Racetrack's Newsie Races (A Racetrack Higgin's Love Story)
Sydney Pulitzer is the dautgher of the most powerful man of 1899 New York, Joe Puiltzer. Despite her rich and lavished lifstyle, Sydney couldn’t feel more trapped. Her dad won’t let her outside or have any contact with the world around her. Sydney lives for the day she could venture out into the world. The only thing that keeps her interested are the thought of the newsies that sell papers outside on the streets. When her dad finally lets Sydney outside, she’s more than happy. But when the fast talking, betting newsie, Racetrack Higgins, saves her from what could have been a fatal accident, her life starts to turn upside down. It’s love at first sight, but will their two different worlds allow them to be together? And how far will Mr. Pulitzer go to keep his dautgher away from the street rats that sell his newspapers? In the sequel to ‘Newsie Baby’, the author gives a modern twist on a classic theme. How will Racetrack and Sydney’s love survive a world that doesn’t support their love?…