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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐ด๐ท๐ธ๐ฟ๐ด๐ผ๐ท๐ธ went with Caroline and Bonnie to where Bonnie had brought Jeremy back to life, so they could do the spell they had been shown.

"So this is where you brought Jeremy back to life?" Caroline asked, a little hesitant to enter the old and abandoned building as Bonnie led them down a flight of broken stairs made from unstable wood after being there for so long.

"Yeah." Bonnie sighed deeply, "I know it's creepy but we needed a private place around here to do the spell." She explained, also not liking being back. She made her way to the middle of the room while Adelaide stopped and stood beside the blonde vampire who was looking around the room warily. Barely any light shone through the small windows but it was enough to see where they were going, not that Caroline nor Adelaide for that matter, needed it with their super vision or whatever.

"Hm, there's no chance it's haunted by the uh, hundred dead witches who were horrifically burned to death in this very spot, is there?" Caroline laughed nervously.

"They're not here anymore." Bonnie informed the slightly scared vampire - they all knew witches held grudges against most vampires, if not all vampires. "And they made it clear they were never coming back." She sent her a reassuring look while Adelaide patted her shoulder before walking closer to Bonnie and sitting down on the floor, legs crossed.

"Right," Caroline swung on the back of her heels, "Pinkie swear?" Adelaide chuckled at her best friends request, smiling at the sweet girl. Caroline never failed to amaze her with what she said sometimes. To say she was a vampire, no one would ever think so.

"It'll be fine Care, if not - I'm here." Adelaide sent her a playful smirk, gesturing to herself.

"You know, you've gotten really cocky these past few weeks - and sarcastic." Caroline smiled at the girl as she went around and lit all the candles up to give them more light.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Adelaide shrugged, not being sarcastic this time.

"Okay, ready." Caroline finished lighting the last candle around the room, "Do you need me to do..." but Bonnie was already chanting in latin, performing the spell from the grimoire. Caroline let out a large exhale as they waited for Bonnie to finish the spell. Wind began to blow around their feet as the leaves and dust of dirt began following across the wooden floor.

"Do you think it's working?" Adelaide raised an eyebrow at Caroline as the wind began to pick up and move further up.

"Bonnie, we don't like this." Caroline thought out loud, her head whipping around the room. Adelaide could tell she was getting scared because of what was happening and Bonnie didn't seem to be responding to them. Adelaide stood up and took a step closer to the witch, ready to break her from the spell if needs be. The chanting continues as Caroline uttered her name again softly.

"Oh my god." Adelaide gasped, watching with surprise spreading across her face.

"Is that your..." Caroline breathed, trailing off.

"Grams." Bonnie spluttered, taking an unsteady breath in as she tried to hold a sob in. Her sobs couldn't be held any longer though as the tears collecting in her eyes began to stream down her face. Adelaide could tell they were not only sad but happy tears. "I can't believe you're here!" She stammered through a croaky voice.

"Now stop your crying, we don't have time for tears." Bonnie's grams told her, sending her a small smile. "Nice to see you again, Caroline, Adelaide." The oldest Bennett witch turned towards the two girls who both wore happy smiles upon their faces, glad Bonnie would get a chance to say a proper goodbye to her grams this time.

"Hi, Miss Sheila." Both girls replied in sync, voices both equally fully of kindness towards the Bennett witch they were all close with.

"A fine mess you've made, honey." Sheila's comment made Bonnie glance down in shame, blinking her tears away, "The witches told you there'd be consequences to brining Jeremy back and you did it anyway."

"I didn't have a choice." Bonnie weeped, shedding a few more tears which rolled down her cheeks. "I love him and I - I couldn't just let him go." Adelaide felt her heart sink as her best friend cried. This was also her brother they were talking about, Bonnie and saved him and it was something Adelaide was incredibly grateful to Bonnie for.

"I understand," Sheila nodded softly, "But you cracked open the door to the other side. There's an old witch over here. She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you, honey. When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open, -" Shiela explained, trying to not sound too harsh on Bonnie, not wanting the young witch to be filled with guilt, "-giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business."

