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"Want me to pour you more syrup, Joe?" Max suggested, ready to pour the maple syrup onto the man's half eaten waffles but was gently shoved away much to her surprised.

"Nah. I'm good."

"Now that's new."

Joe chuckled and ate his waffles smiling but eventually went to a sad face. "I'm sad though you left the Mansion."

"Well, people need to leave some things behind."

"I don't think leaving them was meant to be left."

The words pierced right Max's heart. He was right after all. Max gently shook her head and showed a smile to Joe. "Let me know if you'd change your mind."

"Omelet and pancakes!" Beatrice called out from the kitchen as she started to flip some pancakes with her spatula.

"Thanks, Beatrice!" Max shouted.

"Hey, Max. "Joey approached her as soon as Max reached the customers by the windows. "Those girls wanted to have an autograph of you."

"Enjoy your breakfast." She smiled to the customers before showing a confused face to Joey. "Say what now?"

"Autograph. Those girls by the corner. Said they admired your bravery from last night."Joey told Max, jerking her thumb towards the girls. "It's something that I admired also. I want to have your autograph, too."

"Quit fooling around." Max waved Joey off before she saw three ladies coming in, searching for a table and sat. Max approached them, her small notepad and her pencil ready on her hands. "Can I get you girls anything?"

"Oh my god. It's her. It's really her." One of the girls said, grinning at the sight of Max.

"You look even prettier from up close." One commented, examining Max's face.

Max already felt weird. "Uhh, yeah. Are you girls going to order or-"

"Whatever you're having." All the three girls simultaneously said along with their grins.

"We have waffles and coffee." Max suggested.

"Then we'll have waffles."

"All right then." Max said.

"How's your mom?" the other girl asked, her eyes beaming.

"Is she okay now? I hope she's safe back home."

"What? How-"

  "I got pancakes!" Beatrice called out.  Max could've asked on how they knew about her mom but Beatrice has been calling her so she decided to drop it off and gave them a tight smile before leaving the girls. "I got three waffles!". She shouted to her and then took the plates, ready to serve them. But the moment she turned around, she saw a very familiar pretty short blonde hair in designer clothing's glaring at her with her blue doe eyes.

"Casey?" Max squeaked.

"Don't you Casey me, you Ms. left- me-without-a-word." Casey scolded, stomping forward towards Max.

"You're here!"

"Obviously, I am here...unannounced like someone I know." She said, placing both of her hands on her waist.

"Wait-wait. Just let me serve these." Max hurriedly went to the customers and served them their breakfast before approaching Casey who was tapping her polished fingers on the counter. "Casey, I really miss you."

Casey shrugged her shoulders." That shouldn't be the first one you should say."

Max smiled and exhaled. "I'm sorry I left without telling you."

"Well, I miss you too." She finally said, smiling this time and spreading her arms towards Max, offering her a wide embrace. "Oh. Oh. I also brought company."

Max turned around to see who she was talking about and she saw Sophia and Rose by the door. "Sophia! Rose!"

"I thought you were strong. You definitely disappoint me, Maxine Reeves." Sophia stated, crossing her arms together.

"I'm sorry."

"But, you sure are hard not to be miss though."

"How's-how's Ian?"

"Doing good." Casey answered Max.

"So, is it...I mean the show? It's done right?" Max asked.

Casey looked at Sophia and Rose before giving her answer. "Well, yes."

Max nodded slowly. "Who...who did he choose?"

"It's quite obvious."

The name stung in her chest. "Emilia? It's Emilia isn't it?". Nobody gave her a reply rather, they just bowed their heads, avoiding Max's eyes. "I knew it. Anyway, can I get you girls anything? Our pancakes  and waffles here are really good." 

"I'll have whatever what's good." Rose said.

"Same here." Sophia raised her head, coolly.

"Do you have latte?" Casey asked.

"It's a diner." Sophia stated.

"It's okay. We make one." Max said.

"Hey, Max can we turned on your little t.v?" Sophia asked.

"Yup." She switched it on and at that moment the She's One in a Million aired on the t.v. Everyone (particularly the ladies) were surprised to see it at this hour. 

"This is She's One in a Million: the Final Rose." Michael said before the opening themed began. 

"I'll get your orders." Max said, heading towards the kitchen.

"You know, Brittany used to dated Michael." Sophia shared, looking at the television.

"No way." Both of her companions reacted.

"You okay, kiddo?" Beatrice asked Max, as she aw her began making a latte.

"Yeah. Fine. Totally." Max answered, exhaling. "Why?"

"Your friends from the wealthy side came. I know how much you've wanted to see them."

"Yeah, I do."

"What about the guy? You missed him?"

She took a pause before answering, "Of course. But, I'm fine. I completely understand why he chose her. I mean, I've always knew it. I just--I just wanted to see him once more."

Beatrice gave a tight smile and rubbed both of Max's shoulders. "I've almost forgot how it feels like to really be in love with someone. I forgot how beautiful love is."

"I got your latte." Max gave the latte to Casey. Noticing that all of their heads are up, she trailed down their gazes and had herself watching the scene of Emilia and Casey in their white summer dresses with Ian by the gardens. He was holding a white rose; the final rose. 

Ian looked down to the rose and exhaled, "This rose decides everything from now on. Giving this to you means that I've chosen you over all odd things. I've seen the sides of yourself and I couldn't but to helplessly be in love everything about you. I hope that all those times-you've finally found yourself and love yourself too."

