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I may have been young, but I still remember a time when my world was free...Then he came, The Admin. ___________________________ "He's not like the other soldiers," Romeo said. "There's a spark of hope behind his eyes." "Surely, it's not that big a deal, he still must be weary of his actions for his sister's sake." Petra replied. "But you don't understand," He argued. "If he inspires hope in the hearts of his troop, then soon we might find an entire rebellion on our hands. It's like a disease, spreading to all it comes into contact with!" ____________ "He suspects you to be a traitor, spreading hope throughout the troop, turning them against him. He think's you're going to start a rebellion." Jesse couldn't believe it, the hope in his heart had indeed scared the living daylights out of the Admin himself! "After all, Jesse," Ivor smiled. "Rebellions are built on hope."…