Gun metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)

Gun metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)

779,784 22,032 50

Dorothy Monroe is a petite woman with a heart too big for her chest. She's pure, kind, she looked at the world and determined all the colours of nature were miracles and needed to be remembered.She's loved photography ever since her father brought a camera home and even had a gift with the newly designed lenses ever since she could wrap her small hands around the clunks of metal.Thomas Shelby: gangster; and war hero; he reads the devils script as if it were the morning newspaper - the list will go on. I don't need to say much more, you already know him.The Shelby family, as part of Tommy's expansion plan, bought a large area of the woods on the outskirts of Small Heath, far away from the Birmingham smog, there they built safe houses and kept heavy machinery; maybe even once they kept a large crate of stolen guns, supposedly belonging to the Government. Unbeknownst to Dorothy, who stumbled around the woods (a bulky camera in hand), she had explored the woods many times, taking photos of all the things that shined bright enough, but had never come across the peculiar buildings that held many dangers. That is, of course, until she knocks upon one of the doors, ready to give an earful to whoever had built over this precious patch of land, only to come face to face with one Thomas Shelby.-loosely follows the plot of season 1-*disclaimer* I do not own the Peaky Blinders or any of Steven Knights characters, only the story of Dorothy and her own plot line.This trope is cliche and overused, but idc, I like it.…

Les ombres de Minuit [histoire fantastique en poésie]

Les ombres de Minuit [histoire fantastique en poésie]

484 43 35

[PUBLIÉ SUR AMAZON]Dans la cité éternellement plongée dans la nuit de Nocturne, deux âmes opposées, Lysandra, héritière d'une noble lignée, et Soren, un démon aux secrets profonds, forment une alliance fragile pour empêcher la destruction imminente. Entre trahisons et amour interdit, leur quête pour sauver Nocturne dévoilera une lumière cachée au cœur des ténèbres. Mais à quel prix ? Prêts à suivre leur combat pour l'espoir dans un monde où les ombres règnent en maîtres ?…

Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

219 13 14

Out Of My Mind poems and one-shots in English and French.Out of My Mind, des poèmes et autres textes en Français et en Anglais tout droit sortis de mon imaginaire.…

Éclats de Vie

Éclats de Vie

2 0 4

Plongez dans l'univers poétique de Éclats de Vie, un recueil de poèmes qui explore les multiples facettes de l'existence humaine. Chaque vers, chaque strophe, est une invitation à voyager à travers les émotions qui nous animent et les expériences qui nous façonnent.Ce recueil se divise en quatre chapitres distincts mais intimement liés :Murmures d'Amour : Une célébration de l'amour sous toutes ses formes - passion, tendresse, désir et complicité. Ces poèmes capturent les moments précieux et les sentiments profonds qui naissent lorsque deux cœurs se rencontrent et se lient.Souvenirs d'Enfance : Un retour nostalgique aux jours d'innocence et de découverte. Revivez les rires insouciants, les premiers émois et les amitiés indéfectibles qui marquent nos jeunes années.Ombres de Trahison : Une exploration des douleurs et des déceptions qui surgissent lorsque la confiance est brisée. Ces poèmes plongent au cœur des trahisons personnelles, révélant les cicatrices invisibles et la résilience nécessaire pour guérir.Lueurs d'Espoir : Un hommage à la force et à la persévérance humaines. À travers les épreuves et les défis, ces vers illuminent le chemin vers la renaissance et la transformation, montrant que, même dans les moments les plus sombres, une étincelle d'espoir peut briller.Éclats de Vie est une ode à la beauté et à la complexité de l'âme humaine. Chaque poème est une fenêtre ouverte sur les sentiments universels qui nous unissent tous, une invitation à ressentir, à réfléchir et à rêver. Que vous soyez un fervent amateur de poésie ou un lecteur curieux, ce recueil saura toucher votre cœur et éveiller votre esprit.Laissez-vous emporter par la magie des mots et découvrez l'essence même de la vie à travers les pages de ce recueil envoûtant.…

