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Author: Ok, just wanted to let you guys know, I kept calling Ana Amy and any other name - don't know why but her name is ANA. Just wanted to clarify.

Izuku: What type of shit...

Andy: OH MA GOD!!!!

Rex: No...

Imani: Fucking...

Ana/Nubia: Way...

Gabriel: Mierda... (Shit...)

They didn't expect the size...

Tim grinned and leaned over saying...

Tim: Don't let the size scare you.

Izuku: 💢 That better not have been a dirty joke.

Tim: Heheheh

They all parked and got out...

They chuckled at how luxurious it was but Izuku wasn't all that impressed.

He put his hands in his pockets with an unimpressed look in his face but flinched, seeing that Duke, Cassie, Stephanie, and Barbara were there too.

Izuku: Ugh.

Rex: Hold on, aren't you the Commissioner's daughter?

Barbra: Yea, Barbra, nice to meet you. My dad and Mr. Wayne are close friends so, I come here every now and then to hang out with them.

She looked around them at Izuku which made his friends look at him...

Imani: You know her?

Izuku: Don't remind me...

Barbra: 💢

Cassie glared at him, not liking the way he was talking to Barbra and directed her glare at him but he showed that it didn't mean shit to him.

Stephanie came to him...

Stephanie: So you're the guy Tim won't stop talking about?

Izuku: 💢Exactly what has he said about me?

Stephanie: Nothing too bad... besides the fact that you're kinda pessimistic.

Izuku: I have reason to be.

Stephanie: Gotham?

Izuku: Well, that's half the reason.

Stephanie: Right there with you, my man. But hey, you'll learn to tolerate it more.

Izuku: I like how you didn't say it'll get better.

Stephanie: It doesn't and I'm not about to sit here and lie to you, if I'm gonna be totally honest with you, it doesn't get any better, you just learn to tolerate it and burn some steam off.

Izuku: Hm, and how exactly do you burn off the steam. Late night fun?

Barbra: !!!

Duke: ...

Cassie: ...

Jason: ...

Dick: ...

Stephanie: ...

Stephanie looked at her boyfriend who chuckled behind his hand. She didn't know if this meant that he knew or not...

Stephanie: I see what Tim is talking about now.

Barbra: Well, how do you burn it off?

Izuku: Well, punching Batman in the face seemed to do the trick.


Imani: WHAT THE FUCK!?!??!?

Andy: WHEN WAS THIS!?!?!?!?

Ana: Ooooh... wow...

Nubia: Ooooh shit, your boy's got BALLS balls...

Barbra: But why? He's a hero, was that really called for?

Duke: Barbra.

Izuku: What are you, his booty call?

Tim, Cassie, Stephanie, Dick, Duck, even JASON all had their mouths open, shocked at what he said. Only THEY knew about the little fling that she and the Dark Knight had...

Nobody else...

This wracked their brains because this was the same shit he pulled with Jason when they first met...

Barbra glared at him deathly and said...

Barbra: If you don't wanna be here - you can leave.

Izuku: Oh trust me, I'm thinking about it.

Duke: Hey, come on. Let's keep it coup aesthetic.

He lowered his eyes at the boy as Dick and Jason left in...

Dick: Hehe no use with that one. He's about as bad as Jason.

Jason: And just what the hell do you mean by that.

?: Jason, what have I told you about profanity in front of company.

Jason: Sigh... alright.

Alfred: Very Good. *Ahem* hello everyone. I am Alfred Pennyworth - Master Wayne's butler. Please, this way. I'll prepare refreshments for you all.

Imani: Ok!

Rex: Yea!

Andy: Cool!!!

Ana: I don't know why, but that's a badass butler.

Nubia: Ok, so we are on the same page.

The second they made it in, they "oooooooooh" at the very richy stairs there while adoring the chandelier.

Said teen made his way in and look around...

It was a nice house but...

He couldn't get over something...

Imani: Dude, we haven't even hit the whole house and I'm impressed...

Izuku: You watched Andy eat 25 hot dogs without throwing up once and you were still impressed.

Imani: You know what I mean!

