Chapter 11

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That awkward moment when you realize that your friend told you that he loved you and he wasn’t even drunk ...

"H-how? I thought you-that you were ...”

Louis smiled and patted his face as he passed him. “I'm going home. You come? Or do you stay a while longer?”

Harry closed his mouth, and nodded, lowering his gaze. He followed Louis, who was walking hugging Zayn, leading him to the car.

Zayn did not stop crying throughout the drive, which lasted no more than 10 minutes. Louis was talking to him, trying to stop him from crying, but Zayn was destroyed because he knew Liam was very spiteful and surely he would not forgive him this time, even though it wasn't his fault.

“You must understand, Zayn. It stands to reason that he had gone that way after seeing you kiss Claire. It hurt him to know that you slept with her,” Louis explained.

Zayn frowned, wiping tears from his shirt sleeves. “I didn't sleep with Claire or anyone else. I don't understand why Liam think that!”

Harry denied, seriously. “Zayn we know very well that you slept with Claire at her party. That was why Liam and I ...”

Zayn nodded, understanding. "I know Liam slept with someone else that night, but I didn't. I swear I didn't! I should be the one offended here, not him.”

Harry frowned again. “Zayn, Liam is completely sure of that. I mean, he didn't tell me how he knew. But I know he did it because he found out about Claire first. He wouldn't have done it without reason. Someone lied to him.”

“The truth of that night is that I drank too much and then threw up everything. I know that Niall took care of me, and with Claire they laid me on her bed and ... I don't know, I don't know who may be able to- Claire??!” Zayn shook his head indignantly ... "It was her! Shit! It was her, I'm sure it was her.”

"That girl is crazy. She planned everything.” Harry rolled his eyes.

"We're here, Zayn. Listen, don't be sad. We will help solve this, now that we know the truth, don't worry.”

"Will you guys really help me? You too, Harry?” Zayn lowered his head a little, he knew perfectly well that the curly was very jealous of him.

Harry nodded smiling. "Liam loves you, you love him. I guess so.”

Zayn smiled, even though he was crying, got out of the car and headed home. Louis and Harry continued on their way. Their houses are not far from there either.

They both got out of the car, stood facing each other, staring at the ground and not saying a single word. What could they say? They had sex again, and that was a habit for them, but they said something to each other that would possibly change things.

Those few minutes they were standing face to face seemed eternal. Louis looked up, making noise with his keys, he didn't expect Harry to come and kiss him briefly on the lips.

"Goodbye, Lou" he said, and practically ran to his house.

Louis froze, watching him walk away. He wanted to smile, cry, all together. It was not yet dawn, but still, Harry kissed him on the lips in the middle of the street. That was something that was completely far from his reality, almost impossible. He brushed his lips with his fingertips for a moment, then smiled as he walked into his house.

They had been having sex for hours. She alone summoned him and waited for him on her hands and knees on the mattress, eager for Daddy to give him what she liked so much.

In each abrupt onslaught she asked for more and more, while he masturbated desperately as he felt Louis touch his spot just over and over again. Spasms ran through his entire body, making him shake to the last muscle, as the orgasm was on the doorstep and he soon felt his hot liquid dripping into his hand and staining the sheets.

Daddy was not ready to finish yet, on the contrary, he took hold of his hips to brutally pull him towards him. In the room they heard their gasps and the noise of their bodies colliding with an unstoppable frenzy. She decided to help Daddy achieve his own orgasm, moving his ass to the rhythm of the thrusts, spreading his legs, eager and eager to continue receiving more.

Louis leaned back with all his weight on his back, penetrating him deeply. Harry’s dick began to come to life again and she masturbated, while moving faster to get more friction.

Louis slowly pulled his member up to his head and thrust it back in quickly, and that was the last few minutes until they reached orgasm in unison. Harry could feel how the hot liquid filled his interior and dripped through his entrance, also falling down his legs.

He smiled out of nowhere, satisfied with what he received.

"I love you, Daddy."

“I love you too, princess.”

Louis woke up naked, and as if that were not enough, also extremely hard. It was Sunday noon and he had just had a wet dream with his friend. He rubbed his member with one hand, and with the other he brushed his lips with his fingertips, since he could still feel the kiss that Harry gave him before saying goodbye that morning.

He closed his eyes, concentrating on feeling the contact with those beautiful lips of his Harry.

He didn't want to get any illusions about anything, because with Harry you never knew, but ... he kissed him. Shit! He kissed him in the middle of the street and he confessed to loving him, and Harry said he loved him too. So ... Do they love each other? They are in love? Should he ask him to be his boyfriend now or wait a little longer?

