Not A Typical (On Going)

Not A Typical (On Going)

13 2 2

She's not a typical.She's ordinary.She's like a boy.But she has a beauty that everyone want to catch.-sprgrlndn13Date started: October 28, 2016Actually started: December 22, 2016Date ended: ----…

A Poem.

A Poem.

1,611 48 19

descriptiondɪˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/Submitnoun1.a spoken or written account of a person, object, or event."people who had seen him were able to give a description…

Not a mistake

Not a mistake

30 0 3

Read the book☺️😝😋…

love story  del1

love story del1

13 1 1

felicias perspektiv jag hatar mitt liv .min pappa och min store bror felix flyttade när jag var 10 år jag heter felicia sandman jag är 14årjag bor med min mamma och min lilla syster filippa somär 11år och min hund pärlan vi bor i stockholm jag älskar isac elliot och jag älskar the fooo jag ska till the fooos studieo med mina bffs hanna och lennèa för första gången när vi kommer dit så står alla i en ring runt killarna vi går tillringen och det är våran tyr att krama domfelix kommer fram till mig och säger felicia är det du ? ja säger jag fy vad jag har saknat dig säger felix hur mår mamma? mamma mår bra jag har saknat dig med felixsäger jag /hoppas ni gillar det men det är kort skriv förslag i kommentarerna kram vanessa…

Mein Tagebuch von meiner schlimmsten Zeit in meinem Leben

Mein Tagebuch von meiner schlimmsten Zeit in meinem Leben

6 0 2

Es ist eine wahre Geschichte es ist alles von meinem damaligen Tagebuch alles was ich gefühlt habe. In dieser schlimmen Zeit durch gemacht habe im alter von 12 Jahren Krebskrank zu sein ist echt hart. Und dann noch die erste bin in meinem Alter die diese Art von Krebs hat willkommen in meinem Leben Morbus Hodgkin Lymphom.…

Fake love True love

Fake love True love

34 1 2

Find out what some of the playboy princes might do over the kingdom's commoners!…

Miss Gulndies Home For Terrible Girls

Miss Gulndies Home For Terrible Girls

1 1 1

Tessa murdered her parents and little sister.…

1983, A Stranger Things Fanfiction

1983, A Stranger Things Fanfiction

154 1 3

Isabelle Harrington thought her biggest worry was her growing feelings for her best friend, Mike Wheeler. But when one of their friends goes missing, her problems seem to start growing and show no signs of stopping. Now, on top of those feelings, she's hiding a runaway, trying to keep The Party together, and running from The Bad Men. And to make matters worse, she's having to keep all this a secret from her older brother Steve Harrington. They've never been ones to hide things from each other, and she hates it. How is she supposed to manage all this?…



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Older Sister Shelby!

Older Sister Shelby!

33 0 3

This is just an OC so this older sister is older than the boy's .…

★ # 6 // DELVE INTO THE DEPTHS - More About My OCs

★ # 6 // DELVE INTO THE DEPTHS - More About My OCs

2 0 1

★ " OH BEAUTIFUL POISON TREE! LET YOUR POWER GROW IN ME! ... "- Zya's OC Book #2, except this is a book for OC concepts, yap sessions and going deeper into my OCs' trauma and experiences. Feel free to critique me on whatever is going on here ^_^, I want to provide good rep in my OCs.★ " LET YOUR SORROW FLOW IN ME! TAKE A WAY MY BLOOD AND BONES! ... "- Fandoms I may do - Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact, Non-Fandom OC content.★ " MAKE YOUR FLOWERS DEEP INSIDE OF ME! "- Grouper : Poison Tree…

