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"Xue, there's something I need to ask." Cecil spoke as she approached Xue.

Xue glanced away from Hana, regarding Cecil with a indifferent stare.


"Why did you lose control earlier?" Cecil questioned, hiding one of her hand behind her back, fidgeting.

She knew this question wouldn't make Xue happy. Nevertheless, she needed to know the reason, so she could prevent the next fainting spell of Hana, despite knowing it probably wouldn't work.

...but she still wanted to try.

She wasn't sure if she could sit through the experience of watching Hana and Xue drift apart, especially seeing it first-hand.

True to Cecil's thoughts, Xue appeared uncomfortable at her sudden question, his stare becoming rather chilly.

"Hana fainted because of what I did, isn't it?" Xue confirmed. "You knew all along, what would happen if I lost control and killed in front of her."

"...yes," Cecil nodded. "If possible, I want to prevent this from happening again."

"Why did you not tell me clearly?" Xue questioned, frowning, his grey eyes growing dark.

There we go, the question I dreaded to answer the most.

Cecil remained composed on the outside, but she was grimacing inwardly.

It might be considered a spoiler, and the system has warned me not to give spoilers. How can I explain this to our dearest protagonist?

How do I convince him that my "premonition" was so vague, I could only guess? There's only so much he can believe until he starts to suspect me...

Xue frowned deeper, “Is it that difficult to tell me?”

Cecil realised that she had been absorbed in her own thoughts for too long, gasping softly. 

“...no, it’s not. And it’s not that I didn’t want to tell you clearly," she fidgeted even more. "I couldn’t.”

“You couldn’t?” 

“I didn’t understand the vision, it simply showed me that Hana would faint in an area with blood everywhere,” Cecil bluffed, maintaining an indifferent mien. “I did not know when, or how, or why. I was afraid to cause unnecessary panic if I told you this.” 

Her head was spinning from the lies she had to churn out. Though, her last sentence was sincere. 

Xue remained quiet, his expression incomprehensible. 

“Since we know Hana fainted from shock, I only want to prevent it from happening again, if it is possible.” Cecil hurriedly added. “So, I need to know what made you lose control.”

Maintaining the same expression, he eyed Cecil.

If I said it was because of you, how would you react? 

That question crossed Xue's mind.

Once again, Cecil found herself in the same position as before. It was the stare that Xue had regarded her with earlier, a feverish stare that made her feel...strange. Cecil could only stare back awkwardly, trying to remain composed. 

A few seconds passed, and Cecil called out to Xue, unable to bear it any longer. 


“I do not want to answer.” 

Cecil blinked in surprise. 

Xue broke his gaze, looking at Hana before looking away completely. 

Kai: “Why are you scared of admitting it to Cecil?” 

Xue: “Shut up.” 

Xue realised if he actually spoke it out loud, to gauge her reaction, it was as if he was admitting to her that he cares.

He was afraid.

He wasn’t ready to...care for another person other than Hana.

He didn't want another repeat of his past life.

In fact, he knew the care he felt for Hana and Cecil was drastically different. 

That makes him more hesitant.

Xue remained silent, ignoring Cecil who stood there in confusion. 

Kai: “You know, Xue. Right now, I would even say Alric is braver than you.”

Alric: “Wh-what? Why me?”

Xue: “...”

Xue: “I told you to shut up. Both of you!" 

Alric shed some pitiful tears, he was dragged into the conversation unwillingly, only to be scolded by Xue.

Seeing that Xue was insistent in not answering, and even giving her the cold shoulder, Cecil didn’t pursue it any further. 

“...alright, I won’t ask anymore,” Cecil sighed softly. “If you lose control again, the least I can do is cover Hana--”

“It won’t happen again.” Xue answered, his tone firm. 

Cecil smiled, nodding. "Okay, Xue."

Since Xue was firm in his words, she had no reason to dismiss her dearest protagonist’s confidence. 

“It won’t happen again,” Xue repeated, before lowering his voice and muttering. “...as long as you are near me.” 


Her smile froze and she blinked rapidly, wondering if she actually heard him properly. "Wh-what did you say?"

Xue grunted, irked, not wanting to repeat.

[ Previous impression points : 60
Remaining impression points : 59
Protagonist "Xue" is annoyed? ]

Cecil dropped her smile, becoming confused once again, both by Xue and the annoying system in her head.

"AI500, what do you mean with the question mark?"

[ I do not know~ ]

She scoffed in her head at the response, and looked towards Xue, whose back was facing her.

Just then, they heard shuffling from the bed and the two of them turned to Hana.

The gorgeous, red-haired woman was scanning her surroundings in confusion, speaking in a demure voice.

"Wh-where am I?"

"Hana, you are awake!"

Cecil dashed to the bedside and Xue trailed behind her, still quiet, though he wasn't as broody as before.

Seeing Xue, the memories came rushing back into Hana's mind, making her flinch back involuntarily as Xue neared.

The three of them noticed that subtle movement, and Xue frowned, halting in his steps.

"Xu-Xue." Hana called out softly, stuttering.

Cecil reached out to pat Hana comfortingly on the shoulder. "You are okay, Hana."

Hana nodded meekly, gazing at Xue with a strange look in her pretty blue eyes.

