Chapter 24 - Pancake

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Two days later

~ Madison's POV ~

So the honeymoon phase of our relationship seems like it is well and truly over.

On the first night Santiago and I were busy with trying to unpack, tidy up the house and getting the twins ready for bed while also trying to talk to them.

They also wanted to sleep with us in our bed so that meant we had two children between us all night.

Then the next day, they made Santiago take them toy shopping in the morning which he didn't mind at all.

I, on the other hand, was absolutely furious that he would give in so easily, especially since we were still finding their toys all over the house even after telling them to tidy them up a million times.

So we argued about the fact his parenting techniques are awful and that he spoils them too much, which he definitely didn't agree with.

After that we spent the rest of the afternoon playing with their new toys and tidying up all the trash from the unnecessary amount of packaging for each toy.

Then I was busy in the kitchen making their dinner and after we'd eaten they demanded more attention from Santiago while I cleaned up after dinner. All day I was also trying to get all our laundry from Mexico done which is a lot harder when you're also washing a load of clothes belonging to two messy four year olds throughout the day too.

Then they wanted to sleep in our bed again at night, so once again they were in between us all night.

This just made Santiago cranky in the morning since he never seems to get a good nights sleep when they sleep in our bed.


Just as I finished making breakfast, I turned my head when the twins came running into the kitchen towards Santiago who was busy on the phone to Arturo.

From the glare on his face I could tell it was something bad, especially since Arturo and Santi had agreed to take a few days away from work when we got back.

"Wait, he's on the phone. Here, have your breakfast and then you can talk to daddy." I gestured for them to come and sit down at the table once I'd put their plates down.


"Now." I gave Mackenzie a look and she eventually let out a huff before sitting down, picking up her fork to eat while Cameron did the same.

Santiago was busy speaking in Spanish with Arturo for a few more minutes before he eventually tossed his phone down on the table and ran a hand over his face.

Of course before I could try to ask him if everything was okay, Mackenzie just started rambling to him.

"Daddy, we wanted to ask you a question for ages but then you weren't here and then mama went and then we had no one to ask but now you're back." Santiago lifted his head to look over at Mackenzie who was babbling on, oblivious to his bad mood.

"When we played with Jesse he had a dog." As soon as she mentioned Jesse my eyes widened and I looked over at Santiago whose body was now even more tense as she carried on speaking. "And we wanted to get a dog too but mama told us to ask you when she said no and-"

"Mackenzie please just shut up."

The room fell silent when Santiago finally snapped at her and my heart almost instantly dropped when I saw the tears well up in her eyes.

"Baby it's okay." I quickly made my way over to her while she just held her fork in her hand, staring at Santiago with tearful eyes.

"It's okay Kenzie don't cry. Daddy is just really upset about something right now, he didn't mean it." As soon as I tried to calm her down, it seemed to have the complete opposite effect on her and she just let out a sob.

Letting out a sigh I picked her up off her chair, holding her in my arms as I walked her over to Santiago who was now watching with a guilty expression on his face.

"Don't cry Kenzie." I stroked her back as I held her for a second before putting her in Santiago's lap. As soon as she realised she was sitting on his lap, she tried to scramble away causing him to tighten his grip on her ever so slightly so that she didn't fall and hurt herself.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to say that mi princesa. Don't cry, I don't like to see you cry." He gently wiped the tears away from her cheeks with his thumbs as he spoke to her in soft voice.

When she continued to cry, Santiago let out a sigh, clearly thinking about how he could make her feel better.

"You want a dog baby?" She held eye contact with him for a moment before sniffling and nodding her head.

"Then I'll get you a dog, whichever dog you want. You can even name him, just don't cry anymore."

"Really Daddy?" She looked at him with wide eyes as he held her on his lap while nodding his head. "I'm sorry for shouting."

As soon as Santiago confirmed that he was willing to get the twins a dog, a wide smile stretched across her face and she threw her arms around him.

"Thank you Daddy!"

It was cute how she'd forgotten all about what just happened as she and Cameron started rambling excitedly about getting their own dog.

"Santiago, come here." When he heard my...not so enthusiastic tone, a frown formed on his face and he got up from the dining table, coming over to where I was standing by the island.

"What's wrong?"

"What do mean 'what's wrong'? You didn't even ask me about getting them a dog."

"I didn't think I needed to, it's not that big of a deal." When he just shrugged his shoulders, taking a seat on the stool next to us, I just shook my head responding in a hushed tone.

"Of course you need to ask me. Santiago I know we're together now but we haven't sorted out our living arrangements properly and we both know I'm going to be the one taking care of the dog all the time too."

I don't know where my comment about the living arrangements came from since I was actually happy to live with Santiago. But, I guess at some point we did need to talk about it because this wasn't my house and it never would feel like my house.

The more I started to think about his house the more I didn't like it. I mean, it's a beautiful house but it's just the whole vibe of it. Santiago bought this house when he was single and the decor really reflects that, it's not homey enough for me. And it's definitely not a place to have a dog and children.

