly swollen but not as bad as I once thought.

"Care to tell me where you live?" He asked his voice hard. 

"Oh yeah. We live in building 24, I'll lead the way." Tearing my gaze away from his face I turned and started walking towards our building. It was awkward as we walked side by side, the only sound around us was Macey soft snores. My best friend ladies and gentlemen.

"Thank you for doing this." I said softly. He just grunted in response. Lovely talk. I thought sarcastically. The silence was starting to get to me as we got closer towards home. "I'm Carter by the way." Still nothing. Groaning inwardly I stopped talking. No use if he wasn't going to respond.

We reached the building a little bit later. Opening the lobby door for him he squeezed passed me, Macey's hand smacking my leg as he went. As we went up the stairs I couldn't help but wonder how he was doing it. Macey had to be holding him down and going up stairs was not easy carrying someone. He must be really strong. Coming to our door I slide the key in walking in and holding the door wide open.

"Her room is down the hall to the left." I said closing the door. Turning around I saw the guy already walking towards Macey's room. Not being any help I stood next to the door frame as he gently laid Mace on her bed. Once she was on there he stepped back almost awkwardly.

"Um can I...I mean would you want me to clean your cuts for you? In return for helping me get my friend home." I said suddenly without really knowing what I was saying. I had to do something to pay him back for helping me. He just stared at me. "Please?" I whispered.

"Fine." He grunted. I bit back a smile glad he accepted my offer. I quickly slipped off Macey's heels and put a blanket over her. 

"I have a first aid kit in my bathroom." Gesturing for him to follow me I headed to my room and my attached bathroom. From the corner of my eye I could see him glancing around my room making me blush. My room wasn't anything special and I still had my drawing stuff out on the floor. Going into my bathroom I bent forward to retrieve the first aid kit my parents made sure I had. I had about 3 of them around the house because 'you never know' my mom says.

"Come sit right here." I said my voice still soft. I felt that I had to talk quietly around him. He did as I asked while I opened the kit and took out some antibacterial wipes. I've learned how to bandage people up because of my brother and Ethan. With football and occasional fights at parties I've always been the one to help them instead of my mom.

Gently I grabbed his hood and slipped it off his head. He had kind of long brown hair that looked really soft. It was in a messy look but it made him look even hotter. Opening the wipes I stood in front of him making sure there was plenty of space between us. Biting my bottom lip I gently started cleaning the cut above his eyebrow. I heard his intake of breath as the cut stung but he made no move to move away. I made sure the cut was clean before moving onto the one under his eye and than his lip. His cheek was already turning black same with his eye. In the morning he would have a black eye.

Grabbing some ointment I applied it to his cuts, and some medical tape to make sure they didn't open and bleed, before taking a step back. Looking at his face I was hit once again by how good looking he was. His nose was slightly bent but it helped make his face look less perfect. His face looked like god had sculpted it himself. Being this close to him my stomach erupted into butterflies. Realizing I was staring I cleared my throat and stepped back.

"There you go. Just put some ice on your cheek and eye later, you should be okay." Forcing my eyes away from his brown eyes that looked lighter up close I put everything away in the kit and put it back under the sink. As I was bending back up the still unknown guy stood up.

"Thanks." He simply said.

"No problem." He stared down at me expectedly. "Oh I'll show you out." I lead him to the door and opened it for him. "Thank you once again. I don't know how I would have gotten her home." I said sincerely. I wanted him to know I did feel grateful that he helped me. He brushed past me out into the hall.

"It's Gage." Was all he said before leaving. I stood there confused for a minute before I realized his name was Gage. Smiling softly I shut the door and headed to my room. Gage, I like that name. I thought sliding my covers back and sliding into bed. As I slowly drifted off to sleep Gage's face appeared in my head. 


Ohh another hot guy added into the mix! I know this story is going slow and I am sorry but I am kind of liking the way I am slowly patching the path for this story! I loved writing Macey being drunk :D 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Means a lot that you are liking it so far!! I hope this story becomes just as good as A Year Agreement and Something Inside! That would mean a lot to me if it did. 




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