Valador : Anomaly

Valador : Anomaly

13 1 1

There is something sneakingly suspicious about a Golden Age. Perhaps it's the fact that these so called milestones aren't quite common - they're quite the rare occurrence. Perhaps it's because each time humanity reaches a Golden Age, it believes that it has acheived the peak of his success. Yet he does not know that he is actually setting the fuse for his decline. Or.. perhaps it's just me.But so it was with the Space Age. Humanity spread like a disease, a contagious plague infecting every galaxy with his machines, his technology and his superiority. He colonized every nook and cranny, as if living in fear of an unknown yet superior force. Ironically, it was this force that gave us the means to venture into space.It would be this same force that would nearly come to destroy us.You see, in the wide expanse of discovered space as we know it today, few galaxies can boast to have produced individuals that have made an impact on history. Yet fewer can boast to have produced individuals who have rewritten history and made a lasting impact on the future to come for eons.But none can claim to have produced an individual as extraordinary as the one born on the 22nd of July, 2045 in the tiniest of galaxies and on the most diminutive of planets, Mars. Indeed, born in the dismal corner of a mining station amongst countless others on this red planet, this individual would rise from mere insignificance to rescue humankind from the vile clutches of a race with far more malice and cunning than anything it had ever encountered before. His name has been proclaimed from the green sands of the Kinora to the jagged peaks of the Mestaphyne and has been crystallized in the sands of time for generations to come.For this is the saga of a human who rose beyond and overcame his capabilities and limits to rescue us. This is the saga of David Trench.…

Comparison Groups in Chronological Texts

Comparison Groups in Chronological Texts

367 3 1

年代文裏的對照組Nan Sheng always thought that marrying the wrong man was a misunderstanding, so she quickly adjusted her mentality, managed her marriage, and adapted to the life of her husband's family.Even though they liked her cousin more, she had no complaints and did her duty as a wife.As her husband rose step by step, she did not forget to take care of her family, including her cousin who was widowed early.Over the years, she has been recognized by her husband's family through her own efforts, and her life is rich and happy.The only thing that bothers her is that she has no children.She is a traditional woman and has always felt sorry for her husband's family.As her husband's position became higher and higher and his prestige grew, she felt that the distance between her and her husband was also widening.In order to shorten this gap, she picked up her books again while seeking a child.However, she did not expect that when she got her diploma and wanted to share her joy with her husband, she pushed open the door of his office and saw him hugging his cousin.Her husband's first reaction was not to explain to her, but to protect her cousin behind him.She suddenly realized.It turns out that this is what is written in the book, the difference between the white moonlight in your heart and the white rice pasted on the wall, right?And she is the tasteless white rice.Therefore, the husband never worried about having children, because someone gave him a son, and he already had someone to inherit.Therefore, the widowed cousin never remarried, because they had long set their sights on her position as the general's wife and were waiting for her to take the position.Both her natal family and her husband's family knew about this.What is she then?She held her breath, was docile all her life, and finally rebelled once.…



40 6 5

ERICA LYDIA dan BILLY DAVIDSON terpaksa meninggalkan salah satu anak mereka kepada DIEGO HELLVIN yang mana merupakan teman baiknya sejak kecil. Mereka lakukan hal itu, sebab keluarga Billy diburu oleh orang-orang PETERHOND yang mana ialah rakan kongsi yang telah mengkhianati Billy. Peterhond melarikan 10 juta duit milik syarikat Billy. Dan hal itu menyebabkan syarikat Billy jatuh muflis. Billy yang ingin membuat aduan polis, telah membuat Peterhond takut lalu segera mengarahkan orang-orangnya untuk melesapkan kewujudan keluarga Billy di bumi. Billy yang buntu, ditambah lagi anak-anaknya baru berusia 9 bulan itu terpaksa meminta pendapat dari Diego. Setelah membuat persetujuan, Billy pun menyerahkan seorang anaknya kepada Diego. Adik-beradik MARGON juga telah membantu keluarga Billy atas pertolongan Diego.Setelah 20 tahun berlalu, masing-masing kembar itu mempunyai kerjaya sendiri. Kedua kembar yang dijaga oleh Billy dan Erica masing-masing bekerja sebagai model dan tentera. Anak yang dijaga oleh Diego masih bekerja di bawah Diego dan MARGON Legacy."I never thought that we have another sister EVAN."- DAISY EVIONA."Dad can we meet our younger sister? "-BENNY EVANDER"I don't want to back home. I like my life. I never forgot who gave a birth to me, but I already fall in love my new life with them."-DRIANDEE EVEMORTALpsst..cover nanti sy upload ah.. xda idea utk bt cover ba.. klo sudi mw tlg buat cover pun ble jaga..nnt pm seja sy..ok…

