708 216 10

✐ First day at a new school: hood up, nerves high. But when a beefy jock claims my locker, a mysterious girl swoops in to save the day.The cover belongs to ©treepipit No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.All rights reserved © treepipit 2019-2024…



1,062 247 11

✐ Romance || WomanxWoman || working on the novelette together with bibi_the_nomadSarcastic, sharp-tongued Ava Allard didn't get to college. Almost ten years have passed since then, but the young woman is still working at her mom's misfortunate ("cursed" as it is secretly called by all family members) coffeeshop that Pierre, Ava's dad, left after the divorce. Usually the "Fathers and Sons" kind of relationship is not simple, especially when we are talking about the Allards: it's not easy for young redhead Ms. Ava to forgive her father or find mutual understanding with mom who believes her daughter should be more prosperous and financially independent at her age. Harvard graduate Bonita Suárez, aka world famous influencer BoB💋tch, is having the time of her life: elaborate cocktail parties, fabulous fashion shows, photo shooting, luxurious balls, elite clubs, global traveling, and aesthetic vlogging, the list could be endless. She's never alone surrounded by her devoted squad, fans, and rich family members. Next month fashionista Bo is launching her own cosmetics line and is about to release her autobiography "Every Shade of Me". She must be very happy, right? However, not everything is so cloudless in her life.What will happen if two different worlds collide? Ava doesn't like Bo and other fake fussy girls with rich parents who have never faced any obstacles in their sunny lives.Bo can't stop thinking of a rude red-haired beauty she met in the most unpopular place.And Libbie is... well, you'll find more about her and other characters if you read the novel.…



1,275 372 11

✔️Fantasy || ONC 2020 || Round two qualifier || Dropped off with their aunt Astrid for summer holidays, Sarah and Billy discover there is real magic in the worldBilly is already in bed covered in her blanket like a butterfly kell."Switch off the light! Or are you going to stay like a monument in the middle of the room all night long?" I can hear the distinct irritation in her voice.I want to tell her something smart in turn. But I'm really like a frozen statue: so silly to make up a good line. I delay for a couple of seconds and don't turn the light off immediately to get on my sister's nerves in revenge The cover and illustrations belong to ©treepipit No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.All rights reserved © treepipit 2019-2024…



61,067 2,374 14

Y/n is hilise's maid and caregiver since hilise was born, y/n always protects and loves hilise like a mother.Hilise loves y/n too but she never tells a secret. During the 7 sacrifices she used to find a way so that his family could love her, but in vain so in the 8th life she would throw it away first. A little inspiration from : MagicBrat and -L1QI0RUUntouchable female artist : kin minsoong yongdusikFanfic english versionThe image is not mine I just edit it…

"Кървав ад"

49,004 3,968 55

Тя е бъдеща кралица на вампирите.Той е най-могъщия крал на върколаците,управлявал някога.Общото между тях -желанието за бягство от реалността.Пътят на Рейвън е отдавна начертан от властния ѝ баща,който иска да я сгоди за мъж ,когото тя не обича.Гордата и своенравна принцеса решава да пристъпи всички закони на своя вид и попада в лапите на най-малко очакваното същество.Хънтър е белязан от съдбата да води труден живот.Почти всичко,което обича му е отнето,но когато започва да опознава самоуверената си гостенка,той сякаш е поразен от мълния,която променя целия му живот.Кървища,любов и вечната борба за надмощие между върколаци и вампири-какво повече от това?‼️‼️СТАТУС -ЗАВЪРШЕНА ‼️‼️‼️Първа книга от трилогията"Кралица на света"‼️…

The Yellow Cloth (Link/Pipit)

The Yellow Cloth (Link/Pipit)

557 16 1

Fanfiction shipping Link and Pipit from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Enjoy.…

Не так как хотелось

Не так как хотелось

2,679 111 8

« В школе вы прямо у доски падаете без сознания, после чего вас везут в больницу, где констатируют факт смерти. Остановка сердца. Сначала вы очнулись в кромешной темноте, не понимая где вы, и что произошло, вы бесцельно начинаете идти вперёд, надеясь найти хоть что-то. Спустя долгое время блужданий вы видите впереди свет и начинаете бежать к нему. Чем ближе вы подбегаете, тем чаше начинаете замечать какие-то звуки. Когда вы практически добежали до света, вы замечаете что он на бешеной скорости начинает приближаться к вам, и голоса становятся невыносимо громкими. Вы присаживаетесь на корточки, закрываете уши и глаза в попытке прекратить это, а потом резкая боль и снова темнота...Теперь у вас появится шанс прожить новую жизнь в новом мире»…

Armageddon: Skyward Sword (Reader)

Armageddon: Skyward Sword (Reader)

155,292 4,981 44

Skyloft was never a very exciting place. What little danger that existed were small things, monsters that inhabited the night, and the terrible danger of falling to the surface. After a race for knighthood in the skies, your best friend Link is called into his destiny of become the Hero of the Goddess. Little do you know that your stubbornness to help him on his quest to save Zelda is calling you to your own very special destiny... and a charismatic Demon Lord stands in your path.…