International Yoga Day 2023: Date, Theme, History, Importance and Celebration

International Yoga Day 2023: Date, Theme, History, Importance and Celebration

1 0 1

Yoga has evolved as one of the most reliable ways to improve both physical and mental wellness. And this year PM Narendra Modi will lead the worldwide celebration of yoga from the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA for the first time and the entire world will unite to celebrate this great day.In this article, we'll look at the International Yoga Day 2023 date, theme, history, importance and celebration.International Yoga Day 2023: ThemeThe theme for this year's International Day of Yoga 2023 is "Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam," which eloquently captures our global vision for "One Earth, One Family, One Future.""Yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root Yuj, which means "to join" or "to unite." It signifies the harmony between humans and nature, the connection of the mind and body, constraint and fulfillment, thought and action and a holistic approach to health and well-being.International Yoga Day 2023: CelebrationThe celebration of International Yoga Day 2023 honors yoga, a discipline with roots in India. Yoga not only promotes physical relaxation but also helps individuals feel less worried and nervous. Here are some ways to commemorate International Yoga Day:• Take part in a yoga lesson.• Practice yoga at home.• Learn about the history of yoga.• Share your yoga experiences on social media.• Encourage people to try yoga.Final ThoughtsOn 21 June, people from every part of the globe will come together to engage in various yoga-related activities. So, join us at The Neeraj Forest River Resort and get indulge in yoga workshops, outdoor yoga sessions, meditations and discussions about the benefits of yoga.…

DESCRY - One of Arcane Antic

DESCRY - One of Arcane Antic

558 44 1

De•scry /dih-SKRYE/ verb1: To catch sight of2: to find out, discoverThe past is inevitable and inescapable. We stay paralyzed to our lies than the truth.Secrets of the past only give you temporary time.Rennia Natalu is held by her past - As she discovers herself, she is enrolled in Madagax academy which is experiencing abductions by a recent 'beast'. She experienced the most death-threatening sports day of her life and faced the wrath of the truth behind a frozen past. She meets a friend that was once forgotten as the new found companion knew some secrets. She takes this on with uncontrollable flames as fire magic wasn't really something she wished she was born with. Find out more by reading ;)…



182 26 11

Zažili jste taky někdy že jste přišli domů s dobrou náladou, vejdete do kuchyně a vaše rozvedená mamka pláče nad dopisem v ruce se slovy " musím ti něco říct, s tvým otcem jsme ti něco zatajili. "?Protože mi Sarah Whitneyové AnoUž nejsem jenom obyčejná šestnáctiletá holka, teď jsem ....Sarah Witney: Obyčejná teda né tak obyčejná šestnáctiletá dívka se zrzavími skoro rovními vlasy a magickými schopnostmy,- jají element je čirá energie a je to šlechtička a dědic ze SPARXU. Jediný problém je v tom že o tom do svých 16 nevěděla a teď se má stát strážkyní elementu a má se za pouhých pár měsíců naučit to co se ostatní učí létaLuke Perry: Obyčejný né zas tak obyčejný 16 a půl letý, černovlasý, modrooký budoucí strážce elementu ohně s láskou k motorkám, holkám na jednu noc a adrenalinu - Bad boy který pod svou maskou skrývá léta dřiny a dobré cosi uvnitř něj Co se stane když se tihle dva potkají v civilu ještě než sarah nastoupí na prestižní magickou universitu ? Co se stane až se Luke dozví kdo je skutečně Sarah? Že je to ta dívka ke které měl odpor od první chvíle co o ní ví ? Když se dozví že se skutečně zamiluje? A když zjistí že má sarah přítele? Co se stane když se Sarah dozví o Lukovi pravdu? Co se stane když k němu začne něco cítit? Co se stane když se k ní Luke začne chovat děsně kvůli její roli v akademii? A co její vstah s Willem národním reprezentantem?…

OneRepublic Oh My My Album Lyrics

OneRepublic Oh My My Album Lyrics

66 3 9

Since I am a fan, and i love to sing along on their album, i made this. All the lyrics are from lyrics…

Rose & Billy

Rose & Billy

11 0 2

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman named Pandora. Zeus gifted her two things: curiosity and a box. There lay, on top of the box, a note that says "DO NOT OPEN." But contrary to this, she was also gifted with curiosity. Now we all know that warnings and curiosity don't mix well together. In the end, all bad things such as hatred, deceit, envy, greed, and many more escaped and spread all over.Pretend I am Pandora.Pretend this tale is my box.Pretend you are curiosity.But there are two things that differ from her story:First, mine is infinite. It isn't just about the bad things. It covers it all, whether good or bad.Second, my box's contents didn't escape.They were all stuck from within.…

kpop role play . tardis fam

kpop role play . tardis fam

7 2 1

Instagram asıllı kpop role play hesabı. Katılmak isteyenler Instagram'dan @tardis.krplay hesabına mesaj atabilir.…