Chapter 19: The New Friend

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When we got back home from the mall, I took off my shoes and went right upstairs to my room. I could sense Via following me. The whole way home I hadn't said anything about my little panic attack at the mall and I knew Via was dying to ask me about it. She knew that I was going to have trouble talking about anything related to the accident.

Once inside my room, Via shut my door and said "Alright, spill."

"When we were taking a break on the bench, I was watching these two kids chase each other. They were having so much fun. Then out of nowhere their dad appeared and told them it was time to go home. I recognized him. It was him. He was there." I looked over at Via to see her reaction.

She knew who he was and she knew how mad and destroyed he had been when he found out his wife died.

"Anyways, he turned around and we made eye contact and I lost it. I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. I was on the verge of having a panic attack so I ran. When I got to the bathroom, I locked myself in a stall and somehow managed to calm myself down."

"Then when I was rinsing my face that girl Isabella appeared and gave me some really good advice. We talked for a minute then she wrote her number down," I said gesturing to my arm, "and that's when you came in."

"Wow" was all Via said. She knew what I've been through all these years and she knows that I've been struggling to accept the fact that my brother is dead and that my mom left us.

"That was really nice of her to do that for you. I'm going to go make dinner for you and I'll bring it up when I'm done. Try to rest while I'm downstairs, okay?"

"Okay," I replied.

Once Via left, I grabbed my phone and put Isabella's name in my contacts.

Athena: Hey this is Athena, the girl you helped in the bathroom at the mall in Malibu earlier today.

Isabella: Oh yeah! I remember you. How are you doing now?

Athena: I'm doing fine. Your advice really helped.

Isabella: No problem. I'm glad to help out. I've been through some stuff too, so I know how hard it is to get back up on your feet.

Athena: My incident happened 4 years ago but I still struggle with the grief. How do you handle yours?

Isabella: Well, when my dad died I was devastated. I refused to come out of my room. Eventually, my nanny got me out. My suggestion is find somebody you can lean on and that can help you up when you fall. Those are the people you need to keep closest to you.

There was a knock at my door.

Athena: Thanks for your advice. I know that your mom is smiling down at you for all the good you are doing. I have to go now but thanks again for helping me.

Isabella: Your welcome. Text me anytime you feel like it. Bye.

Athena: Bye.

"Come in!" I shouted.

A moment later Via walked into my room holding a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup. "I thought this would make you feel better. I know it isn't the homemade stuff but chicken noodle soup is chicken noodle soup no matter if it comes from a can or it's homemade," Via stated.

I thanked her as I took the soup from Via.

"You always know how to make me feel better."

"Of course I do. We have lived together for the past 6 years," she replied.

Via walked back into the kitchen to make herself some dinner.

My dad wasn't home right now because apparently he is working late tonight. Personally, I think he is going on a date. It's about time. My dad hasn't been on a date in years and I was starting to think he was going to die alone. He needs to get back out there. He can't keep waiting for my mom to come back. She's never going to come back.

Just then I got a text from my dad saying he will be home in a couple of hours. Yep, definitely a date.

Honestly, a first I was reluctant on him dating because, me being a little girl who's mom just left her, I still had hope that she would come back and her and my dad would get back together. But over the years I realized she sin't coming back and that we need to move on.

The rest of the night until my dad got home I just watched movies. Half way through my second movie, there was a knock on my window. I threw my blanket off my legs and got up to see what it was.

Leo's window was open and he was leaning over the ledge trying to get my attention. "Hey Athena, how did shopping go today?" he asked. "It went fine. I found my costume. Have you found your's yet?"

Last I checked Leo hadn't bought a costume yet and knowing him he would probably wait until the very last second to buy one. I didn't want that to happen.

"I'm just gonna grab something tomorrow when I go to pick up some food after my workout," he replied. Oh god, I'm just hoping that he won't forget and then end up not wearing a costume at Homecoming. That would be really embarrassing.

"Alright just remember what I told you. Don't get the wrong costume," I warned.


The next morning, I got a text from Teddy saying that he wouldn't to meet up for coffee at 10 at a little coffee shop a couple minutes from my house. I texted him sure and then went downstairs for breakfast. My dad made eggs and bacon. The smell of the bacon made my stomach growl louder than a lion.

After eating a ton of bacon and a couple eggs and downing a glass of orange juice, I headed back upstairs to get ready.

Since I was just going out for coffee, I decided against dressing up. Sure, I have a crush on Teddy, but if he only likes me when I dress up or look pretty than he can suck it. I won't date somebody who only likes me for my looks.

I put on some simple jeans a white t-shirt and my Adidas.

Hopefully this goes well.


I arrived at the coffee shop ten minutes later and sat down at a table towards the back. Teddy isn't here yet so I won't ahead and ordered a coffee while I waited for him. A minute later, I saw a familiar head of brown hair walk through the door. When Teddy spotted me he waved and walked over.

