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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐‘‡๐ป๐ธ two sentences Stefan had just uttered didn't go together or sound right together, but clearly... Niklaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore used to be friends. Great friends from the look of their smiles. Adelaide wondered why he couldn't remember. She didn't speak as Klaus took her and Stefan to another building.

"This doesn't make any sense. Why can't I remember you?" Just because Adelaide was being quiet, didn't mean Stefan was.

"You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes." Klaus responded as he led the other two through the building.

"No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?" Stefan didn't back down.
"I'm a little busy right now. Memory Lane will have to wait." Klaus sniped at Stefan, causing Adelaide to roll her eyes as she trailed behind the two of them.

"What the hell is going on?" Stefan snarled as he forcefully turned Klaus around to face him. "Answer me." Klaus took Stefan's hand off of his arm, glaring at the vampire.

"Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hated you." Klaus explained how Stefan had also known Klaus's sister, Rebekah, and had supposedly loved her.

"Your sister? So I knew another original vampire." Stefan took the information in.

"If you can't handle it, then don't ask." Klaus sneered as he carried on walking.

"Don't be mean to him. Knowing at least one of you Originals is a nightmare. Never mind three." Adelaide snapped at the hybrid. She had only met Klaus and Elijah out of the Mikaelson family and while she found Elijah more tolerable she was deeply attracted to Klaus and couldn't help the feeling she felt when around him. Klaus ignored her as he walked into a room where Adelaide saw coffins in which he kept his siblings in. He opened one up and gazed at who was inside, almost lovingly. It must be his sister, Rebekah. Adelaide walked closer to look inside to coffin, and saw a beautiful blonde woman. Her skin was old and dead looking and a dagger stuck out of her chest, but she still managed to look beautiful. Definitely related to Klaus and Elijah then. Stefan also looked at Rebekah, trying to see if he recognised her at all.

"I don't recognise her."

"Well, don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine." Adelaide scoffed at Klaus's comment.

"I'll believe that when I see it." She told him, causing him to smirk at her.

"Adelaide would get along brilliantly with her." She glared at Klaus's response.

"Time to wake up, little sister." He turned to his sister, pulling the dagger out of her chest. "Any day now, Rebekah." Klaus taunted as he waited for the blonde to wake up. "She's being dramatic." He whispered to the other two.

"I would be too if I had been dagger for centuries." Adelaide imputed sending Klaus a sarcastic smile.

"What's with the attitude today, love?" Klaus chuckled, liking the fact that he could easily wind Adelaide up making her annoyed at him but he could still make her flustered at the same time.

"Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on?" Stefan questioned Klaus, not really caring about anything other than knowing Klaus's plan. "I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?"

"Well, you have many useful talents." Klaus simply said

"Do I?" Stefan nodded sarcastically.

"In fact, I learned some of my favourite tricks from you." Klaus turned towards Stefan as Adelaide rolled her eyes at the two, moving away to sit on the floor against one of the other coffins. She listened as Klaus then went on to talk about one time when Stefan made a man drink his wife's own blood. To say she was disgusted would be an understatement.

"I was your number one fan." Klaus chuckled as he began to walk away. Rebekah hadn't woken up yet and so Adelaide decided to follow him and Stefan.

"Why should I believe any of this?" She pulled herself up as she caught up to Stefan who was questioning Klaus still.

"When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar." Klaus compelled one of the humans he had move the coffins. "Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die." Adelaide's eyes went wide.

"Nik-" she cursed herself mentally as she used the name 'Nik' instead of 'Klaus'. "Klaus- don't." She corrected herself.

"My sister would kill him anyway, love." Klaus told her.

"Where are you going?" Stefan then asked the hybrid who had started to walk away again.

"You think I'm lying, Stefan. You and I knew each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you." Klaus told the vampire, latching his hand onto Adelaide's wrist gently, to pull her away from the human she had been staring at with a sad expression.

"We're going to your old apartment." He moved his hand to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. She pushed him off her and sped her paste up so she could get to the car.

"What did you do to piss her off?" Stefan asked the hybrid who just sent him a glare.

