More arrival but trouble

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It been like few days now. Scp-049 have been working non stop for the past few days. The scene start by showing Charlie and Vaggie having a conversation about the two Scps

Vaggie: "I don't know about them. They seem really off and I don't trust them." She said.

Charlie: "Relax Vaggie, you barely know them like a few days. Maybe like talking to them so that way we could earn their trust." She said.

Vaggie: "I don't know hun." She said.

Charlie: "Please Vaggie?" She said as she giving her puppy eyes.

Vaggie then chuckled as she smile and said.

Vaggie: "Alright I guess your right." She said.

Charlie: "Thanks Vaggie." She said as she hug her.

Vaggie smile as she then return to a hug.

Vaggie: "So I have a question. What do you feel like around them?" She asked.

Charlie: "Well the big one, I think name Scp-682. She seem like a dangerous like Alastar. So I feel fine as long she doesn't do any damage. However on Scp-049 on the other hand seem very curious person. I feel bad about his family and I wish I could give him something he could enjoy." She said.

Vaggie: "Same." She said.

But then they hear some strange noise like someone make a noise when feel really sick or more like undead from the movie.

Vaggie: "What the fuck was that?" She asked.

Charlie: "I think it coming from the lobby." She said.

The two went to go and check it out. The two became shock that their are some demons who are working but something is off. They are color green and making strange noise.

???: "I see that you two found my subjects are better." He said.

The two look around revealing to be Scp-049 who was the one who done it for the past few days.

Charlie: "You the one who kill people and reanimate them? But why?" She asked.

Scp-049: "It simple really. You see for the past few days before I start working. I notice that you have a hard time with the Hotel. Seem like you don't have enough help? So I thought I could get them perfect and tell them to work for you. So tell me Charlie, what do you think my idea?" He asked.

Charlie was about to say something but cut off by someone.

???: "My, my! What do we have here~" she said.

The three look revealing to be Alastar. She is looking with a lust look on her face as she stare as Scp-049.

Alastar: "I see you been working hard and create them with your own image I see. I must say, I'm impressed~" she said.

Scp-049 it made him confused what she meant.

Scp-049 : "Why thank you, I been working nonstop helping them to make them better from the Pestilence. Thought I don't quite understand what you talking about?"  He said.

Alastar: "I'm sure you understand one day." She said.

Scp-049: "Still don't know what you talking about." He said.

Then he then get a notification on his phone that he we was giving it reveal to be the same Scp-1471 who is their with him. It have a picture showing them about they just having a conversation. Then have a picture of same creature.

Charlie: "It something wrong?" She asked.

Scp-049: "Nothing is wrong I just got something on my phone." He said as he walk away.

Few minutes later

Scp-049 is starting to get a message that he don't know of. He doesn't if the message from the foundation or someone else. The message said.

???: "Hello?" It asked.

Scp-049 then type and asked.

Scp-049: "Who is this?" He type the message.

Scp-049 waited for response. But their were unfortunately no response from someone or something.

Scp-049: "Strange? I better go and see who the others are doing." He said.

Scp-049 then went to the lobby to see how they doing. As he got their, he see something that interests him. He see that Alastar is having a wonder time with the experiment of his. Charlie seem pretty nervous about it but smile. Vaggie on the other hang is holding her spear to defend herself and Charlie. Husk is like she doesn't give a shit as long this doesn't bother her or nothing. Angel and Niffty seem pretty scared.

Scp-049: "I see that you all reacting with my creation yes? Well I'm happy to help." He said.


Scp-049: "By giving you all some assistance instead of few." He said.

Scp-682 then came into the lobby and said.

Scp-682: "You guys have to yell while I'm asleep!" She roar.

Scp-049: "Apologize but she start shouting while I was calm." He said.

Vaggie only growl at him as she piss off. Then they hear the door open. They look and see some kind of fox. It not like a demon but just a normal fox. However it tail has nine. The whole crew became confused. Scp-049 and Scp-682 know who it is.

Scp-049: "Let us take care because this one is dangerous." He said.

Charlie: "It just a fox with nine tails? What harm could it do?" She asked.

Scp-682: "Now any fox. Alright cut the act. We know it you Scp-953. Let's see if this going to be match." She growl.

Then the fox then turn into a girl that have nine tails of a fox, and hears.