"How do you know this?" Bonnie interrogated her, confused on how it all worked.

"Witches talk. Even on the other side." Adelaide could t help but think of the song from the Princess and the Frog when anyone said 'The Other Side'. 'I've go friends on the other side' was on repeating and stuck in her head now, despite the current situation. "Who do you think makes all the rules?" Adelaide chuckled a little at Sheila's comment, while Caroline cracked a smile.

"What does the witch want?" Bonnie went on with asking more questions.

"That's Original vampire business, not yours." Adelaide snapped her head back up towards Shiela and Bonnie from staring at the ground. She pushed herself off the wooden pillar she had been leaning on, with her arms crossed over her chest. "I don't want you getting in the middle of that. Nor do I want you to Adelaide." Adelaide frowned as Sheila directed it to her as well. She was involved whether anyone liked it or not. She liked Elijah and Rebekah and there was something going on between her and Klaus - she just didn't know what exactly. "I'm here because you upset the balance of nature." She didn't say anything as she carried on listening to Bonnie's grams explain why she was here. "And it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door." Sheila ordered her.

After explaining how they were going to close the door Adelaide was the one to call Elena to tell her what they needed.

"How do we do that?" Elena asked her sister through the phone after Adelaide had finished telling her Bonnie's grams knew how to shut the door that let all the ghosts have a physical foothold.

"Apparently the old witch can draw power from this side because of her talisman." Adelaide informed her, holding the phone up to her ear as she and Caroline stood a little further away from Bonnie and her grams.

"Talisman... my necklace?" Elena realised.

"Yeah, it's some sort of power source. And we know you're not going to like this, but Bonnie needs to destroy it." Adelaide added, knowing the necklace meant a lot to Elena because it gave her hope that Stefan would regain his humanity.
Elena sighed before speaking again, displeasure and disapproval both present as ever in her tone, "I just walked in on Jeremy kissing the reason I'm completely okay with that."

"What? Are you kidding?" Adelaide whispered yelled through the phone, not wanting Bonnie to over-hear. Caroline looked just as angry and shocked as Adelaide was, having being using her vampire hearing to listen in on the conversation between the Gilbert sisters.

"I wish." Elena remarked.

"Tell Jeremy next time he sees me, he should either hide or run, cause I'm gonna beat his ass to the ground. Also tell him he's a fucking idiot. And use the swearing - it adds anger to what you're saying." Adelaide rushed out angrily.

"Will do. Look, I don't have the necklace. Damon has it somewhere. Text him. I'll call you right back." Elena hung up before Adelaide could say anything else. Adelaide and Caroline both shared a concerned look, worried about what this would do to Bonnie. They had to tell her, this wasn't something they could keep from her. But without saying anything to each other both the girls agreed they would wait and see if it was possible to not tell Bonnie until Jeremy came clean to her. It should be him telling her, not them.ย 

The three girls went back to the Salvatore Boarding House after Damon had told there where the necklace should be. After searching his whole bathroom they could not find it. Letting out a frustrated sign, Adelaide pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket, calling Elena.

"So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon." Adelaide ranted to her sister after she had answered the call, clearly annoyed with not being able to find the god damn necklace as she paced up and down.

"Listen, I need you and Caroline to get Bonnie to hold off on sending the ghosts back." Adelaide stopped her pacing and look directly at Caroline who moved close to the phone.

"You said you were in full support of getting rid of them." Caroline hissed at Elena as she took the phone out of Adelaide's hand, still furious at Jeremy's actions.

"I was." Adelaide heard Elena reply with her supernatural hearing. "I am. Look, Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan." Adelaide rolled her eyes, finding the situation Elena was putting them in to be a little tough. Sometimes, even though her sister meant well, she could be selfish. There must be some other way to bring Stefan back and in the mean time a tone of dead supernatural creatures have come back as ghosts and are probably taking the revenge they needed to completely their 'unfinished business.'

