Alien Invaders

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Author: This one was short too. I never really realized how short the Scooby Movies were.

Author: But again, you know I'm gonna try and put my own little twist to it. The next chapter maybe shorter and then after that, back to the Cannon.

Author: I also have some announcements but I'm gonna do that when we get back on track.

Author: Enjoy guys.

Andy: Dude! Are you serious!??!?!

Andy stared at Thron who rubbed the back of her head, being just a little embarrassed and ashamed of last night and how she didn't explain EVERYTHING to the teen...

Eve and the others arrived just a second later seeing this while Gabriel left out, rubbing his face and groaning...

Daph hugged his back with a high kind of energy but as for Luna...

She had to cling to him since she couldn't walk without her legs being sore.

Harley managed to pull The Hex Girl's car around for them but Ivy had to held her out...

She was sitting on a vine - not even going to acknowledge the fact that her legs hurt as well.

Iz was just holding Dusk in his arms...

Dusk: That... was an awesome night...

Now that he finally came back to his senses, he gritted his teen and growled from what he did with the blonde along with Deirdre and Delia

Babs stared at him...

Every girl that went with them couldn't walk...

Babs: ... Cyborg?

Cyborg: Yea?

Babs: Is it ready?

Cyborg: ... OH! Yea, hehe my bad, I been meaning to give it to you since yesterday.

He gave her a controller with a red button. She pressed it and tossed to the ground as it morphed into a motorcycle.

Eri: Whoa!

Matt: Cooool!

Billy: I WANT ONE!!!

Cyborg: You can fly little dude.

Billy: SO!!!!

Babs looked at Iz again but this time he looked back at her. She glared a little before speeding off back to where they left Punchline to get her and then back to Gotham.

Andy: But... B-But you said -

Thorn: I know! I know! I'm sorry. Ok, listen.

She put a hand on his cheek saying...

Thorn: You're cute - I mean REALLY cute, but... I don't do long distance relationships. Too many what ifs, y'know.

Andy: πŸ’’Ok I get that, but what was the point of making me ya boyfriend.

Thorn: I really mean "boyfriend for the night." Hey c'mon, at least we both got something out of it, right? Plus, I wanted to leave town knowing I did something I never got to do.

Andy: And that is?

Thorn: I've... hehe (blush) up until last night, I've... never been with a black guy.

Imani: We're Dominican!

Thorn: Oh... hehe, that's even hotter.

Andy: You... I... πŸ’’ sigh... just don't do shit like that with other people.

He gestured to Iz, Rex, and Gabriel...

Andy: They might be ok with it - because they're used to getting it. But I'm more of a "If you're gonna try it out, you might as well have it too." kinda guy.

Iz: Um... ouch.

Gabriel: No estΓ‘ bien decir eso. (That's not ok to say.)

Rex: Hey! You can't count me! I got Nubia!

Thorn saw that he was actually a little hurt by her deceiving him, but she did find it cute that he really thought that she was serious about the dating part.

She kissed him on the cheek and saying...

Thorn: Deal. I promise I won't fool anyone else.

Andy: Thanks. Sigh, enjoy your tour.

Thorn: Thanks.

Luna kissed Gabriel on the cheek saying...

Luna: Hope I'll bump into you again, handsome.


Thorn: Come on girls! We're on the rode!

Luna: Yea we are!

They watched them speed off with screams of excitement till they were nothing but a speck in the distance of the rising rising.

Andy rolled his eyes with Iz bumping him...

Iz: Hey, don't get so down, heh maybe the next place, you give it to the girl so good that she actually WANTS to stay.

Andy: Um, no, not all of us and be sluts and get away with it like you, Gabriel, and Rex.

Rex: YO!!! AGAIN!!!!


Iz: Ok, we'll you're not ok.

Andy: No! I didn't mean to... (inhale) (exhale). I'm fine - let's, let's just go back upstairs.

Iz: ... Is that what it feels like to get a shot thrown at you? ... I don't like that shit.