He gave way to a small smirk at her as Ana came to his side along with Gabriel and the others.

Izuku looked at them weirdly but then remembered that this was actually their reasoning for saying "yes" to coming here in the first place.

They wanted to be around the teen...

He saw this in their eyes and decided to lighten up and not care about what the Wayne's wanted.

Rex: Hold on, where the little one?

Dick: Damian's with Bruce - and he's not little, he's actually 13.

Izuku: Still a midget.

Barbra: That's rude.

He ignored her though...

Barbra: 💢💢

Duke came to him...

Duke: Just let him have it. We show aggression, we'll miss our chance.

Tim came to them...

Tim: Eh, actually guys?

Barbra/Duke: ??

Tim: Maybe we should hold off on it for now.

Cassie: ?

Duke: What?

Tim: Yea.

Alfred watched them and how Tim was pleading his reasoning before saying...

Alfred: Alright everyone, this way. Straight down the hall, if you will.

Nubia: Yes sir!

Rex got in front of her saying...

Rex: After you.

Nubia: Oooh~. A gentleman.

Rex: I try.

Imani: You know damn well you ain't no gentleman.

Andy: You the worst of us.

Rex: Man, shut up!

Nubia: (Snickers)

Rex: Don't listen to them!

As they made their way down the hall, Duke said...

Duke: Why do you wanna hold off on it?

Barbra: Yea, Bruce's orders-

Tim: Yea, I get it, get info on him. But I think he's starting to notice that, and it's gonna do more harm than good.

Duke: How?

Tim: Guys? We used his friends to get him here, that alone pisses him off. Don't you think that's a little much? I mean, what if he isn't The Scream? What, do we just say "sorry for being nosey?"

Barbra: And what if he is?

Tim: Then he is. So what?

Babs: ... You can't possibly mean that.

Tim: I do.

Duke: So you think we should just drop it?

Tim: I think we shouldn't make it so much of a big deal if he IS Scream.

With that, he walked off, leaving them to think about what he said with Cassie and Stephanie behind him...

Rex: UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Let it go!!!!

Ana: This one time, after a one night stand, he didn't even make breakfast for the girl.

Imani: But he was "oh so gentleman - like" as to call her a Lyft.

Rex: BRO CHILL!!!!!!

Nubia: Oh really?

Rex: No! No! No! I expect this from Imani, but YOU Ana!?!?!!?

Ana: I like to pick fun at you too.


Izuku: Jeez man, you're such a lecher.

Rex: ... Is this a thing now!? Talk About Rex Day!  Is that it!?

Andy: We should make that a holiday.

They all laughed at him as he slumped over. Nubia rubbed his back though, showing that she wasn't going anywhere...

That was good enough for him...

Gabriel: Vaya... esto es hermoso... (Wow... this is beautiful...)

Ana: It's so simple, yet artistic...

Alfred: Thank you, I had the contractors build this for that exact reason.

Andy: Man, I feel so fancy coming in here.

Izuku: ... Question.

Alfred: Yes?

Izuku: Why does everything have to be so dark?

Alfred: An excellent question, Master Wayne believes that the color black shows power, even in the deepest of dark places. Plus, it matches with everything.

Izuku: You could've just went with the second part.

Alfred: Heheh well, I had to sell it.

Izuku: Hey, I'm not judging.

Alfred: That's good to know.

Dick: Well Iz, what do you think of it?

Izuku: A huge mansion in the middle of the woods where no light can shine on it at night... Hm...

Barbra and the others finally caught up to them as he said...

Izuku: I'd say that Batman lives here.

He said this casually but again said Bat Family didn't like how he smoothly said shit like that...

Andy: Yea, not gonna lie, it does have a "Dark Knight" vibe to it.

Dick:💧Does it now?

Izuku: Oh yea!

He was really milking this shit...

They all looked at Tim who rubbed his temples and sighed...

Barbra: And you're SURE it's not a big deal?

Tim: Shut up, Babs!

Izuku: Like, I wouldn't be surprised if there was like a bookshelf with a lever.

Ana: That would be dope if this was Batman's mansion.

