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About three days have passed and Eri was back at school. She walked in heading to breakfast since she was still hungry and got herself a breakfast burrito from the Russian lunch lady.

Eri: Hello Ms. Volkov!

Volkov: Hello sweetheart. Every morning I see you, it makes my heart glow.

Eri: Aww, thank you. Have you seen Matt? He didn't wait for me outside the school like usual.

Volkov: I'm sorry honey, I have not.

Eri: I guess I'll just see him in class.

Volkov: Maybe, but I have to tell you...

Eri: ?

Volkov: Please, try not to make Marie angry.

Eri: Huh?

Volkov: Little girl with rich parent and bad attitude means that she can have everything. I wouldn't get on her bad side at least until Batman can do something about it.

Eri: But I can't keep letting her just billy me.

Volkov: I understand. You have golden heart like lioness. But for now, just play her game until something is done about her.

The lunch lady gently pulled her cheek saying...

Volkov: I would be so sad if something happened to my favorite eater.

Eri smiled at her but side and said...

Eri: Ok...

After lunch, she made her way to the class to see Matt there with an angry expression on his face and a blood in the corner of his lip.

She sat down as he wiped it away...

Eri: What happened!?

Matt: Take a good guess.

She stared but then it hit her. She gasped and glared at Marie who laughed out while the teacher stood there being very frustrated by this little girl...

Eri: What did you do to him!?

Lily: Eri, please don't.

Eri stopped herself...

Marie: I told you I'd get you both to fall in line, didn't I? Hahahahah!!!

Eri: ... Whatever.

She made her way to the first aid kit but one of the boy tripped her, making her arm hit the table.

Class: Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Eri: ...

She got up again, and went to go get the first aid and came back to her friend, tending to his cut lip.

Matt: Ow!

Eri: It was gonna sting! You know that!

Matt: Hehe I know, but still.

Eri: You're a handful, you know that?

Lily smiled at them both but Marie just growled at them. Eri was still being free willed and she hated it...

She thought to herself, what can she do to make her cooperate?

At recess, Matt and Eri sat on the bench, far away from the other kids in their class since it was now clear that they all were Marie's grunts...

Matt: Y'know, you don't need to sit by me. If you wanna go and play, go ahead. The swings are open and we both know how long that line gets.

Eri: No, I'm ok, plus if it was me, Marie would just make sure I couldn't get on it.

Matt crossed his arms...

Matt: Alright, if you say so.

Eri: Y'know, back where I'm from...

Matt: ?

Eri: I had a friend just like you. He was really bitter at first but he learned to warm up to me and my brother...

Matt: Really?

Eri: Yea, his name was Kota. He was cool.

Matt: Eh, he's not as great as me.

Eri pushed him playfully and said...

Eri: You jerk!

Matt/Eri: Hahah!!

The two became quiet before he said...

Matt: Hey, Eri?

Eri: Hm?

Matt: No matter what, don't change who you are.

Eri: Huh?

Matt: Uptown Gotham, Downtown Gotham...

He shook his head...

Matt: It's all the same to me. The only difference is that the villains up here wear suits instead of crazy costumes. No matter what, don't let them change you, ok?

She stared at him before smiling...

Eri: Ok.

Marie: Aww, aren't you two cute?

Matt/Eri: ??

Marie: Sitting together like two little birds.

Matt: Spell "Bird".

Marie: ๐Ÿ’ข

Eri was already not ok with how they did her friend and now they were right here in front of her.

She looked at Ms. Lily who couldn't take this abuse of Eri and Matt any more and started to step in but the guards that usually watch her while she's at recess intervene and pushed her against the wall.

He glared at her that made her looked down with shame, she had a family too but she didn't want Eri to get hurt.

She felt that she failed as a teacher...

Eri stood up and got in Marie's face...

Eri: Marie?

Marie: Get out of my face-

Eri: Why is it so important for me to do what you say? If I'm such a nobody to you, why does it matter?

Marie: How about you look around, stupid.

Eri looked...

Marie: Because of daddy, everyone around here does what I say - when I say it and how I say it. Except you and this... filth!

Eri: So you want me to kiss your feet?

Marie: Exactly.

Matt: Nah, kill me.

Eri: Matt!

Matt: I am not kissing her toes, you see that scraped off nail polish? That means she does take care of herself. That's nasty.

Eri was about to laugh but realized that today wasn't the day to laugh at the moment. Marie growled again before slapping Matt to the floor.

