HogWarts Reality Script

HogWarts Reality Script

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Hi there! Thank you for reading my script for shifting to Hogwarts Reality . I have never shifted to Hogwarts yet, but am hoping to soon. I know how hard it can be to get started when scripting. Hope this helps you guys! I will keep updating my script on here as time goes on. I will also update on my shifting experience and journey, and you are welcome to do the same here. Continue to keep loving yourself and trying to shift realities. I am forever on your side, and I love you Here's a link to the google doc at where this script looks a little better. The format I meanLink: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pwus-Zu3DJ0mt2k2Yq8YPa7g3gQG7zGY736T-7DE634/edit?usp=sharing…



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