Chapter 8: Drugged

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So... I did the weekly challenge. I hope this meets the criteria. *grins evilly*

Sidenote: my chapter had to be 2000 words to qualify for this challenge... so this is probably the most bs I've ever written for one chapter and hopefully y'all enjoy. Now... after I've gotten some sleep, it'll be time to write another Assassins update. lol.

Enjoy and let me know what y'all thought. :D


I blinked blurrily and looked around the room. Stupid room. I was tired of staring at these walls. Shawn said I couldn't leave this room unless it was to go to the bathroom, but who died and made him boss?

I sat up, which made the room spin. "Stupid room!" I chuckled when I realized my voice was louder than I'd meant it to be.

The door to the room swung open (stupid room) and Ely stuck her head inside. "Did you say something, J?"

I grinned. I couldn't help it. I liked Ely. Ely didn't tell me I couldn't leave this room. Why wasn't Ely the boss? "You came to see me?" Even I could hear the hopeful tone in my voice.

Ely smiled in my direction and I suddenly realized I didn't hate this room. I just didn't want to be without my Ely!

"Do you not?" She lifted her brows and looked amused, but I couldn't figure out why. Why did she even come in here in the first place? I felt like I'd been wasting away in here for weeks! "You've only been alone in here for about ten minutes! I'm fixing you something to eat, since Shawn doesn't want you lifting a finger to do anything for yourself until the doctor okays it." She left the door open, but turned and headed out of the room again. "And you've only been injured for two days. Doc comes back in a couple of days to check out your stitches."

I slowly followed her out of the room. She wouldn't care if I left that stupid room, right? Right. Besides, she'd said something about getting checked out. What was getting checked out? Was it like checking out a book in a library? OH! Maybe she wanted to check ME out!

She snorted and then seemed to choke, "How many pain killers did Dom give you earlier?" The look on her face was a little comical, but I tried to focus instead of laughing like I wanted to do.

What was the question again? Something about Dom? Maybe she wanted to check Dom out? OH GOD! What if she wanted ME to check Dom out! We might be really good friends, but I could never do that.

My stomach growled while I stood there pondering this. Food? Maybe I could Ely to fix me something to eat. I glanced at Ely and then rethought my plans. I could fix Ely something to eat! How else was I going to woo her? Do people even us that word anymore? Woo.

"I'm sure lots of people still use the word woo, J." she responded. Whoa. It was like she could read my thoughts. Wait... Did she just say woo? Does she want me to woo her? Cause I could do that. I WANTED to do that. Ely shook her head a little. "Just sit down. I made you some soup and grilled cheese." I looked down at the blackened slices of toasted bread and the thick looking soup, and then I looked at my sunshine. I was torn. If I were a pessimist, I'd think maybe she didn't like me as much as I liked her. Maybe she was trying to kill me!

Right after the thought occurred to me, I felt guilty. Of course my sunshine wouldn't try to kill me. I glanced back at my food and took a tentative bite of my sandwich. Maybe she wasn't trying to kill me, but this sandwich tasted like char. I swallowed hard and tried not to gag.


I chewed on my thumb nail and watched as J took a bite. He started muttering that I might be trying to kill him. I just kept hoping that one of the other guys would show up early. It started to worry me when J stopped eating to grin in my general direction.

"I like you, Sunshine." I didn't know how to respond to that. Did I tell him that I liked him as well? Would he even remember this after his meds wore off?

"Um... I like you, too." I heard the hesitation in my own voice and I was afraid of how he'd take that. Wait... Weren't these pills supposed to make him drowsy? Why didn't he really seem tired?

He took another bite of his sandwich and chewed for a long while before he finally swallowed with an exaggerated gulp. "Could I possibly get a drink to go with this..." He paused for a moment, as if searching for a certain word, before he finally finished with, "Awesome sandwich?"

I grimaced. Only the top of his sandwich had been burned when he'd distracted me, so I'd hoped being drugged would have kept him from noticing it. Guess not. I pushed away from the counter that I'd been leaning against to grab him a glass. "What would you like?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

He sent a goofy grin in my general direction and said, "You."

I let a sigh escape as I got him a glass of water. Just as I set his glass down in front of him, my phone vibrated in my back pocket and startled me. I jumped, grimacing when water sloshed over the edge of the glass and all over my hand.

I glared at Jordan as he started to cackle at my clumsiness. I shook water off my right hand while I drew my phone out of my pocket with my left. A quick glance at the screen showed it was Shawn as I answered, "Yeah?"

"Oh good. You're still alive." Shawn's voice sounded slightly breathless.

"Yeah, but J might not be by the time you or Dom get home." Part of me hoped he wouldn't hear me and part of me hoped he'd come home early.

