Tags: romance
My Guest in Apartment 10B

My Guest in Apartment 10B

8,473 1,239 16

An Open Novella Contest 2020 Longlist FinalistArabella W. Washington recently moved to Lower East Side, Manhattan, to do something with her life and start fresh. With the help of her grandma Wang's sizeable inheritance, she is able to rent out Apartment 10B in Windsor Hall, a small, old, and creaky building full of history and personality, which harbors a secret of its own. Food in her refrigerator and utensils in the cupboard starts going missing, and at exactly 6:00 in the evening, she gets the feeling that she is being watched. What is happening in 10B? Is there a human-sized rat trying to make a meal of her groceries or are the rumors true?No wonder the rent was affordable!…

Todo cambio Levi Y Tu

Todo cambio Levi Y Tu

4,982 287 6

Levi un joven de 20 años cumple 3 años de relacion con su novia (T/n) quien justo ese dia encuentra a su novio engañándola con petra.Despues de su volver a la universidad, (T/n) conocera a Freddie Mclair del cual luego se convertiria en su novio, Levi celoso tras el noviasgo de Freddie con su ex novia decidira reconquistar a (T/n). *pos si es una mescla del anime shingeki no kyojin y la serie britanica skins**lenguaje inapropiado y escenas de caracter sexual**faltas de ortografia*…

Inmortal Malvado Segunda Parte

Inmortal Malvado Segunda Parte

251,185 44,427 167

Titulo Original: Renacimiento De Un Desperdicio Inútil: Inmortal Malvado Número Uno CAPÍTULOS 549 (Novela Original)…

Waifu Book

Waifu Book

59,491 2,022 187

Just filled with pictures containing waifus. I don't own any picture used.…

Smallville (Genderbend)

Smallville (Genderbend)

3,691 152 200

La serie narra las aventuras de la joven Claire Kent en el pueblo ficticio de Smallville, Kansas, durante los años previos a que ella se convierta en Superwoman. Las primeras cuatro temporadas se centran en Claire y sus amigos durante el instituto (High School). A partir de la Quinta Temporada la serie cambia de concepto, con situaciones más adultas, y la inclusión de elementos como la Fortaleza de la Soledad y la Zona Fantasma. También aparecen otros personajes DC, tanto superhéroes como villanos.…

Kiss the Paranoid Beauty

Kiss the Paranoid Beauty

3,152 473 101

"Sé que es hipócrita, astuto, despiadado, egoísta, caprichoso y posee un fuerte sentido de posesión, pero eso no impide que me guste". - Lin Fei.Esta novela no es mia, es simplemente una traducción debido al interes que me genero la novela que va antes de esta. Se encuentra aqui en wattpad y su nombre es "Yo soy el padre del villano", además no es necesario leerla para entender el proceso de esta.Basicamente es la historia de los pequeños Lin Fei y Ji Leyu... Espero que les agrade mi traducción (Entra en la historia para leer la descripción)Otros nombres: Zi Feiyu, 《子非魚_林盎司【完結+番外】》Autor: Lin OzCapitulos: 219 + 93 extrasHistorias Relacionadas: Me convertí en el padre del Villano o Yo soy el padre del villano…

Una vida con el autor

Una vida con el autor

7,283 975 93

{Oye, será mejor que te levantes y hagas una introducción a los lectores que quieran probar la historia.} dijo el autor.Me desperté atontado y miré la hora: "Amigo, son las cuatro de la mañana". Dije y me volví a dormir.{No me importa. Necesito una sinopsis ahora.} exigió el autor."Hermano, por favor, cinco horas más". Yo dije{Despierta ahora mismo o si no.}'¿O si no qué?' Lo desafié.{Si no despiertas te reencarnaré en Boku no Pico, lo juro.}Oh, por favor, como si ese fuera un mundo malo para reencarnar. Simplemente dejaré Japón y todo estará bien.{Entonces ¿qué tal Attack on Titan?}¡¡Genial!! Significa que podría cambiar la historia y evitar el triste final.Podría hacer que Mikasa se enamorara de mí y tal vez incluso inventar algunas cosas con mis conocimientos futuros. Sería genial.{Esto es definitivo. Te reencarnaré en Kuroinu...}¡¡Oh!! ¿El hentai donde los hombres pueden utilizar a cualquier mujer para obtener placer sexual?¡¡Reencarname allí ahora mismo!! Está un poco jodido, pero ciertamente no me importaría.{...como la reina elfa Celestine.}..............Bueno, hola, mi nombre es Yuito Fujita y soy una persona reencarnada que reencarna en un mundo nuevo similar a mi viejo mundo pero con algunas historias ficticias mezcladas.Pensé que iba a vivir una vida plena y pacífica hasta que cuando tenía 15 años, el autor me habló.A partir de entonces mi vida estuvo llena de altibajos con diferentes desafíos en cada rincón.Mírame mientras hago un harén y lucho para convertirme en el campeón de UFC de este mundo.Pero como cualquier historia, la mía estará llena de desafíos, ya que descubrí qué historias de ficción se mezclan en mi mundo.Mi historia estará llena de romance, acción, drama y amistad con el autor.Lee mi vida con el autor.…

