🖤Chapter 30🖤

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"Actually I have a girlfriend too" He says with a cheeky grin.

Everyone's eyebrows raise and turns to look at mason, including myself.

"Well great, invite her over too" the dad says and Mason's grin falls.

For a few moments the whole house is quiet until their dad breaks the silence.

"Well go ahead and call her."

Mason paused and let out an awkward laugh "She uh.. she's probably sleeping" he said scratching the back of his head as his eyes skipped from me to his dad.

"You should call, maybe she isn't" his mom suggested with a small smile.

"...okay" he sighed in defeat and grabbed his phone from his back pocket, taking it out and dialing a number.

He puts his phone up to his ear waiting patiently for an answer.

We all stand in awkward silence until Mason finally speaks.

"H-hello?" He stutters.

After a few moments of listening to the mysterious girl on the other end he finally replies back. "Yes, I know you're busy but I was wondering if you would like to eat dinner with me and my family?"

The whole time he speaks his head is now and shifts his feet back and forth.

I start to wonder if they have been dating long? Maybe that's why he still looks nervous talking to her. She must be a really sweet girl if Mason stutters talking to her.

He finally looks up and gives us a faint smile.

"Yes, I'll pick you up no worries. See you soon baby."

Before he could get a response he hangs up his phone.

"Welp..." he says patting both his thighs. "I'll be back soon." Then walks out the door before anyone could say anything else to him.

"This is so exciting!" Anastasia exclaims softly as she takes a seat on the leather couch.

"Yes exciting that our confused son will have a girlfriend for once and actually bring her to dinner with the family." He grumbles under his breath as he makes his way down the hall as he beckons Soyer to follow.

"I'll be back." He says as he plants a kiss on my cheek.

As Soyer exit the room I realize only Anastasia and I remain.

I glance over at her on the couch and she gives me a faint smile.

I try to give a smile back but my body feels stiff, shes extremely nice and all but I still feel nervous.

She pats the seat next to her signaling for me to sit next to her.

As I sit next to her I can smell her perfume, it smells of vanilla and a hint of some kind of flower that I can't quite put my finger on.

"How are you feeling darling?" She says as I'm in thought of what flower smell.

"A little nervous." I mumble

"Oh don't worry be too nervous no one here will hurt you." She claims with a smile.

It's not that I'm worry someone will hurt me it's more that I will make a fool of myself in front of everyone.

"I know ma'am." I reply back.

She gives a nod and gazes at my hair.

I touch parts of my hair realizing it's still damp from the pool incident.

Sorry I had to ruin it.

Marcus voice rings though my head making me flinch.

I guess with the suprise of meeting Soyer's parents I almost forgot. Almost.

I must of been zoning out for awhile because by the time I come to i hear a car pull up.

"Well that must be Mason!" Anastasia exclaims loudly, I'm guessing so Soyer and their father would hear too.

Masons girlfriend must live extremely close by for them to come back so soon.

Looking back soyer and his father come around the corner looking curious. I guess this isn't a normal thing.

I would have thought that Mason brings home multiple girls and guys, he has always seemed like a player.

(A/N: Just like he's been playing all my readers ;))

"Oh Delaney?" Anastasia claims as she looks over at me flustered.

"Yes?" I answer.

"I'm sorry this is so unlike me to forget but could you please get some extra silverware and plates from the storage pantry?"

I give her a nod in agreement as I turn to the kitchen.

She must really be excited to see Mason's girlfriend that she doesn't want to miss greeting her.

It doesn't bother me though I've never been good with first impressions, I've always had Cover to help we with that.

I step into the storage pantry skimming over everything to find the plates and silverware.

Not far off I hear the front door crack open and Mason's manly voice introducing his new lover.

I can't quite understand all what they say even though the kitchen is just a door away from the livingroom, it muffles their voices making it harder to understand them.

Finally finding the plates and silverware on the top shelf I stand on my toes to reach them.

God sometimes I wish I could be a few inches taller.

The plates fall over the top shelf but before they hits the ground I catch them awkwardly hunching over so they don't leave my grasp, however for the silverware I'm not as lucky and they fall to the floor.

I can wash them it won't be that bad I say picking them up and exiting the pantry.

At least the plates didn't break I say in relief, that would be extremely embarrassing.

As I get closer to the livingroom I hear a familiar voice but I can't quite put my finger on it.

I press my ear on the door to get a better listen.

"Oh aren't you so very kind." Anastasia giggles softly.

"Well it's the truth." Replies back the familiar voice.

"Well I can't wait for you to meet Soyer's girlfriend, you would absolutely adore her. Speaking of which she should be back any second."

My heart jolts as I hear my name.

That's right I need to bring her the plates and silverware not just stand here when I could just walk through the door and see why the girls voice seems so familiar.

For some reason a part of me dreads going through the door to see who the girl is but I can't just stay here forever.

I push the door open looking down at the plates making sure they don't slide out of place.

"Ah there she is!" Anastasia says as I enter the livingroom. "Delaney darling come meet Mason's girlfriend." She cheers.

As I look up to see I hear shattering glass below me and clanking of metal.


A/N: I'm extremely sorry for the wait. To be honest I haven't really been in the mood to write but I do read all of your comments and I wanted to say thank you for supporting me and my laziness to write. I love everyone of you guys and you don't know how many times your comments has made me laugh <3 <3

(I kind of wanted to make it where Lucus was in a girls outfit and suprise all of you. (T.T))

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