Chapter 4 - The Queen Is In Trouble

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Hi guys! Again, I’m so thankful to all of my wonderful readers. Thank you for your non-stop support in all of my stories. I hope you’ll be with me till the very end. =)

She’s In Love With A Geek has a different concept compared to Must Date The PLAYBOY. They’re totally different. =)

For those who’re asking, I already wrote this story a year ago but it was put on hold. I erased the old version because I altered some of the character’s personality and some change in scenes. But the flow is still the same. =)

Again, thank you! Teen Fiction #39 and Humor #24. Oh-la-la. I’m in heaven!

CHAPTER DEDICATION: Twitter follower Niall_dos13 thanks for the lovely banner.

SPECIAL MENTION to Ari_forev thanks to your wonderful comment. =)


Chapter 4 – The Queen Is In Trouble

Senior Year.

It’s been four months since it started and I can say that I’m really having a good time. It’s like everything is going according to plan. This year couldn’t get any better.

With late night parties, shopping, hangouts, vacation, this is definitely what senior year is all about. But not for everyone. Surely, the others who’re not in our circle were having a boring, normal time.

As for me, I’m absolutely enjoying every single day of your life. It’s so nice to be pretty, rich and popular.

It’s so nice to be Courtney Collins.

Time surely flies when you're having fun. I haven't realized that midterms were over. I’m so busy preparing for Winter Break that I haven’t had the chance to think about it. Why do I care? For me, grades are not important. It’s just a pathetic excuse for teachers who’re dying for our attention.

I stared out of the window and pondered. I’m still in class and dying to get out of here. The lectures are getting more boring each day. I wonder what would be my agenda today. The girls were planning to go to the mall but I promised Troy that I would watch his football practice later.

I was too busy swimming in my own thoughts that I didn’t notice my teacher looking at me and saying something. I didn’t get what she’s talking about so I decided to ask her again.

"I’m sorry Ms. Lee. Could you repeat what you were saying? Your voice is kinda soft and I barely hear a thing." I made an excuse so she wouldn’t know that I wasn’t listening.

"What I was saying, Ms. Collins, was the principal wants you in his office right now. You may go. You're excused."

The principal wants to talk to me?

What now?

This better be quick. I have to be somewhere after class and Mr. Cleveland’s office is so not in my list.

I collected my things, shove it inside my bag and went out of the room. I headed straight to Mr. Cleveland’s office. I knocked and the moment he opened the door, I saw his brows creased.

Now, what was that all about? Is there any problem?

"Good Afternoon Ms. Collins. Please take a seat". He greeted. I obeyed his order and sat in front of him.

“Is everything alright, Mr. Cleveland?” I asked. I’m a little skeptical about this sudden meeting. As I have recalled, I didn’t do anything wrong.

"I'm afraid we have a big problem here Ms. Collins.” He started. He looked straight into me as if waiting for me to say something. But I remained silent and that made him to continue. “This is about your Father. He-" before he even finished his sentence I cut him off.

I stood up and panicked. “What’s wrong with my Dad? Is he all right? What happened?”

"Calm down Ms. Collins. Your Father is fine." He assured me. I sat down and my features appeared more confused than before.

“Then, what was it?” I asked. A little impatient is evident in my tone.

“Your father called me awhile ago. He’s asking for your class standing.” He began.

Well, what’s new about that? He’s always doing that after each major exam.

“I told him that you’re doing great as usual. Fine student, a role model to your schoolmates.”

I beamed at Mr. Cleveland’s compliment. But then it immediately disappeared the moment I noticed that his face was still in full disappointments.

"To my surprise, he’s not satisfied with my answer. He even accused me of lying about your real standing. Thinking that I’m covering you up. He threatened me that if I didn’t tell him the truth; he will make sure that the boards will hear about this. Making my position as the principal will be at stake.”

I gulped hard at this statement. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I didn’t do anything wrong for my Dad to be this angry. What came to him, thinking that I’m doing something stupid?

Mr. Cleveland took out something from the drawer of his desk and then he handed it to me.

“At first I was really clueless on what your father was talking about. I stand to believe that you’re a good student. That’s why I called for an emergency faculty meeting to clear out everything. What I discovered really made me have second thoughts about you, Ms. Collins.”

I scanned the papers that Mr. Cleveland gave to me. It was the summary of my attendance in each of my class with remarks of late and absences. The compilation of my failing grades and unattended exams. The projects and laboratory experiments that I haven’t submitted. Where the hell did these all came from?

I gathered every inch of self-control in my nerve to remain calm and collected. What the hell is happening?

“I had no choice but to tell your father everything I heard. I think one of your teachers told him the things you've been doing lately. Maybe that’s the reason why he knew I was lying about your standing, which I really had no clue until now. He, I mean, we’re now aware about your skipping classes, after school party sessions and your failing grades. Not to mention, the incident happened last year, the almost not making it to senior year." Mr. Cleveland’s tone is full of disappointment.  He’s expecting too much from me and now that I ruined his expectations, he’s now giving me this father-like lecture.