Love like you do - Selkapi ♥

Love like you do - Selkapi ♥

2,917 256 23

Selever es un joven demonio que vive con sus padres y si hermana Rasazy en un iglesia que realmente es un refugio para su madre quien se oculta tras las ropas de una moja con el único propósito de hacer que otros lleguen al cielo, pues ella no pudo. A la vez este sitio es un hogar lleno de amor fraternal donde nunca les ha faltado nada, pues para Selever y Rasazy la vida es más tranquila de lo que necesitan. Lo único que arruina la paz mental de estos dos son los sueños que han experimentado de una forma tan vívida que les hacían pensar que eran reales.Esto es algo que le hace a Selever ser desinteresado hacia otros, algo que lo llevará a obtener a Kapi como rival, alguien a quien verá seguido gracias a su acuerdo con un amigo de sus padres de alejarlo de su novia. Kapi, por otro lado, tendrá que asumir las consecuencias por acercarse al demonio, debido a que este terminaría siendo su debilidad. La curiosidad terminaría matando al gatoNingún personaje de está historia me pertenece. Son sacados del juego Friday Night Funkin creado por ninjamuffin. Kapi es sacado de un mod creado por PapperKitty. Selever, Sarvente, Ruv y Rasazy fueron creados por Doki Doodlez Lenguaje fuerte. Situaciones sangrientas y algunas escenas subidas de tono. +13…



3,224 46 10

[SPOILER] Para inicio de conversa, a ideia da obra ICONOGRAFIA DA PORNOGRAFIA começou no final do ano de 2019. Ressaltando que, acoplado a ideia ou, melhor dizendo, a ideia principal era principiar um PROPÓSITO - 40 DIAS em prol da minha vida espiritual... Enfim, foi uma benção o PROPÓSITO e recompensador naquilo que havia proposto diante de Deus, porém, a OBRA faltou finalizar! E, perante o curso que o mundo seguiu após aquele ano (2019) com a PANDEMIA da COVID-19 muitas coisas pararam e tomaram inéditos rumos... Com toda "loucura" que vivemos - confinados, temerosos, sem muito o quê fazer, a tensão foi recorrente em todo globo terrestre, pois o que só se ouvia e víamos em todos os meios eram sobre milhares e milhares de pessoas extirpadas pela contagiosa CORONA VÍRUS, a qual, atingiu o mundo inteiro!Graças a DEUS, já no começo de 2022 as coisas estavam voltando a situar nos trilhos da normalidade e, voltei também a escrever......Em suma, sentir o GPS Divino apontando para uma direção diferente a que eu queria... Para isso, precisaria OBEDECER a VONTADE DELE... Infelizmente, a área da sexualidade é uma parte bastante vulnerável (espiritualmente) ainda pra mim e, decerto, o SENHOR sapiente disso, mudou a logística do PROPÓSITO!Acredito que, ELE não só trará NOVAS EXPERIÊNCIAS como ESTRATÉGIAS de GUERRA para combatermos todo bombardeio do mal com artifícios eróticos, afinal, posicionamentos diligentes contra tudo e todos que tentam manchar ou ludibriar a ICONOGRAFIA DELE em nós.…

The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man

The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man

859,107 16,183 186

The What If? stories of our favorite webslinger as each chapter shows the many relationships of Peter Parker or the Amazing Spider-Man with the heroines/villainess of his life!One-Shots Collection.The pictures in each chapter that has a separate picture, belongs to their respective artists…

The Way of the Future: Age of Machines(Completed)

The Way of the Future: Age of Machines(Completed)

102,156 4,520 181

Artemis woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once prosperous human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived.But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides Artemis for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world.Their story will start 1000 years into Artemis' rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life.But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow Artemis as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps.Note: This story has an original story somewhere in Webnovel. The original author probably retires on writing so I try to finish it and put some changes for my own. Please, I hope its not copyrighted!…

Dawn of the Epoch

Dawn of the Epoch

2,584,542 51,081 100

Hunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist it when it happened. Neither of them knew that the world would need the two of them to save it from a tyrannical pre-historic overlord, his cyborg vampire paramour, and their army of mindless drudges.Dawn of the Epoch is an epic science fiction novel about dark matter, death rays, nuclear warfare, and the Large Hadron Collider, but it is also a fantasy novel about medieval warriors, alchemy, and ancient gods. Dawn of the Epoch blends fantasy with reality, bringing mythology to life today. It is also an apocalyptic thriller spanning the globe from the Pyramids of Egypt to the heart of Africa to the majesty of the Himalayas. It is an epic hybrid-genre story with intense action sequences, magic, mythology, suspenseful plot twists, countless obstacles for the protagonists to overcome, and an utterly Machiavellian supernatural villain.Testimonials:"Probably one of my favorite books I've read to date. Brilliantly complex, adoringly rendered and quizzically intense. A must read and one I plan to revisit, and share!"- Amgwatts, Wattpad Reader"This has to be one of the most original and well written novels I have had the pleasure to read, on Wattpad and in general. It was captivating, interesting, immersive and above all, fantastic. I was left in awe of the beings, history and world you created. It was never dull, dry or predicable and it was a nice change from what seems to be the ever popular teen romance with vampires or werewolves or 'bad boys that are actually romantic good boys.' In the end it was a very pleasant surprise."-IridescentLies, Wattpad Readerhttp://dawnoftheepoch.weebly.com…