Izuku: Right?

Dick: I think this is payback for using his friends to bring him here.

Jason: Ya think!?

Alfred just smiled contently at the boy, he wasn't mad or disappointed at his actions. Bruce did have a track record of being "too much" when he doesn't get what he wants.

He actually found him quite humorous...

Izuku: Then again, I'm probably wrong...

Cassie/Babs/Tim/Dick/Jason/Duke/Stephanie: Siiiiiigh!!!!

Alfred: Heheh everyone just wait here for me, I'll go and grab the snacks and refreshments.

Dick: Thank you, Alfred.

Alfred: You're very welcome.

He walked off but as he did, he stealthily put a note in Iz's pocket...

Iz: ?

He reached in and pulled it out...

"Whenever you DO chew out Master Wayne,

do try not to have him in his own head for TOO

long, yes?"

He furrowed his brow at the letter before watching the man walk away...

Iz: ...

Tim: Yo, Izuku.

Izuku: Yea, yea, I'm coming.

As he brought back the food, they all just talked amongst one another till Bruce showed up at the door...

Bruce: Alfred?

Damian: Pennyworth?

Alfred: Master Wayne? Master Damian? It's nice to have you both back.

Bruce: Thank you, how are our guests?

Alfred: The one I've heard about is much more funny than I gave him credit for.

Bruce: Is he now?

Damian: Yea, sure he is.

The two made their way to the back with Iz saying...

Izuku: So, you broke up with her?

Andy: Yea, I'm not getting in my feelings behind a female that didn't matter.

Iz: Wow, I'm surprised, I remembered when Ashley from back home told you no and you cried like a baby on my couch.

Andy: Hey! Ashley was the real deal!

Imani: Was she though?

Andy: Yes!

Ana: Andy, she used you to get to Rex.

Iz: Huh. Who does that remind me of?


Rex: She was a gold digger.

Andy: She wasn't that bad!

Rex: To this day, she's still trying to slide in my dm's.

Bruce: Hello.

Rex: Oh!

They stood, not Iz though, of course.

Rex: Mr. Wayne, hi.

Bruce: Hello. Are you all enjoying yourselves?

Imani: Oh yea!

Jason: Of course they are, since they're being free loaders.

Dick: Pot meet kettle?

He threw a sandwich at him...

Bruce glared before saying...

Bruce: Well that's nice...

He looked to Iz...

Bruce: What about you, my quiet friend?

Iz: I'm not really an extrovert, so apologies for being a downer.

He didn't mean that apology...

Bruce: I know what you mean.

Iz: ?

Bruce: I guess you can say that I spend most of my time on my... hobbies, so I don't have much time to spend with the friends that I have either.

Iz: Maybe you can change that, you can literally smell the "Notice me dad!" coming off of your kids - not the silent one though.

Bruce: ...

Cassie wasn't...

Angry about that, it was true about the others...

But she didn't think he'd even go there.

Bruce: Heh, I guess so. Where's your sister and brother? I thought they would've come to.

Iz: Trust me, rich people aren't their thing. But they didn't come because he was taking her out today and I didn't want them to be bothered with a hang out.

Bruce: Oh, had I known, I would've rescheduled.

Iz: It's fine. I'm here...

He gave him an eye saying...

Iz: That's what you guys wanted, right?

Now he was pulling it on Bruce and the man was almost sure that he was speaking in between the lines.

But again, this was the wrong time to try and pry...

Especially with his friends here...

Bruce: Very true.

Rex: Why would he want you here so bad, Iz?

Imani: I kinda noticed that they're attention is on you more.

Iz smiled saying...

Iz: They're still trying to get me to switch schools.

Ana: Really?

Imani: Again?

Bruce: You'll have to forgive me. I honestly feel that having him there would be...

He gave him back an eye...

Bruce: An excellent addition.

Iz: No thanks. Sorry, not interested.

Tim: You sure? It'd be nice to not have to waste gas coming to see you when your a floor or two away.

Iz: Nope, waste your gas.

Tim: Um, hurtful?

Rex: Man, you are really throwing shots today, who peed on you? (Snickers)

Gabriel: La jodiste... (You fucked up...)