She got on top of him while everyone held the boy down so the girl beat on his body...


She couldn't take it anymore so she punched Marie off of him. The girl was shocked by this and started to cry with fear and anger in her eyes.

Eri: He's MY friend and I won't let you-

She didn't get to finish since she heard some heavy footsteps coming towards her fast. She forgot all about Marie's guard and looked at the man who then - with all of the strength in his legs...

Kicked Eri in the ribs...

Her eyes went wide while her body floated from the force of his attack.

Lily: Eri NO!!!!

Ms. Lily bit the man on the shoulder, getting him away and took Eri inside only to be pushed back by the other guards, making her drop the girl who wasn't breathing like a healthy person...

With Izuku, he made his way to his friends school for Ana's ballet recital which was today. For some reason, they cancelled it but Izuku had to find out from Gabriel that they did.

He really wondered why Ana didn't and was kind of worried but knew that Rex and Andy would let anything happen to her...

He was stopped by the guards there who glanced at him with a disgusting expression but they let him in, assuming that he was here for one of the poor kids.

The school looked really good. He expected that from the sole one like Bruce Wayne, it had an air of equality but sadly, that didn't attest to the people working and attending there.

All he got were looks of anger, like he didn't belong here. He gave them glared back, not giving a fuck and really wish one of them would hit him so he can hit them back but knew that that would roll down to Rex and the others...

Andy's jock billy got in the way of Izuku along with the team but the teen decided to go around him.

He pushed him saying...

Jock: Are you lost, rat?

Izuku: ...

Xalga: Deep Breaths Izuku.

Izuku: Right, right... deep breaths.

He turned to them...

Izuku: I'm here for a ballet recital.

Jock: Recital? Oh, you mean that hobo girl dancing today, huh?

Izuku: ... What was that?

Jock: I said hobo girl. What, you can't hear?

Izuku: ... Calm Down, it's fine. It's really fine. Look, call her whatever you want, but the fact still remains that she goes here, that means that she's special, so don't underestimate her.

The dark haired teen walked by him, brushing up against his shoulder. The Jock gripped Izuku's shoulder...

Jock: HEY!!!! STREET RAT!!!!

Izuku: Welp, that's the sign.

The teen twisted around and took the jock by the shirt and slammed him against the lockers so loud that everyone stopped and took a look.

Izuku literally had him off of the ground...

Jock: H-Hey man!

Izuku: What was that shit you was talking, bitch boy?

Jock: I-It's cool man, it's cool!

Izuku: Nah, it's not.

He motioned for his cronies to get into it but Izuku gave them all a look, stopping them in their tracks...

Izuku: Really? Did you really just try that?

Gabriel: Iz!

Izuku: ?

He looked back to see Gabriel but his shirt was covered in paint. The boy smiled at him and asked him to let the boy down, which he did.

The jock ran off...

Izuku: Some school, huh? Guess Dick wasn't lying about the whole Rich Superiority complexes.

Gabriel nodded but was very... very nervous. Izuku wasn't suppose to be here, so why was he? He sorta gulped quietly.

Gabriel: Esto puede salir muy bien, o muy mal... (This couldn't go really good, or really bad...)

Izuku: So, where's the recital room at?

Gabriel: Recital?

Izuku: Yea, Ana's recital is today and she wanted me to be there. I'm a little late, but I'm sure I could make i-

He stopped, looking around Gabriel to see Rex, and Dick come out of the restroom with a bruised up Andy who held his bleeding nose.

Izuku's eyes widened as he looked at them but only Dick noticed...

Dick: Oh shit...

Rex: What?

Rex and Andy looked where Dick looked at saw their best friend, staring at them...

Andy/Rex: Oh shit!!!

They tried to get away fast but a Izuku gripped all three of them and threw them into the restroom. He looked at Gabriel...

Izuku: Gabriel!


Izuku: Entra aqui. Ahora. (Get in here. Now.)

Gabriel: Sigh...

The teen threw Dick to the floor...

Dick: Ok - ow! That hurt! Like a lot.

Izuku: You shut the fuck up.

He looked at Andrew...

Andy: W-Wait! I can explain!

Izuku: CAN YOU!!!! Can you really!?!?!?

Andy: I-... Iz listen-

Izuku: Shut up!

Andy: ...

Andy looked down and sighed before Iz looked at Rex who put his hands up...