Straight To You

Straight To You

181 38 35

Can you imagine how someone who doesn't have any experience of having a romantic relationship can create a really good love songs? Well, that's Irene Williams. She is a singer songwriter from Indonesia who move to Los Angeles, California by herself to pursuit her dream to be a singer in one of famous music agency in USA. She lives together with her best friend from internet since 3 years ago while she lived in Indonesia, Olivia Moore in an apartment in Long Beach area. Since lives in California areas, she doing everything that she can't do back in Indonesia but her life about to change in Hollywood......When people want a fame and a lots of money to live in Hollywood area, this is not what Stefan Luca want to do. He lives with fames since he was a teenager, started as a kids model and he pursuit an acting career in the age of 10 with her immigrant mother. He doesn't go well with any paparazzi in hollywood because they invaded his life way deeper than he thought it would be. Everyone calling him a Hollywood casanova because he always seen with a lot of models in his life and he always get a new girl for him. Now, he moved to Long Beach area with more chill and a lot of beach area near his new apartment with new life and no one can see him around the girls again. How is life after moving? Is it getting better or his life will turn upside down?#romance Note :This will be a dual POV from them and this is not kind of spicy story but their age's is different a.k.a age gap, I hope you guys will enjoy my story I accept your critics and ideas for this story makes its grow well and also myself, thanks xoxo.…

LABYRINTH ↠ Period Faceclaims.

LABYRINTH ↠ Period Faceclaims.

104,890 902 157

In which I find and give you underrated period drama faceclaims for your books. period drama faceclaims started january 2023…

One shots (1) (Completed)

One shots (1) (Completed)

549,005 10,241 200

This book is completed but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read, here's a list of what I have:OneshotsPreferences Headcanons I also have a few oneshots with this: Boy x boy Girl x girl If you don't like them when you see them don't read em'If you want to say something don't be afraid to pm me, I love talking to you dudesAnyway, like I said this book is Completed, I'm just too lazy to change the cover art. But I hope you enjoy and happy reading ^-^…

The Pentagon of Pepper's Random Stuff

The Pentagon of Pepper's Random Stuff

4,137 139 198

Get it? 'Cause a pentagon has five sides? Eh, whatever. Let's just get on with it!…

Hollywood (我就是好莱坞) Part I

Hollywood (我就是好莱坞) Part I

73,212 2,396 200

An advertising director is reborn in 1988 Hollywood as an eighteen-year-old blond-haired westerner named Eric Williams.From then on, he starts writing movie scripts and television songs, becomes skilled in directing every kind of film, wins over all kinds of female celebrities, and takes the road to become a Hollywood legend.DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS NOVEL The owner and author of this novel is louie_castro_pointe_du 我就是好莱坞 If you are the copyright owner of this work, please feel free to contact me. I will take down this story if necessary.Enjoy…

The World After

The World After

1,818 71 10

Katherine Guinovia has been ready for the end of the world since she was eight years old. Her father was a bit of a survivalist himself and ensured Katherine would be able to survive anything the world and the one beyond threw at her. Surviving was a lonely business though and it didn't always mean living per say. It had been months since the outbreak and Katherine had been so close to giving up before she saw them- two little heads ducking down from the window too quickly to be undead- now surviving means something else entirely. Kendall and Jamie's safety are Katherine's primary concern in this new world, but now there's another group and a little girl missing and a little boy shot and a quiet redneck and things are getting complicated. ~~~This story takes place in the Walking Dead universe starting in season two at the farm! I don't own TWD, it's characters, or the plot only Katherine, Jamie, Kendall, and any more ocs I create along the way. This is purely for entertainment, I'm not profiting off of this! Certain character's fates and story arcs will be altered due to Katherine's interference~~~…

Acabe Odiandote Y Termine Amandote (CANCELADA!!!!)

Acabe Odiandote Y Termine Amandote (CANCELADA!!!!)

2,460 74 8

Asuna Se va a un viaje durante 2 semanas y le prometio a su novio Kazuto que regresaria pero eso fue hace 8 años asuna no a vuelto y Kazuto Se muere lentamente pero pasaron 5 meses y Kazuto Tiene teorias de por que asuna lo dejo ¿Se habra ido con otro? ¿Lo estaba evitando? O ¿Lo queria por su dinero? Todo esto y mas en Acabe Odiandote Y Termine Amandote¨Si Muero Aqui Morire en la vida real¨…