Gjithçka per ty

Gjithçka per ty

40,760 2,091 48

A eshte vall dashuria aq e madhe sa te heqesh dore vetem qe ai te jet I lumtur ? Te pranosh te vuash ne heshtje dhe te qash cdo nate per mungesen e tij dhe cdo dite te jesh e detyruar te qeshesh e te besh sikur asgje nuk te intereson A mund te vazhdosh te shtiresh gjate gjithe kohes edhe kur te shohesh se ai po vazhdon jeten e tij duke menduar se ti nuk e ke dashuruar kurr A do te jet aq e fort Klea sa te perballoj sfidat e vazhdueshme qe jeta I jep? Po Enea a do te arrij te kuptoj arsyjen e vertete se perse vajza qe ai dashuronte kishte hequr dore nga ai papritur Nje histori dashurie me emocione , lot dhe dhimbje Nje dashuri qe do te kete sfida te medha , sfida te cilat do ti lodhin deri ne ate pike qe ata do te mendojn te dorzohen por qe do te jen zemrat te cilat rrahin per njera - tjetren ata qe nuk do te dorezohen kurr se luftuari per te qen bashke ....…

Hasta que el verano nos vuelva a juntar

Hasta que el verano nos vuelva a juntar

1,755 220 69

Pasar los veranos en la casa de la tía Susy era una tradición que Lily no solía dejar pasar. La playa, el sol, la arena, sus amigos y... él. Levi Evans, su mejor amigo y su amor de la infancia. Pero Lily creció y sus intereses eran otros, su mundo era otro, llegando al punto de que ese lugar ya no le resultaba tan interesante como cuando era un niña. Ahora, después de años, va a regresar, reencontrándose con todo lo que dejó atrás, descubriendo que en un verano su vida podía cambiar y sus corazón querría algo distinto a lo que ella había esperado.Un romance veraniego, un grupo de amigos inseparables y una playa que traerá olas igual de arrolladoras que las emociones que se desencadenan en ese lugar.…

[BL] A Little Crying Bag Dressed as a Paranoid Villain [Wearing a Book]

[BL] A Little Crying Bag Dressed as a Paranoid Villain [Wearing a Book]

413,925 17,596 82

A Little Crying Bag Dressed as a Paranoid Villain [Wearing a Book]穿成偏执反派的小哭包[穿书]Author:雁鸣月Status:82 Chapters (Completed)DescriptionChu Xuan stayed up late to chase after a book about the sweet protagonist abused the villain, and he hated the villain throughout the whole process. Because of the miserable childhood, the villain's personality defects have become chaotic and paranoid, and many innocents have been implicated. Before going to bed, he was still complaining. If he could see him, the first thing was to let the villain feel his anger! It was not until he opened his eyes again that Chu Xuan knew that he had worn the book. At this moment, a black-clothed boy was sitting in front of him, looking at him with a smile. Chu Xuan, a veteran dog: Gan! This young man conquered my three views with his five senses. Yan Mengsheng looked at the boy on the stool and his expression changed repeatedly. He smiled, stood up, and was about to approach the child... The boy's eyes were red, his big eyes were full of tears, his voice was soft and full of grievances: Brother, I'm cold, I want you to hug! Yan Mengsheng, who has always been cruel and cold-blooded, was stunned for the first time, feeling the heart beating in the cold blood. .* After the disaster, Chu Xuan: Fortunately, in this article, he is most concerned about this villain QAQ. Later, when Yan Mengsheng is about to go the wrong way, he will think of the little crying bag at home with a red nose and say to him: Make money and support me Bang! Brother...I want to eat sweet cream cake. So far, touching the bottom of my heart is soft and loving Chu Xuan to the bone. * In the original book, the person who hasn't received the box lunch is wondering: why not come to kill us? Waiting for us to be so anxious! Yan Mengsheng handed Chu Xuan a piece of candy and touched his head: Sorry, I am addicted to making money and raising children. Not only that...-I want to give him…



341 54 1

Willow Graham es una ex combatiente de la guerra de Afganistán quien se reencontrará con su antigua comandante, la Doctora Hannah Lecter.(Drabble de desafío para la pagina Es De Fanfics) (Gender Bender: Donde todos los personajes masculinos pasan a ser femeninos)Hannigram Yuri…



12,344 348 58

Just trashy Banana Bus crew one shots…

King Mafia and Mago

King Mafia and Mago

47,247 1,309 72

an eighteen-year-old boy, trying his best to save his ass from being whipped by his soon-to-be husband, and at the same time, he wants to get away with the mistake he has made by pulling the mafia king in his mess.what will he do when he wants to be the husband of one man and another wants him to be his man?DO NOT COPY THIS BOOK AT ANY COST. I WILL HAUNT YOU I PROMISE 😡😡😡…