Rex: Oh no, don't look at me.

Izuku: Why!? You were with him!

Rex: Look! Ok! This wasn't my idea! I wanted to tell you, THEY DIDN'T!!!!

Izuku: Tell me what!?

Andy: ...

Dick: We tried to tell them, but they didn't listen.

Izuku: Who!?

The teen looked at his best friend but Andy looked away. He looked at the dark purple on his ribs and shoulders and arms.

He gained a skeptical expression saying...

Izuku: Andy... were you... being mistreated here and didn't tell me?

Andy: ...

Izuku: Andrew.

Andy: ...

The boy really didn't want to do this, he wanted his friend to be happy but that was short lived. He turned from him, giving Izuku his answer.

He sighed in shock and closed his eyes and anger but kept it to himself. Was this happening to Eri too? He really hoped not, he doesn't think he could handle it if she got hurt.

Izuku: Gabriel? You too?

Gabriel: ...

Izuku: Gabriel, respondeme. (Answer me.)

He kept quiet too...

Rex: Yea, they are.

Izuku: ... How long?

Rex: Since they got here.

Izuku: ...

He turned back to his friend and helped him up saying...

Izuku: Where are the others?

Andy: I-

Izuku: Andy.

Andy: ...

They all then walked to Imani's class with Todd passing them up...

Todd: Huh? The hell are you doing here?

Izuku: ...

Todd grabbed his arm...

Todd: Hey-

Izuku took him by the shirt and threw him to the wall...

Todd: What the hell!?

Dick came to him...

Dick: Relax, Todd.

Todd: The fuck is his prob - he found out.

Dick: Yea, and he is not happy.

They came into her class to see that they were displaying their singing skills. When it was Imani's turn, she had to dodge a glass cup which made the rest of the class laugh.

RGirl: Hurry up cockroach!

RGirl 2: Um yea! We got better things to do than listen to your scratchy voice.

RBoy: by the way, how's that throat wound.


Some of the rich kids didn't like this though and Izuku could see it in their eyes...

RBoy 2: A little much, don't you think?

RGirl 5: Like I get it, she's not rich but that's just harsh.

Imani: No... it's fine, I'm not here for them.

Her voice sounded like she got hit in the throat...

She took off the scarf from around her neck, the one that Izuku saw on her that day that they came to his house...

Only to see a huge purple mark on her throat...

Izuku: (Gasp)!!

RBoy: Ha! It's still there. Guess my pitching arm is just the shit.

RGirl 6: Ew! It looks blue.

Andy: I-Iz I don't think you should be liste-

He glared at Andy, shutting him up...

He balled his fist and made his way to her as she tried her best to sing but the kids booed her but she kept going.

She did really good for someone with a hurt voice but the teacher didn't care for it.

Teacher: Fail.

Imani: What?

Teacher: You heard me, Fail.

Imani: T-That's not fail! How can I *Cough* pass if I'm hurt.

Teacher: You should've dodged.

Imani gritted her teeth holding back her tears...

Teacher: Alright, off the stage.

Imani: But-

Teacher: Off.

Imani: No, you can't do this to me-

RBoy: He said OFF!!!!!

The pitcher boy then threw another at Imani who braces for impact but this time, someone else caught it.

She looked up and saw that it was Iz and gasped before looking at Rex, Andy, and Gabriel.

Imani: Aww fuck! I-Iz! Wai-

It was too late as the big pitch it back to pitcher boy who couldn't follow the ball as it slammed into his nose, breaking it...


RGirl: HEY!!! You can't -

She got a chair thrown at her head...


Teacher: Hey-

And the teacher got a bitch slap so hard that he actually lost consciousness.

He breathed out with his eyes changing red. He grabbed his head, trying to keep his anger together. Trying to keep control but he was slipping.

This was no different than what Katsuki did to him. His fist started to drop blood as Imani said...

Imani: I-Izuku I-

Izuku: Where is Ana?

Imani: I-I don't think-

He looked at her...

Imani: ...

Izuku: Tell me... where she is...

Imani stared into his eyes to see that he pain. She looked away and decided to show him but then one of the classmates said...

RBoy: I'll get one of my doctors to help your friend.

Izuku stopped and looked at the boy...

RBoy: I mean, some of us teased them but we didn't... go that far.

That at least decreased some of his anger but he was still enraged.

They made it to her recital to see her dancing but then entire time, she was shedding tears, as if she was in pain.