As they made it to the block of apartments, Klaus led them to a certain apartment which must have been Stefan's old apartment. Adelaide stopped as she heard breathing come from inside the room they going in. She didn't say anything but she wondered why she could hear it and they couldn't. Maybe they weren't concentrating but it was really loud and clear to Adelaide.

"What a charming little homestead." Klaus joked as he forced the door open. He stepped aside and held his arm out, gesturing for Adelaide to go in first. He was trying to get back in her good books, and she knew it. She also knew he would have to do a lot more than just being polite to her, if he wanted to be in her favour again. Stefan chuckled as Klaus's face fell from the girl ignoring him, causing him to glare at the Salvatore.

"Do you feel that?" Klaus then asked Stefan as the two boys joined Adelaide in the apartment.

"Is anybody here?" Adelaide could still hear the breathing and it sounded a lot more familiar. She worried that it was someone she knew. She worried it was Elena or Damon tracking them down.

"It's been vacant for decades. People must break in all the time." Stefan responded to Klaus, slowly walking further into the room, almost hesitant. "Why'd you bring me here?"

"Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood... I never could figure out why you wanted his name. And then you told me your little secret. It was all part of your special little ritual." Klaus explained, a smirk planted firmly upon his lips.

"To write it down." Stefan berthed out in remembrance.

"And relive the kill..." Adelaide sat herself down on the bed, putting her head between her legs trying to stop the dizziness she was feeling because of what she was hearing them talk about. "Over and over again." Nobody noticed her unease and nauseous expression. She was on a trip with two serial killers. And she couldn't escape or get help because Klaus was a powerful supernatural creature who literally cannot be killed and for some reason he seemed persistent that she was there with them. Klaus then opened a secret door, which looked like a bookcase but behind it there was a few shelves with a lot of wine bottles on it. The apartment was very old and dirty, which caused Adelaide very hesitant to touch anything.

"You believe me now?" She looked back up to see Stefan make his way into the small secret room. Adelaide got up slowly and made her way so she was behind Stefan. She stood beside him, letting out a gasp as she stared at all the names. She felt her hand being grabbed from her left side, which was confusing as Stefan was on her right. She nearly screamed but when she turned her head she saw her sister. Elena was there, cowering into the corner trying to keep her breathing steady as she was scared Klaus would catch her. Adelaide felt tears rise into her eyes as she stared at her sister who she hadn't seen or talked to in months. Adelaide gripped her hand tighter, not wanting to let go. Elena had tears in her eyes as well, looking at both her sister and her boyfriend.

"Look what I found." The sound of Stefan's voice made Adelaide snap her head over to him, confused at what he was doing. He pulled a bottle of wine from the wrack before showing Klaus.

"1918. Single malt. My favourite."
"Hmm." Stefan nodded.

"Let's go and find someone to pair it with." Adelaide couldn't tear her eyes away from the list of names that seemed never ending. They covered the walls, all written in black ink. She spotted the name Liam Grant, the man form Klaus's story. And for the first time, Adelaide truly felt terrified. She looked towards Elena, mouthing the words 'I'm scared,' as years filled her eyes. She was scared about a lot of things. Never being able to see her friends and family again. What was happening with Stefan. How she, nor anyone else, knew what she was. Klaus. Klaus had said numerous of times that he wasn't going to hurt her or kill her, but he always seemed to be mentally hurting her. Killing her aunt and supposedly killing her sister, trying to kill her friends, forcing her to watch all of this death and torture he and Stefan participated in. Elena took a small steady breath as she mouthed back to Adelaide slowly, 'I'll see you soon. Love you.' Adelaide sent her a small smile before walking out as Stefan closed the door behind her, both glad Elena and not been caught by Klaus. Elena's words made Adelaide still believe there was hope that she would see them again, that's why Elena had said them to her. It was a reassurance that this wasn't the end and it certainly wasn't a goodbye.

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For all the Teen Wolf lovers, I have a new storyย publishedย  it's called ME BECAUSE OF YOU, and it is an Isaac Lahey story, it would mean the world if you could check it out!ย 

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