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   " Near, you're right. "

   " I thought so, thank you for confirming my assumptions. "

   " I'm glad you figured out about the fake rule. I was afraid I would have to tell you what rules were fake and what rules were real. "

   " I tried to be less intellectual and get you to tell me but it didn't seem to work. "

   " No, it's been tried on me before so I can tell when someone is acting. "

   " She's very intellectual isn't she? " Lawliet said from the screens.

   " She is, you're a lucky man, L. "

   " I like to think not. Seeing as she is not with me here in Japan. "

   " Ryuzaki I'll be there at some point. I promise you just need to be patient. " I said telling the monitor.

   " What if I came down there to the SPK? "

   " No! You can't. I told you already you must stay hidden. Kira has access to everything right now so you can't do anything like that. "

   " I understand, I was only teasing. There was no need for you to raise your voice in that tone. "

   " I'm sorry. Excuse me. "

I stood up from my chair and left the SPK main room and traveled to another part of the building. I didn't know where I was going I was just going to another part of the building where I could be alone. The stress of everything was starting to take its toll on me. I felt stressed about not being with the Task Force to watch them or Light and the thought of going home weighed on my mind 24/7. When the elevator doors opened I found myself in a small study with books lining the walls and there was a few couches around the room. In the middle of the room was a mahogany table. I walked inside and took a seat on one of the couches and tried to tame the headache.

   ' I wonder how Melena is doing? Last I saw her she was going to work. We had told each other bye when she left. I probably missed so much work from my university. I don't even know if I'll go back there and see Melena again or if I'll continue my old life. I might be permanently stuck here. '

A small tear slipped from your cheek and then more continued to fall. You took your shoes off and pulled your knees to your chest, holding them tightly against you. 

   ' I ruined the real story of Death Note too. Mr. Yagami didn't get shot and I did instead, I've had to save a man from falling over a bridge, I even saved a main character from their death. I said I didn't want to change this story but it seems I did anyway. I probably damaged a lot of things back in my world. '

You hid your face in your arms and let the tears fall wanting the stress and tension to leave your back. In the main SPK observation room Near sat in front of his toys with Ryuzaki's L sitting on the screen. 

   " She's stressed. " Ryuzaki said.

   " It seems so. While she has been with the SPK I've noticed a change in her behavior. She's stressed and worried about what's going on with the Task Force in Japan and if she will be able to go back to her world. "

   " Yes, I know she does not intend to make me sad with her talk of going home, but it makes me worried for her. She knows that the story has changed and she changed it, so now she's hoping nothing in her world changes. "

   " If she is given the choice to stay here or go back to her world, it'll be difficult for her to pick. "

   " It will be. Near I will leave you for now and I will contact you another day. Let me know how my love is doing when you see her. "

   " I will. "

With that the call ended and Near continued to play with his toys and think about the fake L. You, in the library, raised your head and looked around the room.

   ' Why did I even get into a relationship? I shouldn't be doing that while I'm here. The guy shouldn't be alive but it's still not safe for a relationship and it's only going to make it harder to leave. '

I started scanning the book titles. Most of them were nonfiction books but I wanted to see if I could spot the black sheep in the group. I couldn't spot the odd ball but I did see a title that looked interesting. I stood up from the couch and walked towards the book and slipped it away from the shelf. 

   " 'To Be Somewhere'. Sounds interesting. " I said out loud.

You took a seat on the couch and flipped to the first page of the book. You could tell that this book was one about theories from long ago and modern times. A book of philosophers theories. You looked at the index and read through the title of theories. One caught your eyes and you were attracted to read that specific section. It made you curious because it sounded like it was connected to your situation. 

   " Hugh's travel to a multiverse. That's...interesting. Maybe it'll tell me about what's going on. "

You started reading the chapter and got invested in the book and you couldn't put it down. It was boring at first but when it talked about someone going to another universe the same exact way you did, you couldn't put the book down. You were stuck in that library for the rest of the day just reading the chapter along some others that talked about the subject. When you finished the book you felt your heart clench and release.

   ' So, I will be able to leave when this is all over. If the story ends how it's supposed to and I don't change anything else I should be able to go home without anything being disrupted. '

You stood up and put the book back on the shelf with its brothers and sisters. I left the room and decided to go to the kitchen and get something to drink. 

   ' The question now is would I be able to let go of Lawliet and could I keep the story on it's course? '

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