He was excited, and eager to see him again. Well, he just had to look out the window to know what his friend was doing. He gazed for a moment at the window of Harry’s room, but there was no sign of him. When he wanted to know the time, he realized that it was not noon as he thought, but it was Sunday afternoon, and it would soon be dark.

He went down the stairs worried that his mother would always wake him up for lunch on Sundays and it was rare for her to let him sleep until that time.

"Mom, why did you let me sleep so much? It's late and I lost all day and ... Why are you looking at me like that?”

Johannah was laughing, embarrassed. “Nothing, son."

"No, tell me ... why are you looking at me like that?"

Johannah sat down with her cup of te on the kitchen table, and smiled denying. "I'm ashamed to confess this to you, son, but when I wanted to go wake you up, I heard you."

Louis frowned instantly. "Did you hear what?"

"I knocked on your door several times when there was silence. So I thought you were on the phone and you weren't listening to me.”

Louis rubbed his face impatiently. "Let's see, mom. I do not understand you.”

“Then I went into your room, son. You were naked and… with a certain matter…” Louis frowned and Johannah looked down for a moment at his crotch and then at his eyes, making him understand.

Louis died instantly of embarrassment and covered his face by turning around. “Agh, Mom! I already told you not to enter my room without knocking.”

Johannah stood up, following him. "I did, but you didn't answer me. Come on, love! Tell me! Tell me who is”

Louis stopped in the middle of the stairs and turned. “What are you talking about? Who is ,,,?”


“Huh? Mom stop saying nonsense” Louis kept going up to his room. Until his mother spoke again and he stopped at the door.

“You said ‘I love you, princess’... Do you have a girlfriend, love? Will you bring her soon? You have never brought anyone, let me know before doing so, I could prepare some dinn–“

Louis stopped listening when the door closed on her face. His mother used to be too intense and more so if it was Louis, who was her baby and her only boy.

Anxiously he left his room through the window, to go to Harry’s room. He hadn't talked to him all day. It was almost dawn, so he figured it would be nice if they slept together that night.

He knocked on the window, but Harry did not answer. He dared to enter and noticed that the bed was lying, there was no sign of his friend. He frowned instantly, it was too late, he was supposed to be lying down because they had classes tomorrow. He didn't want to think too much about where he will be, he just lay down on his bed to wait for him.

“Lou... Lou” Harry woke him up, rubbing his arm. “Lou, what are you doing here?"

Louis yawned and checked the time on his phone, it was almost 5am. In just 3 hours they had to be at school. “Where were you? With whom?”

Harry laughed instantly at the sudden interrogation. “Over there ... you still haven't answered me. What are you doing here? I want to sleep, Louis.”

“I came to see you.”

“For what? I'm sleepy.“

“I wanted to sleep with you."

“Why would you sleep with me?" You do not have a girlfriend?”

“No, I do not have.”

"You said you had a girlfriend,Louis ..."

“I lied to you.”

“And I just ...Why did you lie to me?”

"Because I wanted to make you jealous."

Harry shook his head, frowning. It was too much information and he just wanted to sleep. "Louis, don't fuck around, seriously."

Louis stood up, face to face. He took his face in his hands and spoke almost brushing his lips. "I wanted to make you jealous because I like you. I love you, and you said me that you loved me too. Do you love me?”

"Wh-what? What are you talking about? I didn't tell you ...” Harry stepped back, denying. Until he remembered and patted his forehead. “Oh ... are you talking about when ...? No, no, no, Louis.” He covered his face with both hands. Trying to find the right words to say.

Louis frowned when he saw him walk away, and his gaze stayed on the ground. He screwed it up, he screwed it up ugly and he knew it. He had to get out of this situation somehow, and pretend. That was easy, wasn't it? He has been doing it for a long time.

So he started to laugh.

Louis exposed his face when he heard him laugh, and it was his turn to be confused.

“What are you laughing at?”

Louis walked by him, patting his back, feigning a laugh. "It's-it's that, you should have seen your face!" He followed suit. “Did you really think I-that I was...?" He shook his head as he left the room. "See you tomorrow at school, Haz" he said, leaving the room and the house.

He leaned back in his bed mentally exhausted. The two minutes it took him to get home were too long for him to ponder. Its over. Enough! It was evident that Harry did not feel the same, why continue? For what? He was an idiot who let himself be carried away for the moment, he believed that everything would turn out well, that it was reciprocated and it was not.

Harry said ’I love you’ being her... the character. Harry didn't love him, didn't want him the same way, and now he understood.

If Harry had given him even the slightest hint that he might come to feel the same, or perhaps tell him that he loved him, but still didn't feel as intense as he did, then he would have struggled a little to earn it all, but no. He didn't say it in words, but it was obvious that the same things were not happening to him.

Louis is done, Harry won’t love him never and he’s tired of this.

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