Clan de la Hierva - Roll Play EN MANTENIMIENTO

Clan de la Hierva - Roll Play EN MANTENIMIENTO

2,980 85 22

Si te quieres inscribir, puedes.Solo necesitas poner tu información y ya, espero que este roll sea muy activo y que dure mucho, se despide, Estrella de Hoja...…

My Villain {Loki ff -hun}

My Villain {Loki ff -hun}

217,501 17,457 74

Alexis Foster soha nem gondolta volna, hogy egyszer kijuthat a galaxisba, ráadásul egy teljesen idegen bolygóra. Ám amikor ez nővére, Jane kérésére megtörténik és a lány Asgardba kerül, megismerkedik az éppen büntetését letöltő, cellában raboskodó Lokival, aki fenekestül felforgatja a lány életét. Vajon a különös, bátor és talpraesett midgardi lány is képes lesz megváltoztatni a csalás és hazugság istenét? És mi történik akkor, ha a találkozásuk nem csak egy puszta véletlen? Miről szólhat az a bizonyos, titokzatos prófécia és mi történik akkor, ha egy olyan küldetésben kell részt venniük, amelyből nem biztos, hogy mindketten élve visszatérnek? A történet szereplői a Marvel Comics tulajdonában állnak, így minden jog őket illeti. A főszereplő viszont az én ötletem szüleménye, akárcsak a történet, így minden jogot fenntartok rá! A történetben lesz néhány elem, amely megegyezik a filmekkel, ám lényegében inkább a saját elképzelésem után formálom, alakítom azt, tehát nem követi magukat a filmbeli történeteket , hanem kissé átalakítva kerülnek bele események/karakterek.Kellemes olvasást kívánok mindenkinek!…

Completed ✅ A kiss is more Jasper X Reader (Henry Danger)

Completed ✅ A kiss is more Jasper X Reader (Henry Danger)

31,965 366 67

Jasper and y/n are dating. Y/n has body image issues. But Jasper is always by her side and supports her no matter what happens. Y/n deals with losing a loved one and bullies. Jasper and Y/n are always by each other's side no matter what.{S4-S5}…



55 12 6

Spin-Off de "Overload: Nuevo Comienzo" y desarrollada en 2020. El protagonista de esta historia es Juan Manuel "Sally" Salazar, un veterano de guerra de 46 años parte de una unidad especial ya disuelta y cuyo traje tenía la función de cambiar de color, por lo que fue apodado el Camaleón. 10 años después del homicidio de su esposa(Nunca fue atrapado el asesino) y posterior retiro, Sally vuelve a la acción tras ser reclutado por un viejo colega quien asegura estar siguiendo de cerca a su asesino.…

Ishqwala Love

Ishqwala Love

9,062 231 25

A perfectionist , medical student and a workaholic CEO have a fairy tale romance. He is the dream Prince Charming that shes wanted all her life an they are set to marry soon. Finally everything in her life is exactly the way she pictured it...that is until her fiance's sarcastic and rebellious brother enters her life.. [COMPLETED]There's a version of this story on Episode Interactive but the title is "My Brother's Bride" This is a contemporary story, British Asian culture is inspired by Bollywood…



213 21 15

Allora qua si descrive la storia d'amore di Robin hood e il principe Giovanni per scoprire di più dovete leggere!…

The Jewel of Miracle -Kuroko no Basuke ff- (GoM + Kagami x Male!OC)

The Jewel of Miracle -Kuroko no Basuke ff- (GoM + Kagami x Male!OC)

186,429 5,944 41

Amanogi Yū, as a violin prodigy is a genius, including in basketball. He could copy everything he see or hear, and he got a very interesting eyes which could analyze the data of someone's body. Because of this skill, he became Teikō's basketball manager.Being a relative family of Akashi Seijūrō, he became close with the Generation of Miracles. His demeanor is very intriguing for the Miracle members, including Akashi. His unexpected side makes all the members fall in love, without him noticing it at all. The happy moments in middle school will get destroyed by the change of the members. He ran away to other country, busying himself with violin and avoiding basket at all cost. But one day, he decided to come back and meet all his old friends. Having the 'eyes', he helped Seirin to improve their ability. There, he met Kagami Taiga who also unknowingly attracted to him.But then, who will be the winner of his heart? When the newcomer come, Kagami Taiga, who will get the love from Amanogi Yū?Warning : Boy x boy. GoM x Male!OC + Kagami x Male!OCDisclaimer : Kurono no Basuke and the characters belong to Fujimaki Tadatoshi, I only own the original characters. The photos in the cover isn't mine, I only own the idea and story.…