sat by the ocean

sat by the ocean

111 15 132

photos are not mine!!!caution: chapter two has an image of a real animal skull. just in case anybody would be uncomfy!(continued onto Laying By The Ocean)…

Dawn of the Dual Kingdoms

Dawn of the Dual Kingdoms

24 0 22

In a world where kingdoms clash and magical forces intertwine, a prophecy ignites the destiny of a young man named Caelum. The story unfolds in "Chronicles of the Astral Prognosticator: Dawn of the Dual Kingdoms," a gripping tale of valor, camaraderie, and mystical wonders set against the backdrop of the Middle Ages.Caelum, a born strategist with the uncanny ability to predict the future, finds himself at the heart of a longstanding war between two ancient kingdoms, Gavreon and Solanthia. With his birth in the throes of this tumultuous conflict, Caelum is thrust into a world of mystifying creatures, elusive magic, and legendary folklore.From navigating treacherous terrains, solving cryptic riddles, and engaging in epic battles, Caelum and his fellowship stride on the thin line between triumph and ruin. With every chapter, readers are plunged deeper into a world where every turn is a riddle and every encounter a step towards an uncertain destiny."Chronicles of the Astral Prognosticator: Dawn of the Dual Kingdoms" is a tale filled with intricate dialogues, deep introspection, and suspenseful narratives. It's an intricate tapestry of fantastical elements, harrowing adventures, and profound relationships that will keep readers riveted until the last page. It's not just a story-it's an expedition into the depths of courage, the strength of unity, and the resilience of the human spirit, all woven together by the threads of fate and destiny.Welcome to an era of magic, of warriors and warlocks, of prophecies and possibilities. The chronicles await your exploration. Are you ready to journey into the dawn of the dual kingdoms?…

Last Writes

Last Writes

256 0 70

Not much can be said about the man who stood up for his dream and was greatly accepted into its warm embrace. James White took the chance to become a writer. Being benign to the hardships of not having the education or experiences to follow. James signs on to his early career, but, when the time came for James to become a husband and father, he neglected the chance, sinking deeper into his written world, forgetting the responsibilities he has . Now divorced and on the brink of losing his dream job. James moves into an old, rustic house, to try and get his life straightened out once again. His agent gave him the only path left open for him. To become a ghostwriter for a famous foreign author. Filling in for another mans' pair of shoes was one thing. Now, having to earn his career and family back is another. Oh, and lets' not forget the lingering spirits in James' house. These spirit too has an agenda. To speak to their loved ones they left behind. But, that will all have to wait... once you open to the first page.Author's Notes: Alright, well the big issues are fixed as much as I can give time to. So if anybody has been reading this while I have been working away. It should be over now. The only left is if there is voiced anything that I missed or the program did not change... so beyond that. Hope you enjoy it and see you next year with another title... probably.Rules On Commenting:Simply join the Facebook page to follow all the workings in the background and throw a comment or two to let us know what you thoughts or error I have left or some tips maybe. Or Wattpad here if you have an account and would like to leave some "Mistakes here" tags or something. However, before you comment on anything, please read the ENTIRE story first. Its a bit more longer, as novels should be, instead of the short story I did before.…