He also never actually asked me to move in with him officially. Maybe I'm just being silly, but I kind of wanted to at least have a little bit of a normal relationship where instead of him holding a gun to my head and forcing me to move here, he just asked nicely.

"What the hell are you talking about Madison? Are you saying you don't want to live with me?"

"No, I'm not saying that. I just think...Santiago, this isn't the kind of place where I would want to raise my children."

When an even deeper frown took over his face I instantly knew he'd taken what I said the wrong way.

"So now the house isn't good enough for you? Madison you're not taking them away from me and we're not having a freaking argument over a dog."

"I never said any of that Santi! Forget the house for a moment, you can't get them a dog without thinking about it properly. You're not going to be the one taking it for walks, cleaning up after it, giving it baths and-"

"I'll help whenever I can Madison. You're being ridiculous, they're four years old if they want a freaking dog just let them have one."

When he said this I just rose an eyebrow at him, memories of the argument we had yesterday coming back to my mind.

"There you go again. You just want to give them everything but you don't think about the effect that will have on them. If they become used to getting everything they ever want they won't have any discipline or any regard for money."

"They're freaking four. They shouldn't have to worry about money now."

He was now glaring at me while I just let out a sigh, trying my best to keep my voice quiet so that the twins didn't notice we were arguing.

"If we don't teach them to be appreciative of what they have now they'll get used to getting everything they ever want."

Instead of responding to me Santiago just shook his head and stood up, letting out a scoff. I watched as he went back over to the table, picking his phone up before speaking to the twins.

"We'll go later to buy a dog, okay? I have some work to do first."

Ignoring the way I was glaring holes into the back of his head, Santiago just kissed their foreheads before leaving the kitchen.

"Mackenzie, Cameron, when you're done eating go and watch tv in the living room, okay?"

They didn't even look up from their food as they nodded their heads and I quickly followed Santiago out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

"What is wrong with you?"

As soon as he heard my voice he just let out an exaggerated groan before turning back around.

"What do you want now Madison?"

"I just told you that-"

"I don't care. You said it yourself Madison, you want to move out so just go. I'll keep the dog here and whenever they come over they can play with it."

Although I visibly flinched from the harsh tone he used, he didn't even seem to care as he walked away from me, heading towards the front door.

"Where are you going? Santi we need to talk about this-"

"I'm going see Arturo to deal with a freaking problem. When I get back it would be nice if you just shut up and stop adding to my stress."

Without even glancing back, he just walked out the front door, slamming it behind himself.

And finally I let the tears fall from my eyes.

What the hell just happened?

<<<<<<< >>>>>>> <<<<<<<

A couple of hours passed while Santiago was out dealing with whatever problem came up and instead I just spent time with the twins, trying to take my mind off the argument.

It was definitely a lot easier said than done.

Maybe I shouldn't have overreacted about the dog but he definitely took everything I said the wrong way. Then he told me to go as if we were broken up or something. Imagine that - six days after I agreed to be his girlfriend we break up.

This is why people wait to have children once they're in a fully committed relationship. We're still trying to navigate our way through our own problems as a couple and the twins are at an age where we're disagreeing on almost everything to do with raising them.

Maybe it's a sign from the universe that we should just stop trying to be together before we become toxic for each other.

He's the love of your life, what are you talking about?

Maybe he was, but is that enough to create a stable family to raise children in?

And now a dog too apparently.

The moment I heard the front door open, I let out a nervous breath as I looked around the living room which was once again covered with toys.

These children are really ignoring the 'toys stay in the playroom' rule.

Only a few moments later Santiago came into the living room, coming over to sit on the couch nearest to where the twins were playing on the floor with me.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I refused to even glance in his direction when they nodded excitedly and stood up.

"We'll get our jackets daddy." Santiago nodded his head as Cameron took Mackenzie's hand before leaving the living room with her.

Guess who's going to be tidying up all the toys?

Ignoring the way he was looking at me, I just started picking up the numerous toys.

"I'll make them do that before we go, leave it Maddie."

So now you want to be a parent?

Instead of responding the way I wanted to, I just nodded my head before standing up, straightening my clothes out. Just as I took a step towards the door, his hand shot out and he grabbed mine to stop me.

"Can we talk?"

Finally I turned to look at him properly, only now noticing just how tired and stressed he looked. He seemed to have a permanent frown on his face and his hair was a mess as if he'd been running his hands through it constantly. He also had slight bags under his eyes from his lack of sleep last night.

Yet, despite all this he still looked amazing.

Just as I was about to nod my head, I heard the twins come running down the stairs again, causing me to pull my hand out of his grip.

"They'll be waiting for you."

"Wait, you're not coming?" This time he stood up too, giving me a frown when I shook my head.

"It your dog Santiago. You take them."

"Maddie I didn't mean it. I'm sorr-"

"Daddy! We're ready, let's go." His words were cut off when the twins came running back into the room, now holding their jackets.

"Before we go I need you both to tidy this room up first." Cameron gave him a frown before turning to look at me as if he was accusing me of telling Santiago to make them tidy up. It was probably because I was usually the one who would say it.