The Perfect Mistake | Stephen x Jay

The Perfect Mistake | Stephen x Jay

11,884 520 30

Next to none of the art is mine. Also, I'm working on a second story along with this one.…

Mentari Senja

Mentari Senja

81 1 2

Aku menunggu hadirmu...…

Sayang Untuk Cik Nuyin

Sayang Untuk Cik Nuyin

160 6 7

Di buang keluarga?Hanya kerana kesalahpahaman yang berlaku dalam keluarga, dia kena terima setiap tomahan dan hinaan yang yang diberikan oleh keluarga sendiri.Kepercayaan?Setiap apa yang berlaku, pasti dia akan menerima akibat dan hinaan daripada keluarganya disebabkan perkara yang dia tidak melakukan.Kehidupan?Kehidupan yang akan mengubah si dia menjadi lebih baik dan menunjukkan bahawa dia mampu mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik daripada tinggal bersama mereka."Aku masih mampu menjaga dan memberi kehidupan untuk kau, uyin" Tuan Hayyan "Aku masih mampu mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik tanpa bantuan kau" Nurina Widelia…

Seven Of Wind :the first prologue

Seven Of Wind :the first prologue

446 25 25

Seven of them meet becaused of same inheritance Seven of them is ordinary poeple that have normal job as poeple in the world A lawyer, a doctor, a IT worker, an architect, a photographer , and a farmer Seven of them considers the strange legacy embedded in their bodies just for the game But... when the hatred of the past carried in this century the technology like magic Seven of them like it or not use a strange legacy It's first prologue a story about them ;romance abaout their seven A trilogy.... Following the snippet of dialog "Why we don't try to practice this skill?" suggested Dewo suddenly. "I don't have time," Yusuf said with usual cold tone. His eyes were still staring out the window. "I also don't have time. Now is the modern era, there is no reason. Or do you want to be a hero like Superman or Spiderman? So what the police do? As a tax payer I complaint?" said De. &&& "Because when we love someone we give one of them is trust," said Yukie with her eyes looked across. "I think, such a love does not use logic," said Yusuf.…

Aku Sang Putri Indonesia

Aku Sang Putri Indonesia

151 2 1

Kisah seorang anak yang sebenarnya bukan keturunan Indonesia tulen, tapi rasa kecintaannya dan kekagumannya terhadap Indonesia membuat Ia berkeinginan untuk mengharumkan dan mengagungkan kemerdekaan. Bagaimana kisah perjuangannya, ayo baca ceritanya :)…

The Legend of Zelda Fanfiction A Twist on a Legend

The Legend of Zelda Fanfiction A Twist on a Legend

485 3 7

In this exciting tale, it's Link who gets sucked up by Ghirahim's tornado. It's up to Link's childhood friend, Zelda, to get him back. However when they reunite, Zelda is horrified to see Link with a cold and distant personality who would rather do things alone. But after having adventures with Zelda, he comes to realize the power of friendship.…

All I need is love

All I need is love

89 7 2

miłosna opowiastka zdesperowanej singielki.…

My Sweet Lover

My Sweet Lover

294 2 7

Perasaan yang terpendam lama akhirnya dibalas. Siapa sangka ARIN terima AYDAN dengan rela hati.Dari sekolah sehingga ke kolej dan alam pekerjaan. Banyak dugaan menanti hubungan mereka.Farhan hadir menagih simpati dan mengharapkan Arin dapat memaafkannya. Sheila tidak pernah berhenti mengejar Aydan meski ditolak mentah-mentah."Aku dah touch-up rambut aku stail korea ni. Tak cukup korea kah aku?" balas Aydan sambil membelek halus rambut koreanya."Kau bukannya Jungkook BTS. Ataupun Jinyoung Got7. Tak ada koreanya." Balasku. Aydan tergelak besar."So, dah official la kan?" tanya Aydan memandangku."Official ape?"tanyaku hairan. Official ape pulak dah ni?"Kita couple?""Hahh?? Errr.. Tuuu.." jawabku tergagap-gagap. Aku terkejut dengan soalan yang diberikan. Sungguh aku lupa tentang syarat yang aku dah tetapkan.Dapatkan Aydan dan Arin merintangi halangan dalam hubungannya? Mampukah sweet lover ni menjadi milik Arin sampai akhir hayat?…

The Trouble Goddess

The Trouble Goddess

268 33 45

Kim Chae Rim is a high school student living with her four loving brothers. But what if, she discovered a truth about them and herself?Will she stay by their side until the end? Or be gone forever?…

It was Easier That way | Stephen x Hosuh {Incomplete}

It was Easier That way | Stephen x Hosuh {Incomplete}

816 32 5

I'm going to try to do the two stories at once and see how it works out.…



6,259 35 7

Holy shit I posted it I can not believe I did this but anyway this is the first smut fan fic ive made like ever Also all sexual interactions between characters are consensual either way this is smut and my first smut 😳😳😳trans aizawa lolYO ITS DONE AAAAAAA…