Konosuba Harem x SolidSnake reader

Konosuba Harem x SolidSnake reader

47,478 691 26

(Y/N), a guy sent to war on a stealth mission finds himself in a bind. But how will he respond when given the chance to be reincarnated into another world with a special power or item?I do not own any art, music, and/or franchises that appear in this fanfic. Credits to the creators!…

[PRVNÍ NÁVRH!] Nemágové - Stíny opuštěných

[PRVNÍ NÁVRH!] Nemágové - Stíny opuštěných

244 71 10

Mágové - tajemní lidé se všemožnými schopnostmi. Na Nejmenovaném kontinentě žili řady let a pomáhali panovníkům udržet život a mír díky Slibu. Bohužel během Velkého Zlomu každý Mág beze stopy zmizel. Svět poprvé zažil strach, bídu a zoufalství. Panovníci se několik generací snažili najít řešení, jak neporušit Slib a neuvrhnout své království do zapomnění. Povedlo se jim to a až s nálezem Kodexu Nejvyšších o mnoho let později. Pro všechny otevírá nová možnost.. Stát se Mágy nové generace! Dívka dvou kovářů, elf z přístavu, dcera královské rodiny a chlapec od známé spisovatelky - tito čtyři se na Brilocken dostanou a začnou se učit a rozumět svým předkům.Vše jde hladce, ale to nikdo netušil že jim jediný den změní život... a opravdu jsou ti praví co zachrání svět?…

PRIMEVAL: the secret files

PRIMEVAL: the secret files

2,943 134 38

First off all the pictures and music in this book belong to their respective owners.I always was a fan of the PRIMEVAL series.And that made me think, what if there were more cases of creatures traveling through anomalies. This is a book that answers this question. So enter into the volt and get ready to see just how many of these strange, amazing, dangerous and sometimes friendly creatures have entered into our own time and the chaos they've done.Note: I'm going to consider this book to be part of an alternate universe. So it is not related to the TV series in any way.…

Pensé que podría criar al Hokage(001-200)

Pensé que podría criar al Hokage(001-200)

28,032 3,478 200

Título: Pensé que podría criar al Hokage Autor: libro de vertido de tinta espesa. Sinopsis: Su nombre es Beiyuan y es un cuervo que duerme en la cama todos los días. ¿Actualmente estás cuidando a un cachorro llamado Uchiha Itachi, o estás siendo cuidado?... ----------------------------------------------- Un humano(Beiyuan o Kitahara) del mundo moderno termino en el cuerpo de un cuervo que termino salvando a Itachi chiquito cuando este se estaba lanzando de un acantilado. _____________________________________ Este NO es mi fanfic, esta en otro idioma, solo uso el traductor de Google(mas que nada por querer leerla sin internet), créditos a su respectivo autor....…

My Random Thoughts

My Random Thoughts

31,121 1,222 75

This is basically a trash dump for all of my weird or random thoughts that i have throughout the day...…

La venganza.  Darkar x Mecoboy

La venganza. Darkar x Mecoboy

5,200 402 29

Todo retomara un nuevo rumbo después de nueve años de una relación fallida entre estos dos. Los sentimientos regresaran a ellos como si fuese la primera vez. Pero, todo terminara antes de lo esperado.…

HP Lovecraft the complete fiction

HP Lovecraft the complete fiction

2,961 62 76

The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft collects the great horror author's novel, four novellas, and fifty-three short stories.Written between the years 1917 and 1935, this collection features Lovecraft's trademark fantastical creatures and supernatural thrills, as well as many horrific and cautionary science-fiction themes, that have influenced some of today's important writers and filmmakers, including Stephen King, Alan Moore, F. Paul Wilson, Guillermo del Toro, and Neil Gaiman.Included in this volume are The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, "The Call of Cthulhu," "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," "At the Mountains of Madness," "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," "The Color Out of Space," "The Dunwich Horror," and many more hair-raising tales.Essential volumes for the shelves of every classic literature lover, the Chartwell Classics series includes beautifully presented collections from some of the most important authors in literary history. Offering the most complete compilation of each set of works, Chartwell Classics are the editions of choice for the most discerning literature buffs.Other titles in the Chartwell Classics Series include: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland And Other Tales, The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales, The Complete Novels of Jane Austen, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allen Poe, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, and The Divine Comedy.…