Thirty Five

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"For fucks sake." I yelled quietly to myself.

"Riley open the door now!" Caleb shouted.

"I'm fine, leave me alone." I shouted back. I guess Caleb was better to be in this situation than Issac but still.

"Stop being so stubborn." He didn't shout this time but you could still tell he was pissed off.

"I'm not being stubborn, I don't wanna deal with you guys right now." As soon as the words left my mouth i knew i shouldn't have. I could literally feel the anger radiating from Caleb.

"Fine, if you want to be like that your not having your phone." For a minute i was okay with him 'taking' my phone because i thought i had brought it into the bathroom with me. The one time i didn't take my phone with me.

"NO!" I shouted, then fear washed over me because I'd get shouted at for talking to Caleb like that. "Fine! I'll come out but you have to promise not to shout or get mad and don't let the others know."

"I can promised not to get angry but everyone's already here."

Why? I asked myself. Why?

I unlocked the door and slowly opened it to see all of them staring at me, Well all 5 of them seen as Issac was working a night shift and Jacob had gone out with his friends.

"Downstairs." Caleb simply said and then headed downstairs with all but Leo following.

"You good?" He asked.

"I'm great." I said sarcastically giving him a dirty look.

I made my way downstairs and everyone was already sat down waiting. I sat down next to Toby and he gave me a slight smile.

"Would be appreciated if we could have this conversation without the attituded and sarcasm." Caleb said while he was perched on the arm of the chair with his arms crossed.

"as long as you don't have the usual level of dickhead-ness." I smiled sarcastically.

"Okay so your gonna be like that, fine."

"Fine" I said back.

"Did you throw up?" He asked calmly.

"Yes." I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"Do you still feel sick?" shook my head and continued to look down at my feet on the floor.

"You should probably stay off school tomorrow." Toby added.

"I'm fine, i can go to school." I replied.

"We're giving you a day off school and your saying no?" Leo looked confused.

"I don't want to miss school." I said a little frustrated.

"Why?" Caleb asked crossing his arms across his chest tighter.

"Because i don't want to."

"That's not an answer." Caleb continued.

"I said i don't want to, that's your answer." At this point i was getting annoyed and i had to think of a dumb reason i didn't want to miss school.

"Why?" Caleb said a little louder.

"Erm... I'm falling chemistry." I blurted out, that of course was a real reason but I'd do anything to get out of chemistry if the circumstances were different.

"Wait what?" Corey said looking really surprised.

"Non of it makes sense to me and its hard to think when miss Robins picks on me all the time." I slumped back into the couch father.

"Well you can go into school then, go drink some water or something so you don't get dehydrated and then go to bed." Caleb said standing up and dropping his arms to his sides.

I got up too and then headed to the kitchen to grab some water out the fridge. I headed up stairs and got into bed.

The real reason i didn't want to miss school is because i didn't want to be trapped in my own head all day, at least schools a distraction.

* * * * * * * * *

I didn't sleep much, but I'd managed a few hours which was better than nothing.

I got to school, met up with Libby. Pretty much a usual school morning with the added weight of my thoughts.

Soon enough i was sat in the same chair in the back of miss Robins classroom, falling asleep mentally before it had even started.

"Homework?" Harrison asked as he sat down next to me.

"What do you mean homework?" I sat up immediately staring him down.

"We had homework, and I'm guessing by that look you haven't done it." He flung his bag on the floor under the table.

"I swear to god she never tells me about it." It was only 9.04am and i was already pissed off. "I fucking hate her." I clenched my hands in a fist wanting so badly to punch something.

"Riley calm down." He started reaching towards my hands but i moved them in rage.

"All anyone tells me to do is fucking calm down." I said a little too loud.

"Riley, look at me." He said sternly. I looked over at him as he locked eye contact. "I've got you." Is all he said and immediately i felt myself calming down as his hand was gently on my arm.

I didn't know what to say in that moment. Luckily miss Robins announced that she was collecting homework in. Wait no, that wasn't lucky at all.

I rummaged around my bag to see is i could find anything that would be useful. Maybe if i just injur myself and go to the nurse she'll forget about it. I was so lost in my train of thought that i hadn't realised she was at my table giving me evil eyes.

"Miss Owens." She held a long pause, probably thinking about how long my detention should be. "Well done." I looked up in utter shock.

"What?" I asked.

"You completed your homework, as for you Harrison i'll let you off due to you always doing your homework." She walked away and continued to collect other papers.

"What did you just do?" I turned to face him.

"Saved your ass." He smirked, that dam smirk got me every time.

"Why did you do that for me?"

"Because you don't deserve more shit on your plate." He turned back and started writing down the date in his book, while i stayed staring at him.

"Thanks."  I smiled, and it felt like the first genuine smile in days.

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