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Random thoughts I have while I procrastinate doing my university work.They may be little short stories or prompts for anyone else to use if they want to.Or it could be absolutely anything that I think of.Such as like a type of place for me to dump all of my random creative thoughts to go.Enjoy.…

Forgive And Forget-Olivia Baker

Forgive And Forget-Olivia Baker

787 25 2

It's just another day in the neighborhood, right? Well, not for Katelynn James. Her world turns upside down when Coach Baker from Beverly High recruits her to play basketball. Then, her world turns even more when she meets the Coach's niece, Olivia Baker.STARTED 1/8/22…

Not At Fault-Asher Adams

Not At Fault-Asher Adams

197 15 2

2 years ago..."Hey, my name's Lia Watson.""Asher Adams."XXXPresent...That was both the best and worst decision of my life. Befriending Asher Adams. Sure, I loved him. And that was exactly my problem. I was in love with my best friend. He was perfect. The star receiver of the football team, one of the most popular guys in school, dating the most popular girl in school, Leila Keating. Leila was sweet as could be and I liked her, but we weren't close. Yes, I fell in love with my best friend, who fell in love with another girl. But, I was not at fault. Asher was. For letting me slip through his fingers over and over again.STARTED 1/26/22…

Not Broken, Just Bent-Jordan Baker

Not Broken, Just Bent-Jordan Baker

190 14 2

I had a bad childhood to say the least. Sure, I was born five minutes before my brother, JJ, but everything he did was my fault and I was practically his mother. Growing up, it was clear my parents never wanted a girl. They wanted an athletic boy who liked football. They got that, but they also got me. Everytime JJ did something wrong, I got blamed for it. He recognized how differently our parents treated him and tried to help me, but when he did that, they yelled at me and said I was 'corrupting' him. It was tough. But now that we were teenagers, our parents were out of town all the time and we had freedom. That was good- freedom, I mean. It was good. JJ was the party animal and I'm the one who made sure he didn't kill himself. But I liked it like that. Seeing as JJ was a football player and I was a cheerleader, we were two of the most popular kids at school. Enter Jordan Baker, practically the king of the school. The starting quarterback, coach's son, and the guy all the girls wanted. Which means I had no chance. Because he only sees me as a friend, right?STARTED 12/31/21…