Harley: HA!!!!

Iz: You hush!

Ana came to him along with the rest...

Fred: Hm, maybe we can do something to make him feel better.

Scooby: Frood!

Shaggy: Yea! Like, food makes everyone feel better.

Iz: πŸ’’ That's you too.

Iz rubbed his chin, he thought that his friend losing his virginity would be exciting enough but maybe having meaningless sex with hot girls wasn't actually FOR everybody.

He smiled and had an idea of better yet, a place that Andy's always wanted to go.

Iz: Hm, ok.

Daph: Ok what?

Iz: Just know that I'm picking the next place we go.

Velma: Ok, what do you have in mind?

Iz: You'll see. Come on, let's get inside.

They made their way to the door and saw that Andy was waiting at the door with a lollipop in his mouth from the reception desk.

Iz opened up the door with a smirk which made his best friend looked at him a little weird...

Why was he smiling like that?

When they all made their way in though...

Daph: O-Oh... wow...

Fred: No... way...

?: You tell me to wait to get and get other people.

Harley glared saying...

Harley: Shut the fuck up, ya got them back didn't ya?

?: And then there's her, the fuckin reason for these two.

Terry glared at Iz while holding both Deirdre and Delia by the back of their clothes...

Cyborg: What the... !!! Batman?

Terry: I'm not your Batman. I'm the one from the Future - on another earth.


Matt: He's so sleek too!!!!

Eri: ... Eh, classic Batman is a little bit more cool.

Marie: Are you just hard to impress?

Eri pointed to her horn and said...

Eri: Again, you do know that with this, I can see what happens before it happens, right? Back with the Justice League - there are so many paths that it's a headache to look at which one will happen. So I just wing it. With the Mystery Inc. you can almost see it without the powers. It's not my fault.


Terry: What's your gain in this? Tell me.

Iz: πŸ’’You're gonna stop talking to me like you're crazy. Look, someone brought them here, I just made a way for you to take them back, alright?

He glared at the teen to see if he was lying before looking at Ivy and Harley...

Terry: And what about them?

Iz: You're asking too many questions.

Terry: And you're not answering enough of them.

Andy: Oh great, someone else to press Iz.

Rex:πŸ’§You are really not ok.

Imani: Want a hug?

Andy: No.

Terry: You got something to say?

Andy: πŸ’’ And if I did? You got ya panties all up ya ass when this was suppose to be a simple drop off - you making a whole lot of nothing into something.

Terry: πŸ’’ What'd you say?

He took one step and before he knew it, Iz was in his face...

Iz: Press me if you want. But you touch him, and I'll do to you what you can't do to the Joker.

Terry: Oh yea? And what's that?

Iz came to his ear and whispered loud enough for everyone to her...

Iz: Shut him up.

Terry: ...

He looked at the boy...

He was telling the truth...

Terry: Tch... fine.

Iz then made a portal for him to go through. He backed into it and closed it with Iz looking at Andy...

Iz: Damn, so now you're going from 0 to 100 now?

Andy: I mean, you made us all do this before eating Breakfast - and you guys know how I can be before I eat.

Eri: Yea! Me too! But nooooooo we ALL had to be here!

Eve: Sure you don't want a hug?

Andy: Pretty su -

Ana gave him one anyway which made Rex and Gabriel get in on it along with Eve and Nubia...

Andy: Ugh...

Iz:πŸ’§Let's get him some food.

Xalga: As your other half I feel that it's prudent to let you know that he was lying about being mad about NOT having food.

Iz: You don't need to let me know that, I know that already.

Xalga: Very well.

After they got something to eat, Harley drive in front of The Mystery Machine and Cyborg's car.

Iz let down the window and stuck his body out of it saying...

Iz: Just follow Harley, I got somewhere for us to go.

They gave him a thumbs up as they began driving...

They enjoyed the ride on the open rode with sun sun shining, not a cloud in the sky.

Eve and Ana smiled at the breeze going through their hair. But when they looked at Andy...