She looked at Izuku who was back stage but kept going. She was happy that he was here but forgot to tell him not to come...

And from how the rest of her friends look, he must've found out. She fell a couple of times and he was about to help her but she held her hand out, telling him no.

She was determined but she kept falling while the rest class giggled evilly at her. What did they do? After she fell a tenth time, the teacher said...

Teacher: That's enough, it seems you aren't ready.

Stephanie: Aren't ready? Or do you just not want to pass her?

Teacher: I don't know what you're talking about.

Stephanie: Wanna know what I find weird? She's the best dancing in your class and the day of the recital she keeps falling and you can't even put it together that maybe her shoes have been tampered with?

Teacher: Who would mess with her shoes?

Stephanie: You are not that stupid, seriously?

Izuku finally walked out from back stage towards her...

Teacher: Excuse me, but you can't be up there.

He looked at Ana disappointed...

Ana: Sigh, I don't like that look.

Teacher: BOY!

The teen gave her a glare that was on par with Batman. The woman instantly almost had a heart attack while the other kids watched him...

RGirl 4: Ugh, how is he cute and poor?

RBoy 8: Drama King.

Ana: Izuku, I'm fine, really, I'm-

Izuku: You're shoe, take it off.

Ana: No, I'll be ok-

He just did it, he unwrapped her shoe and slowly took it off only for her to wince in pain as he took both off...

Her ballet shoes were splintered which sent pieces of wood into her toes and toenail...

Izuku: ...

Ana: Iz?

Izuku: ...

Ana: Izuku.

Izuku: Not now.

He then picked her up and lead them all to dorms where they could talk...

He sat there on the couch and ran his hands through his hair, steam coming out of his mouth as he breathed but nobody saw it...

Andy: ...

Rex: ...

Ana: ...

Gabriel: ...

Imani: ...

Izuku: ... Why?

Gabriel: ...

Izuku: Why did you guys lie?

Imani: Izuku, you don't get it.

Rex: Doesn't he?

Andy: Rex... not now.

Rex: I'm serious.

Izuku: Why didn't you tell me?

Rex: Because they talked me out of it.

Izuku: So you kept it too.

Rex: Trust me, I'm not throwing the blame all on them. It hurt me to see my friends get hurt too.

Izuku: Then you should've said something!

Rex: ...

Izuku stood up...

Izuku: All of you! Why didn't you tell me!?

Andy: You've been through too much!

Imani: We don't know what happened between you and heroes before you got to us but we know you still hold on to it - so who are we to put more on you!?


They were all quiet...

Izuku: I'm always gonna have a weight on me with you guys - why!? Because whether it's a hero fighting or a villain rampaging, you guys could get hurt from it. You guys not being by me gives me anxiety - THATS why I didn't want to come here.

All: ...

Izuku: Do you even know how much sleep I've had since I've been here!? An average of three hours! That how I'm gonna be, living in Gotham. I was fine with the mugging, the unfair job, and the instant hate I got from school! I WAS FINE WITH IT!!!! Because it was ME dealing with it and not you guys.

Rex: ...

Izuku: You guys don't get it... you're part of my life now. And if you're hurt, I'm hurt... and right now...

He slowly started to leave saying...

Izuku: I just want to get away from this pain. Heal.

Just when he said it, all of their injuries healed instantly. He grabbed his hair and made his way out of the school with everyone looking at him.

Who was this kid? He seemed so unapproachable...

Dick: Hey, uh-

Izuku: Stop.

Todd: Hey man-

Izuku glared at them saying...

Izuku: Just shut, the fuck, up...

Dick/Todd: ...

He pushed opened the doors and made his way all the way home. The second he got there though, he saw Mirio there...

Izuku: Mirio?

The blonde looked at him with a painfully held back anger on his face...

Izuku: What are you... doing here?

Miri: ... Izuku...

Izuku: ?

Miri: ... It's Eri...

Izuku: ... W-What?

At the hospital...

The teen busted through the doors...


He ran in with Mirio following him. He had tears in his eyes, running as fast as he could to Eri's room.

They both reached it about two minutes later to see that she was on a breathing machine while the doctors operated.

Izuku: Eri... ERI!!!!!!

He banged on the glass, making the doctors look back at him...

Doctor: Someone get him out here!

Miri: Izuku! Hold on!

The blonde got ahold of him but Izuku broke out and banged more. Miri grabbed him again but Izuku yelled

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