Geez Mr. Cleveland. I don’t need a second father.

"But I did make it right? I'm totally a senior now. I passed all of my exams last year." I told him with determination.

I’m trying to defend myself and act firm in front of him but deep inside I’m really nervous! Who knows how much this old man knew about what happened to me last year. What if he knew or discovered about the things I did with that errand boy? Don’t tell me that idiot spilled the beans to Mr. Cleveland. But that’s not possible. I threatened him!

He is so gonna pay for this!

I’m so toast!

"I know you made it on your own way. You almost got perfect scores in your exams, right? We, together with your teachers, believed that you’re a really smart girl, Ms. Collins. And we thought that maybe you’re at your best whenever you’re put in a stressful situation. You can have straight As if you wanted to and if you continually attend all your classes, do your homework, give it your best in answering pop quizzes and exams and lastly, cut down some partying.”

I virtually rolled out my eyes at his statement.

Who are you to lecture me on what or how am I going to spend my senior year? My own father can’t even do that for me.

He took a deep breath and continued, “Your father and I came to an agreement. From now on, you have to pass all your homework, quizzes and especially your final exams. It doesn’t have to be As but you have to make sure you don’t have any Cs, Ds and especially Fs. I’m not going to be easy on you, Ms. Collins. Your father told me that if I think that your standing is not worthy enough to gain a diploma, I’m afraid I’m not going to let you graduate. Maybe next school year if you’re ready.”

“That is totally unfair, Mr. Cleveland!” I couldn’t contain my emotions anymore. The thought of not graduating is nerve wreaking and horrifying at the same time. I don’t want to repeat high school. What would the others think of me? Am I the only one experiencing this kind of problem?

Arg! Why is this happening to me all of a sudden? Why is the world being cruel to me!

“There is no such thing as unfairness in high school, Ms. Collins. Everything is based on your works that is reflected through your grades. In short, you’re the one grading yourself.” Mr. Cleveland answered knowledgeably.

I hate it when people were talking about grades. Who knows what those teachers were thinking about their students? I don’t believe that there’s justice behind that. It’s always biased. The teachers’ pets, geeks, nerds, those are the people that were always in favor of receiving good grades because they simply abide to the commands and rules of their teachers. And the unfortunate ones, the people who doesn’t give a damn about what they’re teaching or even caught not listening, they’ll surely fail.  

And maybe that’s what’s happening to me. Maybe those teachers don’t like me. They may appear pleasant in front of me but once I turned my back, they’re attacking me through my grades.

‘Or maybe you’re just thinking too much or finding someone to blame for having too much fun. Try to study sometimes and we’ll see about your teacher-hating-student-grading-system theory.’

And what the hell is wrong with my subconscious? Is she trying to get on my bad side? Really? I thought we’re on this, together!

I was about to argue more with myself but Mr. Cleveland decided to talk again. “I want you to graduate with good grades, Ms. Collins. I can’t hide the fact that I’m very disappointed on the things that I’ve discovered. All this time, I thought you’re doing fine. Well I hope you’ll get serious this time. You may go.” He finally gave me the permission to go out of his office.

I stood up and said my goodbye. When I was about to open the door, Mr. Cleveland called my attention.

“Oh I forgot one more thing.” He started. I faced him and then he continued. “Your father wants you to focus on your finals because he discovered that you failed all of your midterm exams. He mentioned that he’ll take your credit cards and will set a curfew from now on.”

My mouth fell open with Mr. Cleveland’s final words.

I can't believe my Dad actually did that!

My credit cards? A curfew? That’s totally insane!

I hate you Dad! I hate you Mr. Cleveland! I hate this school!

Maybe I spoke too soon. This is starting to be the worst year ever!

I tried to give the principal a warm smile and said, “You’re right. I have to focus more on my studies. Maybe I’m just having too much goodtime and getting psyched about being a senior. I didn’t pay too much attention with school and grades.  Don’t worry Mr. Cleveland. I’ll do my best to not disappoint you and my Dad anymore.” I finished with a smirk.

“That’s good to hear, Ms. Collins.” He nods his head in approval and smiled. I turned my heels and retreated.

You want something smart Mr. Cleveland? I'll give you something better, a genius. Just wait and see so that you and my Dad can finally leave me alone.

Straight As won’t be that hard as long as you’re charming like me.

As I walked out the principal's office, I noticed that classes have already ended and there were no more students in the hallway. I checked my phone and saw forty missed calls and thirty-five text messages came from Terry, Jenny, Fiona, Lucy and Troy asking for my whereabouts.

Well, at least I have decided on where will I spend my free time.

It’s time to end this stupid thing.

I guess I need that errand boy again.


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