Imani was annoying the fuck out of him...

On purpose at that...

She poked his face...

Bit his arm...

Took a couple of papers, stacked the up and began to lightly hit him in the forehead...

Andy: πŸ’’

Imani: I'm just gonna keep doing it till you cheered up. You said that the reason you had a attitude was because you didn't get to eat.

Andy: πŸ’’πŸ’’

He snatched the papers away and smacked her the fuck back with them...


Gabriel covered her mouth and tried to take the papers away from Andy but he pulled his hands back.


Rex did end up getting them away from him...

Andy: HEY!!!!

Rex: Whoops! Did I do that? My bad.

He was gonna continue with getting them back but gave up. He didn't have the energy for it.

Rex: Honestly man, I get where you're coming fro -

Andy: No you don't.

Rex: Er, well I mean... but look at the daytime - it's a beautiful day.

Billy: Yea man, why are you sad? There's so much happiness in the world.

Andy: I don't know, Billy. Why do you have Asthma? There's so much AIR in the world.

Billy: ...

Eri: Heheh he got you there.

Eve pulled up her phone and in her best Australian accent said...

Eve: What you see 'er, is a beauty. It's a savage Andy. A rare breed of Andy that was thought extinct long time ago.

Andy gave her a look...

Eve: Oop! He spotted me. Keep very still or he'll chomp ya arm off!

Andy: Oh go run in traffic!

Ivy: Damn, I heard that.

Harley: And's really taking what that Hex chick did hard, isn't he?

Iz sighed in response...

After a while they just decided to let the teen be for now.

After about two hours of driving...

Iz looked in the rear view mirrors and saw that they were void of people now. He opened the sun roof and climbs through...

Iz: Get ready Harley.

Harley: OOOOH!!!! Heheheh this is gonna be FUN!!!!!

The Mystery Inc gang saw what he was doing along with Cyborg and the others...

Eve: Uh, what's he doing?

Rex: I... for once...

Ana: We... don't know.

Nubia: ... I have a reeeeeeeally bad feeling about this.

He then sat on the car, facing them...

Andy: What the hell is he doing?

Nubia: That dude is up to no good and I don't like it.

Iz then brought his finger up in a snapping motion...

Xalga: I count a 70% chance of your friends not being ok with you for about 15 minutes before they realize what you did...

Iz: Eh, they'll be alright.

He then snapped his fingers as a portal opened up with them not having any time to stop.

Fred: H-Hey!

Daph: What is... !!!!

Velma: What are you doing!?

Shaggy and Scooby held each other...

As they went through the portal that closed...

Nobody saw the young woman that saw it as it closed...

She balled her fist with a black and orange blazing from her fist.

And began walking yet again...

After the three cars went through, everyone realized that...

They were about to go downward...

Ana: Ooooooooh...!!!!

Rex: SHIT!!!!!!!!!!


Eri: ... Sigh...

She covered her ears as everyone else...



They didn't know where they were but they knew that they drove off a cliff. They were falling fast with Iz laying on the top of the car...




Iz: Oh yea, they're definitely gonna have a fit.

Xalga: Is this the extent you would go to make your best friend happy.

Iz: Trust me, compared to all the other things I'd do, this is lightweight.

Xalga:πŸ’§I think that's the disturbing part.

They were about a minute from the ground...


Eri: He's about to pull us up.

Iz: Xalga?

They then sailed upwards...

Stopping right in the air...

They then saw him float around in the sky before Imani -

Imani: WHAT!!!! THE ACTUAL!!!!! FUCK!?!?!?!


Nubia: Ooooh my life! My life flashed before my eyes!!!!

Ana: Iz that's wasn't ok!!!

Iz: ... You guys didn't enjoy that?


Billy: Shaggy? Fred? Guys? You ok?

They were all passed out from that...

Iz then caught a bat in his hand and looked at Andy who was now seething in anger...

He threw the door open and stepped out...

In the middle of the air...

Eve: ANDY!!!!