Emilia and Casey smiled at Ian as he smiled too, and began to leave the Mansion. 

Everyone began to screamed as he got into the car and left the Mansion. The scene turned black and after a few seconds, the scene changed to a place Max was very familiar with.

"Hey! That's outside our diner!" Joey pointed out the television. And true enough, Ian was walking towards the diner, wearing the same outfit along with the rose. Everybody was grinning and teasing at Max, who was in complete shock and disbelief.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" Casey said, gently pushing Max towards Ian. Max could feel her heart getting heavier and heavier as Ian's steps got closer to her. And when they were finally in front of each other, Max felt weak on her knees, her stomach began to tingle and her heart pounding in speed but she loved every feeling of it.

"You said your feelings in front of the whole world well, I'm doing the same too." Ian said, smiling as he handed Max the rose. "Maxine Reeves, I am not perfect as what you portray me to be. I can't cook-even eggs. I am afraid of clowns and I play the Call of Duty. I am slightly afraid of the spiders and roaches and I am scared not to have someone I love be with me."

Max chuckled at Ian just told her. "The more you say you're imperfect, you became more perfect to me. But-" she exhaled as she could feel heat rising upon her cheeks,"will you accept me for who I am? Accept me in this yellow dress and red apron?"

"Max, haven't you been listening? I've already did, long way ago."

"Way to go, Max!" Jesse cheered at her sister as Ian and her  shared a kiss in live television. Her mother placed her hand on her heat, smiling all the time, feeling proud of her daughter.

"Atta girl." Emilia said to herself, watching the two lovers before closing the lid of her laptop and smiled to her soon to be business partners. "Shall we begin with the contract signing?"

"Max! Max!" The call of her name made Max spun around and saw Justin approaching them, amidst the sudden crowd in the diner. "Max!"

"Justin! You're here!" Max exclaimed, giving him an embrace. "Ian, this is my best friend, Justin." 

Justin extended his hand to Ian which he shook it with a smile. "Finally meeting you."

"Same here. Thank you for being with Max all these times." Ian said.

"Of course. What are best friends for?" Justin smiled, happy for his best friend finally being with the man who she definitely deserves.

"Hey, I want to show you something." Ian whispered to Max. Max nodded as Ian pulled her away from the crowd and away from the diner. Justin could only watch them till they disappear and sighed, absently sitting on the bar stool.

"I feel like eating waffles." Justin was surprised as he realize the one beside him said simultaneously with him. He look at his side and had his warm brown eyes met blue ones. He was amazed at the beauty of the pretty blonde who was smiling at him.

"They have great waffles here." Justin shared in a quick manner.

"Max told me. I suddenly wanted to try one."

"I'm Justin." He said, extending his hands on her.

"Casey." She answered with a smile and when she touch his hands, she could feel her heart skipped a bit and so did his.

Max went out of the car and found herself standing in front of their pub. "It's our pub."

Ian stood beside her, placing his hands on his pockets. "Yup. It is."

"It's not ours now actually. Someone bought it now." She said, looking down.

"I know and I know who bought it."

She looked up to him, wondering. "Who?"

Ian looked down to her smiling, "Remember Mr. Wellington? That grumpy old man at my grandparent's anniversary who was listening attentively to your adventures?"

"He bought our pub?!"

"You know, people had things that they wanted to have in their collection. Mr. Wellington's collections are actually liquors and small pubs. Somehow, he already had eyes on this pub before but after hearing your story, it drive him to  pursue in buying this one."

"I see."

"As grumpy as he is, he is actually a generous man. That's why," Ian handed Max the key from his pocket. "he entitled the pub to your family."

The sight of the key was a complete disbelief on Max that she has to look at the key and Ian repeatedly before taking it with her hand and burst into tears. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

"But of course, I wouldn't want to come without something in my hands, too." Ian smiled at Max, "You said you've always wanted to finish school, right? Guess what? You'd be starting this September."

"What!? Wait-wait, hold on, hold on. What do you mean me-starting--?"

He wrapped his arms around Max, never removing that smile, making her cheeks turned to red. "I enrolled you to an adult high school. You only got a year to go,anyway. I know how much you wanted to finish your school."


"As a heart attack." He gave her a flashing grin.

She looked at his eyes,his amazing blue eyes in disbelief. "That's-that's really..uhm..uh..."She looked away first, trying to think of any words that could match such gratitude. This news wouldn't just be for her, it would be for her family and most especially to her father. The regret that she has been burdening herself has finally come to a light. "Ian..."

"You're welcome." He gave her a gentle grin this time and touch his forehead to hers for she was just so adorable.

"Uhm, I haven't thanked you for what you did to my mom though."

"Your mom?" He asked, puzzled.

She stared at him, confused at his puzzlement. "Yeah. My mom? Weren't you the one who...paid her bills and...medications?"

This time,  he smiled. "Ohh. Well, that wasn't me."


"It was them." He made her turn around and to her surprised, she saw people-hundreds of people with smiles and grins on their faces. They then cheered the moment she looked at them. "Wha-"

"They made some sort of fan base for you actually and made some donations for your mom. You shouldn't thank me, you should thank them."

She could have dropped to her knees and weep if she wasn't able to control herself. But, there were tears in her eyes but not in sadness.

She had her family finally complete at home.

The pub was back to them.

She gained and kept true friends.

She had the love of her life in her arms that she's entirely and fully in love with.

And most of all, she was able to forgive and accept herself once again.

 She was very happy that good days has come her way. Finally.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

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