Demons of Death- Battle of Justice (English Version)

Demons of Death- Battle of Justice (English Version)

2,311 162 139

What's the world like if you get to know all of its secrets? What does it feel like when you find out about who you truly are? And what does it feel like to suddenly be a stranger in the world you thought you knew?Yuki and Hiko, both orphans, are over the death of their parents now, trying to move on as usual. But suddenly, a gate to another world opens to them as they find themselves as half human and half demon one day. As that happens, they get to know the Hell Demons lead by the devil Lucifer and his brother Satan and find close friends among them, but they also learn about suffering and fear. The world as they used to know it... is not what it seems like...…

Pusat Neon Flex

Pusat Neon Flex

195 0 196

Kami adalah perusahaan advertising yang ahli dalam pembuatan neon box, huruf timbul, papan nama, baliho, reklame, vertikal banner, wraping mobil, round tag, neon flex dan berbagai layanan promosi visual lainnya. Dengan layanan yang berkualitas dan inovatif, kami siap membantu Anda memperkuat brand dan meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda.…

VIVID PAIN - heartbreak and closure

VIVID PAIN - heartbreak and closure

275 0 197

Hey, it's me. You probably don't want to hear from me, but this is the last time. Promise. Just hear me out, okay? You and me, one last time down the memory lane...To all my girls struggling right now: one day he WILL understand how valuble you are, but by then you'll be married to the man who already knew…

Pembuatan Pylon Sign Berkualitas

Pembuatan Pylon Sign Berkualitas

98 0 70

"Langsung ORDER KLIK WA Digital Advertising Melayani Pembuatan Pylon Sign BerkualitasApakah bisnis Anda membutuhkan pylon sign yang menarik perhatian dan tahan lama? Madani Digital Advertising adalah solusi tepat untuk kebutuhan pylon sign Anda. Kami menyediakan layanan pembuatan pylon sign berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang khusus untuk meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda.Pylon sign adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam branding dan pemasaran luar ruang, mampu menarik perhatian pelanggan potensial dari jarak jauh. Dengan desain yang disesuaikan dan material berkualitas, pylon sign dari Madani Digital Advertising akan memberikan kesan profesional dan memikat."…

Jual  Jasa Neon Flex

Jual Jasa Neon Flex

195 0 195

Kami adalah perusahaan advertising yang ahli dalam pembuatan neon box, huruf timbul, papan nama, baliho, reklame, vertikal banner, wraping mobil, round tag, neon flex dan berbagai layanan promosi visual lainnya. Dengan layanan yang berkualitas dan inovatif, kami siap membantu Anda memperkuat brand dan meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda.…

pusat papan nama

pusat papan nama

112 0 113

Kami adalah perusahaan advertising yang ahli dalam pembuatan neon box, huruf timbul, papan nama, baliho, reklame, vertikal banner, wraping mobil, round tag, neon flex dan berbagai layanan promosi visual lainnya. Dengan layanan yang berkualitas dan inovatif, kami siap membantu Anda memperkuat brand dan meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda. Hubungi customer service kami melalui WhatsApp di 0852 0114 19002 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.…

reklame tegal

reklame tegal

121 0 120

Pusat Reklame Banjarnegara, Pusat Reklame Banjarnegara, Pusat Reklame Banyumas, Pusat Reklame Batang, Pusat Reklame Blora, Pusat Reklame Boyolali, Pusat Reklame Brebes, Pusat Reklame Cilacap…



120 0 120

Pusat Reklame Banjarnegara, Pusat Reklame Banjarnegara, Pusat Reklame Banyumas, Pusat Reklame Batang, Pusat Reklame Blora, Pusat Reklame Boyolali, Pusat Reklame Brebes, Pusat Reklame Cilacap…

Fate of Two Hearts

Fate of Two Hearts

270 33 56

(I'm sorry to say this but this is not a fan-fiction. I made this story up, so please be patient with me. I'm writing as it comes to me. Plz don't steal it. T-T Finally finished making the cover And coloring it. And plz leave comments and votes. Thank you very much everyone! >_<)((Book One of The Fate Series))____________________A young assassin woman was summoned to another world to be its saver and last hope. She attained amazing abilities and powers. Travel to distant, fantastic lands and exotic cultures. Met and fight alongside incredible allies to stop the unspeakable evil. Losing companions along the way; hoping to find a way back to her own home world. That is...If she ever wants to go back to it in the end. The only hope the world has rests with a beautiful mermaid, a very loud prince, a clumsy guardian, a sassy demon-witch, a smartass dragon, a too ecstatic dwarf, and a elf-elemental who likes to set things on fire. *~*~*~*"Trust me, my good sir, we're good at surviving.""I never trust a survivor until I find out what they did to stay alive." "Well after all what doesn't kill us... Well, it's becoming a very long list for us really."*~*~*~*"Come and read this, Iâ." "You assume I can read hieroglyphics from the Calithils just because I am one?" "...... Well can you?" *Sigh* "Let me see it."…