Tylko jedno życzenie || Malec

Tylko jedno życzenie || Malec

25,612 2,079 36

Powstał, by spełnić tylko jedno życzenie. Jedno, jedyne życzenie pierwszej płaczącej osoby, którą spotka - po to się narodził, a po wykonanym zadaniu odejdzie. Życzenie jest nietypowe i igra z ludzkimi uczuciami, ale on realizuje je, nie mogąc znieść cierpienia tak pięknego chłopca i smutku w jego niebieskich oczach. Coś jednak idzie nie tak, a spełnieniem życzenia Aleca Lightwooda okazuje się...on sam. ______________________________Pomysł pochodzi od @Ethealia, zaczerpnięty z jej "Historii nienapisanych". Więcej cudownych historyjek, czekających na pisarza bądź pisarkę, na jej profilu <3…

Meeting Halfway

Meeting Halfway

591 17 7

Vladilena Milize, completely tired of the usual fights for Shinei Nouzen to open up to her. Finally gives in and waved the white flag. His request- she shall grant. Like a queen, she will feel for him and let him go as he wishes. This is her way of doing things. Warning: Some dialogue and story line comes from the light novel. Just snippets, though. This is my first Eighty Six story. Completely smitten by the light novel. I just have to put this out there for others to see as well. And enjoy the story with me. I'm planning on making this short, though! I'm just happy to create a world for these two babies ShinxLena and might as well share my little bubble of fantasy to some Eighty Six fans as well out there. I know this is completely different from the usual stories I create but please give this one a chance!~All original characters are credited to creator Asato Asato.…

Wedding Night Late Ten Years

Wedding Night Late Ten Years

130,387 3,181 10

Chen Quan Ran is a general who married with Mo Lan since he was young .But on the night of wedding , he put an ugly frog in his child bride's hands and escape to the army.After 10 years , Chen Quan Ran met his wife on the way to home and ...... what will happen next?For more , continue ... :) This is not my novel and credit to the original writer.…

𝐄𝐬𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜 - Shadows House

𝐄𝐬𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜 - Shadows House

2,792 103 5

⤑ intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest.who am i?…

Chongfei Manual [Completed]

Chongfei Manual [Completed]

2,070,494 63,757 169

uploaded for offline readi do not own this story. translations found; novelfull Before her rebirth, Wei Luo was an innocent little girl.After rebirth, she appeared lovable on the outside but was a different person on the inside.Those who learned of her true nature yielded to her.Only the prince regent regarded her as a treasure; no matter how much he pampered her, it was not enough for him.Anything she wanted, he gave her, including the princess position that she didn't want, which he stubbornly pushed onto her.…

Her Return ( EMPIRE SERIES #1 ) - Completed ✅

Her Return ( EMPIRE SERIES #1 ) - Completed ✅

291,069 7,070 76

EMPIRE SERIES #1Maxine Alexis Isabelle, a nerdy girl who was hurted by a guy that she thought he can love her back the way she loved him. She went on Italy to forget his intricate experience in the Philippines and also for a change. Alexis stayed on Italy for more than a year, she became a leader of the gang named Black Empire. As they came back to Philippines, no one recognizes her, the ones who hurted her didn't know that she's the one whom they bullied. And now, she's up for a revenge. Get ready for the most awaited comeback, her return. Date Started : November 2017Date Finished : August 2020HER RETURN by unpointednoseyxd.Highest Rank : #1 POPFICTION - 02/21/21( UNDER EDITING )…

គំនុំស្នេហ៍ កែប្រែបេះដូង🌹🔥 (Completed ✅)

គំនុំស្នេហ៍ កែប្រែបេះដូង🌹🔥 (Completed ✅)

137,292 4,913 33

Kim Mora នាងបានបែកពីបងប្រុសរបស់នាងនៅពេលនាងមានអាយុ5ឆ្នាំ...តែជាសំណាងល្អដែរមានគ្រួសារចិត្តធម៌យកនាងទៅចិញ្ចឹមរហូតនាងធំពេញវ័យ...Jeon Jungkook ជាម៉ាហ្វៀដែរមានអំណាចម្នាក់ហើយក៏ឈាមត្រជាក់..បើរឿងអ្វីមួយដែរគេចង់សងសឹកហើយនេាះ...គេនឹងសងសឹកឱ្យដល់ទីបញ្ចប់...ថ្ងៃមួយគេបានជួបមនុស្សស្រីម្នាក់ដោយចៃដន្យធ្វើឱ្យគេបាក់ចិត្តស្រលាញ់នាងមិនដឹងខ្លួន..តែពេលដែរដឹងថានាងជាកូនស្រីរបស់ឃាតករដែរបានសម្លាប់ឪពុកម្តាយរបស់គេ..ធ្វើឱ្យគេខឹងស្អប់នាងយ៉ាងខ្លាំង...ហើយគេព្យាយាមធ្វើបាបនាងគ្រប់វីធី...ទាំងដែរនាងមិនដឹងរឿងអ្វីសេាះ...🌹🔥និពន្ធដោយ ស៊ុងមីន…

Devil's Eyes

Devil's Eyes

477,889 13,782 40

You've got the devil in your eyesYou went and took me by surpriseSay what you wanna say I won't go backIf you wanna hit the road then let's go thenLet's just go and see the world and just show themWhat it really means to live life goldenIn which Sage Baglio meets the notorious Dave East, self proclaimed King of New York, and enters his world, one opposite from hers.…