"Okay, let's just find it first and then we'll choose between boyfriend ghost dramas." Caroline scoffed at Elena before hanging up. Adelaide snatched the phone back off the blonde who sent her an apologetic look for taking her phone off her in the first place.

"What are you talking about?" Both girls turned around, shocked at Bonnie's sudden presence behind them.

"Um... Lexi's back, so Elena wants us to hold off on destroying the necklace." Adelaide stuttered at first, trying to avoid mentioning anything about Jeremy and Anna - the dead ghost bitch.

"You said boyfriend dramas. Plural." Bonnie walked closer towards them, wanting to know what secret they were hiding from her. "What is it, Adelaide, Caroline?"
"Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna." Caroline said after a moment of hesitation. Adelaide gave Caroline wide eyes, elbowing her in the stomach slightly for spilling. She then turned to give Bonnie a sympathetic look.
"What?" Bonnie stood in front of them, aghast.

"We're sorry." Adelaide muttered.

"He kissed her?" Bonnie's throat tightened. Caroline softly nodded while Adelaide made a move to wrap Bonnie in a hug, placing her head on top of hers as she was much taller than the short witch.

"She's got a foothold now, so she probably thinks that she's here to stay. But, you, Caroline and I, Bonnie, we're going to find that necklace." Adelaide told the witch with determination laced in her voice.ย 

The three girls made a move to begin searching again, throwing towels out of their way and other objects belonging to Damon. Caroline took all the soaps out of the bowl, throwing them down in frustration when she didn't find Elena's necklace.

"Ugh! I give up." She yelled angrily, "It's not anywhere in this room." Adelaide chuckled a little at the annoyed blonde vampire. Their attention was then drawn to Bonnie's phone which began to vibrate. Bonnie went to check who it was only to see that it was Jeremy calling. Adelaide noticing who it was, snatched the phone up from the table - ready to give her brother a full on lecture.

"What the fuck to you want, Jeremy?" She swore.

"Adelaide? Did you find that necklace?" In the distance from Jeremy's side of the phone Adelaide could hear ambulance and police sirens.

"Not yet. Wait, what's going on? I hear sirens?" She asked, throwing a confused glance to Caroline and Bonnie.

"Ghosts of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell." Her eyes widened in shock at Jeremy's information. "You might want to find that necklace before they start going alphabetically through the founding families." He warned her.

"Well, you might want to rethink about kissing a dead-ghost-bitch when you have a gorgeous, kind and awesome girlfriend. The necklace isn't where it's supposed to be. But now that I think about it, there is someone who could have taken it." She sneered.

"Who?" Jeremy ignored the first part.

"Who the hell do you think?" Adelaide scoffed.

"She said she didn't take it." Jeremy said after a moment.

"And you believe her." Adelaide fumed.
"You know what, yeah, yeah, I do believe her." Jeremy snapped back at his older sister.

"You know what, you're an even bigger asshole than I thought. Of course she fucking took it Jeremy, you're the only person she has left. Without you she's lonely, and she is the only one who could have overheard where Damon had put the necklace. So wake up, Jeremy, before you lose everything. Because at this moment in time, you've lost my trust and I don't want to even speak to you or see you again. Not until you apologise to Bonnie for your appalling and disgusting behaviour. Grow up, Jeremy." She vented, her tone snappish and angry. She hung the phone up and slammed in back down, furious with her younger asshole of a brother. Bonnie and Caroline both stared at her in shock from her outburst of anger, but looked even more shocked that Jeremy had still gone and chosen Anna over Bonnie, even though he had already messed up by kissing Anna.


Elena sent a text to Adelaide saying Anna had the necklace and had given it to her. Adelaide didn't ask how they had convinced the bitch to give it back to them, but it must have involved Jeremy somehow.

"Okay, Jeremy's got the necklace and he's going to meet us at the witch house." Adelaide told Bonnie and Caroline as Bonnie drove them back to the witch house. Adelaide sat in the back, putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Okay." Bonnie nodded, "What's going on up there?" She asked, getting both of the supernaturals' attention.