Scp-953: "I couldn't tell if this is better of not." She said.

The two charge in each other. Scp-953 got her claws out and scratch Scp-682 eye. She roar and she swing her tail at her. Scp-953 on the other hand dodge it and got onto her back.

Scp-953: "You think you can win?" She asked.

Scp-682s: "Who said that all I can do is fight but I can do this instead~" she smirk.

It made Scp-953 confused then. She been grab by the tail of Scp-682. She swing her to the ground few times. However the two girls still sanding and about to continue. However, they been stop by some zombies army grabbing them.

Scp-953/Scp-682: "WHAT THE FUCK?!" They asked.

They look and see Scp-049 who command them.

Scp-682: "Doctor what the hell are you doing?!" She asked.

Scp-049: "From you two tearing each other. I need to know how she got here." He said.

Scp-953: "Great, now I be answering while your ask, just great." She said annoy.

Scp-049: "Now miss, we no need to harm. Please, can you to tell us how you got here?" He asked.

Scp-953: "I don't know but maybe happened to you guys also. A portal came out of nowhere. Let me explain what is happened." She said.

Flash back

Scp-953 is in a cage in her fox form. She then began to hear a conversation about the two guards that behind the door.

Guard 1: "Where do you think the two scp are at now?" He asked.

Guard: 2: "I really don't know because it been quiet ever since the breach. Their no sign of attack or location. It seem like they disappeared from this world." He said.

Guard 1: "Yeah, Scp-682 doesn't go quiet that long, it will like destroy anything in it path." He said.

Guard 2: "Let just hope we find them and put them in their contain cell." He said.

She then hears everything they are saying. And suddenly a portal appear below her. It start to suck her in. Then the portal appear in the sidewalk. The cage fell down and the door bust broken. She then got out here transform into her humanoid form.

Scp-953: "Where the fuck am I? I never seen anything like this before. Especially not in the foundation." She said.

Then she hears foot step behind her and felt a hand. She turn around and saw few imps.

Imp 1: "Hey pretty~ I see that you are knew. How about come with us and we will company you~" he asked.

Scp-953: "You know I have a better idea." She said.

Imp 2: "What that?" He asked.

Scp-953: "How about I tear your arm off instead~" she said.

Then she attack the imps. She killed them all leaving some blood on her mouth.

Scp-953: "Whatever this is... this is paradise!" She laugh as she ran on killing spear.

Flashback ended

Scp-953: "I then spot the hotel and thought I need somewhere place to stay since I got here today. I didn't expect you guys be here." She said.

Scp-049: "It seem that the foundation is looking for us. But why does this keep happening?" He asked to himself.

Scp-682: "I don't know doctor." She said.

Charlie: "Well I guess that you are welcome to Hazbin Hotel." She said.

Scp-953: "At least I get respect around here." She said.

Charlie: "So here your room key and welcome." She said with a smile.

Scp-953: "I need to go because I want to kill more people. Besides, killing demons is kinda good but yet boring since they are pretty much like perverts and assholes." She said.

Scp-682: "Now your mention it. I agree with you." She said.

Scp-049: "How about we take a look around in Hell and we can find something that we all be interested?" He asked.

Scp-953: "And hopping their be killing." She said.

Then the three walk and trying to find something that they can all can enjoy and interested in. The scene change revealing to be three scps that are walking on the side walk.

Scp-953: "I swear if this anything doesn't involve killing I out." She said.

Scp-049: "Patience, we still have to keep looking and see that what will be fit for us." He said.

Scp-682: "As much I hate her but still agree with her even though I hate her." She said.

Then Scp-953 spotted a poster that says help wanted. Scp-953 go and check it out.

Scp-953: "What this?" She asked.

The other scps notice as they walk to her and see what he looking at.

Scp-682: "It seem like a help wanted poster that involves killing." She said.

Scp-953: "Let see, this says that they kill humans in the living world as they get paid." She said.

Scp-049: "It seem that it called I.M.P. Where they kill humans in the living world? Hmm, I guess I could help them and maybe find a cure. By testing them with dead bodies." He said.

Scp-953: "Finally that give interesting. Because I'm bored killing demons and sinners but killing humans is most exciting part of all." She said with wide grin.

Scp-682: "Been a while and can't wait for killing humans again." She said.

Scp-049: "Well girls, it seem like we going to Imp City." He said.

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