Basic Tulpa Guide

Basic Tulpa Guide

1,990 33 6

Ever seen or heard of the word, Tulpa? Wondering what it is all about? This book will pretty much cover everything you need to know about Tulpamancy. This is a basic guide but it should be useful to help you all to grasp the concept of this mystical practice of creating an imaginary entity using your mental energy.…

Tulpa Journal

Tulpa Journal

858 3 16

Currently, I have begun creating a tulpa, which I am calling Tal, at least until it gains sentience and changes its name. This is our story.- This is in no way, shape, or form going to be updated. I'm only publishing this so I don't have another unpublished draft book sitting abandoned. Here you go. Enjoy. :/- Ok. I sort of changed my mind. I'll probably use this more so as a 'conversation book' of sorts, and random tulpa-related shit and whatnot. I don't really want to clog up my Mythical journal with that.…



2,879 67 5

a) Tulpas are imaginary friends gone too far. b) Tulpas are not dangerous. c) If you bring up Supernatural, I will bite you. This book is going to more or less be a log of my making a Tulpa (Felix) and lots of information from proven Tulpa sources. No fluff, no creepypasta, and probably a lot of salt.…



37,265 1,768 34

اذا عندك تولبا حياك الله🗿…

Words of a Tulpa : Aiden's Advice [Archived]

Words of a Tulpa : Aiden's Advice [Archived]

231 25 12

***Written by Neckelehamiah and her clone of the real Aiden***This book will be written entirely by my Tulpa named Aiden.Outside of this description , unless otherwise noted, the content here will be typed through automatic writing. Aiden and I are so excited to share our lives with you! I'm so happy to share him with you too!xoxoMoony…

Tulpas: Guide pratique

Tulpas: Guide pratique

2,160 34 20

Un guide pratique sur la création d'une tulpa ! Venez juste jeter un coup d'œil,même si vous êtes sceptiques, svp.…



1,582 35 4

بدايتي مع التولبا و اذا عندك ادخل…

⭑خَـارِج حُـدودِ الـوَاقِـع⭑:TM

⭑خَـارِج حُـدودِ الـوَاقِـع⭑:TM

3,821 380 28

أُنظُرُوا مَن هُنا !عَلَى مَا يَبدُو أَنّكَ أَتَيت لِتَتَفحّص تَصنِيف هَذه الرّوايَة وَ أَحدَاثِها أَو مَا شَابَه صَحِيح؟ أَلَم تَضجُر مِن فِعلَتِك هَذِه؟ عَلى كُل حَال،..عَزِيزِي عَزِيزَتِي، هَذِه لَيسَت رِوَاية رُومَنسِيّة أَو أَكشِن أَو حَتّى خَيال عِلمي، فَورَ ضَغطِ أَنَامِلك عَلَى هَذا الكِتَاب، سَتَدخُل عَالَمًا آخَر، حَيثُ لَا مُتّسَع بِه سِوَى لِلعُقول الرّاقِية..دورِينْ، سُول، مِيرو وَ أَنا، مَانِيسَا، نَحنُ نُقَدّمُ لَكُم هَذَا الكِتَاب البَسِيط، حَيثُ نَقُصّ عَلَيكُم مَوَاقِفنَا مَع كَائِنَاتِنا الأَثِيريّة وَ نُشَارِك مَعَكُم تَجَارِبنا، إِذَا لَم تَفهَم قَصدِي بَعد، فَأنصَحُك أَلّا تَخطُو خُطَوة أُخرَى لِلدّاخِل وَ أَن تَكتَفِي بِهَذا القَدر، لَن تَفهَم شَيئًا عَلى أَيّة حَال !أَمّا إِذا فَهِمت مَا أَعنِيه، فَ أهلًا بِك فِي عَالَمِنَا الصّغِير !…



126 7 1



20 1 1

An insomniac creates an alternative to counting sheep but soon is met with the severity of what he's made.…



191 5 1

A paranormal entity is created from thought.Published in the book, Dysfictional 2: Shreds of Sanity.…

My Tulpa Journal and stuff

My Tulpa Journal and stuff

910 17 6

This is basically just where me and my tulpas write down our random thoughts and stuff for all of you peeps to read. My name is Sky and my tulpas are [Fracture], {Blayze}, and =Azure=.…



1,482 169 2

Desde que a México le dieron el diagnostico de Esquizofrenia, supo que el resto de su vida tendría que luchar contra sus miedos y sus demonios. Pero al menos su amado esposo Rusia se mantendría siempre a su lado y seria como su salvavidas en medio de la tormenta.¿Que seria de México sin Rusia?Hay demonios imaginarios, pero los hay también reales...Créditos de la imagen por que no aparece completo el nombre es @teddyazulit en Tumblr…

My Tulpa diary

My Tulpa diary

2,194 40 11

Basically a diary of my Tulpas and my journey to tulpa making :)…

My friend tulpas + كتاب مشترك

My friend tulpas + كتاب مشترك

525 24 7

الكتاب لطقطقه والسوالف لناس الفاضيه زيي الي يقرون وهو يستمعون لسبلي 😭😭 + كتاب مشترك…

Never Summon a Tulpa: A Warning

Never Summon a Tulpa: A Warning

102 2 2

My friend Lance told me I should bring back my old imaginary friend as a tulpa. I shouldn't have agreed.…

Tulpa Journal: The Do-Over

Tulpa Journal: The Do-Over

446 8 13

This is the second tulpa journal I'm doing, lol. The first one got messy.…

My Tulpa Diary

My Tulpa Diary

792 40 5

this is my Tulpa diary!…

Friendly Tulpamancer || Wibur Soot AU

Friendly Tulpamancer || Wibur Soot AU

44 0 3

Tulpa- is a mental companion created through focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike an imaginary friend, tulpas have their own will, thoughts and emotions.…

Guide; A Guaranteed Mermaids Shifting for U♡

Guide; A Guaranteed Mermaids Shifting for U♡

747 28 11

~❀•°•Wellcome to Violet City•°•❀~Hi lovelies. I know, I know.. you want to become a mermaid. point. yes, you will.. you are... it's a matter of physically looking like one, and luckily you have the ability to become a merfolk.twinkle, twinkle;*1st, we need to get into some serious research reading. If you don't want to do it alone, then I'm right here. Just keep reading and ready yourself to see your future homes my little ocean children. -------|°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•✿•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°|-------×--✄•••See you on the next page lovelies•••❥••…