He motioned for a waiter to come over then he ordered the same thing I did.

"So about Homecoming..." I started. Teddy interrupted me and said "Can we not talk about Homecoming? Honestly the only reason I asked you here was because I wanted to spend time with you outside of school."

"Oh," was all I said. A light blush spread across my cheeks.

We talked about all different kinds of things. What surprised me was that Teddy and I had almost nothing in common. I liked Marvel, he liked DC. I liked white, he liked black. He like movies better, I liked to read better. But most of all, when we were talking I didn't feel that excitement, that joy.

He was a fun person to hang out with and to talk to, but the more I think about it the more I realize that I just like him as a friend nothing more.

Eventually, I had to go home. We said our goodbyes and parted ways.


Before I knew it, Via was waking me up Saturday morning, the day of Homecoming. "Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" she shouted in my ear.

"Alright up, I'm up," I grumbled. I do not like waking up early, especially on the weekends when I could be sleeping in.

"We have a nail appointment in an hour, get ready." Via left my room and walked back into her's. I can't believe it's Homecoming already. It felt like just yesterday I was starting my last year of high school and now I was already a fourth of the way through the year. Time goes by so fast.

I threw on a pair of leggings and an old t-shirt and walked downstairs. Via was already down there, tapping her foot as she waited for me.

"Finally, I thought you fell back asleep or something. Come on we need to go." She grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me out to my car. "The nail salon is half an hour away. We need to hurry if we want to make our appointment." I don't argue with her or try to tell her that I don't want my nails done. It's useless. I know I will just end up either caving or being physically dragged with.

There's never any use fighting or resisting something when it comes to Via. She always wins no matter what.


We arrived at the nail salon just in time. Via already knew what kind of nails she wanted, but when I got back their I had no idea what I wanted to get done.

"Show me a picture of your dress," the lady asked. I pulled a picture of my dress and showed it to her. "Ah, I know what to do. Don't worry I will make your nails pretty. Just sit back and relax."

I nodded my head and then put my fingers out so she could work her magic.


A little while later and the lady was done. I was in complete shock. My nails were beautiful! She had put on some fake nails that weren't to short and weren't too long. The tip was slightly pointed, with all my nails except for my ring finger being white with a single jewel towards the bottom. My ring finger nails were covered in a silver sparkly nail polish that I adored.

Via paid for both of our nails and then we headed back home.

Once we got back, Via told me to go take a shower and then she would do my hair. I did what she told me to do. I spent a little longer washing my hair because one my nails, and two I wanted to make sure it looked extra soft for tonight.

As soon as my hair was dry, Via took her curling iron and started. She did a half up half down look. When she finished she started on my makeup.

Via did my eyebrows, out on white and silver eye shadow, mascara, and some light pink lipstick to top it all off. By the time Via finished my hair and makeup, 2 hours had passed. looked in the mirror and my eyes went wide. I couldn't believe it. I looked gorgeous!

I hardly ever dressed up like this and with the makeup Via did, my green eyes looked bigger and more mysterious with all the makeup on. I can't believe she did all this. Via is amazing. She should do this for a living.


A few hours later and my nerves were starting to get to me. Leo was supposed to be coming over in an hour and my nerves were starting to get the better of me. I wonder what he's going to look like. He actually did get his costume like he said he would so at least I don't have to worry about that.

Via just finished her hair and makeup and it looks way better than mine. There's blood all over her dress and a couple rips. She really went all out.

Honestly, I think her and Miles are going to win King and Queen. They deserve it.

I put on my dress and heels and looked in the mirror. The white dress I bought matched perfectly with my white angel wings and my white flower halo. Leo and I decided to go as an angel and the devil. It was my idea.

My heels were white with silver leaf-y designs that matched my flower halo.

I couldn't wait to see what Leo thought.

Just then, the doorbell rang and a couple seconds later my dad yelled up "Athena! Via! Your dates are here."

I could here Via practically race down the stairs, eager to see her date. I took my time because I was still trying to calm myself down. As I walked down the stairs, the first thing I saw was Leo. He was dressed in black dress pants a white dress shirt, red tie, red suit jacket, and red devil horns. His eyes were looking me up and down and then they clouded over. I glanced away, a blush as red as his jacket spreading across my cheeks.

I saw Via messing with her camera, taking pictures of her and Miles. They both looked adorable.

All of a sudden, when I was two steps away from the bottom, my foot twisted in my heels and I was falling. Everything was happening in slow motion. Leo jumped forward in order to catch me. I felt his strong arms around me stopping me from falling.

However my head was still moving forward and somehow my lips crashed right on top of Leo's.

I'm kissing Leo!


What's going to happen after the kiss? Who will win King and Queen? What will happen at Homecoming?

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to update as often as I can because as I said in the author's note at the end of the last chapter, I want to get this story to 1,000 reads in 2 weeks. I know we can do it.

Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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