"Sorry, Babe. I understand, but it's looking like I'll be stuck here for another half hour, if not longer. Dom might be getting home soon, though."

I turned away from Jordan as he started making faces at me. "Sunshine, come back!" he shouted at me. Come back? It's not like I'd gone anywhere. I'd only turned around.

Shawn's voice was loud in my ear as he yelled an explicative. "Watch where you're throwing that shit!" His voice grew softer as he said, "Sorry, El. You're sure you're okay?"

I stepped into the living room so that I could hear him better and sat on the arm of the couch. "Yes, Shawn. I'll be fine until someone gets here. I think Dom gave J too many pain killers, though." That wouldn't be considered tattling, right? I wasn't trying to get Dominic in trouble, I just wasn't sure what to do about Jordan.

Shawn yelled something else, but it sounded like he'd taken his phone away from his ear before shouting. "Ely, if you need anything, call Dom. Hopefully I can leave soon..." His voice trailed off before he added in a rush, "I've got to go, Babe, before someone kills themselves or me." The phone clicked off before I could respond.

"You. Are. So. Beautiful. To. Me... Can't you see?" Jordan's singing carried into the living rom.

I stood up and slid my phone into my back pocket again as I stepped into the kitchen. I was just in time to watch as Jordan slid from his chair to lie down on the floor. I was impressed that he also continued to sing all the way down.


His dark eyes slowly slid up to meet my eyes. "Hmm?" he murmured before continuing with his song.

"What are you doing?" I wasn't really sure I wanted to know the answer, but I waited to see what he would say.

"You left. I was alone and so lonely." he said pitifully before he perked up and continued, "But then it looked comfortable down here..." He paused and a look of confusion passed over his features for a moment before his expression cleared. "You're blocking my light, Sunshine."

"Wouldn't you be more comfortable in bed?" I asked. I noted that he'd eaten all of his lunch, so maybe if I could just get him back into his bed, I wouldn't have to worry about him reinjuring himself.

He paused mid-song and his eyes went wide. "Yes! We should head to bed, Sunshine."

We? What exactly did he mean by that? Maybe I could just help him to the bedroom and he'd climb into his bed on his own? I'd soon find out that that was wishful thinking.

He climbed to his feet and swayed a little unsteadily. "Let's go to bed, my little ray of sunshine." I moved closer to help him stand upright, but he ended up leaning on me so heavily that I nearly fell over.


"Yes, my little ray of sunshine?" He seemed to be thrilled with this new nickname he'd found for me.

"Maybe, could you try holding yourself up? I don't think I'm strong enough to carry you to the bedroom." I gasped out. My knees nearly buckled under his weight. Instead of helping me out and standing upright on his own, he leaned even more of his weight on my shoulders. I grunted as my knees finally gave out.

We both fell to the ground in a heap of flailing limbs. "This is nice." he mumbled in my ear as I bucked, trying to get him off of me.

"Jordan, please get up." I huffed and attempted to pull more air into my lungs. "I can't breathe!"

"Breathing is good." He glanced down at me and grinned.

"Jordan, we're supposed to be getting you back into bed. I'm afraid you're going to pull your stitches out again." He'd already pulled them out three times since they'd been put in, hence the reason Shawn had put him on bed rest.

His dark eyes seemed to sparkle a little as they lit up, "Right! Bed!" He quickly stood up and helped me to my feet. "Let's go to bed, Sunshine!"

I shook my head. I was afraid if I told him that I was leaving him in the bedroom alone, he wouldn't go. "C'mon, Jo."

Another ten minutes and three stumbled attempts to keep him upright and we finally made it to the bedroom. As soon as we got to the doorway, I let go of him... but he still had his arm around my shoulders. "We're going to bed, Sunshine." he informed me a bit gleefully.

I shook my head, "No. You're going to bed. I'm going to go read in the living room until Dom gets home."

Jordan stuck his bottom lip out, much like a pouting child would do. Before I could blink, he tugged at the collar of his shirt before slowly pulling it over his head and humming the tune to Bad to the Bone. I'd seen all of the guys shirtless before, and I figured he must just be warm.

All rational thought left my head as his fingers slid down his chest, over his angular hip bones, and came to rest on the fly of his jeans. "Jordan, you can't just..." I quickly covered my eyes as he yanked at the button and his pants fell to the floor with a whoosh.

I really wish it had occurred to me that I should step out of the room, but now I felt trapped. Moments later, a hard body was pressed against mine. "Sunshine." He whispered. I could tell that his head was right above mine, but I refused to look. "Ely..." He whispered, drawing my name out slowly.

I finally looked up at him and tried not to focus on his nakedness. "Wh-what?" I managed to squeak out.

His lips curved up in a smile as he leaned down closer, "I've been wanting to do this since I got stabbed... It seems like it should be the cure..." His lips hovered over mine.


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