Iz: Hey Nubia? Wanna hear more about the girls that Rex did dirty.

Nubia: Oh really?


Dick: You're such a bully.

Iz: And you're such a your name.

Jason: So you just got comebacks now?

Iz: I don't know, what's up with the skunk patch on your bangs?

Jason: 💢 You little mother fu-

Damian: Why is it that you all keep giving in to this melodramatic idiot?

Iz: Oh hi Damian! Didn't see you down there.

Talking about his height was a nerve hitter to the boy as he grabbed his sword and started to unsheath it.

Ana: Where did the sword come from?

Nubia: Right? I know for a fact he wasn't holding anything.

Iz: So - I gotta ask, what's it like being at the other end of the rainbow?

Tim/Babs/Cassie: PPFFTTT!!!!

Jason: Damn (Snickers)

Imani: Goddamnit...

Bruce just watched him but he knew that the kid knew that he was being watched. He was acting so naturally that he couldn't help but want to know.

He won't talk to them on his own and the only other times they get to him is when his friends are around...

And they didn't know if the group knew if he had any abnormal abilities.

After their day of hanging out, the group went home with Iz saying...

Iz: Thanks for letting us hang out, it was... ok.

Dick: Tough critic.

Iz: You get used to it.

He says this smiling at Stephanie who chuckled under her breath. Her mindset was damn near like Tim's.

She didn't care if he was The Scream or not...

So using what she said against Dick was funny...

Rex: Thank you, Mr. Wayne.

Bruce: Think nothing of it, I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves. And Izuku?

Iz: Hm?

Bruce: I hope to see you again.

The boy smirked...

Iz: As long as I'm with my friends, you might see more of me.

Nobody saw it but Bruce frowned...

Was the boy in his mind right now?

He drove away, not giving them a second look...

Dick: Well, I'll give 'em one thing. He sure does know how to play hard to get.

Stephanie: Heheh that he does.

Jason: Tch, stubborn little prick.

Dick: Pot meet kettle?

Jason: Shut it!

Bruce: ...

Babs: You ok, Bruce?

Bruce: Hm...

Babs: You think he's hiding something?

Bruce: I know he is. He may not be the Scream, but he's definitely a person of interest.

Tim: ...

Duke looked at Tim before saying...

Duke: Uh...

Bruce: ?

Duke: Tim thinks we should back off for a bit, so, I wanted to know what you would say.

Bruce: Back off? Why?

Tim: Bruce, it wasn't that long ago that he was struggling to pay his sister's medical bills, covering for rent, and looking for a job. I think we should at least cut him a break.

Bruce: I don't think you're looking at the full picture here, Tim. The fact that he DOES know something could possibly put us at risk.

Tim: But aggravating the situation - if he does know something could drive him to take action against us.

Bruce: That's why it's important to find out more about him, so we'll have a plan of action should he decide to do just that.

Tim: You're the one that told me to watch him, and since he's got here, he's done nothing but live a normal life. I'm pretty sure if he was some ultra ninja assassin, he wouldn't be perfecting his skills at Target - and even if he was, who cares? It's not like he's going after innocent people.

Jason: ... Eh, he's got a point.

Bruce: ?

Duke: Wow.

Babs: You of all people agree with him?

Jason: You guys do realize that we're basically stalking him now, right?

Duke: I have to side with Jason on this. Whether he is the guy we're chasing or not, he still has a life, shouldn't we let him live it?

Bruce: ...

Tim: Which brings me to the next thing I have to say.

Bruce: ?

Tim: Let me watch over him, ok? Nobody else. He's way more tolerable with me than you guys.

Dick: Yea, but the second he finds you out - if he IS Scream, that could put you in danger.

Tim: He wouldn't do that to me.

Dick put his hands up, saying...

Dick: I'm not saying he would, I just want you to look at the possibilities.

Babs: Wow, you must really like this guy, what about Conner?

She smirked saying this...

Tim: 💢 You're only saying that because of that "booty call" quip he made about you.

Bruce thought about this and honestly, he felt

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