MK's Thoughts

MK's Thoughts

2,563 542 100

So this is my first ever piece on Wattpad and I kinda feel nervous about it lol.It's an abstract collection of all the things I think about on a daily so it doesn't really have a theme.I'm writing all of it here- the good, the great, the bad and the ugly. These thoughts have dominated my mind for so long that I needed to empty them out and I thought, why not here where everyone can see and read them. Ugghhh the anxiety of it all :)) I hope when you read this collection, you understand a tiny bit of my clustered mind because sometimes all a person wants is to be understood :)EnjoyDISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE MEDIA IN THE BOOK. CREDIT GOES TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS…

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

327 0 41

This Book which has 40 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 12 of the Book titled - You die; I die - Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce-a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.…

La musa de mis pensamientos

La musa de mis pensamientos

41 2 1

¿Sabes? Es difícil decir lo que se siente más cuando no sabes expresarte...No sabes contrololarte...Es bonito saber de vez en cuando llegan hermosos recuerdos a través de tus ojosTe miro de lejos y solo puedo pensar en algo más...Te ves tan especial, tan hermosa, como si no hubiese nadie másSé que sabes que te miro, tal vez no te importa, tal vez es correspondido...Sé que eres tú, brillas con una sencilla delicadeza Ni un trataría de descubrir el porqué de tu bellezaTe vez tan llena de vida, un ser tan especial sin igualAlegras el día de cualquiera sin darte cuentaLlegas a llenar vacíos infinitos, a completar rompecabezas con solo una pieza...Tu gran amor y un bello sonido al son de tu corazónSe puede esperar solo para verte pasarSe puede esperar para oírte hablarSe puede esperar una eternidad con tan de tu atención...Algún día llamarEres como un libro nunca escritoEres esa tinta que le falta a mis palabrasLa musa perfecta, escondida en esta escuelaEscribiendo historias más que perfectasUn vació al abrir mi corazónUn suspiro sin razónEres todo aquello que no controlo yoUn vacio al abrir mi corazónUn suspiro sin razónEres todo aquello que no controlo yoEres tú, eres mi pensamiento Eres todo eso que yo siento…

My art

My art

6,329 770 200

so i'm gonna post my art here. It'll be mostly fanart. I might include ships, so please don't send hate if you don't like it. There will probably be also some angst. I accept ideas or suggestion on what to draw. If you like what you see, you can always check my instagram, @doodlespaulas…

Le Risposte Che Cerchi, Sono qui.

Le Risposte Che Cerchi, Sono qui.

21 0 6

Non sei solo. Ho deciso di scrivere questa raccolta di risposte , perché nessuno si era mai preoccupato di darmele, è una raccolta di autodenuncia, per aiutare persone e per non farle sentire meno sole. Ci saranno molte poesie, pensieri o aforismi scritti da me. Parlerò principale d'amore, dolore, ansia, molti disturbi mentali, lutto, difficolta ad esprimersi. Se ci saranno richieste, ne parlerò volentieri, perché sono qui solo per voi. -A…

Au Gré du Vent...

Au Gré du Vent...

548 72 30

Un recueil de poésies instantanées, écrites sur le moment, et qui reflètent des moments précieux de la vie.Un peu partout, n'importe quand, ici et ailleurs...…

Art book+ random crap

Art book+ random crap

7,033 564 200

Just a silly little art book :,)…



12,717 1,715 174

"You are the human embodiment of tumblr.""The human embodiment of tumblr with your number. Do your research."The book of a blog where you can look at all the random fandom nonsense that goes on in my life, as well as tags, parodies, edits and the occasional rant. Not a lot else to it.Oh, and in case you were wondering, the above quote actually happened.[started: 15th March, 2017][ended: 24th January, 2019]…



