Chapter 5: Bad Guy

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Author's pov

"Huh?! Ninja Turtle?"-Spinner


"Girl...I mean Your Majesty or Queen, did you drink alcohol?"-Spinner

"I'm sober. I haven't drink yet despite I am in the legal age of drinking. So, anyways, you're not a Ninja Turtle?" Jisoo asked to Spinner who was confused by how she just ask him if he was a Ninja Turtle when he doesn't even know what's a Ninja Turtle.

A turtle as ninja?

"What the heck is this Ninja Turtle, you're talking about?"-Spinner

"Well, back where I came from...There was T.V. series known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, about four mutant turtles raised as brothers and their teacher/father who was their mentor of Ninjutsu. They're are heroes who defend the weak like humans or mutants like them from brain like aliens, bad mutants and evil look like one of them, well, you kind of look like mixed between Leo and Ralph...well, except that you're a Gecko" Jisoo soon explained which Spinner and other mutants were shocked by her words and the way she talked about them.

I mean Jisoo is a childhood fan of the Ninja Turtles since she was young and always watched old shows of it.

That's one of the reasons why she learned English in the first place before Japanese.

"So....You don't find us like some savage animal or mistake from the society?" Spinner soon asked to Jisoo since the moment he saw her, he felt her massive power that was greater than All For One.

A true Overlord and Queen of the undead shadows who knee before her presence in all respect and admiration.

But yet, she treats them good despite the difference forms or appearance of the Shadows. She doesn't show any disgust towards their appearance and she was willing to give a punishment if they hurt someone like Shoji who had almost a panic attack.

Poor Iron.

Jisoo looks at him with her purple eyes with calm expression.

"Why would I? You're people, aren't you? You all have feelings and emotions, you're just like any normal person is. I don't know why are you doing this but this is wrong, you won't ever reach that goal of yours if you're doing this. They will just remember you as the some rioters who hurt two kids" Jisoo said with a calm tone which Spinner was shocked by her words and seeing her empathy towards him and the mutants who she seen them as people than monsters.

Her words made some mutants cry while the others were rethinking of their actions since she was right, everyone will remember them as bad people who went against two kids.

"Y-Your Majesty...Can I ask you something?"-Spinner

"I'm listening"-Jisoo

"There's some spys of All For One in the U.A. High School. They're going to take people there as hostages to stop the Pro Heroes and others from attacking...This is the last thing I can do to redeem myself....Please, save them, Your Majesty" Spinner said with a genuine yet, weak smile which Shoji, Koda and Present Mic were confused by his smile before seeing his body starts cracking into pieces.

All For One give him also a self-destruct quirk if he betray him.




The mutants screamed in shocked and pleads before Jisoo soon use Ruler's Authority that was update by the Rulers and Ashborn, as taking fully out the self-destruct quirk of his body without breaking a sweat.

"Beru, heal him"-Jisoo

"Yes, My Queen" Beru soon starts healing Spinner as rebuilding his body that Spinner gasps in pure shocked while Jisoo looks at soul like flame that was the Quirk while the Heroes and mutants were shocked by seeing it.

"So, that guy named All For One really does give this to own subroutines? That damn bastard... He's starting to pissed me off"

Jisoo soon smashed it with her hand that full destroys the Self-destruct quirk as giving a serious, grim expression that let's go all of her powerful yet, terrifying aura that makes her Shadows, especially Beru and Iron who was still in his punishment cold sweats.

They knew Jisoo processes the same temper like Jin-Woo but more terrifying and unpleasant.

"Iron..." Jisoo spoke which Iron soon stand up and knee since he knew that his punishment was over.

"Take the Mutants into a safe place...I will where Tank is since his location is closer to this U.A. High school. Once I'm done with spies, I will go where his second fragment is...I will make this pathetic, damn man known as All For One pay" Jisoo soon declared which Spinner was shocked as he suddenly stand since the Shadow Mages weren't keeping him down.

"Y-Your Majesty! Please, don't kill Shigaraki!" Spinner pleads which Jisoo looks at him while Beru did nothing since Spinner knowledges that Jisoo was the Queen and also, this remind him of some Historical Drama scene.

His big love for dramas.

"The guy who's has All For One's quirk is Shigaraki Touma...I know he did many bad stuff and I know he won't able to escape his consequences of his actions but please...Save Shigaraki, he's just a puppet to All For One" Spinner begs to Shadow Monarch who she stares at him and reminds her of how desperate Jin-Woo was when her aunt, Park Kyung-Hye fell into the Eternal Slumber.

He struggled so much to raise her and Jin-Ah well and she understood his desperation.

Despite Shigaraki was just his boss and leader, he cares for him as he cares deeply for the League of Villains.

The only thing he wanted was a better place for mutants like him.

"What's your name?"-Jisoo

"Spinner is just my Villain real name Iguchi Shuichi, Your Majesty"-Spinner

"Iguchi, I promised I will do my best to save Shigaraki Touma...You don't have to worry anymore" Jisoo says as Spinner and others mutants were teleported into the new location with Iron's team.

She soon looks down at Present Mic, Koda and Shoji who were confused by her actions.

"So what are you doing to do now?"-Shoji

"I need to get to Tank, that's what I am doing, anyways. So, tell me why do those people wants to take people as hostages?"-Jisoo

".....All Might!"-Shoji and Koda

Meanwhile in U.A. High school

"Come on,...what the hell is happening outside? Did Spinner failed?" One of the spies soon said as being shocked that Spinner lost his battle and the opportunity of freeing Kurogiri, or by his true name, Shirakumo Oboro, the late classmate and best friend of Aizawa 'Eraserhead' and Present Mic.

Other spies end up groaning in annoyance before looking where All Might was with Eri.

"There's no time! I need to get All Might and that girl" one of the spies whisper shout as rushing where All Might and Eric were.

The others were shocked as he was about to grabbed All Might, suddenly an all shadowy figure appeared in front of as well, it's terrifying aura.

The spy ended up turning as the civilians were shocked when they saw one of Knight Grade Shadows.

Unstoppable Tank.


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