We are FBI

We are FBI

2,848 178 15

Dwudziestopięcioletnia Allie Rossi rozpoczyna pracę w BAU - Jednostce Analiz Behawioralnych, pracującej dla FBI. Problemem nie jest zerowe doświadczenie, nadopiekuńczy ojciec, czy brak przyjaciół w nowym mieście. Problemem staje się rosnące uczucie do kolegi z pracy. Opowiadanie nawiązuje do serialu Zabójcze Umysły.…

Chicago Pd x Teen!reader

Chicago Pd x Teen!reader

86,772 1,151 18

One Chicago x teen!readerTeddy (Theodore) is teen girl 15 years old who beauty you can't miss. She is getting abused by her step-father. What happened when Voight will take interest into this girl? Can he help her? Will she accept that she need help?#1 - jayhalstead- 31.7.2022#1 - voight - 20.2.2023…



35,348 1,732 14

What would happen if Stain didn't save Izuku from the claws while Shigaraki was already gone?No Shigaraki to call back by and no Stain to save Izuku from the flying Nomu.What happens if Izuku actually notices how familiar those wings are. Will Nomu fully remember him? Can Izuku actually save someone that had been turned into a Nomu?Can he break through to the winged nomu?…



20,922 1,703 39

Dyktafon to przenośny magnetofon lub urządzenie cyfrowe z wbudowanym mikrofonem, umożliwiające nagrywanie dźwięku. Dla Niny jest to jednak najlepszy przyjaciel w trudnych chwilach jej nowego życia. Chwila nieuwagi, ułamek sekundy, niefortunna kłótnia - tyle wystarczyło, aby już nigdy nie ujrzała świata własnymi oczami. Sądzi, że straciła wszystko, na czym jej najbardziej zależało. Koniec z marzeniami o pisarskiej karierze, planami na przyszłość i wyjeździe na upragnione studia. Od tamtego momentu dyktafon stał się dla niej niezbędnikiem w podróży przez ciemność. Wie o niej dosłownie wszystko. Zna jej potrzeby, pragnienia, uczucia, myśli i problemy. Jest tylko jeden problem - choć nie wiadomo jak Nina bardzo by tego pragnęła, on nigdy jej nie odpowie. Nina nie wierzy, że sobie poradzi. Ponadto wie, że prawda tamtego dnia, która ciąży na jej sercu jak głaz nie do przesunięcia, nigdy nie może wyjść na jaw. Gdy jednak Noah nagle przestaje jej nienawidzić, a co gorsza próbuje się do niej przedrzeć przez mur, którym się otoczyła, Ninie coraz trudniej jest kłamać. Szczególnie wtedy, gdy w grę wchodzą uczucia. Po raz kolejny okładkę wykonała dla mnie @PenGirl2111! Jesteś niezastąpiona, dziękuję! Pytania, sugestie, opinie możecie wysyłać na e-mail: [email protected] lub w wiadomości prywatnej na Wattpadzie :)…

Only Brothers? (ERERI)

Only Brothers? (ERERI)

1,619 97 39

Eren je 17- letý chlapec , který žije se svou matkou. Jednoho dne se Erenova matka začne scházet znovu s Erenovým otcem , ale Erenův otec nebude jediný kdo bude obývat rodinný dům.…

Obeying Master Forth ✔

Obeying Master Forth ✔

625,438 15,240 30


Through the Looking Glass (A Magi and Naruto crossover fanfiction)

Through the Looking Glass (A Magi and Naruto crossover fanfiction)

23,390 1,609 25

Fate was cruel, yes, but Sakura hadn't realized how much until the universe decided to teach her by kicking her out of her world and into another. One with magical vessel possessing beings known as djinns; dangerous treasure-filled buildings called dungeons and an infuriating yet interesting boy named Sinbad. *This is based on the setting and plot of the Spinoff of Magi: Adventures of Sinbad…

Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

5,521 190 21

Nastavak priče o Eleni i Mihajlu, njihovoj ljubavi i životima. Naprotiv tome što ni jedno od njih ne želi da se ponovo vide sudbina ih nakon dve godine ponovo spaja. Ovoga puta njih dvoje su dve odrasle i zrele osobe koje imaju zajedničko dete, ali pitanje je da li će se tako i ponašati. Da li Mihajlo idalje lomi srca mnogim devojkama od kojih je jedna i sama Elena? Kako će se poneti sa time da je propustio prvu godinu života svoje ćerke zbog toga što je on to tako želeo? Da li će uspeti da bude dobar otac svojoj ćerki ili tu ulogu bolje obavlja neko drugi?…

The Billionaire's Contract

The Billionaire's Contract

2,829,312 103,665 50

I hesitated. Then sighed. "What would I have to do?""Marry me."______________Lucian King doesn't care about anyone. The only thing that he cares about is King Enterprises; his father's company. Life is already hard enough for Lucian as the CEO's son, but without a doubt, the ultimatum that his Father enforces on him only makes life harder: Either gets married and Lucian's father will give up his spot as CEO to Lucian or Stay single and never work in King Enterprises again. That's where 24 years old, Malea Hayes comes in. Malea works full time as a bartender a club that coincidentally Lucian attends often. In a drunken haze, Lucian chats up Malea. A deal sparks between the two. Malea must help Lucian find a wife.Malea knows she needs help financially and hesitantly asks her best friend, Alesandra Rodriquez for help. Alesandra suddenly is thrust into the world of fame, money, deceit, and lies. With Alesandra married to Lucian, Malea thinks she's finally happy and at peace. But is she wrong?________Also published on Hinovel, Goodnovel and Readict…

Ljubav kroz dimenzije

Ljubav kroz dimenzije

360 15 5

Neke stvari se dese samo jednom, ali to samo jednom promeni sve odjednom...…