131,277 3,120 194

Having brought up her younger siblings in troubled times and guiding her younger brother to the throne, Xia Lalisa is the most legendary eldest princess in the history of the Xia Dynasty. When this eldest princess opens her eyes, she finds herself in a world a thousand years into the future. While she is still called "Princess", it's only a nasty jeer imparted on her as a mockery for her arrogant connections within the entertainment industry. So what if you were rich? In the end you've fallen to a status far lower than any beast! In response, Xia Lalisa promises that a day would come when they will sincerely call her Princess. Everyone laughs at her, waiting to see the day when she'll be abandoned by the wealthy and affluent. Handsome yet aloof, President Jun Jungkook is known only for his success in the corporate world with a demeanor cold enough to cut through ice. He has just one thing to say: Take the one hundred million divorce fee and leave quickly. Two years later, the eldest princess is a two-time winner of a prestigious acting award. The darling of the fashion world, she has become a style icon who is also proficient in the four classical arts. As an all-knowing professor in both literature and poetry, she is also a professor in two departments at the most renowned institute of higher learning. The Olympics? Gold medals are a dime a dozen when considering her skills in fencing and shooting. Her name is spread all over the world and she is filled with an unprecedented glory never bestowed upon any other. The CEO who wanted a divorce at the start refutes on television: "How dare anyone spread rumors about our divorce? My dearest wife, can we have another child?"==========================Author(s): A Boat of DreamsCredit goes to the rightful owner.==========================MAKE SURE TO READ FluffballRosie Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day FIRST before reading this book because this is only a continuation of that book.…

Random PJO/HoO

Random PJO/HoO

311,686 12,284 711

I Aᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟʟʏ Fᴀɴɢɪʀʟ Oᴠᴇʀ Mʏ Pʀᴇ-Aʟɢᴇʙʀᴀ Tᴇᴀᴄʜᴇʀ(I Accidentally Fangirl Over My Pre-Algebra Teacher)Look, I didn't want to be a fangirl. If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is, close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your books just being books, and try to lead a normal life. Being a fangirl is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time it kills you in very emotional ways. If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fake, read on. I envy you for being able to believe that books are just books and nothing more. But if you recognize yourself in these pages-if you feel your heart racing, eyes widening, muscles tightening, and high-pitched squeals uncontrollably escaping your mouth- stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it, too, and they'll avoid you. Don't say I didn't warn you.…

ℒarry ℛecommended ℱics
Through the Obscured

Through the Obscured

87 9 42

"Through the Obscured" embodies my voyage of unearthing the resilience and strength from within. Amid a life shrouded in shadows of hurt, pain, fears, and struggles, these attributes were not immediately evident. However, as I delved deeper into the core of my inner self, they emerged like hidden stars, illuminating the profound depths of my being.…



7,999 858 175

This is pretty much the sequal of my omg overdrive book This book includes: Gifs Pics Vids. Vines Idiotic shit Random thoughts And YES... I named i "UNICORN BACON" cause why not…

A Gift

A Gift

216 55 55

In the captivating tale of "A Gift," we witness a love story that goes beyond borders, bringing together Trixia Manzares from Indonesia and Ulrich Kaufmann from Switzerland. Their extraordinary connection is sparked through a family outreach program, where Ulrich's generosity surprises Trixia, creating a bond that transcends distance and cultural differences.Trixia, immersed in the vibrant culture of Indonesia, becomes the unexpected recipient of Ulrich's thoughtful gift. His benevolence, as vast as the Swiss Alps, serves as the catalyst for a connection that redefines the boundaries of love. The family outreach program becomes the medium through which their destinies intertwine, turning a chance encounter into a profound love story that spans continents.As we journey through "The Gift," we witness the unfolding romance where Trixia, initially a random receiver, becomes the cherished recipient of more than just a physical present. Ulrich, the giver, embodies the transformative power of kindness inherent in the family outreach program. Together, they navigate the challenges of distance and cultural diversity, proving that love can unexpectedly emerge like a beautifully wrapped gift, waiting to be unwrapped by the heart.Join us as we explore the pages of "The Gift," where Trixia and Ulrich's love story unfolds against the backdrop of selfless generosity, reminding us that meaningful connections can arise when least expected, and the universe conspires to unite two hearts in a dance of fate and love.This is the story Of Ulrich Kauffman and Trixia Manzares...******************************************************************************************01262024Friday…