Cecil sighed heavily in her heart, the seed of discord has been sowed.

It's already starting, for the two of them. Slowly, but surely.

Xue seem conflicted at Hana's hesitance.


Zasiok reunited with his parents, who cried tears of joy seeing their son safe and sound. Alas, they cried even more tears upon assessing the tragic state of their once strong and handsome son. Their son, on the other hand, was trying his best to comfort his upset parents, unable to help as he teared up a little as well.

They were in a wooden hut that Kian had located for them with his bodyguard, his bodyguard led them here, currently keeping a lookout on the outside. The nondescript hut had simple furnishing, and the lighting was rather dim, giving off a gloomy atmosphere.

Cecil's gaze drifted over to Xue, whose eyes were closed as he leaned against the wall. During the journey to this secluded hut, he was awfully silent as well.

"Thank you so much, for helping our son and for listening to our selfish request."

Cecil broke from her reverie, startled at Zasiok's parents who had approached her and Hana to express their gratitude.

"It's fine! I'm glad that we could help!" Hana chirped, beaming at them.

"It wasn't much of a hassle," Cecil answered in a lukewarm voice. "You don't need to worry about--"

"Not a hassle?" Xue interrupted, growling. "You were held hostage and almost died."

The unexpected presence behind her made Cecil jolt in surprise, and she staggered back, bumping right into him. Feeling the warmth of his broad chest, she lifted her head up, blinking rapidly. 

Xue is speaking up for me...?

Cecil was pleasantly surprised, though she couldn’t help but frown, looking at Hana.

But why me?

Hana did not seem to care that Xue was not standing by her side. In fact, Hana glanced over once in concern but it was only directed to Cecil. 

“That’s right! Zasiok held her hostage!” Hana joined in, pouting in disapproval. “And she almost died as well! She got pushed out of the window by--”

“I am completely fine,” Cecil hastily jumped in, widening her eyes. “There isn’t any need to make a fuss over this.” 

This may escalate into an argument or worse, since Hana was about to insult the treasured male concubine of the queen, and her bodyguard was here. 

She didn’t want anything to happen because of her!

The eldery parents turned to look at their son, stunned. Their son only rubbed nervously at his neck, flashing Cecil an apologetic look. 

“Zasiok! Is it true?” 

“I...uh...I was panicking, it was the only choice I could think of at that time--holding her hostage, I mean.”

“That isn’t the point here! You are making us slap our own faces!”

“No, please, it’s not that big of a deal. I even played along to help Zasiok, it isn’t entirely his fault--”

“You even forced the poor woman to play along?!” 

“No, mother, father. Listen, I--”

Zasiok was fumbling around with his words, and Cecil cringed, knowing that anything she said now would only aggravate the situation.

Suddenly, she felt a rough, warm hand on her shoulder and she glanced behind. Xue was staring down at her, an unhappy look in his grey eyes, her back still touching against his chest.

He didn’t make a move to create any distance.

On the other hand, Cecil finally realised her back was still resting against his chest, stepping away but Xue stopped her, keeping a firm grip on her shoulder. 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stick--”

“Cecil Lan.”

She was rendered speechless at the protagonist calling her by her name, her mouth hanging open as her eyes gradually widened.

“You…” Xue tugged her slightly, pressing their bodies even closer. “You shouldn’t take yourself so lightly.”



With those words, Xue withdrew abruptly, furrowing his eyebrows as a look of disbelief crossed his eyes. He then left the hut without another word, leaving a stunned Cecil and Hana behind. 


Outside the hut, Xue was still reeling in shock at what he had blurted out. It was like his mouth had a mind of its own.

It irritated him when Cecil spoke up for Zasiok, when she was the one that suffered.

It irritated him even more when she tried to speak up for him once again.

He stopped her, called her name before he even knew it.

...he didn't even know what he wanted to say, he didn't even know what he stopped her for!

"You shouldn't take yourself so lightly."

Xue messaged his temples, frowning deeply.

He didn't want to say that, but at the same time, he wanted to say that.

What is wrong with me?

Xue sighed in frustration, his acute hearing picking up a faint rustling in the trees. He quickly moved to grip his spear, before spotting someone running towards Kian's bodyguard who stood a distance away.

The two of them embraced each other passionately.

Xue was still within hearing distance, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"You are safe."

"I am. Thank you for loaning us this hut, my master and the captain will be grateful."

"It's not a problem, I'll do anything I can to help you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Their lips met, the couple kissing ardently.

Xue observed this exchange, displaying a rare look of bewilderment his face.


Pt. 1

《 start 》


What is this "love" they speak of?

I have heard it once before...a very long, long time ago.

...that must be what they call a "kiss".

"Love" and "kissing".

Seeing them like that, it must be related.

...but I have never felt that way with Hana, that urge to..."kiss"?

《 stop 》


Pt. 2

《 start 》

Xue, what do you actually feel for Hana?

What do you mean?

Do you love her?

Love? What is that?

To think the descendant of the supreme god is this naive...

Veau, just tell me.

Is Hana important to you, Xue?


That response was good enough. Veau smirked, he knew who to leave for the last, for this pathetic god.

So is that love, Veau?

Who knows?

-- Path to the Supreme God

《 stop 》

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