"It's Mrs. Lockwood's car." Caroline announced, glancing at the car which had been left. A yelp escaped Adelaide as she was flung forward - the karma for not wearing her seat belt. The tires of the car squealed against the floor as the car was pulled to a very sudden stop.

"Bonnie, I'm going to get out of the car and you're going to drive the hell away from here." Caroline ordered the witch.

"No way!" Bonnie yelled at her, shaking her head.

"I'll go with Caroline too." Adelaide added, nodding at the blonde.

"No! I am not leaving either of you!" Bonnie disagreed.

"Bonnie, you've got your ghost boyfriend drama. Elena has heres. And right now the mother of mine is about to be ghost bait. So go and send them all back to the other side, okay?" Caroline assured.

"We'll be fine, Bon Bon. Now go and do your cool witchy thing." Adelaide said in a casual tone. Both girls got out of the car and stepped aside as Bonnie pressed on the pedals, driving away.

"Let's kick some ass." Adelaide cheered before she and Caroline began to fight the ghost vampires who came at them. Using her speed and strength she pinned them down, throwing them to the ground harshly. Caroline's vampire face was on show as she attacked the other ghost vampires. Pushing one away from her, Adelaide watched as he skidded across the ground, laying on his back in pain. She noticed Caroline struggling in one of the vampires grips, as he eld her up by the throat. Pushing her hair out of her face, the Gilbert rushed forward and snapped his neck from behind just as he disappeared and Caroline dropped to her feet.

"She did it." Adelaide breathed out, a smile growing on her face. "Bonnie did it."


"You're here. It's about time." Damon commented from the stone step he was sat on.

"Didn't have anyone else to call?" Alaric asked the vampire as he came up behind him, a torch in hand.

"No, actually, I don't." Damon informed sassily as he stood up, huffing, "'Cause I need a non-vampire to get in the cave, and other than Elena and Adelaide, you're pretty much the only one I trust." He admitted, trying to get back on Alaric's good side.
"Well, you have a crappy way of showing that." Alaric snarked gruffly.

"Look, if Mason Lockwood can get over the fact that I killed him, can't you cut me a little slack, Ric?" Damon pestered his ex-best friend and drinking buddy.

"I shouldn't have to get over it." Alaric snapped back. "I was your friend, Damon. You shouldn't have done it in the first place."

"Well! Sometimes... I do things I don't have to do." Damon repeated what he had told Mason Lockwood earlier that day. It was his way of apologising to Mason earlier, without actually saying 'I'm sorry' and luckily Mason had taken it, knowing there was no way he would get a better apology from Damon Salvatore - especially when the vampire didn't actually mean it.

"You're going to recycle that same crap ass apology you gave Mason Lockwood?" Alaric said with burgeoning irritation as he mocked Damon.

"Yeah. Well... I didn't mean it with him." He said, tilting his head a half-smile, half-smirk sent Alaric's away. With a roll of his eyes, the vampire-hunter moved into the cave, the part where Damon couldn't enter. He shone his torch around the room, and gazed at the walls in amazement and surprise.

"Ric, Ric." Damon kept repeating, wanting to know what was in the cave that had Mason Lockwood so eager to find it.

"I found something." The History teacher said vaguely.

"What is it?" Damon asked impatiently and curious.

Alaric took in a deep breath as he looked up at the walls, shining the bright light from the torch onto he drawings in white paint. "I have no idea."ย 


3,217 words

Wow, this was a long chapter - over 3,000 words. And this is also the end of episode seven and therefore the end of Part Two. The first chapter of Part Three should be out tomorrow because for the rest of the evening I'm going to work on my draft for a Society fanfic.ย 

Klaus is backย episodeย nine but I've planned it so he will be mentioned in the next chapters that take place during episode eight.ย 

Does anyone have any ideas as to what Adelaide could be? The closest someone has gotten was Shadowhunter.

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