But they saw him walk on the air...


Iz: Oh, finally paying attention to me? About time.

He grabbed him by the front of his clothes and said...


Iz: Um... duh, you're my best friend, pay attention to me.

Ivy: A little bit of an attention whore I see.

Iz: Says the lady twisting around in dress made out of leaves.

Andy: Why would you do that!? You almost gave us a heart attack!!!!

Iz: If you look where I brought you, you'll see why.

Andy: ?

Andy blinked at him before the others stared at what was under them...

They gasped...

This is what he had planned...

Andy finally looked and went wide eyed...

It was a place he always dreamed of going...

He scoffed and instantly lost his anger...


Xalga: He didn't even hold a grudge.

Iz: I know my best friend.

He looked at Iz...

Andy: Dude! You brought us to the GRAND CANYON!?!?!?!?

Ana: It's beautiful!!!

Nubia: I've never seen it before!

Harley: Aww! Ain't you a good friend Izzy!

Eve: Are we really just ignoring the fact that we're still in the air!?!!?

Imani: It's so beautiful!

Ana: No kidding!

Rex: I've always wanted to climb this shit!!!

Eve: How the fu -

Eri: Don't worry about it, Eve, trust me, after a while, you're gonna be just like them.

Iz: Well? Wanna have some fun?

Andy: YEA!!!!!

Iz: Heheh alright then.

They made their way down into the canyon and walked around with Andy chuckling at the fact that there were animals everywhere in their own habitat.

He came to one of the sheep there and tried to get close to take a picture but then the sheep saw him...

And got ready to charge him...

Andy: Oh you want some of this!? You a big man!? WHAT'S UP THEN!!!!

The sheep ran at him making him do the same as he jumped over it, tricking the sheep into tuning into the wall.

Andy: HA!!!!!

He then got rammed by another Sheep...

Andy: (Groan)...

Iz: (Snickers)

Andy: Damn... that hurt.

Rex: Heheh got your ass rocked by a fuckin shee - GAH!!!!!

A black one rammed him really hard in the back...

Rex: FUCK!!!!

Nubia: PFFTT!!!

Rex: NUBIA!!!!

Nubia: Baby I'm sorry, he got you with that one.

Imani: Shouldn't have been talkin shit.

She heard something being dragged across the ground and looked looked behind her to see that a sheep was getting ready to ram the rest of them.

Eve: FUCK THAT!!!!

Ana: No!


They all ran from the sheep but as for Ivy and Iz...

They stayed where they are...

The sheep avoided Iz because he didn't even try to mess with them. Any that came at Ivy, she used a vine, grabbed said animal and put it on the other side of her.

It tried a couple of more times but found that...

This human is weird...

So it left her alone...

Andy had his on his tail but looked at Iz and lead it to him before moving out of the way, so that the sheep could hit him.

The teen just put his foot up, stopping it completely...


Cyborg looked at Bud and Lou's and kneeled down to them. They listened to what he was whispering before the three grin evilly...

Iz: You for real thought I was just gonna let this thing just HIT me? Stay away from whatever Shaggy and Scooby smoking because I think you catching it.

Andy: SHUT UP!!!!

Rex and Gabriel managed to get behind Iz and tried to tackle him but he hopped up, floating...

Rex: NO FAIR!!!

Imani: You can't do that!

He floated upside down and said...

Iz: Yes I can, before flicking them all off.

Nubia: Oh we gonna get you.

He landed with a chuckle but was then rammed in his back by said Hyenas...


Andy: HA!!!!!

Imani: HAHA!!! Talking all that mess - that's what you get!!!!

Nubia: What was that shit you was talking a minute ago?

Ivy: I suggest you all stop with the trash talk and find somewhere to hide...

They looked at her...

Before looking at Iz...

Iz: Oh? So it's funny, πŸ’’ huh?

Gabriel: Mierda!!!

Rex: Shit!!!!

Cyborg: NOPE!!!!


She flew to them but Ana cut him off, flying into him...


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