"Okay daddy."

I watched as they both picked up the toys they'd left downstairs before leaving the room again and as soon as they left Santi turned to face me.

"I only have a minute because they're so freaking fast going upstairs it's unbelievable. But, anyway, Maddie I'm so sorry for everything I said to you this morning. This whole parenting thing is hard for me and you always seem to know what you're doing and I just screw everything up."

Santiago stepped closer to me as he spoke in a rushed tone, taking my hand in his.

"I just wanted to make them happy, I didn't mean to upset you. I swear after this I'll let you take the lead on everything and I'll just listen to you, I don't even care if that makes me look like a pussy. As for the house if you're not happy here we'll move anywhere and we'll keep moving until you're happy. I just want you to live with me, in our house."

I tried to hide my smile at his words as he used his free hand to tuck some hair behind my ear and out of my face.

I wasn't going to let him get away with it that easily.

"I didn't mean to react like that this morning, I was just so tired and then when Arturo called I was pissed off with what he told me, then Kenzie reminded me about that idiot Jesse and then you said that stuff about living with me and-"

Before he could just carry on rambling, I leaned forward, pressing my lips against his in the first kiss we'd shared since yesterday morning.

"It's okay baby, you can stop now, I forgive you."

Santiago smiled against my lips before pulling me closer to him, deepening the kiss, only to pull away a moment later to speak to me.

"Come with us. Let's do something as a family properly for once."

Instead of responding to him with words, I just kissed him again as he placed his hands on my waist while I placed mine on his shoulders.

"Don't look Kenzie."

My eyes widened at the sound of Cameron's voice and I quickly pulled away from Santiago, putting a couple feet of distance between us as I let out an awkward chuckle.

"You're back..." I turned my attention to the Cameron who was looking at the floor while using his hand to cover Mackenzie's eyes.

"Are you and daddy finished?" Somehow Santiago just found Cameron's question amusing while I was once again blushing like mad.


When I confirmed we were done, he moved his hand from Kenzie's eyes before giving me a smile.

"Can we go now? We put our toys away."

I glanced over at Santiago who was still laughing to himself about the situation that we just found ourselves in before he nodded.

"Sure, let's go."

For the rest of the afternoon we visited a few different pet shops before I suggested we try an animal rescue shelter when the twins couldn't find a dog they wanted.

As much as we loved some of the larger dogs, we wanted to make sure the one we got wouldn't get too big since the twins were really young still.

I was also thinking about the possibility of us ever having any more babies although I'm not sure if Santiago was thinking of that too.

That's something we haven't mentioned yet.

Maybe I should ask him.

And let him tell you that you sound like an idiot? Yeah, no thanks.

Finally we arrived at the animal shelter where we spent ages looking at all the dogs who had been neglected or rescued from situations.

Some of the stories really broke my heart.

"Can we get that one?" I couldn't help but laugh when Kenzie pointed at one of the biggest dogs that they had which was a Great Dane.

"Baby I don't think so, it's taller than you. It's almost taller than me." I knew I was exaggerating but for some reason she really believed that part and she quickly shook her head with a look of horror on her face.

"How about this one?" At the sound of Santiago's voice I turned to look at the dog who was in its cage, lying on its stomach and resting his head on its two front paws.

What really stuck out to me was the fact it was only two months old.

"This little baby was left at the side of the road once it's mother gave birth to it. The rest of his siblings weren't found. He's had all his shots and he's perfectly healthy, just very lonely."

I couldn't help but frown as I bent down next to the dog who was watching me with sad eyes.

It was a little Beagle dog.

"Cameron, Kenzie, what do you think?"

"He looks sad mama." I turned to look at Kenzie who was now kneeling on the floor next to me with her hand on the cage. As soon as the dog saw Kenzie, he started to sit up a little bit, watching her with curiousity.

"He's a bit small, what if we lose him by accident?"

I couldn't help but laugh at Cameron's question as he also watched the little dog through the cage.

"I don't think that will happen baby. And, anyway, he'll grow, he's only a baby right now."

Cameron nodded his head as he stared at the little puppy for a moment before smiling.

"Can we get him?"

I turned my head to look at Santiago who was busy staring at the little puppy before he looked at the woman who was showing us the dogs.

"We'll take him."

<<<<<<< >>>>>>> <<<<<<

None of us said a word as we all sat on the couch while the little puppy sat on the floor, watching us too.

"What do we call him?"


Santi, Cameron and I all turned to look at Kenzie who was smiling, staring at the dog who seemed to be frowning at the name.

Me and you both.

"He's a boy Kenzie, try to think of a less girly name." Santiago gave her a small smile while she just let out a sigh.

It fell silent for a moment as the dog just stared at our family and we all stared back.

"I have an idea." This time we turned to look at Cameron who was smiling. "What is it baby?"

"Pancake. We always eat pancakes."

I pursed my lips as I thought about the name while Santiago said it out loud, seemingly testing

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